Sugar- Friend or Foe? Is Giving up refined sugar necessary for a healthy diet?

refined sugar

Are you the one who chose to cut back on or give up refined sugar due to health concerns? Are you trying to find healthier substitutes for processed sugar? Ever wondered if bidding farewell to refined sugar is the ultimate key to a healthy diet, or if a more balanced, moderate approach could be the secret sauce? Let’s unravel the sweet truth: “Is cutting out refined sugar entirely necessary, or is moderation the magic ingredient for a healthier you?”

Why should you consider giving up sugar?

Refined sugar, often added to processed foods and sugary beverages, can have several negative effects on health when consumed in excess. Here are some of the adverse effects of refined sugar:

Weight Gain and Obesity:

High sugar intake is linked to an increased risk of weight gain and obesity due to excess calorie consumption.

Increased Risk of Type 2 Diabetes:

Consuming large amounts of refined sugar is associated with insulin resistance, which can contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes.

Also check, 6 Foods to manage diabetes in kids

Dental Issues:

Refined sugar is a major contributor to tooth decay and cavities, as it provides a favorable environment for the growth of harmful bacteria in the mouth.

Also check, 4 Essential Vitamins to Prevent Teeth Grinding in Kids

Cardiovascular Problems:

Excessive sugar intake may contribute to heart disease by increasing blood pressure, inflammation, and triglyceride levels.

Negative Impact on Metabolism:

High sugar intake can lead to fluctuations in blood sugar levels, causing energy spikes and crashes and contributing to feelings of fatigue.

Also check, How to boost body metabolism

Increased Risk of Fatty Liver Disease:

Consuming too much sugar, particularly fructose, is associated with the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

Insulin Resistance:

Refined sugar can contribute to insulin resistance, impairing the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels properly.


Excess sugar intake may contribute to chronic inflammation, which is linked to various health conditions, including arthritis and certain cancers.

Negative Impact on Mental Health:

Some studies suggest a potential link between high sugar consumption and an increased risk of mood disorders, such as depression and anxiety.

Also check, Anxiety Management in Adults

Addictive Properties:

Sugar can be addictive, leading to cravings and a cycle of overconsumption, which can be challenging to break.

Should you quit sugar completely? Or moderation is the key?

Complete elimination of refined sugar is not necessary for everyone, and in many cases, moderation is a more realistic and sustainable approach to maintaining a healthy diet. Here’s a balanced perspective:

1. Moderation is Key:
  • Moderate consumption of refined sugar can be part of a healthy diet for most people.
  • Enjoying occasional treats or desserts in moderation is generally acceptable.
2. Natural Sugars vs. Added Sugars:
  • Differentiate between natural sugars found in whole foods (like fruits) and added sugars in processed foods.
  • Natural sugars come with additional nutrients and fiber, providing health benefits.
3. Mindful Eating:
  • Be mindful of overall sugar intake and make conscious choices to limit added sugars, especially from processed and sugary foods.
4. Health Conditions:
  • Individuals with specific health conditions (e.g., diabetes, obesity) may need to monitor and limit sugar intake more closely.
5. Balanced Diet:
  • Focus on a balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrient-dense foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

Also check, Importance of balanced diet in kids

6. Read Food Labels:
  • Be aware of hidden sugars in packaged foods and read labels to make informed choices.
7. Individual Variation:
  • Dietary needs vary among individuals, and what works for one person may not be suitable for another.
8. Gradual Reduction:
  • If you’re used to a high-sugar diet, consider making gradual reductions to allow your taste buds and habits to adjust.
9. Consult with Professionals:
  • If you have specific health concerns or conditions, consult with healthcare professionals or registered dietitians for personalized advice.
10. Lifestyle Factors:
  • Consider your lifestyle, activity level, and overall health goals when determining your approach to sugar intake.

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Here are some healthier substitutes!

HoneyNatural sweetener with antioxidants and potential health benefits.Moderation is key due to its high fructose content.
Maple SyrupRich in antioxidants and minerals, providing a distinct flavor.Choose 100% pure maple syrup without added sugars or syrups.
Agave NectarSweeter than sugar, use sparingly; high in fructose.Mindful consumption due to its high fructose content.
SteviaPlant-derived, zero-calorie sweetener. Safe for diabetes.Some people may experience a bitter aftertaste.
Coconut SugarLower glycemic index; contains small amounts of nutrients.Still a form of sugar, so use in moderation.
Date SugarMade from dried, ground dates; contains fiber and nutrients.Adds a rich flavor; may not dissolve well in liquids.
MolassesRich, robust flavor; contains iron and other minerals.Choose unsulfured molasses for a healthier option.
Monk Fruit SweetenerNatural, zero-calorie sweetener; safe for most people.Relatively new, so long-term effects are not fully known.
XylitolSugar alcohol with fewer calories; lower impact on blood sugar.Can be toxic to pets, so keep away from animals.
ErythritolSugar alcohol with minimal impact on blood sugar.May cause digestive issues in some people with excessive intake.
Substitutes for refined sugar

Note: Always consult with healthcare professionals or registered dietitians for personalized advice, especially if you have specific health concerns or conditions. Moderation is key, and individual responses to sweeteners can vary.

It’s important to strike a balance that works for you and promotes both physical and mental well-being. Complete restriction of certain foods, unless medically necessary, can be challenging to sustain and may lead to feelings of deprivation. Making informed choices and practicing moderation allows for a more flexible and enjoyable approach to eating.


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What does Refined Sugar do to your Kid’s bones?

During the early years, the bones of kids develop and grow while also being depleted at the same time. If the consumption of calcium, Vitamin D and other required minerals are sufficient, the health of bones will be positive. If the consumption of required vitamins and minerals are less, the depletion of bones will soon take over resulting is much weaker bones and easy fractures. In this article, you will know how refined sugar and bones are related?

We have already talked about how refined Sugar harm our body. Now, lets see how it can damage the bones too.

Sugar can be consumed in many forms like Bread which is extremely high in added sugar and one of the most staple food in every household for kids. When we buy bread, we must look at the ratio of fibre to carbs given at the back label of the bread. For a more fibrous and less refined bread, this ratio must be 1:10 at least. If it is 1:5 that’s even better for health. There is an easy recipe of fibrous bread given below.

Other common sources of sugar are white sugar, brown sugar, cane sugar, cookies, candy, donut, cake, canned drinks, packed juices, bottled shakes and smoothies, granola bars, sauces, jams and many others. Such intake on a regular basis can deplete four of the best bone-friendly nutrients from your child’s body.

sugar and bones
refined sugar affects bone negatively

Calcium + Phosphorous

Calcium combines with phosphorous to make calcium phosphate which is most important component for our bones. When sugar is consumed, there is acid that’s released in the body. In order to balance this acid, calcium is extracted from the bones resulting in Calcium deficient weaker bones.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D assists in absorption of Calcium by the bones. Consumption of sugar increases an enzyme that degrades vitamin D and thereby also results in reduced absorption of calcium by the bones. Double whammy!

Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps to make collagen and also delays the decaying process of bones. Sugar intake restricts the absorption of this vitamin into our body cells resulting in weaker bones.


Magnesium works on keeping the bones strong. Sugar strips the body of magnesium too by releasing it out through urine.

99% of the Calcium is stored in Bones and Teeth. If calcium is needed elsewhere, it is taken from the Bones. Hence it becomes imperative to keep 100% stock of calcium and consume everyday. The more bones will lend calcium, the more weak they will become. It is said that Osteoporosis is a disease that manifests in old age.

Studies indicate that roughly 50% kids don’t meet the daily Magnesium requirement. Magnesium is one of the top four abundant minerals in the body. So, any deficiency of this mineral will easily reflect in daily life. Magnesium is key in formation of bones. We only build bones until mid-20s and hence it becomes crucial to build strong bones and teeth to last us a lifetime.

Every single cell in the body requires Vitamin D. Body can also produce this through cholesterol exposure to sunlight. However, deficiency of Vitamin D is common in kids and results in weaker bones and muscles, fatigue and body pain among others. Vitamin D has to be consumed with fat (oil). For e.g. Cheese has vitamin D and fat both so its a great food to meet this nutrition.

Recipe: Millet Bread with hidden herbs and nuts

Let’s try to make every healthy food recipe for a child more tasty and nutritious with (hidden) veggies, herbs and nuts

Millet Bread Recipe by Iyurved

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Check more healthy recipes loved by kids.


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