Stomach Flu in Kids: Tips and Foods to manage it

stomach flu

Does your child have constant tummy aches? Is your youngster dealing with vomiting or watery stools? Does your child have a fever or body ache? These are some common signs of stomach flu which is prevalent during the winter season. Stomach flu is widespread in children of all ages and is unavoidable because you can’t stop them from playing and getting infected. Keep reading to find out the causes, symptoms, prevention and foods to manage stomach flu in children.

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What is Stomach flu?

Stomach flu is also called gastroenteritis. Stomach flu is the viral infection which is highly communicable that leads to intestinal inflammation or irritation. Though gastroenteritis is commonly referred to as flu, it is not the same as influenza. “Flu” can affect the respiratory system but “stomach flu” affects the stomach and intestines. 

Also check, Causes of stomach pain in kids

Causes of stomach flu 

Rotavirus and Norovirus are the main causes of stomach flu. Symptoms usually emerge after coming into touch with an infected person. They can also happen as a result of consuming contaminated food or water. Children can become ill if they:

  • Touching infected material, then food or their mouth.
  • Sharing contaminated foods or drinks
  • Being with an infected individual, even if they aren’t sick.
  • Not wash their hands properly

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Symptoms of stomach flu

Some common signs of stomach flu are given as follows:

  • Stomach pain
  • Watery stools or diarrhea
  • Nausea   
  • Vomiting
  • Fever
  • Dehydration
  • Dizziness
  • Weakness

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Prevention strategies

Rotavirus vaccination can prevent children from stomach flu. Here are some other prevention strategies that can help to manage stomach flu in children:


Handwashing is critical in preventing the spread of the disease. Viruses on your hands can readily spread to surfaces, food, and individuals you come into contact with. Make sure that your kids thoroughly wash their hands after using the restroom, touching any washroom surfaces, and before handling food. 

Proper food handling

Stomach flu can be spread through contaminated food or water. 

  • Clean the kitchen surfaces with disinfectants
  • Don’t consume undercooked eggs or meat
  • Consume pasteurised milk or juices
  • Wash fruits and vegetables before eating

Also check, Tips to maintain personal hygiene

Foods that help to manage stomach flu


If you keep yourself hydrated, it controls the level of acid in gastric juice as well as the balance of good bacteria in the gut. Water intake is as important for the gut as food intake. You can also offer your kids. Coconut water which helps to heal the inflammation of the stomach and buttermilk which neutralises stomach acids.

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The body loses a lot of sugar and salt during diarrhea, which is the main cause of dehydration in kids. The first home remedy for diarrhea is homemade sugar salt solution. Boil one liter water, let it cool, now add one teaspoon of salt and 8 teaspoons of sugar. Give this solution in a regular interval. This is an excellent remedy to keep your baby hydrated during diarrhea.

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It is best to give during diarrhea as it helps to harden the stool. Banana is the rich source of potassium, which helps to balance electrolytes lost due to frequent loose motions. It is a rich source of iron and fiber which contributes to a healthy digestive tract. It is a superfood which can be used as a complete plant to treat digestion.

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Probiotics are live bacteria that aids in digestion and maintain the gut health. These “beneficial” bacteria are rich in foods like yogurt, kefir and kanji. Probiotics help to reduce the inflammation of stomach lining.

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Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) are composed of short fructose chains. They are a type of carbohydrate called oligosaccharides. FOS occurs naturally in many plants. They are prebiotic fibres that support the growth of healthy bacteria in the digestive tract which in turn stops the spread of Helicobacter pylori. It helps in reducing the symptoms of stomach flu.

Also check, Role of prebiotics for gut health


Ginger has antibacterial and antiviral properties that help heal internal infections. This is a reason why ginger juice stands to be effective in treating diarrhoea in children. Add some grated ginger to 500ml of boiling water. Drain the water and let it cool . Give sip of this drink to your child throughout the day

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While suffering from diarrhoea, a glass full of lemon juice can help ease the symptoms by neutralising the acids in the stomach and countering infections.

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Rice water is starchy water left after rice is cooked. It is a great source of energy, as it contains carbohydrates. It also maintains the fluid level of the body and decreases the frequency of stool.

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When your child is having stomach flu, you should avoid giving these foods.

  • Milk and dairy products
  • Fried  and greasy foods
  • Spicy foods
  • Processed foods specially those with additive
  • Foods that cause extra gas like such as cabbage, beans, broccoli, and cauliflower.

Also check, Foods chart for 6 months old babies


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Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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Vomiting in Kids: 10 Foods and Home remedies of Vomiting that help

vominting in kids

It is absolutely normal for babies and children to vomit occasionally. Generally, it will last for no longer than one to two days and is not considered a sign of anything serious.

Vomiting is most often a symptom of an underlying condition.When the body consumes anything that is unwanted or infected, the body’s defense mechanism causes it to throw out the undigested substances in the form of puking or vomiting. Though the stomach is being cleaned the natural way, frequent bouts of vomiting should get you worried. During a vomiting bout, your kid will expel the contents of the stomach through the mouth. In this article, you will know about some foods and home remedies of vomiting that can help.

Types of Vomiting in Children:

1) Posseting:

This type of vomiting is very common among babies who are being breastfed. Posseting means throwing up small amounts of milk by babies following each feed.

2) Projectile Vomiting:

If your child throws up the contents of his/her stomach forcefully out, it is known as projectile vomiting. The volume may seem quite large, but the vomit generally consists only of the last feed your child has had. This type of vomit may happen intermittently but can be a matter of concern if it happens after every feed. 

3) Reflux:

Most babies face this type of vomiting. When the valve at the top of the baby’s stomach opens up unintentionally, it causes the stomach contents to travel in a reverse manner up the oesophagus/food pipe. This is called Reflux. Usually reflux in babies is harmless and will stop by the time they begin sitting upright or walking.

Causes of Vomiting in Children:

The following are some of the common reasons that could cause vomiting in children:

1. Food Allergies

If your child is allergic to certain foods like milk, wheat, eggs or fish, this could cause a reaction when he/she eats it. Food allergies often cause severe abdominal pain and this could be followed by nausea and vomiting. (What are some common food allergies in kids?)

2. Gastroenteritis

The most common cause of vomiting in children is gastroenteritis. It is a gut infection usually caused by  bacteria,virus and parasites and can lead to diarrhoea.

3. Digestive Issues

If your child’s appendix is infected or there is a blockage in the digestive system, he/she can suffer from vomiting. Sometimes, overeating may also cause vomiting. Overeating means consuming food which is beyond the ability of the stomach to digest easily. (What are some foods that help in proper digestion?)

4. Food Poisoning

Food poisoning is often the result of the harmful bacteria present in stale or under-cooked food. It can cause severe nausea and vomiting, which can even lead to dehydration. Common signs of food poisoning include nausea, abdominal pain and diarrhoea.

5. Stress and Emotional Disturbance

Sometimes stress or emotional disturbance may also cause nausea and vomiting in children. If you have recently moved to a new city or if your child is now attending a different school, these changes can cause excessive stress. Your kid might also feel stressed before or during exams or while competing in debates/competitions.When a child undergoes an emotional trauma (death in the family or divorce or separation of parents), it might also lead to excessive vomiting.

6. Flu and Other Illnesses

Seasonal allergies, acid reflux, swine flu and ear infections are some diseases that can induce vomiting in young children. Appendicitis causes severe abdominal pain which could lead to vomiting in young kids. Labyrinthitis (ear infection) leads to extreme dizziness and this spinning sensation is also a common cause for vomiting in kids.

Home Remedies of Vomiting:

Here are some foods and home remedies of vomiting that can help to get rid of vomiting and give immediate relief.

1. Ginger: 

In order to stop vomiting in children, ginger is a proven remedy, since it contains natural antiemetic properties. Ginger has qualities that can ease the irritation of the stomach and bring instant relief. Crush a piece of ginger and put it in water. Add one teaspoon of honey and sip it the entire day. Kids love fresh ginger tea with honey, so you can try that as well.

2. Cloves and cardamom: 

Keep a few pieces of cloves or cardamom in your mouth and suck them for long. The aroma and taste of cloves and cardamom can help to stop vomiting. It also reduces the sensitivity of the mouth. Drinking clove tea also helps to avoid vomiting. 

3. Salt and Sugar Solution

This age-old remedy is quick to make and can be made from these everyday ingredients. Continuous vomiting can aggravate the stomach lining, lead to severe dehydration and expel essential nutrients like sodium and potassium from the child’s body. This solution will not allow the body to get dehydrated and would prevent weakness of the body. It acts as a natural electrol.

4. Papaya

Papaya is packed with antibacterial compounds which help digestion and reduce acids in the body. It contains all the necessary natural enzymes that facilitate the smooth and quick digestion of food. And is also helpful in removing harmful germs that cause stomach upsets.

5. Onion Juice

Mix one teaspoon of onion juice with a similar quantity of ginger juice and feed it to your child. It is one of the extremely useful home remedies of vomiting and nausea since it contains natural antibiotic properties. 

6. Cumin

Cumin seeds enhance the pancreatic enzyme secretion and hence is known as one of the best home remedies of vomiting. It helps in improving digestion and reducing any stomach discomfort. Boil a cup of water and add freshly ground cumin seeds to it. Adding a bit of nutmeg to this mixture can further enhance its effectiveness. You can also try ½ teaspoon of cumin powder and cardamom along with one teaspoon of honey. Make sure that your child consumes this mixture slowly to keep vomiting at bay.

7. Apple Cider Vinegar

Take one tablespoon of honey and apple cider vinegar and mix both in a glass of water. Give this mixture to your child at regular intervals. The antimicrobial properties of vinegar are helpful in curing food poisoning. Mix vinegar with water and rinse the mouth with it. This will eliminate the acidic smell of vomit and reduce the vomiting sensation that rises due to it. (Benefits of apple cider vinegar?)

8. Mint

Mint is a wonderful antidote for vomiting that works wonders. Boil water and add one tablespoon of dried mint leaves. Keep the mint leaves in the water for 10 minutes and then strain it. Give this solution thrice a day to get relief from vomiting. Chewing on fresh mint leaves is also a proven method of reducing the feeling of nausea. A mix of lemon juice, mint juice and honey (one teaspoon each) can be equally effective in vomiting

9. Rice Water

Rice water is basically the starch from white rice. When gastritis is the reason for a bout of vomiting, rice water can be really effective. Make sure you make use of white rice and not brown, since the starch from white rice is easily digestible for young children. Take one cup of white rice, two cups of water and boil it. Strain this mixture and separate the rice water in a cup. This rice water helps to reduce and stop vomiting.

10. Saunf or fennel seeds:

Chewing saunf at regular intervals is extremely effective in stopping nausea and vomiting. It acts as a mouth freshner and makes the person feel much better. You can also have fennel tea to avoid vomiting. Take one teaspoon of fennel seeds and add one cup of boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes and strain before drinking.

When to see the Doctor?

It is important to seek medical help immediately when you notice the following symptoms in your child:

  • Bile or blood in the vomit
  • Uncontrolled retching and gagging
  • Stomach ache
  • Continuous vomiting
  • Body temperature above 104°C
  • Blood in stool
  • Projectile vomiting
  • Lethargy or slow to respond

If your child is suffering from vomiting, he/she must take sufficient rest. He/she must lie down on their back and not on the stomach. Long hours of rest are very helpful in improving the condition. Vomiting can cause a lot of weakness and if precautions are not taken, it can be fatal. Therefore, it is suggested that vomiting must never be suppressed voluntarily as the body is making an effort to get rid of substances in the body that could be dangerous to health.

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Foods and Remedies by a Nutrition Expert
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Human body depends upon major internal body organs to survive and reproduce. These body parts are responsible for performing vital functions. The brain, heart, kidneys, liver and lungs are the main five organs essential for survival. Every organ has its own functions and they work together to make you feel fit and fine, so that you can perform your daily activities without any hassle. Liver is one of the most important body organs which performs hundreds of chemical actions that a body needs to survive. Liver’s main task is to process the nutrients broken down from food in the small intestine and pass them as necessary to the rest of the body where they are required.

Liver is instrumental (the only organ) in breaking down fat into energy and sending remaining to the body fat reserves to be stored for later use. Producing bile, a fluid essential for digestion of fats and nutrients that are part of the food is vital for liver to function properly. An unhealthy liver can directly impact digestion and absorption of nutrients in the body and restrict breakdown of fats.

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Factors responsible for poor liver function in kids

There are many childhood liver conditions and problems. The most common cause of liver disease in children between 2- 19 years is fatty liver. 40% of obese children have fatty liver. According to American Liver Foundation, the number of children affected by fatty liver disease is on the rise, having more than doubled in the last 20 years. It is caused when too much fat builds up in a kid’s liver and can develop in children of 10 years and even younger.

Main factors

There are two main factors responsible for fatty liver in kids. First is an unhealthy food choice. Drinks full of sugary content with processed and packaged foods which are high in saturated and trans fat, badly affects a child’s liver. The second factor is the lack of physical activities in kids. Regular exercise is key to having a healthy liver. It decreases stress on the liver by storing excess food as fat in the fat reserves. 

A viral infection (causes hepatitis, an inflammatory condition of the liver), genetic disorders, cholestasis (a condition in which the flow of bile from the liver stops or slows) are some of the other reasons that can affect your child’s liver. Jaundice is the most common liver disease among kids. It often affects newborn babies and goes away on its own. Jaundice happens because babies’ liver aren’t fully developed enough to break down and excrete bilirubin (yellowish substance in blood which forms after red blood cells breakdown). It is extremely important to keep the liver healthy and free of fat. It helps the body organs to function and be active. Proper liver function can directly impact the growth and health of the child.

Sign or symptoms of Liver disease
  • Skin and eyes appear yellow
  • Abdominal pain and swelling
  • Itchy skin
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Lack of appetite
  • Dark urine colour and pale stool
  • Swelling in legs and ankle

It contains antioxidants (naringenin and naringin) that protect the liver from injuries by reducing inflammation and protecting the liver cells. The compound also reduces fat build up in the liver by increasing enzymes that burn fat. It is a good food for liver to function properly. (What are some good fats to eat for the body?)


Beetroot is one of the liver healthy foods as it helps protect the liver from oxidative damage and inflammation. It Increases liver’s natural detoxification enzymes. It works effectively to prevent deposition of fat in the liver. Betaine in beetroot breaks down fatty acids in the liver and helps to treat fatty liver disease. (Easy beetroot recipe)


Avocados help to protect liver as they are high in healthy fats. Research suggests that it is good food for the liver as it contains chemicals that helps to slow down liver damage. They are also rich in fiber which attaches to bile and helps in digestion and excretion of waste, leading to a healthy weight. (How does avocado help with dryness in skin?)


Sugarcane juice is a perfect tonic for people with liver disease.  It is considered as one of the best liver healthy foods as it helps in strengthening the liver function. Sugarcane juice is good for fatty liver and as it is alkaline in nature, sugarcane juice helps in maintaining acid levels in the stomach. (What are some natural sugar to use during cooking?)


Radish is a rich source of antioxidants and minerals like calcium and potassium. Radishes act as real panacea for liver and stomach health. They are exceptionally useful for jaundice treatment because they remove the bilirubin and maintain its production. It is also a good source of natural nitrates that improves blood flow. If the blood flow is not proper, toxins and waste in the blood can keep floating in the body, causing harm. Liver helps to remove these toxins and cleanse the blood before sending off the nutrients to the body cells where required. These qualities made radish good food for liver health (What are some other foods rich in calcium and good for bones?)


Papaya is rich in antioxidants, including carotenoids (Vitamin A).  It can balance free radicals (what are they?). Taking one teaspoon of papaya seeds regularly can protect your liver from disease. It can help to detox liver from unhealthy substances. It is one of the best choices for liver to function properly.


Yogurt is one of the best natural resources of probiotics (good bacterias) which helps in maintaining lower fat levels in the liver.  Micro organisms (good bacterias) in our intestinal tract are crucial for liver cells functioning. Yogurt helps to maintain a healthy gut and hence, contributes to liver health and becomes good food for liver. (How do probiotics help with sneezing and allergy?)


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