7 Foods that help in Speech and Brain Function

function of brain

Proper nutrition plays a vital role in supporting overall health and development, including speech and cognitive functions. While speech delay and brain function are complex issues that often require professional evaluation and intervention, incorporating certain foods into a balanced diet may provide additional support. These foods are rich in essential nutrients that promote brain development, communication skills, and cognitive abilities. In this article, we will explore some key food categories and ingredients known to be beneficial for speech delay and brain function.

Hear it out from the Happy PARENT



These foods are rich in essential nutrients that promote brain development, communication skills, and cognitive abilities.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids:

Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), are crucial for brain health and development. They can be found in fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, and trout. These healthy fats have been linked to improved cognitive abilities and speech development in children. Additionally, plant-based sources like flaxseeds, chia seeds, and walnuts contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which can be converted to DHA in the body.

Fruits and Vegetables: 

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables provides a wide range of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants necessary for optimal brain function. Blueberries, known for their high antioxidant content, have been associated with improved memory and cognitive function. Leafy greens like spinach and kale are packed with nutrients such as folate, which is crucial for brain development. Citrus fruits like oranges and strawberries are excellent sources of vitamin C, which supports brain health and enhances iron absorption.

Also check, Best nuts for protein

Whole Grains: 

Whole grains are a valuable source of complex carbohydrates, providing a steady release of energy to the brain. They also contain nutrients like B vitamins, magnesium, and iron, which are essential for cognitive function. Opt for whole grain varieties of bread, pasta, rice, and cereals instead of refined grains to maximise nutritional benefits.

Lean Proteins: 

Protein is vital for the growth and repair of body tissues, including the brain. Lean sources of protein such as poultry, eggs, dairy products, and legumes contain amino acids that support the production of neurotransmitters, which play a role in communication between brain cells. These proteins also provide important vitamins and minerals necessary for brain development.

Healthy Fats: 

In addition to omega-3 fatty acids, incorporating other healthy fats into the diet can support brain function. Avocados, for instance, are a rich source of monounsaturated fats that aid in blood flow to the brain. Extra virgin olive oil and nuts like almonds and cashews are also excellent sources of healthy fats, which provide energy and support brain health.

Food ingredients that help for Speech development and brain function


All the nuts like almonds, walnuts, cashew, peanuts and hazelnuts are rich in vitamin E and help in boosting memory. They are also antioxidants which protect against cell damage. Walnuts are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and are a valuable substance for brain function, memory and thinking abilities. This fatty acid also encourages cognitive functions.

Also check, Focus and attention building games for Brain development.


Apart from nuts, seeds like flax, chia, melon, sesame and pumpkins also contain powerful antioxidants like vitamin E that protect the brain from free radical damage. Sunflower seeds impact overall mood and mental processing powers and therefore it is considered a brain boosting snack. Pumpkin seeds are high in magnesium, copper, and much higher in zinc than other seeds, which help in increasing concentration and memory. One of the easiest to feed brain boosting foods for kids. Also check, Health benefits of pumpkin seeds

OMEGA 3 FATTY ACIDS:Multiple studies have shown the link between low omega 3 fatty acids and poor development, ADHD, speech delay, poor focus and concentration. These healthy fats are crucial for the brain development and helps to manage speech disorder and delay in kids.Also check, What are some home benefits of omega 3?


Pure cocoa powder (unsweetened) contains brain boosting components as it is packed with a large number of antioxidants molecules, the main is epicatechin helpful to improve cognition and speech impairment in studies. Hence cocoa powder is also an important brain development food for children.Also check, More benefits of cocoa powder


Ashwagandha is an adaptogen. It is known to reduce anxiety and stress. Moreover, it increases acetylcholine levels which support better memory, mental focus and intelligence. Ashwagandha also improves communication between nerve cells and stimulates the body’s capacity to heal any nervous system damage.


Brahmi is a superfood for the brain and is believed to sharpen the brain by protecting cells and increasing chemicals associated with learning and memory. It has shown to improve spatial learning and retaining power in kids. That is why in older times, kids were often given Brahmi powder with ghee/honey. This would increase their focus and attention while keeping them calm and distressed.


Shankhapushpi is a traditional remedy for increasing the functioning of the brain. The powerful antioxidants and flavonoids present in it improve the memory capacity, focus, concentration, calmness, alertness of an individual. Since it is a brain tonic and stimulator, people taking shankhapushpi have improved memory, reasoning, problem-solving, and other cognitive abilities.

Also, check Brain booster for Speech & Memory


Dates are an excellent source of magnesium, a mineral that is essential for the control of neurotransmitters and the proper operation of the neurological system. The potassium found in dates boosts brain development thus enabling a child’s overall cognitive growth. Dates also provide natural sugars that can give a rapid energy boost, balancing mood and reducing sensations of exhaustion or anxiety.


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Kids Ayurvedic Brain Booster is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Brain development to kids without any fuss. Made with Proven Ingredients. No Preservatives or Artificial Colour or Flavour. No Side Effects. Trusted by 1,00,000+ Parents and Practitioners. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods – SHOP HERE.

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

For building Focus and Attention give Kids & Teens Brain PREMIUM Dates Chocol Spread | 0% preservatives | 0% refined sugar | 0% palm oil | Fortified with SHANKHAPUSHPI, ASHWAGANDHA, BRAHMI | Contains OMEGA 3, DHA, Dates PROTEIN | ORDER |


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Cookies Recipe with Ragi Flour

Cookies recipe with ragi flour and with hidden herbs and nuts

Kids love to eat cookies. Cookies recipe with ragi flour helps to add nutrition to their favourite foods in a convenient way. Kid’s Nutrition is very important nowadays and preparing healthy food recipes for a child is not an easy task. Iyurved is happy to share lots of children’s food recipe ideas which are not only innovative but also very tasty. The recipes shared here are Kids approved!

Let’s try to make every healthy food recipe for a child more tasty and nutritious with (hidden) veggies, herbs and nuts. Check this Ragi biscuits recipe for babies, toddlers and kids.

  • 2 cups ragi (finger millet) flour
  • 1 teaspoon cardamom powder
  • single pinch cinnamon powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tbsp baking soda
  • 1/2 cup khaand/ jaggery powder
  • 3/4 cup oil
  • 3 tbsp Iyurved 5 herbs and 7 nuts chocolate spread (order here)


Take ragi flour, cardamom powder, cinnamon powder, salt and baking powder. Put Khaand (a sweetening agent and healthy substitute of sugar), oil /butter, Iyurved 5 herbs and 7 nuts chocolate spread (order here) and mix well using a wire whisk. When the mixture is well combined, start adding nut milk to the dough to bring it all together. You would need 3-4 tablespoons of milk to bring the dough together. Cover it and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Make round balls and flatten them in your palms. Pre-heat the oven for 5-7 minutes. Take a flat dish, put butter paper on it. No need to grease it. Place the biscuit roundels and bake for 10-12 minutes at 180 degree Celsius.

  • Improves muscle strength and body weight with high protein (6g protein in 1 serving)
  • Strengthens bones and improves height being rich in calcium
  • Boosts brain due to high omega-3 and natural brain herbs
  • Builds immunity due to presence of antioxidants and proven immunity herbs
  • Increases breast milk supply for lactating moms also provides folic acid for baby development


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Eye, Brain development, Bone strength and overall growth to kids without any fuss. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods – SHOP HERE.

Ayurvedic Daily Nutrition Spread

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

If your child is a picky eater or does not take enough nutrition for the day, you can give Daily Nutrition Chocolate Spread | Made with clinically proven ‘5 Ayurvedic Herbs and 7 Nuts’ | ORDER | 0% preservative | 0% Palm oil |


Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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Baby feeding schedule: 9 to 12 months old

As your baby completes 9 months of age, He/ she probably moved on from breast milk or formula milk to some different solids. At this tender age they are exploring their preferences and changing their mind from day to day in terms of foods and tastes. Babies really grow fast in the first year of their age and their nutritional needs also change accordingly. They themselves didn’t know their likes and dislikes, thus use to experiment with foods each day. Slowly as they get to know the taste of different food items they develop taste buds. This is the time when you need to make a proper schedule to feeding up baby.

Some babies show more interest in fruits, some may prefer veggies, some like to eat in pureed or mashed form, whether some enjoy chewing or like finger foods more. As it is a growing age baby goes through a lot of physical and mental developmental changes. Feeding up baby according to the planned schedule can help to provide a balanced nutritional diet that not only fills their little stomach but also meet all the required nutrients they need in a day.

How much milk is required?

Around 9 months of age, food schedule of a baby should consist of three proper meals a day with one or two healthy snacks (Some healthy snacks ideas) in between. These snacks can include fruits, finger foods, or any light preparations. In spite of this your baby still needs breast milk or formula milk as an important part of his/her meal plan. Milk is the most essential source of protein and at this age the baby needs ample protein as it is the building block of the body. Around this age the quantity of milk required can be anywhere from 15 to 25 oz a day. Its absolutely depends upon the consumption of solid foods by baby throughout the day.

Baby feeding schedule for 9 – 12 months old

It is important to include breast milk/ formula milk in your 9 months baby’s meal planner. Some mothers want to wean off milk completely whereas some continue up to 2 years of age. It’s absolutely a personal choice and the mother is the one who can make decisions. As your baby completes 6 months of age, feeding up solids to them becomes important for them, because at this time they need additional nutrients for their growth and development. Around 9- 12 months of age a baby may require approximately 700-900 calories per day. Breast milk (How to increase breast milk production?) or formula milk is sufficient to provide only 400-500 calories and the remaining you can balance through solids only. Sharing a simple meal planner you can follow for your baby. According to your baby’s preferences you can make your own chart including various combinations of foods.

Breakfast options
  • Half cup of small sliced soft fruits
  • Half cup cereals
  • Upma, mung bean cheela/wrap
  • 5-6 oz of breast milk/ formula milk
Mid morning snacks
  • Any finger food
  • 4-5 oz breast or formula milk
Lunch options
  • Khichdi/ Porridge
  • Rice with dal
  • Cheese or yogurt
  • 4-5 oz breast/formula milk
Evening snacks
  • ¼ cup of boiled veggies
  • Oat meals
  • Muffins
  • Half cup of cooked vegetables
  • ¼ cup of Rice
  • Boiled lentils
Some foods for 9-12 months old

Cheese is an excellent finger food for babies. It also has the ability to make any dish mouth watering.  From 7 months onward, cheese can be included in the baby’s diet. It is a great source of calcium, protein, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin D and vitamin B12. Calcium helps to develop healthy bones; protein contributes to growing healthy muscles, skin and hair. It is high in vitamin B12 which prevents anemia, supports bone health, boosts energy and promotes skin and hairs.  The presence of probiotics in cheese helps in maintaining healthy gut microbiota. Cottage cheese is the safest and healthiest and best 9th month baby food. Including it in babies food schedule can be a great choice.


Eggs are a rich source of many essential nutrients like protein, iron, zinc, copper, selenium, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin B12. It is safe for babies to consume an egg in a day. It helps them in all over growth and development. Though both the egg yolk and egg white are rich in nutrients, half of the nutrients found in eggs are in egg white only. Mostly egg yolk is recommended to babies while weaning them on solid foods. It is considered as 9th month baby food. (Check some more brain foods for kids)


Pear is a nourishing food that can add more nutritional value to your baby’s diet. It is a good source of dietary fiber. Feeding up pear to babies can provide them with essential nutrients as it is a rich source of vitamin C, vitamin K, and potassium. It contains pectin, a water soluble fiber and sorbitol, a compound that retains water in the large intestine, which helps to prevent constipation and promotes bowel movements by loosening the hard stool. Pear with peel contains polyphenols, a bioactive compound that boosts immunity by combating free radicals. You can start with peeled and cooked puree or mashed ones as baby solid food.


Berries are a great source of micronutrients such as magnesium, zinc and vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin K and vitamin B- complex.  Vitamin K in this fruit with support of calcium and magnesium makes it the best fruit for bone development. It also promotes cognitive development in babies. It is one of the best 9th month baby food.


This fruit has amazing health benefits. It contains almost 95% water and thus helps babies to stay hydrated. Watermelon is high in vitamin C which can help in strengthening immunity and in absorption of iron in the baby’s body.  It is also a good source of vitamin A which promotes eye health.  It helps to prevent constipation and helps in digestion as it is the best source of dietary fiber . Watermelon has a good amount of calcium and magnesium which plays a huge role in the development of strong bones in babies. All these qualities make it the best 9th month baby food. (What are other foods good for skin?)

Dates and Apricots

Dates are a good source of minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium and zinc including vitamin A, Vitamin B6, and vitamin K. They are also excellent sources of natural sugar and fiber. All these nutrients help in growth and development.  Apricots are a rich source of beta- carotene, fiber, vitamin C. magnesium, potassium and antioxidants. These nutrients help in brain development and boost immunity among babies. It is best to include them in 9 months old baby food. (What does sugar do to kids’ bones?)


Nuts are an amazing source of fat, iron, protein, and micronutrients like copper, zinc, and vitamin E and B vitamins. full of nutritious values, nuts promote brain function and development, boost up immunity levels and build strong bones and muscle strength in infants. They are also rich in fiber and take care of any bouts of constipation and thus help in digestion too. (How to easily feed nuts and Ayurvedic herbs to kids everyday)


Though cucumber is slightly tasteless, it has a wide range of health benefits for babies. It is full of essential nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, potassium, magnesium and manganese.  Cucumbers are rich in antioxidants and act as a great source of liquid to keep the baby hydrated. If you are not a fan of teething toys, chilled cucumber rings are the right option for teething solutions too. It also helps in digestion and promotes bone strength. It is the best 9th month baby food.


Apple is one of the safest and full of nutritious solid food for babies to start with. Babies love its sweet flavour. It is a rich source of both soluble and insoluble fiber thus easily gets digested by babies. As it is full of carbohydrates, it provides energy to the baby to stay active. Apple skin contains quercetin, a type of plant pigment flavonoid that helps to boost the immune system and reduce inflammation. It is considered as one of the baby’s first foods.  You can easily introduce apples in baby feeding schedule 9 months. (Fruits to feed everyday)

Finger millet (Ragi)

Ragi is one of the super foods with numerous health benefits. It is the richest source of calcium and vitamin D. Both of these nutrients are vital for proper development of bones and teeth in babies. Calcium in it easily get absorbed by the body and is beneficial for babies during the teething phase. It also prevents malnutrition in babies as it has high protein content. Ragi is loaded with a high level of dietary fiber thus, preventing constipation. Insoluble fiber in it promotes easy digestion of foods in babies. While preparing ragi porridge for babies, dry roast it thoroughly for at least 10 minutes. Feeding up ragi at this age can help babies to develop strong bones and healthy digestive system. (Foods to keep the bones of a child strong?)


It is considered as one of the excellent foods for babies to start with. It has numerous health benefits. Tapioca is loaded with calcium, iron, potassium, and vitamin K which are key minerals for baby’s bone development. Tapioca also helps to cure digestive ailments including indigestion, bloating and constipation. Starch in it is packed with carbohydrates which provide energy to the baby throughout the day and helps to gain weight. It is also a good source of protein thus aids muscle development by strengthening them. It tops in one of the best baby’s first food categories. (How to make Sabudana kheer?)

Tips for feeding up your baby

Small portions: Always start with small portions otherwise the baby will vomit or swallow all which may cause digestive issues. Increase the portion slowly as your baby gets comfortable with the taste and texture of the preparation.

Never force: Let the baby choose the quantity of food he/she wants to eat. Never force a baby to eat anything. You can only decide what to feed, it’s entirely the baby’s choice how much to eat.         

Self eating: It may be a little messier, but allow your baby to eat with his/her own hands. Just make sure that your baby’s hands are clean as they tend to touch everything at this age.

Attentive: Keep a close check on your baby while he/she is eating. Offer food in small pieces as big ones may choke.

Sitting position: Use an upright position while feeding your baby. Make the baby sit on a high chair or just make sure that he/ she is not in a lying position.

Milk bottle: Never put your baby to sleep with a milk bottle. This can cause dental issues in babies. (Which milk to give?)

Recipe for Apple and Banana Muffins (with hidden herbs and nuts)

Let’s make every dish tasty and nutritious by ‘hidden’ nutrition of veggies, herbs and nuts.

Check the Recipe made with Ayurvedic spread by Iyurved- DAILY NUTRITION spread.

Check more healthy recipes loved by kids.

  • Improves muscle strength and body weight with high protein (6g protein in 1 serving)
  • Strengthens bones and improves height being rich in calcium
  • Boosts brain due to high omega-3 and natural brain herbs
  • Builds immunity due to presence of antioxidants and proven immunity herbs
  • Increases breast milk supply for lactating moms also provides folic acid for baby development


We are happy to introduce our range of nutritious & tasty kid’s Ayurvedic foods!!
We know that preparing and feeding healthy foods everyday is a huge task. Even more tough when kids are picky eaters. Kids prefer certain foods and formats. It is not easy to feed kids bitter Ayurvedic herbs, variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds everyday.
Mixed with Ayurvedic herbs, this unique Ayurvedic spread is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Brain development, Bone strength and overall-growth to kids without any fuss.

Ayurvedic Daily Nutrition Savoury spread by Iyurved

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

If your child is a picky eater or does not take enough nutrition for the day, you can give Daily Nutrition Savoury Spread | Made with clinically proven ‘5 Ayurvedic Herbs and 7 Nuts’ | ORDER | 0% preservative | 0% Palm oil |

Check more products for: Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Bones and Overall growth

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Foods and Remedies by a Nutrition Expert

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Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds for Kids

Most of us know pumpkin as the fruit used for decorating Jack-o’- lanterns for Halloween, but other than just being a decorative fruit or vegetable, pumpkin offers numerous health benefits to your kids. This winter squash is not a vegetable, but rather a healthy fruit that also contains nutritious edible seeds. The origin of pumpkin is not known but there is evidence that pumpkins were grown in Mexico and North America about 5000 to 7000 BC. There pumpkin seeds health benefit for kids are many. These health benefits can range from improved brain development, help in getting sound sleep, improved liver health, possesses antimicrobial properties, improved urodynamics and supply of essential vitamins and minerals.

WHATSAPP for concerns like Speech Delay, Low Weight, Frequent Illness, Hyperactivity, Low Concentration, Weak Eyesight, Improper Sleep, Pigmentation, Pores, Face Marks, Fine Lines , Lactation etc.

When can I start giving pumpkin seeds to my kids?

You can start giving pumpkin seeds to your toddler once he/she has strong enough teeth to chew regular solid food, which can usually be between 1 ½ years of age to 2 years of age. If you are worried whether or not your child can chew the seeds, then you could simply grind the seeds and give it. You can prepare and store it in a jar. An important thing to keep in mind is that when you start collecting these seeds from pumpkin fruit, make sure that before you serve the seeds to your child or if you’re trying to make a paste out of it, you need to remove the outer husk or layer that surrounds the seed. Although this is a time-consuming process, considering the benefits your child can get, it is worth the effort.

 What are the benefits of pumpkin seeds?

Here are some benefits of pumpkin seeds,

Improves Brain Development:

Benefits of pumpkin seeds for brain are that it is a great source of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. These fatty acids are highly recommended for kids because of brain development. Brain development in children is as essential as the development of the rest of the body and this is one of the most important pumpkin seeds benefits for brain.

Also check, Foods for your child’s brain development?

Promotes sound sleep:

Another pumpkin seed benefits for health is that they promote proper sleep in kids and adults. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid which helps in producing serotonin and this in turn gets converted into melatonin which is a hormone that helps in getting better sleep. If your kid has trouble sleeping, having a few pumpkin seeds before bed with small amounts of carbohydrates such as a piece of fruit, may be beneficial in providing the body with tryptophan needed for melatonin production, which can lead to better sleep. For younger kids, powdered pumpkin seeds can be an option.

Also check, Why is sleep so important for your child’s brain development?

Possesses Antimicrobial Properties:

Pumpkin seeds also possess antimicrobial properties. Studies suggest that pumpkin seeds are effective in controlling bacteria such as S. aureus, E. coli and P. aeruginosa.

Improves Urodynamics:

Traditionally, pumpkin seeds have been used for regulating passage of urine. Recent studies have confirmed that pumpkin seed oil can reduce bladder pressure, increase bladder compliance and reduce urethral pressure.

Rich in antioxidants:

Antioxidants are compounds produced in your body or naturally found in some foods that scavenge or neutralize the effects of cell damage by potentially harmful molecules known as free radicals. Pumpkin seeds benefits for brain are tremendous and including it in diet is a good choice. Pumpkin seeds are a rich source of antioxidants.

Also check, What are antioxidants?

High in magnesium:

Magnesium is one of the top four abundant minerals in the body. So, any deficiency of this mineral will easily reflect in daily life. Magnesium is key in formation of bones, maintaining blood flow and keeping stress low. It also brings relief to girls who suffer from menstrual cramps, leg cramps and irritable mood. For kids who deal with Asthma, which is on a rise due to hazardous air quality levels, magnesium can help. This marvelous mineral has calming effects and hence aids in reducing hyperactivity and lack of focus in kids. Daily intake of magnesium is necessary to maintain stock of the mineral in the body. Pumpkin seeds are a rich source of magnesium, with 150 mg in a 1-ounce (28-gram) serving. 

Also check, Puberty in girls

Strengthens the liver: 

The unsaturated fats present in pumpkin seeds are good for strengthening the liver. Studies suggest that a mixture of pumpkin and flax seeds can reduce liver damage.

Also check, How to prevent liver disease in kids?

Loaded with zinc:

Zinc is considered an essential nutrient which means that the body cannot produce or store it. For this reason, it is very important to add zinc in your daily diet. Zinc is required for numerous processes in the body like gene expression, growth and development, immune function, protein synthesis, wound healing to name a few. Pumpkin seeds are a good source of zinc.

Also check, How can zinc help with hair and skin health?

Rich in phosphorus:

The health benefits of Phosphorus include supporting bone growth, aiding healthy digestion, eliminating toxins from the body, combating fatigue and weakness, preventing arthritis and osteoporosis and ensuring a healthy brain function.Phosphorus is found in high amounts in pumpkin seeds. 

High in Potassium:

Potassium is one of the seven essential macro minerals. The human body needs potassium to support the heart, the muscles, and the transmission of messages through the nervous system. Pumpkin seeds are rich in potassium. Potassium basically acts as an electrolyte and it is less harmful than sodium which is also an electrolyte. In most of our diets and also in our children’s diets, the presence of potassium is becoming very less and the presence of sodium is increasing rapidly which needs to be corrected.

Also check, How can potassium rich food help the bones?

 Pumpkin Seed Nutrition Facts:

In addition to this, other pumpkin seeds health benefit for kids are that they contain various other nutrients required by the body. They are a great source of healthy fats, vitamin K, magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper, and phosphorus.

How much pumpkin seeds to eat in a day? 28 grams of dried, roasted pumpkin seed kernals

Here’s a better look at the overall nutrition provided by one ounce (28 grams) of dried, roasted seed kernels. According to The National Nutrient Database, the nutritional profile of Pumpkin Seeds includes:

NutritionValue per 100 gNutritionValue per 100 g
Protein30.23 gCarbohydrates10.71 g
Fat49.0 gDietary Fiber6.0 g
Calories559 kcalWater5.623 g
Calcium46 mgCopper1.3 mg
Iron8.82 mgMagnesium592 mg
Manganese4.54 mgPhosphorus1233 mg
Potassium809 mgSodium7 mg
Zinc7.81 mgNiacin4.98 mg
Vitamin B60.143 mgCholine63 mg
Folate58 mcgVitamin C1.9 mg
Vitamin A16 IUVitamin E2.18 mg
Vitamin K7.3 mcgThiamine0.273 mg
Riboflavin0.153 mgPantothenic Acid0.75 mg
Pumpkin seeds health benefit


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Eye, Brain development, Bone strength and overall growth to kids without any fuss. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods – SHOP HERE.

India’s First ever Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

If your child is a picky eater or does not take enough nutrition for the day, | ASHWAGANDHA | MULETHI | SHALAKI | VITAMIN B12 | VITAMIN D  | ORDER | 0% Preservative | 0% Palm oil | 0% Refined Sugar


Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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Pistachios Benefits: 7 reasons to feed your child everyday

pistachios benefits

Survey of 150 parents reflected on the top concerns they had for their kids. Some of the concerns, mentioned below, can be improved with the consumption of just a single nut- Pistachio! Consuming 15-40 pista for kids aged 3 to 15 years is enough to aid daily nutrition and this is one of the reasons to feed your child Pistachios everyday. In addition, pistachios benefits your weight, muscles, eyesight and sleep.

A common snack today and used in multiple cuisines, Pistachios became popular only after WWII. It had been growing in the Middle East for several thousand years before its introduction to wider Europe and Asia. It is not a nut originally but a seed of the Pistachio tree. Pistachios in Hindi are known as Pistas.

WHATSAPP for concerns like Speech Delay, Low Weight, Frequent Illness, Hyperactivity, Low Concentration, Weak Eyesight, Improper Sleep, Pigmentation, Pores, Face Marks, Fine Lines , Lactation etc.

Benefit of pista:

pistachios benefits
benefits of pistachios

Strong Muscles:

In just a handful, pistachios protein content is 7g. It is one of the best nuts to consume in a large quantity since its low in calories yet loaded with good fat. Moreover, pistachios protein accounts for approximately 21 percent of the total weight of the nut, making it a good source for vegetarians and vegans and this is another benefits of pistachios.

Healthy Weight:

Other benefits of pistachios are that they are very low in sugar which will help to keep the tab on child’s sugar consumption. Due to high fiber content it digests slowly and helps in keeping the child full for longer duration and hence it is among the weight gain foods for kids. For example, in a study, people who ate 1.87 ounces of pistachios over a 12-week period experienced twice the reduction in their body mass index as people who ate pretzels (Junk) instead of pistachios. Both groups consumed roughly the same amount of calories. (Know some more weight gain foods for kids)

pistachios benefits
benefits of pistachios for kids


Being rich in vitamin E, B6 and healthy fats, pistachios benefits cognitive development of the brain. A research conducted across multiple nuts showed that pistachios consumption produced the greatest gamma wave response which is necessary for learning, memory and cognition in the brain.

pistachios benefits
benefits of pistachios
pistachios in Hindi is called Pista


Antioxidants are substances that play a critical role in health. As a result, they reduce the risk of diseases by preventing damage to the body’s cells by safeguarding against the free radicals. Pistachios are high in antioxidants compared to other nuts and seeds and thus pistachios benefits to increase immunity in child.

Strong Muscles:

This nut has 7g protein in just a handful. It is one of the best nuts to consume in a large quantity since its low in calories yet loaded with good fat. Protein accounts for approximately 21 percent of the total weight of the nut, making it a good source for vegetarians and vegans and this is another reason to feed your child pistachios everyday.

benefits of pistachios
pistachios benefits


Pistachios are a rich source of both antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin which support healthy vision and protect against weak eyesight in future.


Pistachios are a great source of fibre which support the rise in good bacterias in the gut. This encourages healthy digestion and prevents constipation in kids


Packed with protein, vitamin B6, and magnesium, this nut has all that contributes to better sleep. It is a natural source of melatonin which induces sleep. Just a few pistachios an hour before bedtime can do the trick for kids as well as adults.


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Eye, Brain development, Bone strength and overall growth to kids without any fuss. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods –SHOP HERE.

food for brain

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

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Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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What Is The Need To Soak Dal/ Rice Before Cooking

In traditional diets of our ancestors, soaking was key to preparing food. Dal, rice, beans, nuts, seeds and other whole grains contain phytic acid. Soaking for a few hours before you cook helps to break down the phytic acid which makes it easy for the body to absorb all the nutrients and also digest the food better. Study shows that our grains contain arsenic, a compound found in earth‘s crust. By soaking the grain prior to cooking, the arsenic level can come down by 25-30%. Soaking grains also release compounds called lower order inositols – specifically myo- and d-chiro-inositol. And these compounds help support blood sugar regulation, metabolic and hormonal health (PCOS).

Soaking of rice and dal can be done up till 4 hours. For oats and most nuts, soaking overnight is good.

Traditionally In India, rice and lentils are fermented for at least two days before they are prepared as idli and dosas, or flour is fermented to make Bhatura; Africans soak corn overnight before adding it to soups and ferment corn for days to prepare a traditional dish; Welsh prepared similar dish by soaking oats overnight. Latin Americans ferment rice for long before cooking; Ethiopians make their distinctive bread by fermenting a grain called teff for several days; Mexican corn cakes are fermented for two weeks in banana leaves; Americans and Europeans used fermented starter to Bake bread, cookies and cake. The Chinese were the first people to carry moong dal (mung bean) and sprout for consumption as they sailed on voyages overseas.