Growth Spurts in Kids: When do they happen?

growth spurt means

In the first several months, your newborn infant will grow quickly, and you might think he or she has grown overnight!!! Sometimes you will notice sudden changes in their appetite, sleep patterns, and even their mood. This can indicate a growth spurt. Growth spurt means short periods of time during which your child’s height and weight rapidly increase. They are a normal part of your child’s development and occur at different stages of their childhood until they reach physical maturity. Continue reading to learn what growth spurt means, their signs and how to deal with them.

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What does growth spurt means ?

Growth spurt means rapid physical changes that occur as your child grows up, such as increases in height and weight. Baby’s growth spurt normally lasts only a few days. In this duration, they will need to breastfeed more frequently and for longer periods of time to keep up with their physical development. The baby may be fussier than usual, and his or her sleep patterns may be disrupted. Every day, your baby grows and adds weight, but a baby growth spurt is usually fast and sudden.

When do babies have growth spurt? 

Every individual child may go through a growth spurt at a different age. When your baby is born, the paediatrician will give you a chart to keep track of his or her growth stages. This is based on a WHO chart that records the height, weight, and head circumference of babies according to their age.

According to the average data, your baby will go through a growth spurt throughout the following stages of their first year:

  • 1 – 3 weeks
  • 6 – 8 weeks
  • 3 months
  • 6 months
  • 9 months

Between the ages of 8 and 15 years, a child’s second growth spurt takes place. A growth spurt could last from two to three days to a week. Babies’ growth spurts are usually shorter, lasting up to three days, whereas teenage growth spurts can last up to a week. Some toddlers grow at a consistent rate throughout their toddler years, while others gain a few inches in a matter of months.


The signs and symptoms described below may indicate that your child is going to go through growth spurts.

1. Outgrowing their clothes and shoes quickly:

Clothing that no longer fits your child is a classic sign that they are going through one of their growth stages. As their legs get longer, toddlers can quickly outgrow their pants. Some toddlers grow at a consistent rate throughout their toddler years, while others gain a few inches in a matter of months.

2. New ability:

Toddlers’ brain development is one of the numerous characteristics of their growth spurts. You will notice your child making rapid progress in areas like language and motor skills.

3. Appetite increase:

Your toddler’s calorie intake will increase as their body matures. Because toddlers are usually quite active, seeing your child’s hunger increase is common, but it could also indicate that your child is going through a growth spurt.

4. Cravings:

Toddlers frequently have a favourite food. Growth spurts, on the other hand, can lead your child to crave foods that contain the vitamins and minerals he or she requires.

5. Mood swings occur:

Your child may get fatigued and irritable as a result of bodily changes. Hormonal fluctuations can also affect their mood.

6. Growing pains are inevitable:

When children grow, they frequently experience mild pains and stiffness. Because their limbs are painful from growing pains, your child may be cranky, weary, or fussy.


Growing up can be exhausting!! Even if your child was formerly a champion sleeper, they may now be waking up at all hours of the night, restless, and hungry. Your kid may appear to be more exhausted than normal. As their bodies release growth hormone while they sleep, make sure they get the rest they require.

8. CRANKIness:

All toddlers can be clumsy, but limbs growing rapidly creates an additional coordination challenge.

CauseS of growth spurt: 

Growth spurts are caused by your child’s genetic profile or the genes they receive from their parents. The genes of your child will decide how tall they grow and how quickly they achieve their maximum height. Environmental conditions can influence your child’s growth, including:

  • Diet and nutrition. 
  • Exposure to negative substances in the water or atmosphere (pollution or lead).
  • Abnormal fetal health or pregnancy complications.

How to deal with growth spurt?

During your child’s growth spurt, you can help them by doing the following:

  • Providing them with more meals to satisfy their hunger.
  • Encourage good sleeping habits and regular bedtimes.
  • Pay attention to the baby’s overall health.
  • Patience with their fluctuating emotions.

Also check, Food for enough nutrition

Foods required during the growth spurts in kids:

The child’s body needs a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals to grow properly in the duration of the growth spurt. A nutritious diet plan must provide all the essential nutrients like carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals and water in the required amounts. Requirements of essential nutrients vary with age, gender, physiological status and physical activity.

These are some foods that you should add to their diet for the complete nutrition of kids


Carbohydrates are also known as energy giving foods. It provides glucose, which is converted to energy and further used in body functioning and physical activities which helps to reduce tiredness during the growth spurt. Foods rich in carbohydrates are an important part of a healthy diet.


Protein is the body’s building block and repair agent. It also helps them to build a healthy and strong body during the growth spurt. It’s also integral in forming enzymes and hormones in the body. (What are some easy sources of protein for kids?)


It is an important dietary mineral that is essential for the growth and development of kids both physical and mental growth. Iron helps form haemoglobin that is found in the blood cells of the body. (Foods for Iron deficiency)


One of the most important minerals in our body is CALCIUM. Calcium consumption during a growth spurt has a good impact on bone. Bones are 70% calcium and it is only calcium that gives bones their hardness for protection and support. Bones also serve as the calcium bank of the body.


Vitamin plays an important role during the growth spurts as it helps the body grow and work the way it should. There are 13 essential Vitamins — Vitamins A, C, D, E, K, and Vitamin Bs. Some help in eyesight and energy production, while others support healthy nerves and cells and in fighting infection. (Importance of different vitamins for kids)


During the period of growth spurts, physical and brain development is at its peak point. Healthy fats are crucial to brain and overall physical development and can help stabilise mood. Also help with healthy metabolism, blood clotting and letting the body absorb vitamins.


Fibre is a non-digestible carbohydrate. It is responsible for keeping our digestion healthy and regular. Lack of fibre rich food in diet may cause constipation, which creates a nutrient-deficient disease. In growth spurt nutrient requirement is more from the body. (Fibre-rich foods for constipation)

Your adorable newborn will be a kid before you realise it, racing about and making you chase them. So take advantage of this newborn stage, and comfort and assist them during any unpleasant growth spurt days with a little extra love and care.


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Eye, Brain development, Bone strength and overall growth to kids without any fuss. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods –SHOP HERE.

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

If your child is a picky eater or does not take enough nutrition for the day, you can give Daily Nutrition Chocolate Spread and Daily nutrition Veggies and Dal powder | Made with Ayurvedic herbs | 0% preservative | 0% Palm oil | ORDER |


Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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5 Top Ayurvedic Herbs that are Safe for Kids

top ayurvedic herbs for kids by Iyurved

Ayurveda is one of the world’s oldest holistic healing systems. Ayurvedic medicine can prevent and cure many ailments. Ayurveda suggests that exercise, diet, and herbs are the primary factors behind good health. These 5 top ayurvedic herbs have many health benefits for kids as well as adults.

Giving these herbs to kids on a daily basis can support the overall health of the child and prevent many ailments in the long run. However, feeding these herbs to kids in the form of tablets or capsules is not easy. Iyurved brings to you these herbs along with the goodness of selected nuts and seeds in the form of healthy Ayurvedic spreads (available in savoury and chocolate flavours) which the child can happily eat on a daily basis.


Withania somnifera or Indian ginseng, winter cherry or Ashwagandha is one of the top Ayurvedic herbs that has been used for good health and medicinal purposes over centuries. The Sanskrit word ashwa means horse and gandha means aroma which technically represents a fragrant root which when consumed can provide the strength and power of horses. 

Health Benefits of Ashwagandha for kids:

Improves brain power:

Health benefits of Ashwagandha also include raising the level of acetylcholine, the most important neurotransmitter associated with boosting brain power. In addition, studies suggest that impaired cognitive function including inability to learn are associated with decreased levels of acetylcholine. Research on children with ADHD indicates Ashwagandha raises acetylcholine by inhibiting the activity of the enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine. Furthermore, Ashwagandha root also contains choline, a substance necessary for the formation of acetylcholine.

Boosts immunity:

Improving our children’s immune system is something all parents want to achieve especially during this pandemic. That is why as an anti-oxidant and immunomodulator, boosting immunity is one of the most popular benefits of Ashwagandha for kids. 

Reduces stress & anxiety:

Ashwagandha is an adaptogen herb. Adaptogens are herbal supplements that work to counteract the effects of stress in the body. Amongst many benefits of Ashwagandha, the most important is that it is a natural way to enable our kids’ bodies to handle and tolerate stress way better. Studies have shown that Ashwagandha is an excellent stress reliever and thus can be extremely helpful for our children and teenagers. 

Promotes better sleep & relaxation:

This herb can help children to improve sleep and thus helps in improving overall well-being. Moreover, research also suggests that ashwagandha root contains natural sleep-inducing compounds which are not addictive by nature.


Brahmi, also known as ‘Bacopa monnieri’, is a perennial herb which is popular as a traditional medicine all around the world. It is regarded as a mental tonic that increases memory power, focus, concentration and improves mental alertness which are very important for growing children. There are many other health benefits of Brahmi for kids and that is why it is one of the top ayurvedic herbs.

Health Benefits of Brahmi for kids:

Considered a brain tonic:

Brahmi is a superfood for the brain and is believed to sharpen the brain by protecting cells and increasing chemicals associated with learning and memory. It has shown to improve spatial learning and retaining power in kids.  Studies have shown that the active components in Brahmi have very positive effects in maintaining brain health. That is why in older times, kids were often given Brahmi powder with ghee/honey. This would increase their focus and attention, while keeping them calm and relaxed. (Brain development food for children?)

Boosts Immunity:

Regular consumption of this herb can strengthen your child’s immune system. Bacosides, the active ingredient in Brahmi, can neutralise free radicals and prevent fat molecules from reacting with the free radicals, thereby maintaining high immunity in the body.

Reduces Stress:

Eating brahmi decreases the levels of cortisol in the body, which is a stress hormone. Also, it lowers the effects of stress and makes one feel relaxed and calm.

Improves respiratory health:

Brahmi has been used in many ayurvedic treatments for congestion, bronchitis, sinus, and cold. It can help to clear excess mucus and phlegm and decrease the inflammation in the respiratory tracts and throat thereby providing you instant relief.

Supports Digestion:

Brahmi improves the digestive strength and aids proper digestion of food. It helps in treating AMA Dosha (As per Ayurveda, AMA dosha is related to undigested food caused by weak digestion.)

Treats Epilepsy:

For thousands of years, the leaves of the herb have been used to treat epilepsy. Brahmi capsule sharpens the brain by protecting cells, increasing learning and memory power. Studies suggest that it is very helpful in preventing epileptic fits and other forms of mental diseases such as neuralgia and bipolar disorder. (What is epilepsy?)


Turmeric is a a very common root that is used as a seasoning in many Indian recipes. There are many health benefits of turmeric milk for kids and turmeric in general.

THE Health Benefits of TURMERIC for kids:

Fights infections:

Children have a tendency to develop fevers and illnesses caused by bacteria and viruses. The antimicrobial property of turmeric helps keep these diseases at bay and can speed up the recovery process. 

Boosts immunity:

Young children have a developing immune system that may not be strong enough to ward off potent germs. Curcumin in turmeric fortifies the immune system’s response to foreign bodies that attack the system. (What are some other foods for immunity?)

Improves digestion:

Children often complain of stomach aches and upset tummies. Turmeric helps with the process of digestion by increasing bile production and regularizing bowel movement. Turmeric milk helps to cleanse the system.

Supports brain development:

Curcumin has a protein known as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) which is found in the brain and spinal cord. This plays a key role in keeping nerve cells healthy, as well as regulating communication between nerve cells, which is critical for learning and memory for kids. Research has proven a positive impact of curcumin supplementation on BDNF levels.

Relieves congestion and cold:

Warm turmeric milk is a great beverage for kids to treat the common cold and a sore throat. One glass before bedtime can temporarily help clear out the nasal passage and let your child sleep peacefully. (What are some home remedies for cough and cold?)

Acts as an antioxidant:

Curcumin is a compound found in turmeric that offers therapeutic relief. It is a very strong antioxidant which supports the body against cell damage. And helps to delay or reverse diseases. In addition, it also lowers the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease and neurodegenerative diseases.


Mulethi is also called Yashtimadhu in Ayurveda. It is also one of the top ayurvedic herbs well-known in Indian treatment. It is used for several purposes, especially for kids. Also, the roots are the main part of the plant and used in several health issues.

Health Benefits of Mulethi for kids:

Treats dry cough:

Mulethi works as a great therapy for cough, sore throat, bronchitis and throat irritation. Due to antibacterial properties, it also reduces infection of the upper respiratory tract.

Promotes digestion:

Mulethi is an excellent digestive herb. Its anti-flatulent property reduces the formation of gas in the alimentary canal, thus reducing flatulence, bloating and abdominal discomfort. It also increases appetite, reduces indigestion and promotes better absorption of nutrients in the body. The high fibre content also makes it a potent remedy for constipation and other digestive issues. (What are some easy recipes for digestion?)

Improves brain functions:

Mulethi is extremely beneficial for boosting brain development in kids. The powerful antioxidants and flavonoids present in the sweet root of the licorice plant improve the memory capacity, concentration, focus, calmness, and alertness of an individual. In addition, it also improves reasoning, problem-solving, and other cognitive abilities. The neuroprotective elements in the plant prevent loss of memory and relieve the mind from stress and tension. It also helps in preventing the risk of several psychotic diseases like epilepsy, dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Boosts Immunity:

The antimicrobial properties of mulethi helps to bolster immunity and shields the body from various microbial infections. It also improves the function of the liver, kidney and adrenal glands which in turn helps in reducing the stress levels. As per recent studies, glycyrrhizin, an active ingredient found in Mulethi were shown to help with reducing the severity of COVID-19 symptoms.

Increases stamina & energy levels:

This traditional ayurvedic herb also helps in improving the general stamina and energy level of the body. Moreover, the bio-active ingredients in mulethi reduce weakness and fatigue and improve the vitality of the body.

Treats skin infections:

A powerhouse of antioxidants and healthy nutrients, this rejuvenating herb plays an important role in treating various skin issues. Also, it efficiently scavenges free oxygen radicals from the body and diminishes oxidative damage. Additionally, mulethi treats various skin infections like eczema, acne, pimples, rashes, boils, etc. 

Improves oral health:

Its strong antimicrobial and anti-bacterial properties reduces the growth of bacteria within the oral cavities and helps in combating bad breath, reducing plaque, preventing tooth cavities, and keeping the gums and teeth healthy and strong. 


Shallaki or Boswellia Serrata mostly grows on the dry hills of India. This traditional Indian herb is packed with multiple nutrients and exerts beneficial medicinal properties. In addition, Gum-resin extracts of Boswellia serrata have been traditionally used in folk medicine for centuries to treat various chronic inflammatory diseases.

Health Benefits of Shallaki for Kids:

Supports bone health:

Shallaki is rich in carbohydrates and calcium, thus helping in bone growth and improves appetite. Therefore, it helps to strengthen the bones and improve the mobility of joints. It also helps in reducing the symptoms of arthritis and osteoarthritis pain. 

Good for digestion:

Shallaki also has strong anti-inflammatory properties which helps to fight against inflammatory disorders of the digestive tract including Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis etc.

Helps in respiratory problems:

Boswellia serrata or Shallaki may reduce the contraction of bronchial muscles and thus may reduce the onset of respiratory problems such as Asthma. Additionally, it also helps to reduce cough and congestion in the chest and thus it is very beneficial to combat respiratory problems.

Supports healing:

Shallaki has cooling, healing and rejuvenating properties, which may help with the natural process of healing. Additionally, according to the research, it helps to rejuvenate the cells and resolve external wounds and bruises. 

Promotes healthy skin:

Shallaki has blood purifying properties which helps to refresh the skin cells and thus helps to make skin look radiant. Moreover, it helps to fight with the wrinkles and signs of aging and help you to look young for a longer period. Therefore, regular use of the Shallaki powder may offer you a naturally glowing and radiant skin tone.


Now the question arises- how to include all these bitter Ayurvedic herbs in your child’s diet conveniently on a daily basis?

Iyurved Products: Kids Daily Nutrition SAVOURY Spread AND CHOCOLATE SPREAD

We are happy to introduce our range of nutritious & tasty kid’s health foods!!
We know that preparing and feeding healthy foods everyday is a huge task. Even more tough when kids are picky eaters. Kids prefer certain foods and formats. It is not easy to feed kids bitter Ayurvedic herbs, variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds everyday.
Mixed with Ayurvedic herbs, this unique Savoury spread and Chocolate spread is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Brain development, Bone strength and overall-growth to kids without any fuss.

Ayurvedic Daily Nutrition Spread

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

DAILY NUTRITION Chocolate Spread | 0% preservatives | 0% refined sugar | 0% palm oil | Made with ASHWAGANDHA, BRAHMI, CURCUMIN, MULETHI, SHALLAKI | ORDER | READY TO EAT |

Daily Nutrition for: Increased Immunity, Memory, Bones, Skin, Focus and Concentration, Overall Growth.

Kids & Teens Daily Nutrition Savoury Spread

DAILY NUTRITION Savoury Spread | 0% preservatives | 0% palm oil | Made with ASHWAGANDHA, BRAHMI, CURCUMIN, MULETHI, SHALLAKI | ORDER | READY TO MIX |

Daily Nutrition for: Healthy weight, Increased Immunity, Memory, Digestion, Skin, Focus and Concentration and Overall Growth.

(shipping in India and Singapore only)

Iyurved Daily Nutrition Savoury Spread

You can mix in roti/pizza dough (atta), dosa/ idli/ cheela batter, curries/ veggies/ dal/ pasta sauce etc. If the child likes, can be served directly too.

Check 100+ Recipes made with Iyurved’s DAILY NUTRITION Savoury Spread.

  • 6g protein per serve
  • Preservatives free
  • Eczema relief
  • Prevents Constipation
  • Supports Digestion
  • Weight gain
  • Overall development

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