How to potty train and what is the right age for potty training?

Seeing your baby doing their things independently is such an overwhelming experience, but it takes a lot of effort to make them independent. Out of many developmental milestones, baby potty training is one of the thing which might require lots of attention and time.Many parent are finding the answer or how to potty train their baby ad what is the right age for potty training So get ready and don’t get frustrated, if things are not working as per your expectations, don’t put pressure on the baby by turning it into a battle.

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When your baby is ready

Every child has his/her own pace to reach milestones like sitting, walking, teething and talking. Some do things early, while some take a little more time. There is no perfect age for potty training, it all depends upon many physical, emotional and environmental factors. Generally the age for potty training is between 18 months to 24 months. But before starting baby potty training ask yourself the following questions.

  • Is my baby able to sit on a potty seat without support and get back up?
  • Do they tell, when it’s time to go?
  • Is my baby ready to follow my instructions?
  • Does he/she seem interested in using the toilet seat?
  • Is my baby ready to pull down diapers, pants or underwear without any help?
  • Do they keep the diaper dry for at least two hours?
  • Do dirty diapers bother them?

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Tips for potty training

If most of the answers are yes then you can potty train your baby or its the right age for potty training your baby. Usually girls learn this quickly than boys. Try baby potty training when there is no big disruption or change to your child’s or your family routine such as travelling or shifting, as it is important to stay consistent. It may be possible that some of your initial attempts go on vein, but don’t lose the hope, what all you need is patience, patience and patience and keep on trying to potty train your baby with these tips:

Introduce the concept:

The first step towards baby potty training is to start mentioning the concept occasionally. Show some videos and keep some children’s books about potty training to read with your child. Also bring up the subject of potty in the conversation by saying things like: “I have to go pee or poo ”or“ need to go to the toilet to pee”. The idea is to make them aware of the potty training concept.

Choosing a potty seat:

Choose a seat which is apt according to your baby’s age and have built in footrest to push against during bowel movement. Go for a durable seat, as a shaky seat can put a child back into the diaper for weeks. If possible take your child with you while shopping for a potty seat, this will make him/her more connected and excited to use it.

Placing of potty seat:

The most appropriate location for a potty seat is your bathroom. This will make your baby understand that the bathroom is the right place to do potty. But as you start using a potty seat for the baby, place it according to the convenience of the baby so that they can use it as and when required.

Get a routine:

Following a schedule is always a good idea. Make your baby sit on the potty first thing in the morning, whether they need to go or not. Also encourage your kid to use the toilet after every meal, before nap time and after getting up from sleep . This will help your baby to understand that going potty is a routine work, just like eating and sleeping.

Make potty time fun:

If your child is nervous about using a potty seat, make it fun with help of some music or rhyme. Sing a song or rhyme along with your baby during this process to divert his/her mind. This will make them comfortable.

Always praise your child:

Never punish your child for wetting or soiling their pants, as they are still learning and can’t sometimes control it. Instead every time when your baby attempts to use a toilet even if nothing happens, praise them by giving a high five, a hug or by telling them that they are doing a great job that will keep them motivated.

Comfortable clothes:

Avoid clothes that are hard to pull off, kids who are under potty training are required to wear comfortable clothes, so that they can easily undress themselves.

Teach hygienic habits:

Teach your child every time to wash their hands when they go to the toilet even if nothing happened, also gradually teach them to flush and clean after doing potty.

For boys:

Start with teaching your son to sit down for both pee and poo. Once your baby is comfortable doing sitting position, he can try standing position. Any male member in the family can teach better.

Foods for regular bowel movement

As soon as the age for potty training starts, also take care of their diet by offering foods that are easy to digest and make their bowel movement easy and regular, as constipation can lead to pain and interrupt in potty training. Following are some foods that help in regular bowel movement.


Apples are an easy way to boost the fiber content of your diet and cure constipation. According to a study, pectin in apples can accelerate the movement of the stool through the intestine and aid in constipation.

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Prunes also known as dried plums are commonly used for treating constipation because of its high fiber contents. It also contain sorbitol and phenolic compounds that maintain gut health and may provide gastrointestinal benefits.

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Yogurt contains living microorganisms known as probiotics which are also called good bacteria and helps to improve gut health and soften stool. The good bacteria produce short chain fatty acids and lactic acid that may improve bowel movement. It helps to regulate a child’s digestive system and decreases bloating, diarrhea, and constipation.

Also check, What is probiotics?


Nuts are another fiber powerhouse, which help ease constipation.  Choose nuts that are dry roasted, rather than roasted in oil. Also high in healthy fats, potassium, sodium, calcium, protein and antioxidants these nuts contribute towards, getting a healthy body.

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Sweet potatoes:

The high fiber content of the sweet potatoes help in preventing constipation and promotes a well-functioning digestive tract. According to a study, dietary fiber found in sweet potatoes such as cellulose, lignin and pectin helps in maintaining gut health and improves digestion. It also contains vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E, potassium, magnesium, and calcium that helps in the overall health of your baby.

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Whole grains:

Whole grain delivers a variety of important nutrients that includes fiber, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, zinc and iron. This includes oats, brown rice, whole wheat, quinoa, barley and rye. All of these are high in fiber and a great choice to prevent constipation.

Also check, Importance of balanced diet for kids


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