How to Control Anger: Tips and Foods that can help

Anger control

Do you often feel anxious or frustrated? Did some pointless things trigger your anger? Do you feel like shouting when people are disagreeing with you? You don’t know how to control your anger at some point? We all make mistakes every now and then, but if your actions are extreme that lead to harming other people, there is a major issue with anger control. Keep reading to explore more anger control strategies and foods that help in boosting your mood.

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Psychology of Anger

Anger is a reaction which is characterised by showing hate towards others that you believe they have purposefully hurt or harmed you. Anger has its own benefits. For instance, it may provide you with a means of expressing bad emotions or encourage you to seek alternatives for troubles. Anger should be let go of, because people holding back their emotions are frequently found engaging in hurting themselves.

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What are the impacts of anger control issues?

However, uncontrolled anger might lead to physical and mental issues. Here are some of the following impacts when you have anger control issues:

  • Excessive release of stress hormones called adrenaline and cortisol in the body. 
  • The anger control issue may cause excessive sweating, hypertension, high breath rate and pulse rates. 
  • When this persist for a long period of time, it can cause serious illness which includes,
  • Migraine 
  • Digestive issues
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Breaks the relationship with family and friends
  • Isolation from society
  • Can cause borderline-personality disorder

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Tips for managing anger control issues

Anger control is very important which can save us from physical and mental problems. Here are some tips to follow to manage anger control issues:


Even if it may come off as a bit harsh, it is safer to walk away rather than fighting with the triggers of your anger. This is the easiest way to solve anger control issues. De-stress yourself by walking outside which helps to relax your muscles and calm your mind.

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2.Take a deep breath

When you are angry, your breathing rate and heart rate is acceleratedwhich can cause high blood pressure. In these situations, slowly inhale deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth. This can help you to reduce anxiety and  boosts your body’s ability to absorb oxygen and manage your blood flow.

3.Slogan for anger control

Create a slogan that promotes relaxation and concentration. Keep saying that slogan to yourself. Some examples include “Chill,” “Give it a break,” and “Soon, It will be OK.”

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4.Don’t talk

You might be compelled to let your temper explode when you have anger control issues, which leads to hurt. Keep your mouth sealed to gather ideas. This can help you to gather ideas before talking.

5.Mature response

Angry outbursts don’t resolve anything, yet polite conversation can help you feel less stressed. Additionally, it might stop future issues.

6.See from their point of view

Consider the situation from the opponent’s viewpoint. By doing this, you might develop a different perspective and can reduce some of your anger.

7.Magic of music

Listen to songs to distract you from your emotions. Use earphones to enjoy your favourite music and let out some of your heat by humming or singing.

8.Engage in creative activities

You may completely engage yourself and release anger successfully by sketching, colouring, or painting. These activities can have a relaxing effect on the mind.

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Whenever things seem to be going bad, pause that moment to concentrate on the positives in your life. This can help you to manage your anger control issues.

10.Talk to a friend

Talking with a trustworthy, caring friend who might be able to offer a fresh viewpoint will assist you in comprehending this situation.


Meditation can help you to increase your mindfulness. Being mindful means being conscious of your thoughts and emotions as they emerge and pass. It enables kids to remain grounded in the current moment and control their emotions. Breathing exercise like square breathing is taught to children who are feeling furious or tense to reduce their stress and anxiety.

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Connection between food and anger

The relationship between food and mood is influenced by factors like the time of day, the food’s nutrient content, and your diet habits. However, research suggests that there is a direct connection between what you eat and how you feel and behave. According to some experts, nutrient deficiency is a primary contributor to abnormal behaviour. The body cannot synthesise the necessary chemicals and hormones for clear thinking and a positive mood without the necessary nutrition, which can result in unreasonable and even harmful behaviours. Additionally, overconsumption of processed junk food has been linked to anger, impatience, and even aggressive tendencies.

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Foods that help in anger control


In our body, Magnesium is responsible for nerve transmission and nerve-muscle coordination. In other words, it protects against the excessive excitement (which can be traumatic). There is enough research going on how Magnesium can help in fixing or preventing neurological disorders. Banana, avocado, pumpkin seeds and spinach are some food sources of magnesium.

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Having whole grains and less processed food and flours reduces risk of blood sugar spikes, also they feel full for longer, this will prevent them from unnecessary snacking. It also enhances mood and encourages better sleep. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and lentils are carbs rich foods.

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3. Vitamin D

Anxiety and mood disturbances are linked to low vitamin D levels.Eggs are one of the highest natural sources of vitamin D. Just one whole large egg provides 50% of vitamin D required for the day. Those who can may opt for fish (salmon, sardines) also as a source of vitamin D. It helps to regulate the mood and control anger.

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Bananas contain dopamine that helps in enhancing mood. They also contain vitamin B, A, C & B6 which helps the nervous system and also aids sleep. Bananas are also a good source of magnesium which enhances mood and tryptophan which is used in cure of anxiety and depression.

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A study showed that eating cocoa for five days improved blood flow to the brain. A small part of dark chocolate helps the brain to discharge endorphins and boost serotonin levels. It helps in lowering stress hormones and decreasing anxiety levels.

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Walnuts look like the shape of the human brain and can help brain health. It contains omega 3s, vitamin E, melatonin and antioxidants which are helpful for the human brain. It decreases the enhanced vulnerability to oxidative stress. And it offers the mixed mood-boosting elements of omega-3 fatty acids, tryptophan, and vitamin B6. Walnuts not only boost happiness but also help with anger control.

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How to Handle Anxiety Attack in Kids?

anxiety attack

Are you concerned by your child’s frequent temper tantrums or abrupt silence? Does your child frequently cry uncontrollably or wet the bed? We’ve all encountered anxiety attack at some point in our lives, but did you also realise that kids get it too?

Children and adolescents experience anxiety and stress  sometimes, just like adults do. 9.4% Of kids between the ages of 3 and 17 experience anxiety, as per a study. However, if your child’s anxiety is starting to negatively impact their wellness, they could require assistance. Continue reading to understand the reasons for children’s anxiety attack and strategies for dealing with it.

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Different things might cause children anxiety attack at different ages. Many of these concerns are common during the teen years. 

Young children frequently experience separation anxiety from about 6 months to 3 years of age. When they are away from their parents or caregivers, they could become clingy and cry. This is a typical developmental stage that should end when a child is between the ages of two and three.

Additionally, certain phobias or fears are frequently developed in young children. Animals, insects, storms, heights, water, blood, and the dark are all common childhood phobias. In most cases, these anxieties subside on their own over time.

When starting a new school or before examinations, many kids experience anxiety attack. Some kids experience social anxiety and could require assistance for this.

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In smaller kids, you may notice some signs like:

  • Frequently get irritated
  • Crying often and clingy nature
  • Wake up many times during night
  • Bed wetting
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Horrible or bad dreams
  • Throwing tantrums

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In bit older kids, you may notice some signs like:

  • Difficulty in focusing
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Poor eating habits 
  • Negativity of mind
  • Decreased confidence
  • Less socialisation
  • Tantrums /angry outbursts.

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When anxiety attack starts to interfere with a child’s daily life, it becomes a problem. Children’s mental and emotional health can be harmed by such severe worry, which can also damage their self-esteem and confidence. They could retreat and take extreme measures to stay away from items or situations that make them feel uneasy.

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1. Don’t avoid things:

In the short run, children will feel better if you help them avoid the things they are nervous of, but in the long run, it will just make their anxiety worse.

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2. Make the child learn how to tolerate anxiety:

Helping children learn to tolerate their anxiety as best they can is the best method to help them overcome it. The anxiety will lessen with time.

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3. Set realistic expectations: 

Don’t assure a youngster that what they fear won’t occur—that you are sure they won’t fail the test—but rather, reassure them that he/she will be able to handle whatever comes their way.

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4. Respect their feelings, but don’t enlarge them:

Accepting feelings does not imply validating them. Therefore, if a child is afraid to visit the doctor, do listen to her and show empathy, but also give her the confidence to overcome her concerns.

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5. Avoid feeding the child’s anxieties: 

Avoid giving the impression that “maybe this is something you should be terrified of” through your tone of voice or body language.

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6. Encourage your child:

Remind your child that you are proud of how hard she is working and that his/her worry will lessen as she learns to manage it. 

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7. Make an effort to minimise the anticipation time:

The hardest part of facing our fears comes right before we act on them. For instance, don’t bring up a child’s anxiety about going to the doctor until you absolutely have to.

8. Talk the fear out: 

Talking through what would happen if a worry came true and how he/ she would handle it might be helpful at times. For some children, making a plan can lessen uncertainty in a positive, useful way.

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9. Be a good role model for managing anxiety:

Allow children to hear or see you handling stress and anxiety in a calm manner while accepting it and feeling good about getting through it. Don’t pretend that you don’t suffer stress and worry.

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