Ultimate Finger Activity to Increase Brain Power

finger activity

Are you looking for that one exercise which can improve your child’s brain power? Do you want an engaging and a bit challenging finger activity to have fun with your kids? Dive into this fascinating activity which stimulates both hemispheres of the brain. So, let’s ignite those neural-connections with this brain activity. Also read: Easy […]

Thoppukaranam: The Brain Yoga


Trying to find some simple yet effective brain exercise to increase clarity of your child’s mind?Wondering how to improve their cognitive function? In today’s world, where distractions are abundant and mental fatigue is common, one technique gaining attention for its potential benefits is Thoppukaranam, also known as Brain Yoga. Let’s explore the method to perform […]

10 Parenting Strategies for ADHD and ASD Children


Are you facing the unique challenges of raising a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or autism spectrum disorder (ASD)? Do you find yourself navigating a maze of behaviours and emotions on a daily basis? Wondering how to best support your child’s development? You’re not alone. Parenting children with ADHD and ASD presents a […]

Seizures and CP: HOW TO MANAGE?

seizures and cerebral palsy

Do you know what seizures are? Do you know what happens when the brain’s electrical signals misfire? Have you ever wondered how the phenomenon of seizures intersects with cerebral Palsy? Managing these conditions effectively requires a multifaceted approach that addresses medical, lifestyle, and supportive care needs. Let’s explore some! Also read: Early Signs of Cerebral […]

Powerful Brain Gym Exercise for Hyperactive kids

hyperactive child

Struggling to find the perfect activity to calm your hyperactive child? This simple yet powerful exercise is a game-changer. Join us as we delve into the science behind it and witness its magic in action! HOOK-UPS! Your youngster can perform this activity in a sitting, standing, or lying down position. BENEFITS ON HYPERACTIVITY 1. Focus and […]

One Exercise that Increase Brain Power in Autism!

brain power

Ever wondered how a simple finger exercise could make a world of difference for brain power in autism? Wondering how something as simple as moving fingers could enhance cognitive function? Let’s explore the science behind finger exercises and their impact on autism! Exercise that increase brain power in autism! The connection between autism and finger […]

sleep regression: Causes and Tips to navigate

sleep regression

Have you noticed solid sleep routine of your child being suddenly disrupted? Are you stressed about the decreasing sleep of your child? Have you ever thought what causes these seemingly random disruptions to their sleep patterns? If so, you’re not alone. Many parents dread the term “sleep regression” – a period when a child who […]