How to Handle Anxiety Attack in Kids?

anxiety attack

Are you concerned by your child’s frequent temper tantrums or abrupt silence? Does your child frequently cry uncontrollably or wet the bed? We’ve all encountered anxiety attack at some point in our lives, but did you also realise that kids get it too?

Children and adolescents experience anxiety and stress  sometimes, just like adults do. 9.4% Of kids between the ages of 3 and 17 experience anxiety, as per a study. However, if your child’s anxiety is starting to negatively impact their wellness, they could require assistance. Continue reading to understand the reasons for children’s anxiety attack and strategies for dealing with it.

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Different things might cause children anxiety attack at different ages. Many of these concerns are common during the teen years. 

Young children frequently experience separation anxiety from about 6 months to 3 years of age. When they are away from their parents or caregivers, they could become clingy and cry. This is a typical developmental stage that should end when a child is between the ages of two and three.

Additionally, certain phobias or fears are frequently developed in young children. Animals, insects, storms, heights, water, blood, and the dark are all common childhood phobias. In most cases, these anxieties subside on their own over time.

When starting a new school or before examinations, many kids experience anxiety attack. Some kids experience social anxiety and could require assistance for this.

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In smaller kids, you may notice some signs like:

  • Frequently get irritated
  • Crying often and clingy nature
  • Wake up many times during night
  • Bed wetting
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Horrible or bad dreams
  • Throwing tantrums

Also check, How to manage anger in kids?

In bit older kids, you may notice some signs like:

  • Difficulty in focusing
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Poor eating habits 
  • Negativity of mind
  • Decreased confidence
  • Less socialisation
  • Tantrums /angry outbursts.

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When anxiety attack starts to interfere with a child’s daily life, it becomes a problem. Children’s mental and emotional health can be harmed by such severe worry, which can also damage their self-esteem and confidence. They could retreat and take extreme measures to stay away from items or situations that make them feel uneasy.

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1. Don’t avoid things:

In the short run, children will feel better if you help them avoid the things they are nervous of, but in the long run, it will just make their anxiety worse.

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2. Make the child learn how to tolerate anxiety:

Helping children learn to tolerate their anxiety as best they can is the best method to help them overcome it. The anxiety will lessen with time.

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3. Set realistic expectations: 

Don’t assure a youngster that what they fear won’t occur—that you are sure they won’t fail the test—but rather, reassure them that he/she will be able to handle whatever comes their way.

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4. Respect their feelings, but don’t enlarge them:

Accepting feelings does not imply validating them. Therefore, if a child is afraid to visit the doctor, do listen to her and show empathy, but also give her the confidence to overcome her concerns.

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5. Avoid feeding the child’s anxieties: 

Avoid giving the impression that “maybe this is something you should be terrified of” through your tone of voice or body language.

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6. Encourage your child:

Remind your child that you are proud of how hard she is working and that his/her worry will lessen as she learns to manage it. 

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7. Make an effort to minimise the anticipation time:

The hardest part of facing our fears comes right before we act on them. For instance, don’t bring up a child’s anxiety about going to the doctor until you absolutely have to.

8. Talk the fear out: 

Talking through what would happen if a worry came true and how he/ she would handle it might be helpful at times. For some children, making a plan can lessen uncertainty in a positive, useful way.

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9. Be a good role model for managing anxiety:

Allow children to hear or see you handling stress and anxiety in a calm manner while accepting it and feeling good about getting through it. Don’t pretend that you don’t suffer stress and worry.

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Dialectical/Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Children

cognitive behavioural therapy

Having kids can be fun and happy but it will become challenging and tiring when the same kids become so adamant and throw tantrums. It is a very common behaviour among kids and teens to do so and they will eventually learn to manage their emotions. But in certain cases, kids engage in aggressive behaviours like biting, slashing, and throwing things in addition to their tantrums. Continue reading to know more about how to handle these issues through cognitive behavioural therapy and how kids can benefit from DBT and learn to better control their emotions.

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Feedback from parents

What is Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT)?

DBT is a kind of cognitive-behavioural therapy that seeks to alter behaviour by helping people acknowledge and embrace their emotions. It seeks to alter their behaviour by acknowledging and accepting their current emotions and providing tools that can help with regulating their emotions and improving tolerance and mindfulness.

This cognitive behavioural therapy has been adapted to accommodate the unique needs of children. Its main goals are teaching coping mechanisms, identifying problematic thought patterns, and regulating intense emotions.

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When to go for DBT?

When a child has tantrums frequently and is irritated most of the time, DBT-C may be beneficial. Tantrums aren’t typically a symptom of a more serious problem, but in these situations, parents should think about Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for their child. The DBT-C is especially suited for children between the ages of 6 and 12 years, depending on their developmental stage. Following are some of the situations in which parents should consider DBT-C for their child:

1. High emotional sensitivity:

Children who are very emotionally sensitive have a tendency to react quickly and strongly to any emotional trigger. They will have long-lasting reactions and find it extremely challenging to manage their feelings as a result of the intense emotional activation.

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Signs and Symptoms:
  • Verbal or physical violence
  • Self-destructive behaviour
  • Gets bored easily and acts hyperactive
  • Short attention span
  • Sensitive to surroundings
  • Impulsive action and doesn’t like changes
  • They experience interpersonal problems
  • Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD) – DMDD has been diagnosed in kids who have frequent outbursts and tantrums practically every day

Also, Check: Common behavioral disorder in kids

2. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD):

ADHD is the most prevalent neurodevelopmental disorder. Children with this condition have trouble paying attention, controlling impulsive actions, and regulating their restless feelings. ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) symptoms typically first appear between the ages of 3 and 6. Because ADHD affects the sexes differently, it is less frequently diagnosed in girls.

Akso, Check: Foods that help ADHD

  • Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive
  • Predominantly inattentive
  • Combined hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive

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 Signs & Symptoms:
  • Trouble in staying focused on a task
  • Often makes careless mistakes
  • Easily distracted
  • Difficulty in following instructions.
  • Frequently avoid tasks that require a long time.
  • Can’t remain still 
  • Disorganized
  • Inability to control oneself or be impulsive.
  • Excessive and uncontrolled movements
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Short attention spans and a lack of focus

Also, Check: ADHD: Symptoms and remedies 

3. Eating Disorder:

It is a condition caused due to unhealthy eating habits of children which gets manifested into a serious problem and affects the health, mind and body of the child. Eating disorders are more emotional and mental problems than physical ones. There are several types of eating disorder which includes Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge eating, AFRID (avoidant restrictive food intake disorder), pica etc. 

Alos, Check: Healthy eating for children

Signs& Symptoms:
  • These children have both physical and mental conditions
  • Weight gain/ Weight Loss
  • Hair loss
  • Change in blood pressure and drop in heart rate
  • Extreme Dieting or Extreme Exercising
  • Sensitivity to cold
  • Dizziness and Insomnia
  • Irregular Menstrual cycle
  • Depressions and anxiety, Mood Disorder/ mood Swings
  • Unable to cope with emotions
  • Low self-esteem

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4. Anxiety and Depression:

Children with anxiety and Depression frequently internalise what they are thinking and feeling. Some people’s anxiety may progress to the point that it interferes with their day-to-day activities, results in sleep deprivation, and impairs academic performance at school. 

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Signs & Symptoms:
  • Being terrified to separate from a parent
  • They refuse to attend school because they do not want to be around other people
  • Having phobias related to particular things or circumstances
  • Persistently thinking that something horrible would happen
  • Suffering from panic attacks
  • Unable to participate in class activities or engage with family members

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Benefits and approach of DBT-C

DBT-C is primarily concerned with teaching parents and kids techniques for becoming more conscious of their emotional states and thoughts. Additionally, it teaches stress level management skills, effective thought and emotional expression. The following are some examples of DBT skills for children:

1. Mindfulness:

Being mindful means being conscious of your thoughts and emotions as they emerge and pass. It enables kids to remain grounded in the current moment and control their emotions. Breathing exercise like square breathing is taught to children who are feeling furious or tense to reduce their stress and anxiety.

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2. Radical Acceptance:

Radical acceptance is a key element of distress tolerance, where kids learn to accept their situations completely rather than resisting them and tolerating the stress. They learn that they do not have perfect control over any situation, but they do have the ability to make better choices.

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3. Managing emotions:

One popular method is ‘Riding the Wave,’ in which they will learn to feel emotions like ocean waves. The child will learn to recognise their emotions and observe them naturally come and go rather than trying to control them. The method is crucial for children and teens to manage extremely intense emotions like rage and grief. DBT-C uses a number of visualisation techniques to promote emotional mindfulness.  

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4. Interpersonal Skill development:

DBT-C includes the development of interpersonal skills that aid in establishing and maintaining positive relationships. With reasonable expectations, children will learn how to maintain good relationships. They learn how to be assertive while still being respectful and direct when expressing their feelings and views and asking for what they need.

Also, Check: Personality development for kids

5. Accepting Failure:

The mentality of accepting the results of actions without feeling guilty is taught through embracing failure. Instead of focusing on criticism, one learns to focus on encouragement to gradually improve subsequently. It is one of the most difficult skills for kids and parents to acquire as it includes accepting failures and using them as a learning opportunity for improvement. Children who are unable to maintain this level may experience additional stress and anxiety, which worsens the situation. 

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10 Tips for Personality Development for Kids

Parenting is not only a challenging task but also very essential for the baby’s future. On a regular basis, you must learn and deal with a variety of issues that you have never seen or studied about before. Every child is born with a distinct personality, but the environment in which the child is reared also has a significant impact on personality development for kids.

As a parent, it is your responsibility to make sure that your child grows up in a supportive atmosphere that can aid in their learning and understanding of the world. It is the ongoing duty of parents, teachers, and other adults to help children develop positive personality aspects. Continue reading for tips on moulding a child’s character into a positive personality right from childhood.

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Personality affects one’s general outlook on life and behaviour as well as work performance. The overall structure of a person’s personality is made up of a variety of traits and physical characteristics, including cognitive patterns, attitudes, behaviours, ability to communicate, and physical aspects. 

In between the years of three and six, you can observe your child’s personality evolving. It is now appropriate to instil in them moral principles and behaviours that will help children develop into good people. As children imitate and learn from their parent’s behaviour, you become the single most important influencer on personality development for kids.

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Life skillsCommunication skillsAppearanceLeadership skillsPhone etiquette
Positive attitude,Interpersonal skills, anger/stress management, self presentation, personal hygiene, concentration, hosting, social behaviourPublic speaking, presentation, confidence, body language, story telling, conversingPersonal hygiene, grooming, neat clothes, body language, expressionsInitiate talking, decision making, time management, peer pressure handling, positive attitudeMaking a phone call, receiving a call, remembering and noting important messages
Major Skills in Personality development for kids

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Improving communication skills:

A big element of personality development is communication skill. Your child’s verbal and nonverbal communication skills, vocabulary, and pronunciation all grow with personality development. People are more open to what your child says when they communicate effectively, which is crucial for their future professional and personal lives.

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Positive attitude: 

A person can succeed in life by maintaining a positive attitude. You may give your child the ability to approach life with an attitude of not giving up by fostering good attitudes in them from an early age through personality development.

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A positive personality boosts one’s self-confidence. It is simpler for your youngster to be less worried when meeting new people when they are well-groomed, aware of what to say and how to act.

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The most successful people all share a high level of self-motivation. The appropriate mindset must be fostered in children as part of personality development in order for them to achieve their life’s main goal.

Social behaviour: 

Personality development for kids aids in their social adjustment. Additionally, it gives kids the confidence they need to face difficulties like finding friends, dealing with bullies, asserting themselves, and coping with peer pressure and social anxiety.

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Children who are developing their personalities are more likely to be focused and efficient. It helps people prioritise their jobs and do them efficiently in order to get the best results. 


1. Listen to them: 

Children constantly seek attention. Children get increasingly independent as they age. Toddlers and preschoolers frequently speak more to express themselves, especially when their language abilities are still growing. As parents, you can patiently hear their tales and instil in them a sense of trust and security. This builds their confidence and sets an example for them to be good listeners as well.

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2. Don’t judge:

You want your person ’s attitude to grow independently from yours and other people’s opinions. Therefore, try to avoid giving your child labels like “hard,” “dramatic,” “sensitive,” “shy,” “egotistical,” or “bossy.”

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3. Accept their failures and support: 

Many parents have high expectations for their kids’ performance in every activity. When children fall short of their expectations, parents often blame them for their disappointment by saying that they do not have the capabilities. As parents, you must recognise and nurture each child’s individual talent. Without eroding the child’s self-confidence, you can gently help them to correct their flaws.

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4. Give attention:

Keep a close watch on your child’s actions and how they react to the circumstances they find themselves in. Additionally, pay close attention to their actions and interests.

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5. Don’t compare:

Making comparisons between your child and other friends, family members, and neighbours might seriously harm your child’s individuality. A child who is constantly compared to someone else begins to feel inadequate. Children start imitating others when they get uncertain about who they are. Unquestionably, the first and most important step in boosting a child’s confidence and instilling confidence in them is embracing their uniqueness.

6. Encourage play time:

Your child’s emotional, physical, and cerebral development largely depends on play. They learn teamwork, social skills, resolution of disputes, and other life skills through play. They learn to make decisions, advocate for themselves, and create, explore, and take the lead through play.

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7. Reduce screen time:

Many modern parents struggle with electronics. Studies have demonstrated that children’s intellectual and social development is hampered by too much screen usage. The addictive nature of playing video games on mobile devices reduces social contact time. 

To keep your child away from devices and offer him a more in-depth understanding of the world around him, spend more time with him playing games and going on trips. Teach your child to prefer real life experiences and interactions over the virtual objects he sees.

Also check, How to reduce screen time in kids?

8. Support independence: 

Typically, parents focus so much on nurturing and caring for their kids that they forget how important it is to teach them to be independent. It’s crucial to instil responsibility in children. 

Begin by assigning children modest tasks like packing their bags for school, clearing up their toys after games, and completing their homework with little to no monitoring. The child feels more accomplished and their sense of responsibility is boosted.

9. Explain the rules:

Children’s understanding will improve if their duties are made clear to them. When parents don’t make clear what they expect from their kids, they frequently blame them for disobeying. 

The toddler learns to match his actions with the expectations when the rules are clear. Children may need some time to adjust to the rules, but consistent commitment to a code of conduct eventually causes it to become a habit.

10. Be gentle:

It will be worse for you and the child if you physically punish your youngster or shout at him for his errors. Children frequently take scolding to heart and fail to recognise the necessary corrective response. 

The only method to successfully influence their thinking is to patiently explain the implications of their misconduct. Your youngster will comply when you yell at him out of fear and doesn’t realise what will happen as a result. He learns the cause-and-effect relationship when you explain it to him, or occasionally when you let him feel the effects of your actions.

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Parent’s guide for the Anger Management in Kids

the anger management in kids

Are you shocked by your child’s anger? You are worried and do not understand what to do further? Relax!!!! Anger is a common and healthy human emotion. We all experience it at times in different situations. The kids also come across this. Before they face trouble and lose control, it is important to teach kids ways to identify their emotions; and express and manage them without harming their own personalities. In this article, we will understand anger in child, the anger management strategies, tips to control anger and foods that can help.

WHATSAPP for concerns like Speech Delay, Low Weight, Frequent Illness, Hyperactivity, Low Concentration, Weak Eyesight, Improper Sleep, Pigmentation, Pores, Face Marks, Fine Lines , Lactation etc.

What is Anger in Child?

Anger is a strong emotion that the child experiences when something goes wrong or when someone wrongs them. Stress, frustration, and irritation are common feelings associated with it. Anger is something that everyone experiences from time to time. It’s a totally typical reaction to challenging or stressful conditions.

Anger becomes a problem only when it is shown excessively and begins to interfere with daily functioning and relationships. Anger can range from mild irritation to rage in intensity. It can be difficult to keep your child’s emotions under check in these situations, which may lead them to act in ways they wouldn’t normally.

Reasons for anger in child:

Multiple factors can contribute to the child’s anger. The common reasons that bring out anger in a child:

  • Disappointment: Kids don’t get what they want
  • Helplessness: Kids are forced to do something which they might not feel like doing
  • Sadness: Kids feel sad due to poor performance in academics or rejections by their peers
  • Fear: Kids fear losing something or someone like fear of losing parent when forced to go to school for the first time
  • Impatience: Kids lose their patience easily and this might cause anger
  • ADHD or learning disability
  • Lack of sleep (How sleep & brain development is connected?)

HELP kids to identify their anger:

Firstly, the most important thing in managing anger for kids is to help them understand their feelings. The child should be able to communicate their anger, depression or frustration. But how do you help them identify anger? Well!! You can play games such as “Displaying emoji faces” with your kids. Say, for example, you can ask your child to show a happy, sad, or angry face and then ask them the reason why someone might have that feeling. Apart from this, you can encourage them to read stories about emotions and have open discussions about the good and bad feelings that they possess. (How to improve concentration in kids?)

Help them to differentiate between anger & aggression:

Anger is a human feeling or emotion while aggression is the behavior shown as a result of anger and is often expressed in the form of destruction or violence. Explain the difference between angry feelings and aggressive behavior. Aggressive behavior like temper tantrums, disrespect, fighting, spitting, throwing things, slamming doors, etc., are the result of anger and frustration. Teach them, “ Getting angry is fine but showing the above aggressive behavior is totally unacceptable”. Help them to make sure they are in control of their behavior when they are angry. Also, try to understand the reasons behind their anger or frustration. (Foods that help in brain development?)

anger management strategies for children:

It’s never too early to educate your child on how to manage his/her anger rather than allowing it to control him/her. However, keep in mind that mastering these anger management strategies is challenging for young children. They will require your assistance – as well as a great deal of practice:

  1. Put an end:  The child who is angry and out of control, should be separated and taken away from the other person with whom he/she is angry.  It is better to walk out of the place.
  2. Keep cool: Teach your child how to utilize calming techniques/strategies when he/she is experiencing bodily signs of anger. Taking deep breaths, drinking a glass of water, playing with toys, distracting with songs or stories can help the child. 
  3. Think and act: Explain to your child to question herself/himself in situations that provoke their anger, like “ What does this bring to me?” Help them understand that actions taken in anger and frustration are worthless. Understanding and making right decisions are useful. 
  4. Respect other’s feelings: You can help your child to show empathy to others. Teach your child to respect others’ feelings as he/she wants his/her feelings to be respected. 
  5. Identify potential solutions: Always find possible solutions that help both parties to compromise. Accepting the mistakes and apologizing can often bring peace between them.

How to control anger in child?

The anger in child must be controlled and kids must learn appropriate ways to cope up with their anger. Instead of saying “Don’t do that”, teach them other healthy ways to express their anger. 

Some tips to control anger in child:
  • Going for a walk
  • Deep breathing
  • Blowing bubbles
  • Playing with toys
  • Counting numbers and alphabets together, say 1-A, 2-B,3-C, and so on. 
  • Visualising happy moments
  • Drawing and colouring 
  • Listening to soothing music
  • Reading storybooks
  • Singing a song

You should also remain calm when your child is angry. When your child is in angry mode, you don’t shout or take a lecture. Rather calm your child by speaking in a low and neutral tone. They can’t process information in anger, so keep repeating the same phrases like “ I understand”, “Let me help you”, “It’s OK” etc. If you show anger or shout at them during this situation, it teaches them it is alright to yell or raise the voice in anger. Take them to a calm place and recognise or identify their triggers. Understand what’s making them angry and help them practice coping skills.

Set the anger management rules:

You have to set the anger management rules and list out the pleasant and unpleasant behaviors that are acceptable when the child is angry.  Unpleasant behaviors such as slamming the doors, raising the voice, destroying property, and using foul language should not be encouraged.

Teach kids to use anger in a healthy manner:

As the saying goes “ Home is the first school and parents are the first teachers”, it’s you who have to set an example by showing them how to deal with your emotions when you are angry. Kids usually follow the actions of their parents. If you lose your temper, they will likely follow the same. Instead, if you handle your anger in a kind and gentle manner, they get the hang of that too. Refer to the situations when you got frustrated and explain to them how you dealt with it. Expressing your feelings verbally will teach kids to talk about their emotions.

You should also apologize to your kids when you lose your temper. Explain to them the reason and discuss what you should have done instead of yelling or screaming. 

Offer rewards for their behaviours:

You can follow a reward system to encourage your kids to follow the anger rules. Consider a sticker/ star reward chart and put a sticker /star each time your child follows anger rules. On the other hand, you can remove a sticker/ star when they do not follow the rules. And based on the stars/ stickers earned, you can gift them their favorite toys or color pens. This inculcates healthy and positive anger management skills in kids. 

TAKE IT SLOW AND Be patient:

It is not easy to teach children new ways to cope up with anger and it takes time. Keep repeating and practicing things. Take it slow and work on one behaviour at a time. Observe the changes and reward them. 

Foods that can help to control anger in child:


In our body, Magnesium is responsible for nerve transmission and nerve-muscle coordination. In other words, it protects against the excessive excitement in a child (which can be traumatic). There is enough research going on how Magnesium can help in fixing or preventing neurological disorders. Banana, avocado, pumpkin seeds and spinach are some food sources of magnesium.(What are some disorders in which magnesium can help?)

Complex carbohydrates:

Having whole grains and less processed food and flours reduces risk of blood sugar spikes, also they feel full for longer, this will prevent them from unnecessary snacking. It also enhances mood and encourages better sleep. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and lentils are carbs rich foods.(Importance of good carbs for kids)


Bananas contain dopamine that helps in enhancing mood. They also contain vitamin B, A, C & B6 which helps nervous system and also aids sleep. Bananas are also a good source of magnesium which enhances mood and tryptophan which is used in cure of anxiety and depression.

Dark Chocolate:

A study showed that eating cocoa for five days improved blood flow to the brain. A small part of dark chocolate helps the brain to discharge endorphins and boost serotonin levels. It helps in lowering stress hormones and decreasing anxiety levels. What better to give child than this favorite food. (Check this recipe for Hazelnut Dark Choco Balls)


Walnuts look like human brain’s shape and can help brain health. It contains omega3s, vitamin E, melatonin and antioxidants which are helpful for the human brain. It decreases the enhanced vulnerability to oxidative stress. And it offers the mixed mood-boosting elements of omega-3 fatty acids, tryptophan, and vitamin B6. Walnuts can not only boost happiness but also help with the anger management in child. (What are other benefits of walnuts?)


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