Gut and Brain Connection in Autism

what autism

Autism or Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that affects communication and behaviour,  is estimated to affect about 1 in 54 children.  Around 50% of the parents notice autistic signs by the time their child reaches 12 months and the remaining notice symptoms by 2 years. There are many causes for autism in kids and symptoms may also vary from child to child. In some kids, the symptoms are very mild while in certain cases symptoms are high. This read will help you understand the connection of gut with brain health, as well as in improving symptoms of autism in kids.


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Gut and Brain Connection in Autism:

A gene mutation disrupts neuron transmission in the brain, which has been identified as a cause of autism, as well as causing gut dysfunction. Can modifying the bacteria in the stomach which interacts with the brain (via the gut-brain axis), enhance mood and behaviour? “YES”! People with autism frequently have gut issues. Research supports a gut-brain nerve system relationship in autism- treating the gut might help with behavioural abnormalities linked with autism.

Introducing prebiotics and probiotics rich foods to the child with autism can help with both digestive and behavioural issues. Gut bacteria produce bioactive substances or metabolites that increase the activity of GABA receptors that help to regulate brain function, sensory processing, social development (Speech delay and interaction) and also repetitive behaviour.

Also, to know healthy foods for Gut – Check here


Prebiotics can help you improve your response time, mood, learning memory, speech as well as social interaction and behaviour. Here is the simplest way to feed prebiotics to your child every day.

(1) 1 serving of PREBIOTIC GUT DRINK will provide prebiotic essential for healthy gut.

(2) Combine PREBIOTIC GUT DRINK with 1 spoon of BRAIN BOOSTER chocolate Spread to maintain a healthy gut and improve symptoms of autism.

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs

For kids with autism, give Prebiotic Gut Drink + Kids and Teens Brain Booster Chocolate Spread| Made with PREBIOTIC FIBRE, SHANKHAPUSHPI, ASHWAGANDHA, BRAHMI | Contains OMEGA 3, PROTEIN | 0% preservative | 0% Artificial Colour | 100% Natural | No refined sugar | ORDER |


GUT and BRAIN have a strong connection. Keeping the GUT healthy results in a healthy brain. Adding foods that support brain development can help to improve the symptoms of autism.


Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) are an excellent source of prebiotics that promote the growth of healthy gut bacteria. Prebiotics can help you improve your response time, social interaction, mood, learning memory, speech, and eases gastrointestinal disturbances (including diarrhea, pain and constipation). Therefore, it is safe to consume daily dosages of 5-10 g to boost brain function (learning and working memory) and social or repetitive behaviour (anxiety and mood). 

For scientifically proven studies by NIH, Check here.


Lemon and orange are the two best sources of citric acid or vitamin C. Supplementing citrus acid in the diet can help to produce certain bioactive compounds or polyphenols that are required for brain function and also social development. It also improves learning, memory and language and boost cognitive performance, thereby helping in overall brain health. 

For scientifically proven studies by NIH, Check here.


It is a great sugar alternative for refined sugar and is also highly beneficial for kids with autism. It’s sweet and safe (approved by FDA) in its natural form. It has no carbohydrates, calories or any artificial ingredients and is called a “zero-calorie” sweetener.

Also, To know more about gut-healthy foods, check here.


Some parents have been kind enough to share their journey with us. Let’s hear them to closely understand the benefits of Ayurvedic spreads by Iyurved.


Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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Quick Fix For Weak Digestion

Gut and Digestion - Iyurved

Have you ever wondered how BUSY your digestive system is? Well, a lot happens there. When you eat something, the food goes on a roller coaster ride which starts from chewing and ends with you going to the bathroom(Basically the digestion process). Do you know what plays a major role here? Your GUT!

Does your child rush to the bathroom after eating? Or Is he/she a frequent potty goer? Or Do you also feel that food sometimes just slips from their body?

All these are the signs of an unhealthy GUT. Child’s gut is not only responsible for the digestive health but also for the child’s overall health. It is connected to the child’s immune system, mood, mental health and body functioning. In fact, What we eat determines how well our digestion works. Probiotics, prebiotics and fibre rich food for good digestion should be included in the diet from the beginning.

If you want to set your child up for a lifetime of good health, it is essential to flourish the child’s digestive system with healthy bacteria. Let’s learn how!

Gut and Brain Connection – How does it help in Speech? – Read here


There are many factors that affect kids’ gut health such as eating too much processed and high sugar food, stress, too little sleep and taking excessive antibiotics. All of these lead to damage to kids’ gut health which results in many health issues. Here are some common problems that may occur due to unhealthy gut, namely:


  • Introducing small meals
  • Chewing food slowly and carefully
  • Intake of plenty of water to cleanse child’s digestive system
  • Enough sleep helps to rejuvenate the child’s digestive system
  • Reduced processed foods
  • Add Prebiotic Fiber in the Diet

Here is the simplest way to get your kids these prebiotic fibres. Family PREBIOTIC GUT DRINKS! Incorporating this in their daily diet will help reduce frequent stool (associated with weak digestion), constipation, diarrhoea, gas, bloating and stomach pain. 2 serving of PREBIOTIC GUT DRINKS will help to meet 30% RDA of Prebiotic Dietary Fiber

Gut and Digestion - Iyurved

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

For Frequent Stools in kids give Family PREBIOTIC GUT DRINK | Made with Guar Beans | Prebiotic Fiber | Plant Sweetener | 0% preservative | 0% Artificial Colour | 100% Natural | No refined sugar | ORDER |

Available in 2 Flavours: LEMON and ORANGE

Gut and Digestion Iyurved. RDA fiber rich foods.


According to study, changes in the gut microbiota might occur within 2-3 weeks after changing food pattern and adding prebiotic fibres. Prebiotic dietary fibre also helps to increase the amount of healthy bacteria, which in turn helps to alleviate concerns about the same. People in some studies said it improved their quality of life.


The reaction of frequent potty is called the Gastrocolic Reflex. This is the normal reaction in the body whose intensity may vary. This reflex is generated when food hits your stomach. Once this happens it releases a hormone which signals your body to move food through the colon and then out of the body. This response affects some people more frequently and intensely than others.

Gut is made up of good bacteria and the bad bacteria generates as a result of our lifestyle, medication and food habits. When there is imbalance in this gut bacteria (gut dysbiosis) i.e., bad bacteria overpower good bacteria, then these concerns of frequent stools along with other digestive and overall develops.


A lot of studies and research has stated that an unhealthy gut or certain digestive disorder may speed up the movement of food through the colon. This can be minimized with the use of prebiotic-rich foods, which have been shown to impact the makeup of beneficial gut bacteria (Probiotics).

Probiotics are responsible for keeping the bad bacteria in check. In addition, it helps in slowing down the bowel movements and reducing the gas production by balancing gut flora.


Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

Gut and Digestion Iyurved


Some parents have been kind enough to share their journey with us. Let’s hear them to closely understand the benefits of Ayurvedic spreads by Iyurved.

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7 Proven Gut Healthy Foods

The stomach and small intestine are the primary sites for nutrient digestion and absorption. Gut plays an important role in keeping kids healthy, both physically and mentally. Kids’ gut health is vital for their overall well being as it influences many aspects of health including metabolism, immune system, nervous system and digestive tract. As a result, keeping a healthy gut is essential for optimal nutrient absorption and synthesis. So feeding gut healthy foods to kids is very important. Child gets his/ her gut microbiome (living bacteria in gut) at the time of birth and it is set up in early childhood. Children’s microbiome (living bacteria in the gut) remains flexible before the age of four or five. This is a good time to build a strong and healthy gut among them with the help of some gut healthy foods

The key nutrients absorbed in the gut are iron, protein, carbohydrates and fat. All these nutrients are essential for a kid’s overall growth and development. Most of the bacterias in our body are good for us. A healthy gut contains healthy bacteria that not only helps in proper digestion, but also fight with infectious disease causing bacteria, virus and fungi (bad bacteria). Kids’ gut health says a lot about their internal health.  If you want to set your child up for a lifetime of good health, it is essential to flourish kids’ gut health with healthy bacteria. According to a study, having good bacteria in the gut can improve immune system, hormones, depression and provide several other health benefits like healing, weight gain for kids. so always feed gut healthy foods to kids

WHATSAPP for concerns like Speech Delay, Low Weight, Frequent Illness, Hyperactivity, Low Concentration, Weak Eyesight, Improper Sleep, Pigmentation, Pores, Face Marks, Fine Lines , Lactation etc.

Feedback from parent

Signs of an unhealthy Gut


Here are some common problems that may occur due to unhealthy gut:

  • If your child has symptoms such as gas bloating, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn and stomach ache, these can be a sign of an unhealthy gut
  • Imbalance of gut bacteria can cause skin issues in both kids and adults. Skin conditions like eczema and dryness may occur due to an unhealthy gut. (Home remedies to solve allergy in kids)
  • An unhealthy gut can also affect your sleep and leave you feeling tired during the entire day.
  • 70-80% of immune cells are located in the gut (large intestine). If the gut health is not good it can impact the immunity of the person to a great extent.

Foods to avoid

Refined sugar: Sugar causes inflammation in the body which results in weaker immunity. Sugar damages the protein in our body, resulting in ageing of organs, which further compromises immunity, growth and functioning. Greatest source of sugar in the average kid’s diet are sugary snacks and beverages like cookies, cakes, candies, fruit juice, soda, and sports drinks. Everything that the child picks up to eat today has strains of added sugar in some form or the other.

Preservatives: Most of the packaged food companies are adding artificial preservatives to delay spoilage and contamination in foods.  artificial preservatives such as nitrates, benzoates, sulfites, sorbates, parabens, formaldehyde, BHT, BHA and several others can cause serious health hazards such as hypersensitivity, allergy, asthma, hyperactivity, neurological damage.

Refined oil: The high temperature involved in the refining process removes all the natural and beneficial substances from the oil, which is not good for gut health as well as respiratory health and ultimately affects your immunity.

7 proven gut healthy foods

1.Partially Hydrolyzed Guar gum: 

Guar gum is a fiber made from guar bean or Indian cluster bean. It is used as a laxative that normalizes the moisture content of the stool, absorbing excess liquid in diarrhea, and softening the stool in constipation. Undoubtedly, it is one of the best gut-healthy foods.

While partially hydrolyzed guar gum is derived from guar gum by the process of enzymatic hydrolysis. PHGG is a water soluble dietary fiber and is used to regulate gut function. According to the study conducted by NIH, intake of PHGG improves human stool form by regulating intestinal microbiota. It has also been useful in treating Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms in both adults and kids.

Benefits of Guar gum

  • Treating diarrhea/ constipation and IBS symptoms
  • Lowering cholesterol
  • Manages high blood pressure
  • Control diabetes
  • Weight loss
  • Enhance Mineral absorption
2. Fructooligosaccharides (FOS):

Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) are composed of short fructose chains. They are a type of carbohydrate called oligosaccharides. FOS occurs naturally in many plants. They are prebiotic fibers that support the growth of healthy bacteria in the digestive tract. FOS is also a good source of soluble, dietary fiber and has been shown to reduce, or eliminate constipation.

3. Citric acid:

Citric acid is the weak organic acid found in the greatest amount in citrus fruits. We all have seen citric acid appear on the label of many products but don’t know exactly what citric acid is for our health. However the primary reason for including this in any packaged foods is for its tangy flavor. But apart from this citric acid is associated with many health benefits also:

  • Citric acid helps to convert food into energy.
  • It enhances calcium, phosphorus and Magnesium absorption through the gut.
  • This also prevents calcium crystals or kidney stones from forming.
4. Orange extract:

Oranges are the food to boost immunity. They are not only nutritious and rich in Vitamin-C but also loved by kids. Just one orange can meet 100% vitamin C requirements for the kid’s daily nutrition.  The pith (white after between peel and fruit) of orange has 30% fiber of the fruit and this particular fiber (called pectin) is good for the kid’s gut which builds immunity and supports digestion.

5. Stevia

Stevia is one of the Alternatives of sugar made up of the leaves of a stevia plant, a kind of herb. It’s extremely sweet and safe in its natural form. It has no carbohydrates, calories or any artificial ingredients and a very low glycemic index, so does not spike your blood sugar level. Stevia in powder or liquid form is easily available.

6. Papaya:

The papaya fruit contains two enzymes, papain and chymopapain. They can help with digestion, reduce inflammation and also improve gut health. Zeaxanthin, an antioxidant found in papaya, filters out harmful blue light rays. Papaya is also high in fiber and water content, both of which help to prevent constipation and promote regularity and a healthy digestive tract. Also, it a good source of folate, vitamin A, magnesium, copper, B vitamins, alpha and beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin, vitamin E, calcium, potassium, vitamin K, and lycopene, and pantothenic acid.

7. Lemon:

Lemons are rich in Vitamin C and have a potential to reduce gut inflammation and boost the immune system. Lemons are high in a fiber called pectin, which is a prebiotic that assists good gut health by feeding healthy gut bacteria.


Benefits of partially hydrolyzed guar gum for gut health.

Potential benefits of FOS.

Benefits of citrus fruits for gut.

Papaya for digestive disorder.

worried about the safety?

FOS or Fructooligosaccharide is a prebiotic fiber that is not digested in the Gastrointestinal (GI) tract and is used as a energy source by the gut bacteria. However, according to this study, FOS is both safe and beneficial to infants in terms of constipation and stool frequency.


Fix your GUT with these Quick, Easy and Tasty PREBIOTIC Gut Drinks! This flavourful range of prebiotic gut friendly drinks helps with  Digestion, Constipation, Brain development, Allergies, Immunity, Hormonal balance, Acidity and Bloating and even more! Grab yours. NOW!

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

For improving Gut health , Immunity, Constipation, Vomit, Brain Development, Allergies | Family PREBIOTIC GUT DRINK | Made with Guar Beans | Prebiotic Fiber | Plant Sweetener | 0% preservative | 0% Artificial Colour | 100% Natural | No refined sugar | ORDER |


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Understanding the role of Prebiotics in foods for Health

Prebiotics in foods are a type of dietary fiber that humans cannot digest but the gut bacteria can. Prebiotic is a source of food for your gut’s friendly bacteria. It is a food which does not get fully digested in the body and reaches the large intestine (commonly known as GUT). The good bacteria in the large intestine eat this food and flourishes. Good bacteria multiply and win over the bad bacteria (disease causing). This allows your gut bacteria to produce nutrients for your colon cells, which helps in healthy digestion.

Some of these nutrients include short-chain fatty acids like butyrate, acetate and propionate that are released into blood circulation, consequently affecting not only the gastrointestinal tract but also other distant organs. Prebiotics should not be confused with probiotics. Each have their separate role in the battle for better gut health, where probiotics are the friendly bacteria, prebiotics in foods are food for these bacteria.

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Health benefits of prebiotics in foods

  • Consumption of prebiotics increases the useful gut flora, which synthesize the B complex vitamins.
  • Positive effect on calcium and other mineral absorption, by increasing their solubility.
  • Prebiotic may help reduce inflammation, especially in your intestines, and thereby strengthen the immune system.
  • Prebiotics in foods reduces constipation by maintaining the regularity of bowel movement.
  • It also may help with allergy prevention and symptoms of eczema.
  • Helps in maintaining healthy hormone levels. Prebiotics help your body absorb essential nutrients that help in building hormones.
  • Prebiotic are fiber and eating lots of fibrous food keeps you full for a long time, thus prebiotics in foods are great for weight loss.

Also check, What are some foods for healthy gut?

Food sources of prebiotics:

Moong Daal (Mung Bean):

It is an outstanding prebiotic. It has been used in Ayurveda for over 1000 years to make medicine for digestion. Other than being a food for the bacteria in the Gut, it is the most powerful antioxidant amongst all lentils, and is also loaded with many micro-nutrients. Mung bean is also extremely high in Protein, which digests slowly and keeps the kids energetic and Fit.

Due to these powerful results, billion dollar companies in the west are moving to Moong Daal (Mung bean) to prepare plant-based non-veg. protein which is more nutritious than original. (What are other easy protein sources for kids?) Soaked Mung beans can be cooked for a longer while with extra water into a soup or blended into a paste of Dal for small kids. It’s so rich in good bacteria and fiber that it helps in easy digestion and manages gas, colic, and bloating in kids. Without removing the cover of the mung bean, it can be prepared as Khichdi (porridge), Wrap, Cheela (pancake), Dosa or a paste to add in bread dough for all age-groups.

Also check, Easy mung bean recipe


Garlic is a prebiotic that is naturally high in inulin, a type of non- digestible carbohydrate that feeds the good bacteria in your gut and restrict disease causing bacteria from growing at the same time. Pickled garlic is best for kids’ gut health.

Also check,Easy to feed Omega-3 for kids brain development


It has prebiotic effects which strengthen gut flora, that help with fat breakdown and boost your immune system and improve digestion. Onion is also rich in antioxidants called flavonoids quercetin which help fight free radicals. Onion is also rich in vitamin C, B vitamins like folate (B9), pyridoxine (B6) and potassium, which aids in metabolism, red blood cell production and nerve function.

Also check,Home remedy to cure cough using onion?


Apart from being rich in nutrients like potassium, magnesium, calcium and Vitamin B9, it also has prebiotic effects and a small amount of inulin. Banana is high in fiber and prebiotics, both of which support smooth digestion.

Also check,7 super nutritious foods for weight gain


Barely is one of the most popular cereal grains. It contains beta-glucan which is a prebiotic fiber that promotes the growth of good bacteria in your digestive tract. Barley is also rich in selenium, this helps with thyroid function. It has antioxidant properties as well which boost the immune system of the body.

Also check,Easy pizza recipe using millets

Sprouted grains:

The concentration of fiber increases in sprouted grains. Fiber is one of the most important components for maintaining gut health. Fiber nourishes the good bacteria in the gut and promotes elimination and detoxification of the colon.

Also check,What is the need to sprout grains?


Apple has outstanding health benefits as it is rich in fiber, vitamin c, antioxidants and potassium. It has pectin, a type of soluble fiber, which has prebiotic effects and promotes healthy gut microbiota. Pectin increases butyrate, a short chain fatty acid that feeds beneficial gut bacteria and decreases the population of harmful bacteria.

Also check,Benefits of apple and banana for kids


Cocoa contains prebiotic fibers that activate good bacteria. Researchers found that cocoa can promote friendly bacteria and helps to reduce inflammation in the gut. Cocoa contains zinc, iron, copper, and vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin B12 and vitamin K which also relaxes arteries and increases blood circulation.

Also check, More benefits of cocoa powder


Fix your GUT with these Quick, Easy and Tasty PREBIOTIC Gut Drinks! This flavorful range of prebiotic gut friendly drinks helps with  Digestion, Constipation, Brain development, Allergies, Immunity, Hormonal balance, Acidity and Bloating and even more! Grab yours. NOW!

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

For Improving the gut health| Family PREBIOTIC GUT DRINK | Made with Guar Beans | Prebiotic Fiber | Plant Sweetener | 0% preservative | 0% Artificial Colour | 100% Natural | No refined sugar | ORDER |

Available in 2 Flavours: LEMON and ORANGE

Recipe for Paneer Paratha with hidden radish, herbs and nuts

Let’s make every dish tasty and nutritious by ‘hidden’ nutrition of veggies, herbs and nuts.

Radish paratha recipe by Iyurved

Check the Recipe made with Iyurved’s secret health ingredient- DAILY NUTRITION spread.

Check more healthy recipes loved by kids.


Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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How to get the maximum nutrition of GHEE?

Ghee has always received special attention. From being considered a medicine to now being under the lenses (for being a saturated fat). The previous generations still consider Ghee to hold healing and digestion/ gut fixing ability. The traditional Bilona Method of making ghee could tap more nutrition of ghee as compared to the modern method.

Over the course of decades, the process of making Ghee has evolved. The modern method requires cream from milk to be heated until all the milk solid has settled and fat has been separated.

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nutrition of ghee
bilona method
ghee benefits
  • Traditionally, ghee was made with yogurt. Yogurt was set in clay pots to preserve and enhance the nutrients (calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, sulphur etc). It is then hand-churned to extract butter from it, leaving the whey (lactose) behind. This butter is simmered over a gentle heat to release the fat which is Ghee. This Bilona method of making ghee requires more quantity of cow’s milk compared to that of modern methods.

As you age, your body naturally starts to product less lactase (enzyme required to tolerate lactose from dairy). As a result of this, bloating, indigestion etc can happen with the consumption of dairy products, even if you were always a dairy lover. Traditional Ghee is lactose free and also a carrier of gut friendly bacterias (probiotic) because of being fermented (made of yogurt). These bacteria produce an advanced nutrient called K2 which aids in stronger bones.

In addition, this Ghee is also high in Vitamin A (good for Eyes and Immunity) and Omega 3 and 6 (good for Brain). It also portrays an excellent ratio of Omega3: Omega6 (1:4) making it a safer/ nutritious choice. No other commonly used oils have this ratio resulting in health damages.

A ghee made from desi cow’s milk yogurt using Bilona method of making ghee is ideal for consumption and adds more nutrition of ghee.


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Eye, Brain development, Bone strength and overall growth to kids without any fuss. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods –SHOP HERE.

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

If your child is underweight according to his/her age or has less appetite, you can give Kids and Teens WEIGHT Savoury Spread | 0% preservative | 0% Palm oil | 0% Refined sugar | Made with Ashwagandha, Mulethi, Turmeric, Shalaki, Brahmi | ORDER |


Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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Recipe for dark chocolate cup cake

recipe for dark chocolate cake

Recipe of dark chocolate cup cake with hidden herbs and nuts

Kids love to eat cake. This recipe for dark chocolate cup cake helps to add nutrition to their favorite foods in a convenient way. Kid’s Nutrition is very important nowadays and preparing healthy food recipes for a child is not an easy task. Iyurved is happy to share lots of children’s food recipe ideas which are not only innovative but also very tasty. The recipes shared here are Kids approved!

Let’s try to make every healthy food recipe for a child more tasty and nutritious with (hidden) veggies, herbs and nuts. Check this recipe for dark chocolate cup cake for babies, toddlers and kids.

Ingredients and procedure
  • 2 tbsp heap-full wheat flour
  • 2 tbsp heap-full cocoa (dark)
  • ⅓ tsp baking soda
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil/ ghee/ any oil
  • 4 dates (paste)
  • ½ tsp vanilla essence
  • 2 tbsp flaxseed powder (take flaxseed and powder it) mixed with 6 tbsp water
  • Jaggery/honey/coconut sugar (to your taste)
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/3 cup milk (try any milk/ nut milk)
  • 1 tbsp Iyurved daily nutrition chocolate spread (order here)

Mix all the ingredients to make a thick batter. Preheat oven for 5 min at 200C and bake for 30 minutes in the middle rack.

  • Improves muscle strength and body weight with high protein (6g protein in 1 serving)
  • Strengthens bones and improves height being rich in calcium
  • Boosts brain due to high omega-3 and natural brain herbs
  • Builds immunity due to presence of antioxidants and proven immunity herbs
  • Increases breast milk supply for lactating moms also provides folic acid for baby development



It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Eye, Brain development, Bone strength and overall growth to kids without any fuss. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods – SHOP HERE.

Kids & Teens Daily Nutrition Chocolate Spread

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

If your child is a picky eater or does not take enough nutrition for the day, you can give Iyurved’s Daily Nutrition Chocolate Spread | Made with 5 Ayurvedic Herbs and 7 Nuts | ORDER | 0% preservative | 0% Palm oil |

(shipping in India and Singapore only)


Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

Ayurvedic spread by Iyurved


Some parents have been kind enough to share their journey with us. Let’s hear them to closely understand the benefits of Ayurvedic spreads by Iyurved.

Check here to know how Spurthi helped her child gain healthy weight.


To get your doubts or queries answered by Nutrition expert, whatsapp us.

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