Autism and behaviour issues

Anxiety, tantrums, and aggression are common in autistic children regardless of age, ability, or schooling. 53% of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) exhibit emotional and behavioral issues. There are numerous ways for children to exhibit behavioral issues, and symptoms may differ from one child to the next. Some children have very mild symptoms, while others have severe symptoms. Proper attention with nutrition can assist them in resolving their behavior issue. This article will help you understand the symptoms and causes of behavioral problems, as well as tips for parents of autistic children.

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What are the symptoms of behavioural problems in children?

Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can show a wide variety of problem behaviors. Your child may show:

  • Aggressiveness (hitting, scratching or biting others)
  • Self-harming (hitting or biting self)
  • Devastation (throwing or breaking objects)
  • Pica (eating inedible objects)
  • Elopement (running away or wandering off)
  • Tantrums
  • Screaming

Why do autistic children behave in unusual ways?

Autistic children may exhibit challenging behavior because :

  • They have difficulty understanding what is going on around them, such as what other people are saying or communicating nonverbally.
  • They struggle to express their own wants and needs, which can lead to frustration.
  • They are extremely worried and stressed.
  • They are overwhelmed by what is going on around them.

Your child’s difficult behaviour might also have specific triggers, like the following.

1.Pain, discomfort, or illness
This could include the sensation of clothing against the skin, a prickly label, wet pants, a bump, or pain. Moreover, if you suspect a medical condition is causing your child’s behavior, consult with your doctor.

Your child may not realize it is time to switch from one activity to another. Your child, like most typically developing children, may simply not want to.

3.Sensory sensitivities
Autistic children frequently have sensory sensitivities, such as a preference for feeling or touching specific surfaces or objects. If your child is not allowed to touch, they may become upset.

4.Routines and rituals
Autistic children often prefer predictable environments and can become very upset if they are unable to follow familiar routines. For example, your child may be upset if you change the route you usually take home from school.

5.Sensory overload
Your child may become agitated if there is too much going on around them, if a particular noise is too loud, or if the light is too bright.

6.Unrealistic expectations
When autistic children are expected to do something for which they lack the necessary skills, such as dressing themselves, they can become frustrated.

Sleep issues are common in autistic children. If your child isn’t getting enough good sleep or is exhausted from an activity or situation, thus, he or she may exhibit challenging behavior.

8.Other conditions
In addition to autism, your child may have epilepsy, a mood disorder, or ADHD. All of these factors can contribute to challenging behavior. Additionally, medical examination will assist you in identifying and managing these conditions.

Tips for Parents Whose Children have Autism and behavior issue

1.Learn more about autism

The more you understand about what causes autism, the better you will be able to make decisions for your child. Additionally, it is preferable to educate oneself about all treatments and participate in various decisions made by medical practitioners.

2.Make yourself a child expert for your own child

Determine all of the situations that cause your child to act out and those that help him or her relax. Moreover, if you understand it, you will be able to solve all problems more effectively and avoid difficult situations.

3.Accept your child exactly how he or she is

Instead of focusing on how your child differs from other children, consider what your child possesses. This will assist both him and you in accepting the situation with less regret.

4.Never give up

It is impossible to predict the occurrence or progression of autism. It is always preferable to avoid jumping to conclusions and instead concentrate on identifying the problems. Autistic people, like everyone else, have a life to lead and live.



Almonds, pistachios, walnuts, and macadamia nuts all have unique qualities to offer. Macadamias support healthy brain function, while pistachio nut oils store fatty acids and fight inflammation. Almonds aid with memory improvement. For children who don’t consume meat, nuts are a fantastic source of several minerals including omega-3 fatty acids. It has been shown that omega-3 fatty acids can control ADHD.


Apart from nuts, seeds like sunflower, melon and pumpkins also contain powerful antioxidants like vitamin E that protect the brain from free radical damage. Sunflower seeds impact overall mood and mental processing powers and therefore it is considered a brain boosting snack. Pumpkin seeds are high in magnesium, copper, and much higher in zinc than other seeds, which help in increasing concentration and memory. One of the easiest to feed brain boosting foods for kids.


Jowar, which is rich in iron, can also lessen ADHD symptoms like anxiety, hyperactivity, and tantrums. Iron has the ability to relax the nervous system, which helps the child with ADHD syndrome to become more at ease.

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Gotu kola has strong anti-oxidant qualities and enhances cognition, memory, and mental performance. It gently relaxes the nervous system while also encouraging alertness—the best possible state of consciousness for any form of mental focus, study, or cognition.

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Spearmint extract has higher quantities of phenolic compounds that enhance working memory, spatial working memory and increase attention, concentration, and brain function by promoting the formation and protection of new brain cells.


St John’s wort contains chemical messengers like Hyperforin and Adhyperforin. These chemicals has antidepressant properties. The extracts of this herb enhance mood, focus, and also reduce anxiety and insomnia. According to several studies, adolescents with ADHD may benefit from taking St. John’s wort every day for four weeks. It is also used to treat problems including anxiety, exhaustion, appetite loss, and difficulty sleeping that might occasionally accompany depression.


The chemicals in the passion flower provide a calming and relaxing effect. Early research indicates that taking passion flower orally for eight weeks may help some ADHD symptoms in kids aged 6 to 13 years.

Also, check What is Sensory Processing Disorder?


The herb valerian has relaxation properties. Additionally, it contains some anticonvulsant qualities that might be advantageous for kids who are prone to seizure activity. Children with ADHD, cognitive impairment, hyperactivity, irritability, anxiety, behavioural regulation, and neurodevelopmental abnormalities can benefit from valerian for improved attention and sleep.


The most well-known essential oil for soothing is lavender. Lavender essential oil can be helpful for reducing anxiety and making you feel more at ease, which may help with ADHD symptoms. The aroma of lavender oil can calm and soothe the nervous system. Its relaxing qualities can benefit autistic children by enhancing their sleep quality and assisting their bodies in combating emotional stress.

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Curcumin, an active ingredient in turmeric is known to improve spatial memory, long-time retrieval and visual memory as per a study. It helps in managing anxiety, depression etc which is commonly seen in people with ADHD disorder.

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Ginkgo biloba is a promising herbal supplement that may alter the neural system in a disorder similar to ADHD. It enhances the memory and cognitive performance. According to a study, Children who took a ginkgo extract daily for three to five weeks showed a decrease in the symptoms of ADHD.

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Sunflower lecithin is an excellent source of choline, a vital nutrient required for a variety of health functions. Since choline is a precursor to acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter involved in memory and learning, choline is particularly significant for maintaining good brain function.

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A research found that the exposure to the aroma of rosemary oil improved people’s performance on thinking tasks in terms of speed and accuracy.

Also check, Healthy diet plan for autism.


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