How to get rid of stretch marks:10 Best Home Remedies

stretch marks reason

Stretch marks are a typical problem that everyone has encountered at some point in their lives. Have you ever wondered why you have these marks (stretch marks reason) and what you may do to get rid of them? Stretch marks are most common in men and women and are most usually associated with pregnancy, but did you know that dieting and weight loss may also result in stretch marks? They aren’t painful or harmful, but they can make your skin appear unattractive. This article will highlight the stretch marks reason, types and home remedies. (Dry and chapped lips: Home remedies)

What is a stretch mark?

Stretch marks are scars that appear when our skin expands or shrinks rapidly. Collagen and elastin, which hold our skin together, burst as a result of the sudden change. Stretch marks may develop while the skin recovers. These tiny bands do not appear on everyone’s skin. Hormone levels that fluctuate appear to have a role. If you have a family history of stretch marks, you may be at a higher risk. (5 foods to manage hormonal imbalance in kids and teens)

Stretch marks reason/ causes:

There are several causes or reason for stretch marks, but these are the most common.

  • Puberty-related growth spurts
  • Pregnancy
  • Weight gain or loss
  • Use of corticosteroids
  • Body building
  • Genetics
  • Rare medical disorders like Cushing’s syndrome, Marfan’s syndrome etc.

Types of stretch marks:

Stretch marks can emerge in a variety of colours, including red, purple, pink, reddish-brown, and dark brown, depending on your skin tone. Among them, red and white are commonly observed while grey and purple marks are unusual. It’s possible that early stretch marks are itchy. Over time, the colour fades and the tiny bands absorb into your skin. A little indentation is usually felt when you run your finger across a mature stretch mark.

1. Red stretch marks:

Also called Striae rubrae, is the most severe stage of stretch marks displaying the first physical signs of stretched skin. Signs of inflammation caused by overstretching are most visible at this stage, and the affected skin turns pink/red or violaceous in colour. Markings may appear flat, but they can also be raised slightly. Stretch marks at this stage can become pruritic (itchy), but they are mostly asymptomatic.

2. White stretch marks:

Also known as Striae Albae have irregularly formed, and hypopigmented (faded/white) stretch marks at this point. When blood vessels shrink, the fat beneath the skin becomes apparent, resulting in small tears on the skin. It may take longer to cure the white stretch marks because they are mature.


Stretch marks are a prevalent condition that affects both men and women, and they have a detrimental influence on people’s self-esteem. Following these simple yet effective home remedies can help to get rid of stretch marks. ( Hyperpigmentation: How to get over?)


Aloe vera is an amazing plant that is well recognised for its powerful healing properties. It aids in the regeneration of skin tissues, which helps in the complete healing of scars. Apply aloe vera gel on stretch marks and wash off after 2-3 hours with water.

2. Sugar

It is one of the ingredients used in the clinically proven method used to treat stretch marks – Microdermabrasion. Mix one tbsp of sugar with 1/4 tbsp of honey or olive oil and add some lemon juice to the mix. Rub it into the stretch marks for 10 minutes. Finally, rinse it with lukewarm water.

3. Argan oil

Enhanced with vitamin E Argan oil improves skin elasticity, thus applying it on stretch marks may help to mend the torn tissues and erase the markings over time. Massage the stretch marks with argan oil in circular strokes and leave them overnight. Rinse it with cold water in the morning. (Top benefits of Vitamin E for skin and hair)

4. Lemon juice

Lemon juice has inherent bleaching characteristics, thus it efficiently reduces visibility. Apply cut lemon wedge or lemon juice on the stretch mark, leave it for 15-20 minutes and wash it with cold water to notice improvements.


They are commonly used to lighten dark circles, scars, and blemishes on the skin since they contain starches and other skin-lightening enzymes. Apply potato juice on the stretch marks and leave it for 30 minutes and wash with cold water. You may also combine it with lemon juice to achieve the best benefits.


Olive oil is full of antioxidants and other nutrients that are excellent for mending skin damage and is rich in moisturising characteristics. Take the olive oil and rub it into your stretch marks, allowing the oil to absorb into your skin. Leave it on overnight, or wash it off after 20-30 minutes with lukewarm water. Warm the olive oil before using it to promote blood circulation.


Cocoa butter is a super-hydrating butter derived from cocoa beans that absorbs deep into the skin and allows it to retain moisture. Stretch marks will gradually vanish as a result of this. To treat stretch marks, apply a sufficient quantity of cocoa butter to the affected area and massage it in. Do it once or twice a day, preferably after a shower.


Black tea is high in vitamins and minerals, notably vitamin B12, which helps with skin pigmentation control. Boil a few teaspoons of black tea with a pinch of salt. Let the mixture cool and apply it to the stretch marks, leave it for some time and wash with cold water. Continue the process until they are gone.

9. Cucumber and lemon juice

The natural acidity of lemon juice aids in the healing and reduction of scars, while cucumber juice gives a cool, relaxing effect that leaves your skin feeling refreshed. Mix equal amounts of lemon and cucumber juice and apply to the affected regions until the mixture is absorbed by the skin. Allow it to sit on your skin for around 10 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water.

10. Castor oil

Stretch marks require nourishment and hydration due to their dry, shrivelled appearance. Castor oil, when rubbed into the skin, aids in the healing and smoothing of scars. Castor oil should be applied directly to stretch marks and massage for 15-20 minutes in a circular motion. Cover the region with a fine cotton towel and use a heating pad to provide heat after rubbing. Do this as regularly as possible for a month to get the optimum benefits.

Foods and dietary remedies to treat stretch marks:

There are multiple causes or reason for stretch marks. However, you may get rid of stretch marks by following these tips and consuming these foods.

1. Drink Plenty of Water

It is highly beneficial to the skin to drink 8-10 glasses of water each day. It maintains its suppleness and softness by restoring its elasticity. Stretch marks are lessened by doing so.

2. Vitamin C rich foods

Including Vitamin C rich foods including raw cabbage, citrus fruits, berries, kiwi fruit, melons, peas, peppers, broccoli, pineapple, spinach, tomatoes, and turnips. It is an antioxidant that helps our body in combating pollutants and free radicals. Scars on the skin heal faster if you consume enough Vitamin C.

3. Vitamin E rich foods

It is an antioxidant that protects the skin from free radicals while also profoundly nourishing it. Including vitamin E-rich foods like almonds, raw seeds such as pumpkin and sesame, hazelnuts, spinach, avocado, broccoli, papaya, and olives can help. Stretch marks can be reduced by eating these foods on a daily basis.

4. Omega 3 foods

It is an antioxidant that protects the skin from free radicals while also profoundly nourishing it. Foods rich in Omega 3 fats such as walnuts, flax seeds, chia seeds, tofu, fatty fish can help. Stretch marks can be reduced by eating these foods on a daily basis. (10 reasons to give Omega 3 foods to your kids)

So, everyone, no more hiding your stretch marks since you now know the best and easy remedies to get rid of them naturally.


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