5 Ways to detox festival binge eating

What is detoxification meaning and whY is DETOX AFTER FESTIVE SEASON IMPORTANT?

Festivals go hand-in-hand with sweets, fried and spicy foods in every culture. Round the year we often get excuses to indulge in delicacies in the celebration of festivals. The most exciting part of any festival is the scrumptious food, which varies across different festivals. Food is what makes every festival so memorable. During festive season, days often begins and ends with a sweet, delicately prepared at home with loads of patience and love. In addition, Food is what connects people of different regions and backgrounds. Even families unite after a long separation and build moments with taste-laden food and drinks. And it is a common culture across the world to invite and visit friends and family. Eventually, in the end, it all sums up to eating, laughing and more eating.

Soon, once the festival is over, we begin our search for detoxing our bodies of food-guilt, not love and laughter. People generally tend to (over) consume foods with high sugar content, spices and fat. More often than not, this leads to gastritis, indigestion, acidity and raised cholesterol levels, thereby creating a need to detox post festival. That is why detox after festive season is required.

Detoxification Meaning:

Detoxification means cleansing up your body while removing the impurities from blood. Toxins are the pollutants, synthetic chemicals, heavy metals which enter our body along with our regular food and affect our health negatively. 

After-effects of Festival Binge Eating:

Gas and constipation:

This is the common problem people complain off after every festival. And the reason behind this is the consumption of oily, deep fried spicy food. The excess use of oil, sugar, and refine flour that is used to make verity of dishes during festivals leads to acid reflux, constipation and heartburn.

Weight gain:

Even health conscious people can’t stop themselves from having those tasty festival dishes, which are full of calories. Further, it results in weight gain and can cause health issues.  As a result, it become important to detox post festival delicacies. (What food can help increase healthy weight in kids?)

Harmful for gut health:

When there is excess of oil, starch or sugar in the diet, your digestive system can’t process it properly (Why?). So the sugar starts to ferment and begins feeding pathogenic bacteria like yeast.  Later it harms the healthy bacteria that live in your gut. And this can lead to conditions like small intestine bacterial overgrowth. Moreover, a high fat and sugar combined diet may damage the gut micro biome by increasing unhealthy bacteria and decreasing number of healthy one. That is why a detox post festival becomes necessary in such scenarios.


High saturated fat food may result in acne by increasing inflammation and altering hormone levels. (How to fix acne in kids?)

Increase risk of diabetes:

Consuming festive food, which not only includes high fat food but, also high sugar levels (sweets and drinks), leads to high-calorie intake and sudden rise in blood sugar levels. This can be a trigger point for people with pre-diabetes developing diabetes.

Increase in cholesterol level:

Excess use of saturated or trans fat (hydrogenated vegetable oil) for making different dishes during festival season may lead to high cholesterol levels in your blood, which is harmful for your heart health and liver function. Liver is the main organ that breakdown fat in the bod. Excess of fat intake can put pressure on liver. (How to keep Liver safe?)

To detox post festival binge eating becomes essential for a healthy body. Drinking enough water and having high-fiber diet helps to get rid of waste and toxins from the body. Some of the best way to detox your body after binge are exercising, consuming probiotics (what are some easy probiotics?), adding some antioxidants in your diet (what are antioxidants?) and consuming foods that are easy to digest. Some food sources can really help to detox post festival.


Aloe Vera and turmeric:

Aloe Vera plant is water- dense. It is the best way to detox your body. This plant keeps the body hydrated and provides a way to flush out impurities. It is a rich source of antioxidants, which helps fight free-radicals (what are they?) and lowers oxidative stress on your body. The aloe Vera is proven to clean toxins from the liver. It also decreases irritation in the stomach and intestine. Turmeric is an extraordinary spice in terms of health benefit. It has anti-inflammation and anti-oxidant properties that fight inflammation and can contribute to healthy digestion. Mix a spoon of Aloe Vera gel (freshly obtained from leaf is preferred) with quarter spoon of turmeric in warm water. Enjoy this drink to detox post festival binge eating.

Apple cider vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar is fermented food which adds good bacteria to the gut. It is high in potassium, magnesium, calcium and other vitamins and minerals. It gives good dose of enzymes, supports healthy immune system, promotes pH (acidity) balance in the body, aids healthy digestion, helps in removing toxins from body. Add one table spoon of ACV to the warm water, for best results drink this in the morning empty stomach. (Easy way to make ACV jellies)

Chia seeds:

Chia seeds are high in fiber and essential fats (omega-3), which help to reduce inflammation and flush out toxins. It has high amount of fiber which reaches the large intestine and becomes food for the bacterias staying there, thereby promoting healthy intestinal flow, treating constipation, heartburn and other digestive disorders. Soak some chia seeds in a glass of water, drink this after an hour of soaking. (Some easy seeds rich in protein)


Lemon is the key ingredient in many detox drinks and one of the best ways to detox your body. It is packed with antioxidants and vitamin C, which is beneficial for skin and fight free-radicals. It has an alkaline effect on the body which helps restore the body’s pH balance and flush out toxins to cleanse the system. Start your day with a glass of warm water with a slice of lemon in it. It also aids in maintaining a healthy weight.


Garlic contains organo- sulfur compounds (OSCs), which make it the perfect detoxification supplement.  It is not only anti-viral, anti-bacterial and antibiotic but it also contains a chemical called allicin which promotes the production of white blood cells and helps fight against toxins. Selenium, a mineral present in garlic can cleanse the liver of toxins too. (How does this help with boils on the body?)


Ginger water mixed with lemon juice is also used to detox the body. As per numerous studies, ginger has been credited to fight infection and inflammation. Ginger root contains powerful compounds, including gingerols and shogoals, that help to inhibit inflammation and protect against cellular damage. They also tend to liver against toxins. Taking a little bit of ginger in tea or meals everyday can support overall health including a good flow of blood in the body. (How does ginger solve cough in kids?)

ways to detox
detox after festive season

Recipe: Aloe Vera Turmeric Detox Drink

Mix a spoon of Aloe Vera gel (freshly obtained from leaf is preferred) with quarter spoon of turmeric in warm water. Enjoy this drink to detox post festival binge eating.

Add honey for kids to make it a tasty drink.


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What is Detoxification meaning and How Fasting Helps?

Detoxification meaning

Detox is a popular buzzword these days. Detoxification meaning is cleansing up your body while removing the impurities from blood. Toxins are the pollutants, synthetic chemicals, heavy metals which enter our body along with our regular food and affect our health negatively. Detoxification is the process of removing these toxins from our body. Our body is naturally equipped to remove toxins and doesn’t necessarily need any fancy diet or products to do so.

The digestive system removes undigested food, the lungs give out carbon dioxide and the skin gets rid of waste in the form of sweat. Due to the changes in our food habits and lifestyle over a period of years, there is a pressing need to occasionally enhance this natural detoxification by following simple methods to detox. In simple terms, detoxification meaning is following a particular diet or using special products to help the body get rid of toxins, thereby promoting health and general well being. A good detox or cleansing method helps the body in getting rid of old deposits in tissues and gives a good rest to the overworked organs of the body. It helps to recharge, rejuvenate and RENEW YOU.

How to detox your body?

Sound sleep cycle, consuming more water and fluids, fasting, reducing salt, sugar and generally all the processed foods, thereby increasing foods rich in antioxidants and probiotics are few of the methods to cleanse the body. Fasting is one of the most common and effective ways of detoxification. Fasting means willfully refraining yourself from eating or drinking for a specific period of time. Physiologically, numerous metabolic adjustments occur during fasting inside our body. It includes complete abstinence from food for twenty four hours or just having one meal a day. Fasting is a popular topic of research nowadays and it has been found to manage weight and prevent numerous diseases.

Fasting- Good Way to Detox

How can you use fasting to detox your body? What is the science behind fasting? Studies support the benefits of fasting as it has been found to cleanse the body at cellular level. When you fast, the body’s access to glucose (to make energy) is reduced, forcing the liver and muscles to start using the stored glucose in the body. After about 8 hours of fasting, once this stock of stored glucose is over, the body begins a natural process of gluconeogenesis in which the body produces its own glucose (for energy). The liver and kidney helps in this process by converting non-carbohydrate materials like lactate, amino acids and fats into glucose energy.

How fasting helps

Since our body conserves energy during fasting, our basal metabolic rate (the amount of energy the body burns while at rest) improves, resulting in lowering our heart rate and blood pressure. Digestion is the most important system in our body. It takes a lot of work. When you are fasting, you allow your digestive system to take rest as well. Your body works on breaking down fat cells. It is the most efficient way to cleanse the body and this is how you can use fasting to detox your body.

Later in the fast cycle, the body burns the stored fat as its primary power source and this process is called ketosis. This stage aids in weight loss and balancing blood sugar levels. Much later in the cycle of fasting comes the starvation mode (not preferred!), where the body begins to break down muscle tissues for energy.

The changes that the body goes through during fasting makes the cells stronger and enhances their capability to cope. This process puts the cells under mild stress which results in their improved performance and adaptability, resulting in younger, active body cells. Fasting has the same effects on the cells as exercise has on muscles and cardiovascular systems and hence helps to make cells stronger.

Recently, intermittent fasting has gained popularity in the health and fitness world. Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern which defines a strict fasting period and eating period. While there is no scientific study supporting the direct claims made by IF however dozens of clinical trials and animal studies do state the series of benefits fasting has shown on health. There is scope to perform long term studies.

What is the Religious significance of fasting?

Almost every religion has some type of fasting ritual. Muslims refrain from eating and drinking during day time for the entire month of Ramadan. Hindus observe fasting during festivals like navratri, shivratri and also specific days of the week or month. Buddhism, Jainism and Christianity also have some or the other form of fasting. In Chinese tradition, fasting is a part of preventive health care.

The foods that should be avoided to cleanse your body and the ones that you are not allowed to eat during religious fasting are almost the same and hence, fasting may work perfectly to detox the body.

What foods are best avoided (also during fasting) for cleansing the system?
Eggs and meats:

Eggs and meats though are high in protein and other nutrients but can be a lot of task for the digestive system to breakdown. Avoiding these foods occasionally can give a good rest to your digestive system and make you feel lighter.


During fasting, the regular consumption of food goes down and hence it is necessary to cut down on the salt intake too. Too much salt in the body can cause hypertension and hence a break from salt reduces bloating and water retention. Sendha namak (rock salt) is usually preferred during fasting due to its added health benefits. It is low in sodium and high in potassium, therefore helps in keeping a balance of electrolytes in the body.(What are the benefits of Epsom salt?)

Wheat & Grains:

Though wheat and grains are an important part of a balanced meal, but sometimes overconsumption may affect your digestive system and hence cause constipation or diarrhea. For this reason, gluten free flours like Kuttu (buckwheat flour) and Singhada (water chestnut flour) are preferred during fasting. They are easy to digest since they are not a grain, but seeds of a fruit. wheat and grains are also low in calories, and good source of fiber. They contain high amount of antioxidants and are excellent source of vitamin B6 which helps in haemoglobin formation to supply energy to the body, and improves the mood during menstruation and depression. (Do kids need vitamin supplements?)


Staying away from sugar helps to keep the blood sugar levels low and continue with the fasting period. It also enables reduced calorie intake and lesser inflammation. Cutting sugar from the diet also directly benefits calcium levels in the body. (How does sugar impact bones?)


Consuming alcohol frequently affects the liver by forming a fatty layer around it. It is also combines with enzymes in the liver, producing a substance called acetaldehyde, which can become harmful in the long run. Alcohol is a diuretic, which makes the body produce more urine and release more water. This can result in dehydration. It is a good idea to avoid alcohol during fasting to remain hydrated. (How to prevent fatty liver disease?)

Mix handful of any nuts & seeds, 2 tbsp basil seeds, 4 tbsp mix of whole grains flakes (oats, buckwheat, quinoa, barley, amaranth) 2 tbsp any nut spread or Iyurved’s 7 nuts and 5 herbs spread (order here), honey as per choice, 1 tbsp cocoa, 4 tbsp rice flour, ½ tsp cinnamon powder, little milk/ nut milk to combine the mixture
Mix all and spread on baking sheet.
Preheat 5 min at 170 celsius and bake for 25-30min. Let is cool outside. Break with hand and serve as cookie crumbs.

We are happy to introduce our range of nutritious & tasty kids Ayurvedic food!!
We know that preparing and feeding healthy foods everyday is a huge task. Even more tough when kids are picky eaters. Kids prefer certain foods and formats. It is not easy to feed kids bitter Ayurvedic herbs, variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds everyday.
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Health Benefits Of Panchamrit

panchamrit benefits

Let food be thy medicine and medicine thy food- Hippocrates


Panchamrit is a Sanskrit term made by combining two words- Panch (means five) and Amrit (means divine nectar of Gods, immortality). Moreover, Panchamrit benefits are many and it contains mainly these five ingredients -milk, curd, honey, mishri and ghee. In some regions, it is also known as Charanamrit (nectar from the feet of Gods).

Religious Significance:

In Hindu religion, it is considered very sacred and is used as an offering to God during pooja. And also used for Abhishek (religious bath of the divine). Finally, after the pooja, it is distributed as Prasad to the devotees. The usage of “Panchamrit” in Hindu rituals is considered as the oldest synbiotic food (a combination of both pre-biotic and pro-biotic) in the history of mankind. It is a concoction of five ingredients – Raw Cow’s Milk, Curd, Honey, Mishri (rock Sugar), and Ghee. And you can also add cardamom and basil to it.

According to Mahabharata, it was one of the valuable ingredients that emerged during the Samudra Manthan or Ksheera Sagar Manthan (churning the ocean of milk). Therefore, each one of the ingredients has a symbolic meaning to it. For example, milk symbolizes purity and piousness, honey stands for sweet speech and unity (as producing honey requires absolute dedication and cooperation), sugar represents sweetness and bliss, curd indicates prosperity and ghee represents strength and victory. To sum up, Panchamrit benefits our health in many ways.


  • Natural skin cleanser and helps to nourish skin cells and promotes natural glow
  • Enhances memory, grasping power, creative ability and brain development
  • Boosts health of mother and foetus during pregnancy
  • Keeps hairs healthy
  • Improves digestion
  • Strengthens bones
  • Builds immunity

Significance of each Ingredient:


Raw cow’s milk carries super efficient antioxidants-Vitamin K and Beta Carotene which counter the free radicals (What are they?) in the body. Hence, it is the next best thing after mother’s milk. Moreover, Cow’s milk is also a rich source of calcium, proteins, vitamin B12.


Curd is a provider of both bacteria (pro-biotic) as well as the food for the bacteria (pre-biotic). It has a cooling effect on body. Amino acids and enzymes in it help in digestion. It also provides protein and calcium.


Ghee carries antioxidants – vitamin K and beta-carotene which counter the free radicals in the body. It is the most treasured food which has healing properties.


Honey carries the enzymes required to break down the food and aid absorption of minerals and vitamins in the body. It contains anti-oxidants, anti- bacterial and anti- microbial properties which helps in digestion, aids infections, clear complexion and makes skin smooth

Mishri (rock sugar):

It provides energy, helps in keeping the immunity high and aids digestion.  It also enhances other ingredients.

Basil and cardamom:

Basil is an anti-inflammatory food which aids in digestion by balancing the acid in the body. It is an elixir that helps detoxify the liver and a super source of iron too. Cardamom is quite an all rounder with powerful antioxidants.

However, there may be certain regional variations in ingredients. For example, most South Indians add raw bananas to the Panchamrit. Raw banana is a great source of good bacteria for the gut (pre-biotic).

In a nutshell, this simple sweet concoction is not just super tasty but also prepares our body to consume all sorts of fried food and sweets in large quantities. The free radical damage and disturbed digestion from eating and overeating heavy, oily and sweet food is countered by the intake of pre-biotic, pro-biotic, antioxidants and enzymes. It is a perfect example of how our traditional foods are backed by science to provide us maximum health benefits.

Happy Festivals and Cheers to Panchamrit!

Recipe of panchamrit by Iyurved

Recipe for Panchamrit

  • Raw Cow’s Milk (why?)
  • Curd
  • Manuka Honey
  • Mishri (rock sugar)
  • Ghee made with bilona method (why?)
  • Cardamom
  • Basil

Ingredients don’t have to be warm. Room temp or cooler. Mix all these together completely. Serve!

To read this article in Hindi, click here:


We are happy to introduce our range of nutritious & tasty kids Ayurvedic food!!
We know that preparing and feeding healthy foods everyday is a huge task. Even more tough when kids are picky eaters. Kids prefer certain foods and formats. It is not easy to feed kids bitter Ayurvedic herbs, variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds everyday.
Mixed with Ayurvedic herbs, this unique Ayurvedic spread is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Brain development, Bone strength and overall-growth to kids without any fuss.

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