Food chart for 2 years baby

Food Chart & Recipes for 2 years baby

So your child is 2 years old now!!! With time the food habits of the child also changes. Your child has witnessed the phase of teething, eating solids and now is ready to enjoy the family meals. But see to it that you add less spices in your child’s food. Maintaining a food chart for 2 years baby along with some easy food recipes can help to plan your kid’s meals properly.

Below meal plans and food chart for 2 years baby attempt to maintain a balance of nutrients between meals by providing you with ideas for ensuring a healthy and balanced diet for your child; however, bear in mind that each child is unique, and you must feed according to his/her likes. (Why balanced diet is so important?)

Some Steps to Help Your Child Develop Healthy Eating Habits:

The baby’s sense of taste and flavor develops once he/she starts solids. This is the perfect moment for parents to inculcate a good eating habit in their children. 

  • Follow meal timings and feed at regular intervals. It is important to establish a schedule to help your child develop a fixed mealtime by feeling hungry at the right time.
  • Avoid snacks or liquid food like fruit juices or milk before the meal time. 
  • Make sure you provide complete nutrition to your child by including nutrient-dense foods. 
  • Teach eating etiquette and encourage them to eat slowly.
  • Avoid unhealthy junk foods.
Foods for 2 year old baby:

Your toddler’s body is rapidly developing at this stage and he/she requires a variety of foods from all food groups. Make sure that you provide a balanced diet and choose toddler food recipes for 2 year old that provide good nutrition.

Here is a list of some foods that are important for growth and development for your child. 

Dairy and dairy products

 Dairy and dairy products are good sources of carbohydrate, protein and fat along with important vitamins and minerals like calcium and vitamin D. Calcium and vitamin D are important for strong bones and teeth. Other dietary sources of calcium include dairy products such as yoghurt, buttermilk and cheese.

 In case of a child having lactose intolerance or milk allergies, the plant based milk alternatives is the best option. Also to meet the calcium needs of children, nuts and pulses can be included in the diet. 


Vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, fibre and phytonutrients. These phytonutrients not only help in growth and development but also strengthens the immune system. The fibre-rich veggies eases the bowel movements and prevents constipation. Always include vegetables of different colours in toddler food recipes for 2 year old, such as:

  • Green vegetables ( peas, beans, spinach. broccoli)
  • Orange vegetables( carrot, pumpkin, sweet potato)
  • Yellow vegetables( corn , capsicum )
  • Red vegetables( Tomato )
  • Purple vegetables ( Beetroot, cabbage)
  • White vegetables ( Cauliflower, cabbage)


The whole fruit or fruit juices can be given to the child. As the saying goes “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, it is essential to include fruits in diet to stay healthy and keep diseases away. Including fruits of different colours is essential, such as:

  • Green fruits ( apple, grapes, kiwi)
  • Orange fruits( orange, mango)
  • Yellow and red fruits ( banana, strawberries, watermelon)
  • Purple fruits (grapes, plum, blueberries)


Chicken is the best source of protein as it is abundant in amino acids. For developing children, chicken is a nutritious and filling option to consider. It is advised to avoid/ consume lesser quantities of red meat such as beef, mutton because of their high saturated fat. 


The best non-vegetarian food for growing children is fish. It has high quality proteins and vitamins, minerals. It is a rich source of omega 3 and Docasahexanoic acid (DHA). This helps in growth of brain tissues, bones and helps in maintaining good eyesight. 


Nuts and seeds contain healthy oils such as essential fatty acids and minerals.

Citrus fruits

Vitamin C is important in kids for strengthened gums and  blood vessels. Scurvy is a serious illness caused due to its deficiency. Oranges and lemons are well known for their high vitamin C content. Other dietary sources of vitamin C include guava, tomato, banana, spinach etc.,. 


Vitamin D is necessary for the growth and development especially bones. And the efficient source of this vitamin D is sunlight. Other foods that contain Vitamin D are dairy products and meat.

Food chart for 2 years baby:

Here is an example of a food chart for 2 years baby. You can design a similar meal plan or toddler food recipes for 2 year old and follow it. 

BreakfastMid morningLunchEvening snacksDinner
SundayMilk and Moong dal cheela/ DosaFruits and nutsOne-pot veggies mealVegetable cutletRagi roti
Monday Milk and Beetroot idli / Poha Vegetable soupSpinach curry, rice and dahiMillet muffinsVegetable khichdi 
Tuesday Ragi porridge made with milk Fruits Moong dal khichdi with curdCarrot pasta Vegetable pulao
Wednesday Milk and Vegetable upma Fruit custardVegetable biriyani Millet pizzaMillet dosa with chutney
Thursday Chapathi with vegetable korma Dates and nuts Rice and sambar / curd riceOats cookies Egg rice
Friday Milk and Bread sandwichVegetable saladPaneer curry with chapathi and riceMilkshake Idli and sambhar
SaturdayMilk and Aloo paratha Fruits Egg curry with riceVegetable rollsMasala khichdi 
food chart for 2 years baby

Homemade food recipes for 2 year old Indian baby:

Here are some food recipes for 2 year old Indian baby:

Pumpkin millet pancakes:

Pumpkin millet pancake Recipe

Why pumpkin seeds are beneficial for health?

Beetroot Idli with Chutney:

Beetroot Idli with Chutney Recipe

How beetroot can help in your child’s health?

Millet Upma:

Millet Upma Recipe

Sprouted Moong dal cheela:

Sprouted Moong Dal Cheela Recipe

How soaking and sprouting helps in getting more nutrition?

One – pot veggies dish:

One-Pot Veggies Dish Recipe

Vegetable cutlets:

Vegetable Cutlet Recipe

Few tips to be taken care of while feeding your child:

  1. It is important that you should not focus on the amount of food your 2-year-old infant consumes. It varies among the children. 
  2. Do not include artificial supplements in your child’s diet. 
  3. Your child’s eating habits should not be rewarded or punished as this might lead to a negative attitude towards food. 
  4. While eating, do not allow your kid to watch his favorite cartoon on television. He/ she has to concentrate on the meal. 
  5. Make sure you don’t force-feed your child. (How food format helps to feed nutrition to kids?)

Many people believe that eating nutritious food that is fresh and free of preservatives requires too much work, but with the proper motivation, it can become a habit rather than a burden! Your child’s diet should include a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, so that his palate will be stimulated and he will be less likely to lose interest in foods. 

  • Improves muscle strength and body weight with high protein (6g protein in 1 serving)
  • Strengthens bones and improves height being rich in calcium
  • Boosts brain due to high omega-3 and natural brain herbs
  • Builds immunity due to presence of antioxidants and proven immunity herbs
  • Increases breast milk supply for lactating moms also provides folic acid for baby development


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We know that preparing and feeding healthy foods everyday is a huge task. Even more tough when kids are picky eaters. Kids prefer certain foods and formats. It is not easy to feed kids bitter Ayurvedic herbs, variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds everyday.
Mixed with Ayurvedic herbs, this unique Ayurvedic spread is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Brain development, Bone strength and overall-growth to kids without any fuss.

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If your child is a picky eater or does not take enough nutrition for the day, you can give Daily Nutrition Savoury Spread | Made with clinically proven ‘5 Ayurvedic Herbs and 7 Nuts’ | ORDER | 0% preservative | 0% Palm oil |

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6 Month Baby Food Chart

6 month baby food chart

Are you not excited to see your little one tapping into his/her 6th month? Congratulations – he/she is ready to start with solid foods. But, keep in mind that breast milk or formula still remains to be the primary source of nutrient to the baby until 1 year or more.

Also check, Growth and development of 6 months old baby?

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How do you decide your baby is ready for solids?

Based on the physical development of the baby, the solids are introduced. Firstly, proper development of digestive enzymes is required. The digestive enzymes in the stomach develop between 4 to 6 months and it aids in digestion. Early introduction of solids before proper development of digestive enzymes leads to more digestive problems and food allergies. Secondly, good head and neck control is required to easily accept solids, chew and swallow them. In addition to this, you can introduce solids when your child shows interest in food or is still hungry after being breastfed or formula fed. 

Read more about introducing solids to baby

What are the best foods for a 6 month old baby?

The foods commonly used in the diet for a 6 month baby includes fruits and vegetable puree, cereal / pulses porridge, vegetable/ pulses soup, cerelac for 6 month baby etc. Here are baby food for 6 months old,

  • Fruits puree: Fruits such as apples, pear, banana, avocado, papaya and peaches should be steamed, mashed or pureed before feeding to the baby.
  • Vegetable puree: It is prepared by steaming or boiling vegetables with water. The commonly used vegetables are sweet potatoes, carrots, potatoes, broccoli, tapioca, sweet pumpkins etc.
  • Pulses and vegetable soup: The stock of pulses such as moong dal and vegetables such as carrot, sweet pumpkin can be prepared by boiling in water. This stock serves as soup for babies.
  • Mung bean porridge: Mung bean being a great source of protein is the best choice for the baby introduced to solids. Firstly, begin with mung bean soup and slowly start with mung bean porridge. It is advisable to soak, sprout and cook the beans since it makes digestion easier in babies.
  • Rice porridge: Rice porridge is prepared with broken rice and breast milk or formula milk. It is a good source of carbohydrates and vitamins for babies. 
  • Cereal porridge: A single or variety of cereals like wheat, barley, oats and millets can be used for the preparation of porridge. The cereal can be dried, powdered and used for porridge. 
  • Cerelac for 6 month baby: Homemade or commercially available cerelac can be fed to babies. Boil clean drinking water for 5 minutes. Allow it to cool and add 3-4 spoons of cerelac, mix well until smooth and serve. 
  • Herbs: You can add a pinch of herbs like cinnamon, nutmeg, cumin, mint, turmeric etc. to the baby’s food to introduce new flavors and build healthy eating habits. The herbs also serve nutritional benefits.  

Also, check 12 Best foods to increasing the Breast milk quality

Important tips for starting solids for baby:

Since the introduction of solids to babies is challenging task to their parents, it is very important to plan well before they start. You can consult your pediatrician to check if your baby is ready for solids. And, you can also prepare a 6 month baby food chart with the best foods you plan to try with. 

  • Start with a single fruit, vegetable or cereal. Do not try combinations of foods at first. Always go with mashed fruit first. 
  • Stick to the 3-day rule. Feed the same food for the first three days and observe the reactions before starting a different one. This helps in finding the culprit foods that cause allergic reactions in your babies.
  • After 3 days, along with mashed fruit, start vegetable soup or pulse soup, later add porridge to the meal.
  • Always try new foods for breakfast or lunch. Since this helps in tacking any allergic reactions caused.
  • Avoid finger foods or foods with lumps for babies of 6 month old as they may cause gagging and choking. 
  • Initially, start with a tablespoon of single food and gradually increase it to 3-4 tablespoons or more. 
  • Always choose a calm and peaceful environment while feeding your baby.
  • Avoid distractions while feeding such as watching tv, using electronic gadgets – mobile or tablet.
  • Introduce foods with different flavors, texture and taste, as these draw the babies likeness towards the food.
  • Always prepare and store baby foods in clean and sterilized steel or glass containers and avoid containers made up of plastic.  
  • Use steel cups to introduce water rather than a feeding bottle to bring out transition in growing babies.

Also check, Weaning for babies from Breastfeeding.

6 month baby food chart:

You can design a meal plan or food chart for your baby and follow it. Since milk is still the prime source of nutrition to the babies, introduced solids between the milk feeds. Refer to the below food chart for 4 weeks to get an idea on how to plan the meals for baby. You can choose more recipes from here and replace or add as per your taste and preference. (Which is the best milk for baby?)

6 month baby food chart
diet for 6 month baby
6 month baby food chart
diet for 6 month baby
Week 2
6 month baby food chart
diet for 6 month baby
Week 3
6 month baby food chart
Week 4

Similarly, you can personalize a 6 month baby food chart based on your baby’s choices and follow it. You can also try different combinations of food that suits your baby. Don’t forget to give enough water after every solids introduced. In the first week, start with 1 tablespoon of single food and gradually increase it to 3-4 tablespoons. In the following week, you can gradually increase the solids being fed. Avoid trying new foods in the evening. And it takes time for your baby to adapt to this meal plan, so stay calm and patient rather than forcing the feed to the baby. 

Also check, Is your child lactose intolerant?

How to identify if your baby has an allergy to a particular food?

The child develops following symptoms, if he/ she has an allergy to a particular food:

What are the different types of Food Allergies in Children?

Don’t panic!! Follow this, if your baby is allergic to a particular food.

 Always follow the 3 day rule, while introducing a new food to your baby. If the baby shows above symptoms to any food, stop it immediately and reintroduce them later. Also, keep a track in the 6 month baby food chart with your baby’s favorite foods and of those causing allergies. If symptoms persist for a longer time, consult a doctor immediately. 

Also check, Food for kids to gain weight


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