10 Parenting Strategies for ADHD and ASD Children


Are you facing the unique challenges of raising a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or autism spectrum disorder (ASD)? Do you find yourself navigating a maze of behaviours and emotions on a daily basis? Wondering how to best support your child’s development? You’re not alone. Parenting children with ADHD and ASD presents a myriad of challenges. But fear not. In this blog, we’ll explore effective parenting strategies specifically tailored to the needs of children with ADHD and ASD, to empower you on your parenting journey. Let’s dive in and discover how to unlock the potential of your extraordinary child.

Challenges for parents of ADHD and ASD children:

Parenting children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can be uniquely challenging, as these conditions present a range of difficulties that can impact various aspects of daily life. Some of the challenges facing parents of ADHD and ASD children include:

1. Behavioural Challenges:

Children with ADHD and ASD may exhibit challenging behaviours such as impulsivity, hyperactivity, aggression, meltdowns, and difficulty following instructions. Managing these behaviors can be exhausting and stressful for parents, especially in public settings where judgement from others may add to the pressure.

Also read: 8 Ways to Manage Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder or adhd in Kids

2. Communication Difficulties:

Children with ASD often struggle with communication skills, difficulty understanding social cues, nonverbal communication, and maintaining conversations. This can make it challenging for parents to communicate effectively with their child and understand their needs and feelings.

3. Sensory Sensitivities:

Many children with ASD have sensory sensitivities, they may be overly sensitive or under-responsive to sensory stimuli such as light, sound, touch, and texture. Managing these sensitivities and providing a sensory-friendly environment can be challenging for parents, particularly in noisy or crowded settings.

Also read: Sensory Activities for Kids with adhd and asd

4. Academic and Educational Challenges:

Children with ADHD and ASD may face difficulties in school, including problems with attention, concentration, organisation, and social interactions. Navigating the education system, advocating for appropriate accommodations and support, and ensuring academic success can be daunting for parents.

5. Emotional and Mental Health Issues:

Children with ADHD and ASD are at increased risk of developing emotional and mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. Supporting their emotional well-being, accessing mental health services, and addressing co-occurring conditions can be complex.

6. Social Isolation and Stigma:

Parents of children with ADHD and ASD may experience social isolation and stigma due to misunderstandings and misconceptions about these conditions. They may face judgement, criticism, and exclusion from social activities, which can exacerbate feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Also read: How to Develop Social Behaviour in Kids

7. Financial Strain:

Providing for the needs of these children can be financially challenging, as it may involve expenses related to therapy, medication, specialised education, and other support services. Balancing these financial demands with other family expenses can create stress and strain on household finances.

8. Parental Stress and Burnout:

The constant demands of parenting a child with ADHD or ASD, coupled with the challenges mentioned above, can lead to high levels of parental stress and burnout. Parents may experience feelings of frustration, guilt, and exhaustion, impacting their own well-being and the overall family dynamic.

Also read: Proven Foods for adhd in Kids

Parenting strategies for children with ADHD and ASD

1. Educate Yourself:

Take the time to educate yourself about ADHD and ASD. Understand the characteristics, challenges, and strengths associated with these conditions. This knowledge will help you better support your child and advocate for their needs.

Also read: Adhd in Kids Symptoms and Remedies

2. Create a Structured Environment:

Children with ADHD and ASD often thrive in structured environments. Establish routines for daily activities such as meals, homework, and bedtime. Use visual schedules, timers, and reminders to help them understand expectations and transitions.

Also read: Techniques to Improve Learning Abilities in Slow Learning Kids

3. Provide Clear and Consistent Expectations:

Clearly communicate rules and expectations to your child. Keep instructions simple and reinforce them consistently. Use positive reinforcement techniques such as praise and rewards to encourage desired behaviours.

4. Break Tasks into Manageable Steps:

Break down tasks and assignments into smaller, more manageable steps. This can help prevent overwhelm and frustration, allowing your child to focus and complete tasks more effectively.

Also read: Tips to Improve Attention Span in Kids

5. Use Visual Supports:

Visual aids such as charts, checklists, and diagrams can be helpful for children with ADHD and ASD. Visual support can enhance communication, organisation, and understanding of concepts.

Also read: Adhd and Working Memory

6. Encourage Movement and Sensory Breaks:

Children with ADHD and ASD may benefit from regular movement breaks and sensory activities. Allow opportunities for physical activity. Provide sensory tools such as fidget toys or sensory bins to help regulate their sensory needs.

Also read: Tips and Foods to Improve Sitting Tolerance in Kids

7. Practise Positive Parenting Techniques:

Foster a positive and supportive relationship with your child. Use positive parenting techniques such as active listening, empathy, and problem-solving to address challenges and conflicts.

8. Seek Professional Support:

Don’t hesitate to seek support from healthcare professionals, therapists, and educators who specialise in ADHD and ASD. They can provide valuable guidance, resources, and interventions to support your child’s development and well-being.

9. Encourage Social Skills Development:

Help your child develop social skills by providing opportunities for social interaction and teaching them appropriate social behaviours. Social stories, and group activities can be beneficial for practising social skills in a safe environment.

Also read: How to Develop Social Behaviour in Kids

10. Practice Self-Care:

Parenting a child with ADHD or ASD can be demanding, both emotionally and physically. It’s essential to prioritise self-care and seek support when needed. Take breaks, practice stress-reducing activities, and connect with other parents facing similar challenges.

Also read: Parenting Strategies for Coping with adhd Related Challenges

By implementing these strategies and continuously adapting to your child’s evolving needs, you can create a supportive environment that fosters their growth, development. Remember that every child is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Stay open-minded, remain resilient, and celebrate the progress, no matter how small.


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Powerful Brain Gym Exercise for Hyperactive kids

hyperactive child

Struggling to find the perfect activity to calm your hyperactive child? This simple yet powerful exercise is a game-changer. Join us as we delve into the science behind it and witness its magic in action!


Your youngster can perform this activity in a sitting, standing, or lying down position.

  1. Let the child sit or stand comfortably in a calm environment.
  2. Cross the left ankle over right one.
  3. Intertwine the fingers, bringing them together near his chest.
  4. Move the hands from inwards to outwards.
  5. Ask him to take slow, deep breaths.


1. Focus and Mindfulness:

By engaging in the activity, the child is encouraged to focus their attention on their body and breath. This promotes mindfulness, which can help redirect their attention away from hyperactive thoughts or behaviors and toward the present moment.

Also check, 8 Tips to handle Impulsiveness in ADHD children

2. Deep Breathing:

Deep breathing activates the body’s relaxation response, triggering the parasympathetic nervous system. This helps counteract the effects of stress and anxiety, which can contribute to hyperactivity, by promoting a sense of calmness and relaxation.

ALso check, How do yoga asanas and mudras help in stress relief?

3. Sensory Regulation:

Crossing the ankles and intertwining the fingers provides proprioceptive input, which can help regulate sensory processing in hyperactive children. This can lead to a feeling of groundedness and stability, helping to reduce restlessness and impulsivity.

Also check, Tips and Foods to improve sitting tolerance

4. Energy Regulation:

The activity of crossing the left ankle over the right one, intertwining the fingers, moving inwards to outwards, and breathing deeply helps manage arousal levels and release excess energy of the child.

Also check, One exercise that increase brain power in autism

5. Body Awareness:

Engaging in the activity fosters a greater awareness of the body and its sensations. This can help the child recognize signs of stress or hyperactivity in their body and learn to self-regulate by practicing calming techniques like deep breathing and mindful movement.

Also check, Benefits of Brain booster for focus and memory

Overall, this activity combines elements of mindfulness, deep breathing, sensory regulation, and self-soothing to help calm a hyperactive child and promote a sense of relaxation and well-being. Regular practice of such calming techniques can empower the child to better manage their hyperactivity and regulate their emotions in various situations.


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Home Therapy Course: Brain Yoga for Autism

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Health Food to relax Hyperactive/ ADHD child

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morning routine for children with autism and ADHD to get ready for school

morning routine

Are you frustrated that your youngster throws a tantrum every morning to get out of bed and go to school? Ever wondered how to transform the chaotic morning rush into a harmonious routine for kids with autism and ADHD? Can a morning routine be not just organized but also engaging for these unique individuals? Let’s explore the keys to getting them ready for school with a smile, minimizing tantrums, and fostering a positive start to the day!

Reasons for tantrums:

Children with autism and ADHD may experience morning tantrums for various reasons, and understanding these reasons can help parents and caregivers better support them. It’s important to note that each child is unique, and the specific triggers for tantrums can vary. Here are some common reasons why children with autism and ADHD might have morning tantrums:

Sensory Sensitivities:
  • Children with autism may have sensory sensitivities, and the morning routine can involve a variety of sensory stimuli (e.g., clothing textures, toothbrushing, morning light) that may be uncomfortable for them.
  • ADHD children may also have sensitivities, although they may be more related to difficulties with focus and attention.

Also check, Tips to manage sensory overload in children

Transition Challenges:
  • Both autism and ADHD can be associated with difficulties in transitioning from one activity to another.
  • The transition from the relaxed home environment to the more structured school setting can be challenging for some children.
Communication Difficulties:
  • Children with autism may have challenges in expressing their needs or understanding verbal instructions, leading to frustration.
  • ADHD children may struggle with attention and may not fully grasp the sequence of tasks in the morning routine.
Executive Functioning Challenges:
  • ADHD is often associated with executive functioning difficulties, including challenges in organizing tasks, managing time, and initiating activities.
  • The morning routine requires strong executive functioning skills, and difficulties in these areas can contribute to stress and frustration.
Anxiety and Uncertainty:
  • Both autism and ADHD can be associated with anxiety, and the uncertainty of the school day may trigger anxiety in the morning.
  • Children may worry about the social aspects of school, academic challenges, or other uncertainties.

Also check, How to handle anxiety attack in kids?

Sleep Issues:
  • Sleep problems are common in both autism and ADHD.
  • Lack of sufficient or quality sleep can contribute to irritability and difficulty in managing emotions.

Also check, Improper sleep cycle in ADHD and ASD kids

Need for Independence:
  • Children with autism and ADHD may have a desire for independence, but they might struggle with certain tasks in the morning routine.
  • Frustration may arise from the gap between their desire for independence and the challenges they face.
Unmet Needs:
  • Basic needs, such as hunger or discomfort, may contribute to morning tantrums.
  • Identifying and addressing these needs can help prevent meltdowns.
Environmental Factors:
  • Environmental factors, such as changes in lighting, noise levels, or disruptions in the home, can impact the child’s mood and behavior.
Social Interaction Challenges:
  • Social interactions, even within the family, can be challenging for children with autism.
  • The need to engage with others in the morning may cause stress.

Also check, How to develop social behaviour in kids?

Morning routine for aSD and ADHD kids get ready for school

Creating a morning routine for children with autism and ADHD requires a thoughtful and structured approach. These children often benefit from predictability, visual supports, and sensory considerations. Here’s a suggested morning routine tailored for children with autism and ADHD:

1. Visual Schedule:
  • Create a visual schedule using pictures or written words to outline the morning routine step by step.
  • Place the visual schedule in a visible and consistent location.
2. Consistent Wake-up Time:
  • Maintain a consistent wake-up time to provide a sense of routine.
  • Use a gentle alarm or other cues to signal the start of the day.
3. Sensory Considerations:
  • Allow time for sensory activities that may help regulate their sensory needs, such as swinging, jumping on a trampoline, or using sensory-friendly items.

Also check, Sensory activities for kids with ADHD and ASD

4. Prepare the Night Before:
  • Lay out clothes, pack backpacks, and organize necessary items the night before to reduce morning stress.
  • Involve the child in this process to promote independence.
5. Break Tasks into Smaller Steps:
  • Break down tasks into smaller, more manageable steps to prevent feeling overwhelmed.
  • Use visual cues or a checklist to guide them through each step.
6. Use a Timer:
  • Use timers to help with transitions between activities and tasks.
  • Timers provide a clear visual and auditory signal for when it’s time to move on to the next activity.
7. Provide Choices:
  • Offer choices whenever possible to give a sense of control.
  • For example, let them choose between two breakfast options or two outfits.
8. Visual or Auditory Reminders:
  • Use visual or auditory reminders for important tasks, such as brushing teeth or putting on shoes.
  • Social stories or video modeling can be effective for illustrating routine expectations.
9. Positive Reinforcement:
  • Use positive reinforcement techniques, such as praise, rewards, or a token system, to motivate and acknowledge their efforts.
  • Focus on the positive aspects of their behavior.
10. Incorporate Preferred Activities:
  • Include preferred or calming activities in the routine, such as listening to music or engaging in a favorite sensory activity.
11. Communication Strategies:
  • Use clear and concise language.
  • If the child has communication challenges, consider using visuals or a communication device.
12. Flexibility and Patience:
  • Be flexible and patient, as children with autism and ADHD may need more time to process information and complete tasks.
  • Allow for breaks if needed.
13. Establish a Quiet Space:
  • Create a designated quiet space where the child can go if they need a break or sensory regulation.
14. Collaboration with School:
  • Communicate with the school to ensure they are aware of any specific needs or accommodations that may support the child’s morning routine.

Remember that every child is unique, so it’s important to tailor the routine to the individual needs and preferences of the child with autism and ADHD. Consistency, clear communication, and sensory support are key elements in creating a successful morning routine.


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Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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ADHD and mood swings in children

mood swings

Have you ever wondered about the intricate connection between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and mood swings in children? Understanding how these two aspects intertwine is crucial for parents, educators, and caregivers seeking to support children navigating the challenges associated with ADHD. Let’s explore the complex relationship between ADHD and mood swings, delving into the factors that contribute to emotional fluctuations in children with ADHD and strategies to manage and enhance their emotional well-being.

Also, check Nutritional Approaches to support ADHD

Causes of mood swings in children with ADHD

The causes of mood swings in children with ADHD are multifaceted and can be influenced by a combination of biological, environmental, and psychological factors. Here are some key contributors:

1. Neurobiological Factors:

ADHD is primarily a neurobiological disorder, involving differences in brain structure and function. Imbalances in neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and norepinephrine, play a role in both ADHD and mood regulation.

2. Executive Functioning Challenges:

Children with ADHD often struggle with executive functions, which include skills like impulse control, emotional regulation, and attention. Difficulties in these areas can contribute to mood swings, as the child may find it challenging to manage their emotions effectively.

3. Sensory Sensitivities:

Many children with ADHD experience sensory sensitivities, where they may be more reactive to stimuli in their environment. This heightened sensitivity can trigger emotional responses, leading to mood swings.

Also, check Sensory Sensitivities in Autism

4. Environmental Factors:

Stressful or chaotic environments can exacerbate mood swings in children with ADHD. Changes in routine, family dynamics, or academic pressures may contribute to increased emotional variability.

5. Coexisting Conditions:

Children with ADHD often have coexisting conditions, such as anxiety or oppositional defiant disorder, which can contribute to mood swings. Addressing these comorbidities is essential for comprehensive management.

6. Genetic and Family History:

There is a genetic component to ADHD, and children with a family history of the disorder may be more predisposed to mood swings. Understanding the family context and genetic influences can provide insights into the child’s emotional challenges.

Also, check Sensory activities for kids with ADHD and autism

7. Coping Mechanisms:

Due to difficulties in managing attention and emotions, children with ADHD may develop maladaptive coping mechanisms, such as avoidance or impulsive reactions, which can contribute to mood swings.

Strategies to manage mood swings in ADHD children

Effectively managing mood swings in children with ADHD involves a combination of behavioral, environmental, and therapeutic strategies. Here are some approaches that may help:

1. Consistent Routine:

Establish a predictable daily routine to provide structure and stability for the child.

Clearly communicate schedules and upcoming changes to reduce anxiety and uncertainty.

2. Behavioral Interventions:

Use positive reinforcement for desired behaviors through a reward system. Implement clear and consistent consequences for challenging behaviors, promoting accountability.

Also, check Benefits of Behaviour Therapy in Autism

3. Break Tasks Into Manageable Steps:

Help the child break down tasks into smaller, more manageable steps to prevent feeling overwhelmed. Provide clear instructions and offer support as needed.

4. Teach Coping Skills:

Teach the child coping strategies, such as deep breathing exercises, mindfulness, or guided imagery, to manage emotional responses. Encourage the use of a “calm down” space where the child can go to regulate emotions.

5. Physical Activity:

Incorporate regular physical activity into the child’s routine to help expend excess energy and improve mood. Activities like yoga or sports can also promote relaxation and self-regulation.

Also, check The impact of Physical activity on children’s health

6. Healthy Lifestyle Habits:

Ensure the child maintains a balanced diet with regular meals and snacks. Prioritize sufficient sleep, as lack of sleep can exacerbate mood swings and attention difficulties.

7. Effective Communication:

Encourage open communication between the child, parents, and teachers. Provide opportunities for the child to express their feelings and concerns, fostering a supportive environment.

Also, check How to develop social behaviour in kids?

8. Social Skills Training:

Offer social skills training to enhance the child’s ability to navigate social interactions and relationships. Teach conflict resolution strategies and effective communication skills.

9. Professional Support:

Collaborate with mental health professionals, such as therapists or counselors, to address emotional challenges. Consider behavioral therapy, which can provide strategies for managing ADHD-related behaviors.

10. Medication Management:

In consultation with healthcare professionals, consider medication if it is deemed appropriate for managing ADHD symptoms and associated mood swings.

11. Parental Education and Support:

Provide parents with education on ADHD and mood management techniques. Offer support groups or resources to connect parents facing similar challenges.

Managing mood swings in children with ADHD requires a holistic and individualized approach that addresses the complex interplay of biological, environmental, and psychological factors. By implementing a combination of consistent routines, behavioral interventions, coping skills development, and support from professionals, parents, and educators, it is possible to provide children with the tools they need to navigate their emotions more effectively.

Understanding the unique challenges that children with ADHD face and tailoring interventions to their specific needs is essential. It’s important to recognize that progress may take time, and a collaborative effort involving parents, teachers, mental health professionals, and the child themselves is crucial for success.


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Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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Nutritional Approaches to Support ADHD and Focus Issues

Focus and ADHD

Have you observed that your child has trouble controlling their conduct or managing their desires in any particular ways?Are you concerned about your child’s focus? Do your kids have difficulties because of their ADHD? It’s vital to figure out how to help them control their ADHD symptoms and focus better. This blog will lead you through straightforward dietary strategies that can improve your child’s focus and general wellbeing.


Why Do Some Children Struggle with Focus and ADHD?

Some children struggle to focus because of ADHD, which is similar to having a busy brain station. Focusing on one thing is challenging since thoughts keep hopping about. Think about wanting to read a book, but your mind keeps wandering. A bouncy ball with a lot of energy, kids with ADHD may also have trouble sitting still. They may struggle to maintain their composure in class or rein in urges like the need to speak right away. Children with ADHD can learn how to deal with these difficulties and sharpen their focus with the correct assistance.


Nutritional Approaches to Support Focus and Manage ADHD:

Balanced Diet:

Consuming a balanced diet is similar to giving your brain fuel. Include a range of nutrients from various food groups, such as lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. This makes sure that your child receives the nutrients required for healthy brain development.


Protein Power:

It’s crucial to provide your child a diet high in protein-rich foods like lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, beans, and nuts. Neurotransmitters, which are molecules that facilitate successful brain communication, are created from protein. This might improve concentration and focus.


Omega-3 Fatty Acids:

These good fats can be found in foods like walnuts, flaxseeds, chia seeds, and fatty fish (such as salmon and mackerel). These lipids have been associated with enhanced cognition and focus. Take into account frequently consuming these foods.


Complex Carbohydrates:

Choose whole grains such as oats, brown rice, quinoa, and whole wheat bread. These complex carbs help keep blood sugar levels stable by gradually releasing energy. This consistency of energy makes it possible to maintain focus and attentiveness.

Nutrient-Rich Snacks:

Replace sugary and processed snacks with nutrient-rich alternatives like yogurt, almonds, fresh fruits, and veggies. These snacks offer a consistent supply of nutrients and energy, lowering the likelihood of energy crashes that may impair focus.



Staying hydrated is important for proper brain function. Encourage your child to sip water all day long. Reduced concentration and cognitive ability are two effects of dehydration.

Limit Sugary Foods and Artificial Additives:

Too much sugar and artificial additives, which are present in many processed foods, can cause focus to waver and then crash. wherever feasible, choose whole, less processed foods.



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Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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12 Effective Tips for home schooling a child with autism

Home schooling

Do you have a child who often skips school or refuses to attend classes? Does your child struggle to focus in their usual classes? Does your child face difficulties in learning, reading or writing?Many parents notice their kids with autism rarely do well in school as they find it difficult to learn fast, communicate with others, focus for a long period of time and have behavioural problems. In such cases, some parents are considering home schooling as an option for their children. If you are one of the parents and are unsure of where to start. We are here to help. Keep reading to find some tips and tricks for home schooling your child.

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Why do parents choose home schooling?

Children’s abilities and the level of their autism may differ from one another. While some autistic kids can attend regular schools and only want a bit of extra supervision, others might need special education and a setting that suits their particular requirements. Traditional educational settings can be challenging for many kids with autism. Therefore, in order to reduce their stress and anxiety, parents prefer home schooling. Home schooling option gives parents the ability to keep eyes on their children’s educational development and gives them a way to make the learning more enjoyable and successful.

Also check, Tips to improve concentration in kids

Things to keep in mind

However every child is different and learn in their own way, there are three main elements that have been proven to be efficient in educating children with autism:

1.The majority of autistic kids are visual learners. This indicates that they like receiving their educational material in a visual format.

2.Kids usually respond well when given clear, precise, and basic guidance for carrying out a particular activity.

3. Phonics-based reading is the unique way of educating children to read and spell words.

Also check, Tips to improve memory in kids

Tips for home schooling a child with autism

Here are some effective tips for home schooling your kids to make it more enjoyable and successful:

1.Prepare a curriculum

It’s essential to have all the things ready before you start a home schooling program. If you spend more time on fetching the study materials, it can be upsetting for your child and could cause them to quit and lose interest to learn with you. Alternatively, collect all of the study materials either the night before or right before you start your home schooling activities. Some autistic kids are unable to learn efficiently as other kids. It is preferable to consult a special educator while creating a curriculum for such kids, which may include components from several school boards.

Also check, Tips to improve academic performance

2.Choose comfortable study time and space

Every child has a unique pattern. Therefore, you should monitor your child’s stamina and attention patterns to determine which is the ideal time to plan your home schooling sessions. Establish a clutter-free and well-organised quiet place as a study space for the child so that they can concentrate on their studies without any distraction. Keep the study space lively and inviting.

Also check, Learning disabilities in kids

3.Follow a schedule

It is important to follow a timetable that is accessible for your children to make home schooling effective. Give them short breaks to relax and rest. Establish a “safe zone” for your child to utilise during these breaks and fill that zone with comforting things like books and music.

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4. Introduce variety of concepts

Children with autism often do repeated things and focus more on those that grab their interest. You can assist your child in overcoming this habit by providing them with a range of educational opportunities. Incorporate activities that involve key topics, such as maths, science, and languages.

Also check, Focus and attention building games

5. Visual learning tools

Make good use of visual learning tools as they tend to improve your child’s curiosity to learn. You can make these tools yourself at home which includes fruit and vegetable carvings, abacus with colourful beads, handcrafted toys to explain scientific principles, etc.

Also check, Dyslexia in kids

6. Include music

Children with autism are highly responsive to music. So make an effort to incorporate music into their home schooling lessons. Singing rhymes and other informative songs that teach various ideas can be a part of this.

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7. Language skills

Language abilities are typically not good in autistic children. Reading and storytelling promotes brain development, logical thinking and imagination, develops language and emotions, and strengthens relationships in children. When children listen to a story, their imagination is on steroids! They’re picturing characters, they’re living the plot and they’re visualising the setting; they’re sowing the first seeds of creativity. Encourage them to talk to you about the plot and characters, ask them the moral of the story and how they think a character could behave, let them ask questions whenever they feel like they’re simply learning how to express themselves.

Also check, Oral motor exercises for kids

8. Learn with nature

Another tip to improve concentration in kids is spending time in nature. Research suggests that natural environments could benefit brain development and may also improve concentration and logical reasoning in children. Show them different types of flowers, pets, and other kids around. Let them walk in the grass. This will help children to explore and learn more.

Also check, Games and activities for improving logical reasoning skills in kids

9.Combined learnings

Take your kid to various locations, such as the supermarket, park, and other local spots. Allow your child to interact with people or other children which can help to develop their social skills. You can involve them in simple tasks like paying supermarket bills from which they can learn fundamental mathematical concepts.

Also check, Social emotional development of kids

10. Make time for activities

Children may develop their imaginations, listening skills, and other crucial cognitive abilities through games and activities that will help them in the future. Studies demonstrate that engaging them in intense activities for more than 20 minutes can reduce typical behaviour, hyperactivity, and aggressiveness. Introducing engaging and fun activities for kids with autism makes them easier to understand things and perceive the world differently. This helps them to develop their motor skills and enhance their brain’s ability to recognize and comprehend things through their sensory skills.

Also check, Sensory activities for kids

11. Physical activity

Physical activity is essential, and it should be incorporated regularly into your home schooling schedule. Involve your kid in cycling, swinging, running around bushes, jumping over a rope etc. This helps them to keep their mind and body fully energetic and contributes in developing their motor and sensory skills.

Also check, Fun and engaging activities for autistic kids

12. Reward system

If you wish your child to continue to be interested, motivated, and delighted to join you for play and learning activities, create a reward system. Reward is necessary and effective for maintaining the home schooling activities.

Also check, Speech therapy fun exercises

Benefits and Drawbacks of Home schooling

Benefits of Home schooling
  • Gives parents complete control over how their children are educated, and socialised.
  • Offers a syllabus that is specially designed depending on the needs, skills, and interests of the child.
  • Increases the amount of family interactions with their kids as they grow and learn.
  • It enables the kids to take regular breaks and helps to stay away from sensory stimuli and social challenges.
  • Offers a safe and supportive environment which can help to avoid social pressures.
Drawbacks of Home schooling
  • Regular coaching and assistance is required
  • Parents should put aside funds for their children’s education, extracurricular activities, field trips, and any other materials they may require.
  • Home schooling parents have less time for themselves as they are more involved in teaching their children.

Also check, Activities for brain development


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