How to make children quick learner?

quick learner

Have you ever wondered how to make your kids a quick learner? What strategies can you implement to help them excel academically and socially? Every parent desires to see their child excel academically and socially. Cultivating the ability to learn quickly is a valuable skill that can benefit children throughout their lives.

Benefits of kids being Quick Learner:

Certainly! Here are several benefits of a child being a quick learner like:

1. Academic Success:

Quick learners often grasp new concepts and skills faster than their peers, enabling them to excel academically. They can efficiently absorb and retain information, leading to higher grades and academic achievements.

Also read, 10 tips for your child to write exam smoothly

2. Adaptability:

Quick learners are adept at adapting to new situations and challenges. They can easily adjust to changes in their environment, whether it’s transitioning to a new school, learning a new subject, or facing unexpected obstacles.

Also read, 10 memory games for children

3. Confidence Boost:

Success in learning breeds confidence. Quick learners often feel more self-assured in their abilities, which can positively impact their overall self-esteem and willingness to tackle new challenges.

Also read, success story of 15 year old raj who boosted his self confidence and focus

4. Time Management Skills:

Efficient learning allows children to manage their time more effectively. They can complete tasks and assignments in less time, leaving room for other activities such as hobbies, extracurriculars, and relaxation.

5. Problem-Solving Abilities:

Quick learners often possess strong problem-solving skills. They can analyze situations, identify solutions, and make decisions efficiently, which is beneficial in both academic and real-life scenarios.

6. Enhanced Creativity:

Rapid learners tend to think outside the box and explore unconventional solutions to problems. This creative mindset fosters innovation and allows them to approach tasks with fresh perspectives.

7. Better Social Skills:

Quick learners often exhibit higher levels of social intelligence. They can quickly grasp social cues, empathize with others, and communicate effectively, leading to positive interactions and relationships with peers and adults alike.

8. Lifelong Learning:

Cultivating quick learning skills sets the foundation for a lifelong love of learning. Children who learn quickly are more likely to continue seeking knowledge and personal growth.

Also read, 10 common habits that can mess with your memory

5 Effective Tips to make kids fast learner

But do you know there are techniques and methods through which parents can help their children become fast learners? We’ll look at five efficient methods in this article to help kids pick things up quickly.

1. Encourage Curiosity and Exploration:

Children are naturally curious beings. Encouraging this curiosity and providing opportunities for exploration is crucial for fostering quick learning. Encourage your child to ask questions, explore their surroundings, and discover new things. Provide them with a variety of stimulating activities, such as puzzles, experiments, and outdoor adventures, to fuel their curiosity and thirst for knowledge.

2. Foster a Positive Learning Environment:

Creating a positive learning environment at home is essential for helping children become quick learners. Ensure that your home is a safe, comfortable, and organized space where your child feels supported and encouraged to learn. Minimize distractions and provide ample resources, such as books, educational toys, and art supplies, to stimulate their learning process. Celebrate their achievements and offer praise and encouragement to boost their confidence.

3. Teach Effective Learning Strategies:

Teaching children effective learning strategies can significantly enhance their ability to learn quickly. Teach them techniques such as active listening, note-taking, and critical thinking. Encourage them to break down complex tasks into smaller, manageable steps and to utilize resources like flashcards or mnemonic devices to aid in memorization. By equipping children with these valuable skills, they will become more efficient and proficient learners.

Also read, techniques to improve learning abilities in slow learning kids

4. Promote a Growth Mindset:

Instilling a growth mindset in children is crucial for fostering a love of learning and resilience in the face of challenges. Teach them that intelligence and abilities can be developed through dedication and effort. Encourage them to embrace mistakes as opportunities for growth and to persevere in the face of setbacks. By promoting a growth mindset, children will develop the confidence and resilience needed to tackle new challenges and learn quickly.

Also read, top 5 worst foods for your childs brain health

5. Lead by Example:

 As a parent, you are your child’s first and most influential teacher. Lead by example and demonstrate a love of learning in your own life. Share your interests and hobbies with your child, and engage in activities that promote learning together. Show them that learning is a lifelong journey filled with excitement and discovery. By modeling a positive attitude towards learning, you’ll inspire your child to follow suit and become a quick learner themselves.

Children must be raised in a nurturing atmosphere with patience and effort to develop rapid learning skills. Parents can assist their children in developing the abilities and mindset required to become effective and proficient learners by using these five tactics. Every child has the capacity to succeed academically and flourish in the fast-paced world of today, given the proper support and encouragement.


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Eye, Brain development, Bone strength and overall growth to kids without any fuss. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods –SHOP HERE.

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To improve Focus, Concentration & Attention span, give Kids & Teens STUDY Booster Chocolate Spread | 0% preservatives | 0% refined sugar | 0% palm oil | Fortified with SHANKHAPUSHPI, ASHWAGANDHA, BRAHMI | Contains OMEGA 3, PROTEIN | ORDER |


Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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5 best foods for exam time to score good marks

foods for exam

Are you searching for the ultimate brain booster foods to ace your child’s exams? Wondering which foods hold the key to top-notch performance? Have you ever pondered how your child’s diet could influence the grades? Curious about the best foods that can help your kiddo soar through exams with flying colors? Let’s dig in and uncover the top picks for peak performance during crunch time!

5 best foods for exam time!

When considering foods for exam time to help children perform well, it’s important to focus on options that provide sustained energy, support brain function, and promote concentration. Here are five excellent foods that can aid children in achieving their best during exam periods:

1. Berries:

Berries such as blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries are rich in antioxidants and vitamins, which support brain health and cognitive function. They can help enhance memory and concentration, making them ideal snacks for study sessions and exam days.


2. Eggs:

Eggs are a fantastic source of protein and choline, a nutrient that supports brain development and memory function. Including eggs in your child’s diet provides a steady source of energy and essential nutrients necessary for optimal cognitive performance.

3. Oily Fish:

Oily fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are crucial for brain health and cognitive function. Omega-3 fatty acids support memory, focus, and overall brain development, making fish an important addition to your child’s diet, especially during exam time.

4. Nuts and Seeds:

Nuts and seeds, such as almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds, are packed with nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, and antioxidants. These nutrients support brain health and cognitive function, helping children stay focused and alert during exams.

5. Whole Grains:

Whole grains like oats, brown rice, quinoa, and whole wheat provide a steady release of energy and essential nutrients such as fiber, vitamins, and minerals. These nutrients support overall health and brain function, helping children maintain concentration and mental clarity during exams.

Herbs that increase memory power:

Curcumin has a protein called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) which is found in the brain and spinal cord that plays a key role in keeping nerve cells healthy, as well as regulating communication between nerve cells, which is critical for learning and memory for the kid.

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Brahmi is a superfood for the brain and is believed to sharpen the brain by protecting cells and increasing chemicals associated with learning and memory. It has been shown to improve spatial learning and retaining power in kids. In older times, kids were often given Brahmi powder with ghee/honey. This would increase their focus and attention while keeping them calm and distressed.

Also, check How can ayurvedic herbs help with brain development?


This herb can reduce anxiety and stress. And it can also increase acetylcholine levels which support better memory, mental focus and intelligence. This herb also reduces mental fatigue and enhances sleep quality. It protects the brain nerve cells from damage. It is the best food for toddlers’ brain development.


This herb improves brain function mainly due to its antioxidant property. The antioxidants present fight against the free radicals responsible for causing brain cell damage and support stronger memory and hence are childs memory-boosting food.


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Eye, Brain development, Bone strength and overall growth to kids without any fuss. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods –SHOP HERE.

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India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

To improve Focus, Concentration & Attention span, give Kids & Teens STUDY Booster Chocolate Spread | 0% preservatives | 0% refined sugar | 0% palm oil | Fortified with SHANKHAPUSHPI, ASHWAGANDHA, BRAHMI | Contains OMEGA 3, PROTEIN | ORDER |


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Fueling Young Minds: Nutritional Strategies for Better Learning

better learning

Do you ever wonder how the food we eat can impact our ability to learn? Just like a car needs the right fuel to run smoothly, our brains need the right nutrition to function at their best. In this blog, we’re going to explore how the food we eat can make a big difference in our learning and focus. So, if you’re a student, a parent, or just someone interested in better brain health, read on to discover some nutritional strategies that can help boost your brainpower.

Also check : Nutritional Approaches To Support Adhd And Focus Issues

Why Does Nutrition Matter for Learning?

Before we dive into the strategies, it’s important to understand why nutrition matters for learning. The brain is an incredibly complex organ, and it requires a variety of nutrients to function properly. When we eat well, we give our brains the tools they need to focus, concentrate, and remember information. On the flip side, poor nutrition can lead to brain fog and difficulty in concentrating.Also check : 8 Common Nutritional Deficiencies In Children

7 Nutritional Strategies For Better Learning:

1. Start Your Day Right with a Balanced Breakfast:

Breakfast is your brain’s kickstart for the day. A balanced breakfast provides essential nutrients and energy to fuel your morning. Incorporate whole grains, lean proteins, and fruits into your breakfast. Whole grains, like oatmeal or whole-grain toast, release energy slowly, keeping you alert. Proteins, such as eggs or yogurt, help maintain focus and attention. Adding fruits like berries provides a dose of antioxidants, which are beneficial for brain health.

Also check : Nutrients And Food For Development Of Brain In Kids

2. Stay Hydrated:

Water is fundamental to almost every process in the body, including brain function. Dehydration can lead to difficulty concentrating, headaches, and fatigue. Make a habit of drinking water regularly throughout the day to keep your brain adequately hydrated. Herbal teas and diluted fruit juices can also contribute to your daily fluid intake.

Also check: Daily Practices For Maintaining Healthy Gut Functioning

3. Snack Smart:

Smart snacking helps maintain steady energy levels and mental alertness. Choose nutrient-dense snacks like nuts, fruits, or yogurt. Nuts, such as almonds and walnuts, provide healthy fats and proteins that are beneficial for cognitive function. Fruits offer natural sugars and vitamins, while yogurt is a great source of probiotics and protein. 

4. Incorporate Brain-Boosting Foods:

Certain foods are like superheroes for your brain:

Berries: Blueberries, in particular, are known for their high levels of antioxidants. These compounds help improve memory and protect the brain from oxidative stress. 

Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, flaxseeds, and chia seeds are rich in healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals that support cognitive function.

Also check : 15 Healthy Brain Foods To Boost Your Brain

5. Limit Sugary and Processed Foods:

Sugary and processed foods can lead to energy spikes followed by crashes, making it challenging to concentrate. Foods high in added sugars, such as candies, sodas, and many processed snacks, should be consumed sparingly. Opt for healthier alternatives to satisfy your sweet tooth, like fresh fruits or yogurt.  Also check : Sugar Effect on the body

6. Balanced Meals for Steady Energy:

When planning your meals, aim for balance. A combination of carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats provides a steady release of energy throughout the day. Carbohydrates, found in foods like whole grains, are your primary energy source. Proteins, found in lean meats, fish, beans, and dairy products, help maintain focus and attention. Healthy fats from sources like avocados, nuts, and olive oil support overall brain health. 

7. Don’t Skip Meals: 

Skipping meals can lead to drops in blood sugar, leaving you feeling tired and irritable. It’s essential to eat regular meals to maintain consistent energy levels throughout the day. Plan your day to include breakfast, lunch, dinner, and healthy snacks in between. This consistent eating pattern helps keep your brain operating at its best.


Ashwagandha has a strong affinity for GABA receptors. As a result, Ashwagandha can be used to treat Autism symptoms such as eye contact, memory loss, anxiety, and attention deficit.


Brahmi is a brain superfood that is believed to sharpen the brain by protecting cells and increasing chemicals involved in learning and memory. It acts on the CNS, where it improves grasping power, eye contact, memory, intellect, and speech, as well as correcting emotional, mood, and personality aberrations in an individual.



In order to improve brain functioning, shankhapushpi is an old remedy. The powerful antioxidants and flavonoids present in it improve the memory capacity, focus, concentration, calmness, alertness of an individual. Since it is a brain tonic and stimulator, people taking shankhapushpi have improved autism features like eye contact, memory, reasoning, problem-solving, and other cognitive abilities.


Protein is an essential component of a healthy diet. It helps to build, maintain, and repair body tissues. It is also necessary for brain health and plays an important role in neurotransmitter production (brain chemical). G protein also regulates cellular signalling and is essential for retinoid receptor function, laying the groundwork for healthy visual processing.


There is a link between omega 3 fatty acids and early childhood brain development, according to research. These healthy fats have incredible brain-boosting properties and play an important role in improving autism features like eye contact, memory, and attention span. Fish and walnuts are excellent sources of omega 3.

Also, check Omega-3 rich foods for kids


Magnesium is responsible for nerve transmission and nerve-muscle coordination in our bodies. In other words, it guards against a child’s excessive excitement (which can be traumatic). It also increases the effectiveness of vitamin B, which is important in the production of enzymes required by the brain. It  may improve eye contact and reduce behavioral issues.


Zinc is a mineral that our bodies require in trace amounts. Because our bodies do not store zinc, we must consume small amounts of it on a regular basis to maintain our health. It is required for proper brain development and function, immune function, protein synthesis, and wound healing.


All nuts, including almonds, walnuts, cashews, peanuts, and hazelnuts, are high in vitamin E and aid in memory enhancement. They are also antioxidants that protect cells from damage. Walnuts are high in omega 3 fatty acids and are beneficial to eye contact, brain function, memory, and cognitive abilities. This fatty acid is also beneficial to cognitive functions.

Also check, Other benefits of nuts and seeds.


Aside from nuts, seeds such as flax, chia, melon, sesame, and pumpkins contain potent antioxidants such as vitamin E, which protect the brain from free radical damage. Sunflower seeds have an effect on overall mood and mental processing abilities, so they are regarded as a brain-boosting snack. Pumpkin seeds contain more magnesium, copper, and zinc than other seeds, which aid in eye contact, concentration, and memory. One of the simplest brain-boosting foods for children to consume.

Also check, Health benefits of pumpkin seeds.


Pure cocoa powder (unsweetened) contains brain boosting components as it is packed with a large number of antioxidants molecules, the main is epicatechin helpful to improve cognition in studies. Hence cocoa powder is also an important brain development food for children. 


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Eye, Brain development, Bone strength and overall growth to kids without any fuss. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods –SHOP HERE.

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

For Speech delay, Focus,Attention , give Kids & Teens Brain Booster Chocolate/ Savoury Spread | 0% preservatives | 0% refined sugar | 0% palm oil | Fortified with SHANKHAPUSHPI, ASHWAGANDHA, BRAHMI | Contains OMEGA 3, PROTEIN | ORDER |


Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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Tips to Improve Concentration In Kids

Is your child always fidgeting and not focusing on his/her homework? Is it difficult for you to make your child sit and study for just 20-30 minutes? Read on to understand what are the concentration problems in kids and how you can help your child develop focus and concentration skills with some foods and tips on how to improve concentration in kids.

Getting children to focus is not easy, and many parents have to struggle really hard. It is often a challenge for parents to get their child to sit in one place, teach them how to focus on their studies and finish it without getting too distracted. It makes parents worried and some parents may also start thinking that there is something wrong with their children. But rest assured, concentration problems are very common in children.

With the rising competition in not only school related academics, but also various kinds of additional competitions like spell bee, Olympiads, quizzes etc., the pressure on parents and children is rising and all this requires the child to have sharp memory & concentration power.

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If your child has difficulty focusing on something for very long, he/she might be suffering from low concentration or concentration problems. This lack of focus can be seen in his/her studies and other activities as well. Let’s understand the signs of poor concentration in kids:

  • Easily distracted
  • Lack of interest
  • Inability to sit still and think
  • Inability to follow instructions
  • Loses things easily
  • Moody, irritable and cranky most of the time
  • Hyperactive
  • Fidgety
  • Inability to organize his/her things

Also check, Focus and attention building games for brain.

What CAUSES poor concentration in kids?

Lots of distractions:

Children are naturally curious and their mind is always wandering. TV, video games, mobile phones etc. act as an easy distraction for them. Make a schedule or time table for study time, tv time, play time and make sure they following it regularly. Gradually your child will understand  that during study time, he/ she needs to focus only on studies and they will get to do the rest of the things as well.

Challenging tasks:

Sometimes children might find the question or task given to them too difficult or challenging. In such cases, they might not be able to focus completely and will lose interest also. Breaking down the big task into smaller and simpler tasks which are age appropriate for your child and motivate your child on completion of every single task.

Lack of sleep:

Studies have shown that kids who regularly get adequate amounts of sleep have improved concentration, attention, behavior, learning, memory and most importantly, mental and physical health. Most of a baby’s brain development happens during sleep. At least eight to twelve hours of sleep every night is very important for the proper brain development of children. Make sure that your child gets enough sleep and also try to not disturb their routine by staying up too late. Also check, Sleep for brain development?

Seeking parent’s attention:

Sometimes kids don’t do their work and concentrate properly just to get the attention of their parents. Spend some quality time with your child everyday and help them feel more secure and loved.

Poor diet:

Skipping breakfast and improper nutrition can also affect your child’s concentration power. Help your child by giving him/her a balanced diet every day and ensure that your child doesn’t skip any meal, especially breakfast.

Also check,Why is balanced diet so important?

Emotional disturbance:

If there is any kind of disturbance at home like a parent’s fights, divorce or death of a loved one, then the child might be emotionally disturbed and this will affect not only his/her concentration but also overall performance. Keep your child away from the troubles at home and give them more emotional support during this troubled time.

Less physical activity:

Less physical activity or lack of physical exercise can make your child lazy and lethargic thereby affecting his/her concentration negatively. Take your child out for cycling, running, outdoor activities and games.

Lack of motivation or interest:

Lack of interest or motivation in a particular subject or activity also causes poor concentration in kids. Advanced kids or kids who have higher than average IQ levels, suffer more due to lack of interest or motivation. Motivate and encourage your child for every small achievement.

Cluttered and disorganized workspace:

Having a cluttered workspace or notebook may lead to spending more time looking for the things than focus on what is being taught. Teach your child to be organized and help them to stay clutter free.

Learning difficulties:

In some cases, learning difficulties like ADHD, Dyslexia or ADD might be responsible for low or proper concentration in kids. You can help by consulting a professional for proper diagnosis and guidance in such cases.

Tips on how to improve concentration in kids:

Here are some simple activities for concentration and memory of kids,

Brain exercises: Solving different kinds of puzzles or playing memory games, sudoku, chess can help to improve concentration in kids.

Meditation: Meditation and mindfulness practices can help in improved concentration. Studies suggest that practicing meditation, mindfulness training, Yoga and deep breathing can help kids to increase attention, memory, focus and other cognitive abilities. Hence, it is one of the best tips to improve concentration.

Listening to music: Studies support the benefits of listening music to improve concentration. Turning on music while working or studying may help to improve concentration. Experts generally agree that classical music or nature sounds are good choices to help increase focus.

Spending time in nature: Another tips to improve concentration in kids is spending time in nature. Research suggests that natural environments could benefit brain development and may also improve concentration power in children. Even a 20-minute walk in the park could help improve concentration in kids more than a walk of the same length in an urban setting.

Foods to Improve concentration and memory in kids:

Foods that help to improve memory and concentration in studies include:

Omega 3 fatty acids:

Research has established a link between omega 3 fatty acids and brain development in early childhood. These healthy fats have amazing brain boosting power and play a vital role in enhancing memory and attention span. Fish & walnuts are a very good source of omega 3 and hence one of the best foods to improve concentration and memory.

Also check, Why is Omega 3 important for your kids?


Blueberries contain anthocyanins, a group of plant compounds with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Antioxidants act against both oxidative stress and inflammation and thus can help to prevent brain aging and neurodegenerative diseases. Also check, Why antioxidants?

Green Leafy vegetables:

Green veggies are the brain’s favorite food. Vegetables like spinach, cabbage, mint and kale contribute to brain health as they are rich in vitamin Bs, iron and antioxidants that help in the growth of new cells and aids in sharp thinking. As spinach has a wide variety of brain-boosting nutrients such as Vitamin A, B12, K and Iron, it is considered as best food for toddler’s brain development.

Also check, Nutrition tips for toddlers


Eggs are a good source of several nutrients tied to brain health, including vitamin B6, B9 and B12. Eating whole eggs (egg white and yolk) helps regulate memory because of Choline. Research suggests that regular consumption of eggs improves cognitive performance in kids and adults.

Also check, Why kids need vitamins?

Dark chocolate:

A study showed that eating cocoa for five days improved blood flow to the brain. Compounds in dark chocolate boost memory, attention span, reaction time and problem-solving skills. It is a kid’s favorite and works as child brain development food.

Also check,Recipe for no sugar chocolate twix bar

Nuts and Seeds:

Nuts like peanuts, walnuts, pistachios, almonds and cashews are very important for a child’s brain development and cognitive functions. Including them in your child’s daily diet is very beneficial.

Also check, Other benefits of nuts and seeds


Staying hydrated can also have a positive impact on concentration. Even mild dehydration can make it harder to focus or remember information.

Herbs to improve concentration in kids:

Curcumin: Curcumin has a protein called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) which is found in the brain and spinal cord that plays a key role in keeping nerve cells healthy, as well as regulating communication between nerve cells, which is critical for learning and memory for kid.

Also check, Foods for overall brain development?

Brahmi: Brahmi is a superfood for the brain and is believed to sharpen the brain by protecting cells and increasing chemicals associated with learning and memory. It has shown to improve spatial learning and retaining power in kids. In older times, kids were often given Brahmi powder with ghee/honey. This would increase their focus and attention, while keeping them calm and distressed.

Also check,How can ayurvedic herbs help with brain development?

Ashwagandha: This herb is known to reduce anxiety and stress. And is used to increase acetylcholine levels which support better memory, mental focus and intelligence. This herb also reduces mental fatigue and enhances sleep quality. It protects the brain nerve cells from damage. It is the best food for toddlers’ brain development.

Also check, Why Ashwagandha?

Shalaki: This herb improves brain function mainly due to its antioxidant property. The antioxidants present fight against the free radicals responsible for causing brain cell damage and support stronger memory and hence is used as child brain development food.

Also check, What are free radicals?


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Kids Ayurvedic Brain Booster is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Brain development to kids without any fuss. Made with Proven Ingredients. No Preservatives or Artificial Colour or Flavour. No Side Effects. Trusted by 20000+ Parents and Practitioners. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods – SHOP HERE.

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

For Improving focus and concentration, Brain development, give Kids & Teens Brain Booster Chocolate/ Savoury Spread | 0% preservatives | 0% refined sugar | 0% palm oil | Fortified with SHANKHAPUSHPI, ASHWAGANDHA, BRAHMI | Contains OMEGA 3, PROTEIN | ORDER |


Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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Some parents have been kind enough to share their journey with us. Let’s hear them to closely understand the benefits of Ayurvedic spreads by Iyurved.

Check here to know how Ayesha helped her child increase focus and concentration.


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