Dry Cough in Kids

dry cough

With every changing season, the biggest concern amongst parents around the globe is to prevent their kids from cold, cough and flu. Children start to get cold and cough after about six months of age when the immunity they received from their mom fades and they have to build up their own immunity. Cough and cold is one of the most common complaints for which parents take their children to a doctor. Some cough and cold home remedy and foods can help to cure the symptoms and build immunity in kids. Understanding different types of cough helps to treat them better. Continue reading to know what is dry cough and foods that help.

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What’s this dry cough?

Phlegm or mucus is not produced by dry cough and hence it is commonly referred to as a non-productive cough. A dry cough can be brought on by many causes, including allergies and acid reflux. Sometimes there is no apparent cause. Whatever the source, a persistent dry cough can have a significant negative impact on your daily life, especially if it only occurs at night.

Very common characteristics that one can experience with dry cough include:

  • Persistent tickling in the throat
  • No mucus 
  • Absence of wheezing or congestion
  • Causes poor sleep
  • Unproductive nature of cough

Also, check: Home Remedies for Fever in kids

What causes dry cough in babies and kids?

Some of its causes include: 

1. Common cold:

A dry cough doesn’t always show as the initial sign of a common cold, but it usually does in its later stages. Common cold can make your baby’s throat feel itchy. At the beginning of the cold, your baby may experience brief episodes of mild, wet coughing; but, as the cold gets worse, these episodes will become drier. 

2. Irritants in the environment:

Some kids are more sensitive than others to environmental irritants including smoke, dust, and mould. A dry cough may develop after exposure, especially if the air is dry. With continued exposure to the irritant, the cough might develop into a persistent dry cough.

3. Acid Reflux or GERD:

Acid reflux causes the stomach’s contents to flow backward into the oesophagus, causing discomfort and a dry cough. Children and infants who have GERD, also known as chronic gastric reflux disease, may have a persistent dry cough. 

4. Whooping cough:

Pertussis, also known as whooping cough, is a dangerous upper respiratory infection. It frequently begins with cold-like symptoms before developing into a chronic cough that makes “whooping” noises, losing appetite, and a low-grade fever. Constant whoopin eventually leads to drying of the throat causing dry cough.

Also, check: Cough and cold: Foods that help

5. Allergies:

Allergies can be one major cause. Many kiddos have a fascination towards gardens, flowers, pets etc. All these can be potential sources of allergens that can negatively affect in some or the other way round. When the human body perceives a foreign substance (such as pollen or pet hair) as a danger, allergies develop. Your body reacts by generating extra mucus, which can then drip down your throat and cause a cough.

Also, check: Different types of Allergies

6. Asthma:

Most asthmatic kids experience a dry cough, which does not produce mucus. This is a characteristic of asthma and occurs when the airways narrow in reaction to an irritant. The restricted airway also frequently results in a high-pitched wheeze sound in combination with the cough.

Also, check: Asthma – Foods that help

Symptoms of Dry Cough:

Symptoms experienced with dry cough include:

1. Ginger:

Ginger and lemon tea is a fantastic home cure for a dry cough since both ginger and lemon have anti-inflammatory characteristics that assist to lessen irritation in the throat and lungs. Additionally, these teas can help dry coughs by clearing the airways.

2. Turmeric: 

Curcumin, a substance in turmeric, is an effective remedy for dry cough. Particularly noteworthy are the antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory effects of this substance. In addition, asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory diseases can be treated with turmeric.

Also, check:

3. Raw honey:

For years, honey has been utilised as a treatment for different throat issues, including coughs. Due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities, it is believed to be beneficial. Due to its viscous consistency, honey coats the throat and has a calming effect.

4. Garlic:

Allicin, the main physiologically active component of garlic, has been discovered to be quite helpful in reducing oxidative stress and inflammation in the body, both of which are frequently helpful in preventing coughs. When garlic is chopped or crushed, an enzyme called alliinase is activated. This enzyme, when allowed to settle for a little while, can enhance the medicinal effects of garlic.

5. Pineapple:

Coughing in babies and the kids is a pretty common occurrence. It plays a crucial role in your body’s defence mechanism by aiding in the removal of irritants and potentially dangerous bacteria.There are various varieties of coughs, such as wet and dry ones. Wet coughs expel phlegm or mucus or make an impression of doing so. On the other hand, dry coughs don’t and are more troublesome.

6. Lemon:

Lemons help the body recover from the common cold and are a wonderful source of vitamin C. According to studies, vitamin C helps treat common colds and strengthens the immune system to lessen the severity of the flu.


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