PCOS Treatment

Do your monthlies take frequent leaves? Do you constantly keep thinking whether it will persist for a short while or lifetime? This issue comes into picture majorly due to hormonal imbalances. PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) is a reproductive health disorder that causes cysts to grow on the ovaries, resulting in hormonal imbalances. In the world, it affects 4%–20% of women who are fertile. Every woman holds the wish of conceiving and beautifully raising her child! But, PCOS can add some tags of complications for getting pregnant! Can we do something about it? Lifestyle changes and a proper diet forms the essential parts of the PCOS treatment.

Let us first understand what it is!

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What is PCOS?

The ovaries, which create and release eggs, produce high amounts of male hormones, which leads to a hormonal imbalance known as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). The ovaries create excessive amounts of androgens if you have PCOS. The hormones related to reproduction fall out of balance as a result. Therefore, irregular menstrual cycles, missed periods, and uncertain ovulation are common in women with PCOS. And thus effective PCOS treatment must be undertaken.

What are the symptoms?

Most common symptoms include:

1. Irregular periods: Absence of periods or no periods at all are symptoms of abnormal menstruation. Also possible is severe menstrual bleeding.

2. Acne or pimples: Acne can be brought on by PCOS, particularly on the back, chest, and face. Acne may persist throughout the teen years and be challenging to treat.

3. Facial hair: Seventy to eighty percent of women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) experience hirsutism, which is excessive facial and body hair. It is caused due to overproduction of male sex hormones.

4. Cysts: Lots of small, harmless cysts to develop on the ovaries. The cysts are small egg follicles that do not grow to ovulation. Altered Hormone levels can result in cyst formation.

5. Obesity: Obesity is a common symptom in PCOS and worsens several of its metabolic and reproductive characteristics. PCOS and obesity have a complicated, poorly understood association that most likely includes the combination of hereditary and environmental variables.

6. Infertility: High levels of androgens interfere with the development of your eggs and the regular release of your eggs. And this can in turn lead to infertility in women. 

Can we do something about it?

PCOS cannot be completely cured, however there are numerous strategies to treat and control it. And with effective implementation of those strategies, one can get pregnant despite having PCOS. Some effective ways of PCOS treatment include: 

1. Healthy weight loss: Many women discover that even a 10% weight loss might enhance hormones and ovulation. Even a 5% drop in body weight can enhance woman’s menstrual cycle, insulin resistance and general fertility.. According to one study, women who exercised frequently had a 5% reduced chance of infertility than those who did not. Overtraining, however, can increase inflammatory levels in the body and harm fertility. Aim for 3-5 days of moderately intense exercise each week for the best benefits.

2. Win over stress: For PCOS to remain under control, stress management is crucial. To reduce your stress levels, get enough sleep, practise meditation, and engage in other relaxing activities. Yoga and different breathing exercises are excellent ways to manage stress and put your body into detox mode.

3. Assisted reproductive technologies: Women may benefit from assisted reproductive technologies (ART), such as in vitro fertilization, if ovulation drugs fail to increase fertility. According to studies, IVF therapy is just as successful for women with PCOS as it is for those without the illness. Usually, doctors would start with prescription drugs and lifestyle modifications to increase fertility before suggesting ART as a backup plan if those measures don’t work.

4. Ovarian drilling: It includes surgical techniques available for PCOS treatment for women to increase fertility if other treatment choices are failed. Ovulation-inducing procedures include ovarian drilling surgery. Even though ovarian drilling is not always essential, studies have shown that up to 50% of patients are able to become pregnant within the first year following the procedure.

How can diet contribute to it?

The symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome are largely controlled by diet (PCOS).

PCOS Diet that may help people to manage its symptoms include:

1. A low glycemic index (GI) diet: Foods possessing low GI are digested by the body more slowly and do not raise insulin levels as fast or significantly as other foods, such as some carbs, do. Whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, fruits, starchy vegetables, and other unprocessed, low-carbohydrate foods are all included in a low GI diet.

2. Diet rich in Omega 3 fatty acids: Leptin and insulin resistance, which are the main causes of PCOS in women, can be treated with the use of omega-3 fatty acids in your diet.  It is also a good treatment to reduce the cortisol levels in women with PCOS.

3. An anti-inflammatory diet:  Berries, fatty fish, leafy greens, and extra virgin olive oil are anti-inflammatory foods that may lessen the symptoms of inflammation, such as tiredness.

4. Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet: To lower the risk or impact of heart disease, doctors frequently suggest following the DASH diet. It might also aid in treating PCOS symptoms. Fish, poultry, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products are abundant in a DASH diet and thus can also keep insulin levels under control. This diet discourages foods heavy in sugar and saturated fat.

What foods must be avoided?

People with PCOS should generally stay away from items that are already universally viewed as unhealthy. These consist of:

  • Refined carbs, such as white bread and mass-produced pastries
  • Meals that are fried, like fast food
  • Beverages with added sugar, such as soda and energy drinks
  • Processed meats including luncheon meats, hot dogs, and sausages
  • Solid fats, such as lard, margarine, and shortening
  • Red meat in excess, including steaks, hamburgers, and pork

Thus these approaches can effectively help in curbing the problems arising out of PCOS and make the pregnancy more promising and easy!

Foods that help to manage PCOS


Various types of Nuts bring nutritional benefits to your fertility diet. They include crucial fertility-boosting elements such as Omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, vitamin E, and magnesium, in addition to plant-based proteins.


Almonds are a tasty way to achieve your nutritional requirements. It is high in antioxidants, helping protect against free radical damage and oxidative stress, which are precursors to inflammation and fertility issues in both men and women.


These kidney-shaped nuts are a great source of magnesium and selenium. Cashews are heart-healthy snacks since they are high in unsaturated fat! Studies have linked consumption of cashews to better magnesium absorption and a higher chance of becoming pregnant. Five grams of protein, vitamin C, and folate are all found in one serving of around 18 cashews. It is also crucial for avoiding neural tube birth abnormalities during pregnancy.


They are a good source of selenium, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, folate, and vitamin E, just like many other nuts. Nutrients in nuts help to regulate hormones by stabilising blood sugar levels, which is a crucial component of healthy fertility.


Nutrient-dense peanuts are the ideal fertility food (when consumed in moderation, of course). They contain a high amount of protein, folates, vitamin E, and a trace amount of fibre. Peanuts include folate, a nutrient that is hard to get from food sources yet is necessary for the female reproductive system. For this reason, women in particular benefit from eating peanuts. In addition, they contain biotin, an essential mineral for pregnant women. 

Also check: Benefits of Vitamin C


Pumpkin seeds contain , Omega-3, vitamin E, magnesium, and other important elements in abundance. Pumpkin and flax seeds can help naturally boost estrogen levels while also providing fibre to support healthy estrogen metabolism. It’s an excellent approach to achieving estrogen dominance while balancing estrogen levels. Sunflower and sesame seeds include lignans and important fatty acids, which aid progesterone and hormone production for the menstrual cycle. 


Since ancient times, the characteristics of this herb have been used to improve women’s reproductive health. It is known to strengthen the uterus and increase ovarian activity. It can also be used to treat infertility and uterine disorders like endometriosis in some situations. All of this is due to its balancing effects on the hypothalamus. This herb’s herbal mixture is highly effective in treating heavy menstrual cycles, severe uterine bleeding, hormonal imbalance, uterine cyst, uterine polyps, and menopausal osteoporosis.


Shatavari helps in promoting fertility in both men and women by improving sexual desire. Thus it helps in increasing the chances of pregnancy. It aids in ovulation and to correct any hormonal imbalances. Also, tones and nourishes the female reproductive organs. It aids in the synthesis of a hormone that aids in the improvement of ovulation in women.


Ancient Ayurvedic practitioners used Lodhara for treating female reproductive problems . This herb is beneficial for females suffering from PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) since it enhances female hormone levels while decreasing male hormone levels in the female body. It works as a hormone regulator to restore hormonal balance. It also reduces ovarian cell malfunction in PCOS and increases fertility.

Also check: Tips and remedies for PCOS treatment


Ginger contains many vitamins and nutrients that are necessary when trying to conceive, it is a fantastic way to add some ginger spice to your fertility diet. It provides a variety of critical nutrients and vitamins, including vitamin C, B5 and B6, as well as iron, potassium, manganese, copper, and magnesium. Ginger is also known to benefit women with uterine fibroids because it stimulates circulation in the body, supporting a balanced inflammation response and regular detoxification. It also promotes healthy digestion, which is critical for inflammatory diseases like PCOS which in turn affects pregnancy. Ginger may increase the maturity of ovarian follicles during the process of folliculogenesis, which may increase female fertility.


Aloe vera is a great remedy for the female reproductive system. It is incredibly hydrating and provides extra lubricant to the body, allowing it to remove accumulated chemicals and toxins and clear the digestive tract, which is vital if you have PCOS or hormonal imbalance in the body. It aids in uterine rejuvenation. 

Thus PCOS treatment can be made effective with these tips.


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to the boost fertility and improve the sexual wellness in adults, both men and women. To know more about adults ayurvedic foods –SHOP HERE.

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To boost Fertility in Women, take Women Fertility Booster Masala Spread | 0% preservatives | 0% refined sugar | 0% palm oil | Fortified with ASHOKA, LODHRA, SHATAVARI, ALOE VERA, GINGER | ORDER |


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7 Foods that help in Female Fertility

foods for increasing female fertility

According to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 10 women experience trouble getting pregnant. Our body’s physiological processes are directly impacted by the food we eat and the nutrients we consume. A deficiency in vital nutrients can progressively cause serious health problems and possibly have an impact on fertility. Social pressure and familial expectations play a role in childbearing and stress that goes along with it. This stress messes with a woman’s hormones, making it challenging for her to conceive naturally. A stress-free and happy lifestyle is essential to avoiding reproductive issues. Hence, incorporating these healthy foods for increasing female fertility can be beneficial.

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fertility and Nutrition:

Only when you have identified the underlying cause of your infertility can you start to benefit from foods that increase female fertility.  The infertility issue can be solved by identifying the gaps and integrating the correct nutrients through the appropriate food sources. You can increase your fertility by leading a stress-free lifestyle and eating a well-balanced diet. The female reproductive system is intricate and requires the right nutrition to function effectively. Nutrient-dense foods must be regular in your diet if you want to boost the health of your reproductive system.

Also check here: Causes of infertility in female

Tips and Remedies to foods for increasing female fertility

A healthy diet rich in nutrients along with some tips helps to improve fertility. The following are some tips to manage and prevent infertility in females.

  • Maintaining Healthy Routine
  • Tracking the ovulation cycle
  • Healthy Diet
  • Maintain a Healthy Weight
  • Quit Smoking and Alcohol consumption
  • Reduce the intake of caffeine
  • Be cautious around toxic chemicals
  • Check the label before using any lubricants to see if they kill sperms
  • Have a stress-free lifestyle
  • Have a happy and healthy sexual life
Foods for increasing female fertility:
1. Nuts:

Nuts of various types have been proved to bring nutritional benefits to your fertility diet. It includes crucial fertility-boosting elements such as Omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, vitamin E, and magnesium, in addition to plant-based proteins.

a. Almonds:

Almonds are a tasty way to achieve your nutritional requirements. This nut is high in antioxidants, and helps protect against free radical damage and oxidative stress, which are precursors to inflammation and fertility issues in both men and women.

B. Cashews:

These kidney-shaped nuts are a great source of magnesium and selenium. Cashews are a heart-healthy snack since they are high in unsaturated fat!

Studies have linked consumption of cashews to better magnesium absorption and a higher chance of becoming pregnant. Five grammes of protein, vitamin C, and folate are all found in one serving of around 18 cashews. It is also crucial for avoiding neural tube birth abnormalities during pregnancy.

C. Hazelnuts:

They are a good source of selenium, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, folate, and vitamin E, just like many other nuts. Nutrients in nuts have been shown to help regulate hormones by stabilising blood sugar levels, which is a crucial component of healthy fertility.

D. Peanuts :

Nutrient-dense peanuts are the ideal fertility food (when consumed in moderation, of course). They contain a high amount of protein, folates, vitamin E, and a trace amount of fibre. Peanuts include folate, a nutrient that is hard to get in food sources yet is necessary for the female reproductive system. For this reason, women in particular benefit from eating peanuts. In addition, they contain biotin, an essential mineral for pregnant women. 

Also, check Benefits of Vitamin C

2. Seeds:

Omega-3, vitamin E, magnesium, and other important elements can all be found in abundance in seeds. Pumpkin and flax seeds can help naturally boost estrogen levels while also providing fibre to support healthy estrogen metabolism. It’s an excellent approach to achieving estrogen dominance while balancing estrogen levels.

Sunflower and sesame seeds include lignans and important fatty acids, which aid progesterone and hormone production for the menstrual cycle. 

Also, check Health benefits of Pumpkin seeds

3. Ashoka: 

Since ancient times, the characteristics of this herb have been used to improve women’s reproductive health. It is known to strengthen the uterus and increase ovarian activity. It can also be used to treat infertility and uterine disorders like endometriosis in some situations. All of this is due to its balancing effects on the hypothalamus.

This herb’s herbal mixture is highly effective in treating heavy menstrual cycles, severe uterine bleeding, hormonal imbalance, uterine cyst, uterine polyps, and menopausal osteoporosis.

4. Shatavari: 

Shatavari, a well-known Ayurvedic plant, is known to promote fertility in both men and women, improve desire, and hence increase chances of pregnancy. It is believed to aid in ovulation and to correct any hormonal imbalances. This herb also tones and nourishes the female reproductive organs. It aids in the synthesis of a hormone that aids in the improvement of ovulation in women.

5. Lodhara: 

Lodhra is a traditional remedy used by Ayurvedic practitioners to treat female reproductive problems. It is beneficial for females suffering from PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) since it enhances female hormone levels while decreasing male hormone levels in the female body. This works as a hormone regulator to restore hormonal balance. It also reduces ovarian cell malfunction in PCOS and increases fertility.

Also, check Tips and remedies for PCOS

6. Ginger: 

Ginger contains many vitamins and nutrients that are necessary when trying to conceive, it is a fantastic way to add some ginger spice to your fertility diet. It provides a variety of critical nutrients and vitamins, including vitamin C, B5 and B6, as well as iron, potassium, manganese, copper, and magnesium. Ginger is also known to benefit women with uterine fibroids because it stimulates circulation in the body, supporting a balanced inflammation response and regular detoxification. It also promotes healthy digestion, which is critical for inflammatory diseases like PCOS. Ginger may increase the maturity of ovarian follicles during the process of folliculogenesis, which may increase female fertility.

Also, check Foremilk and Hindmilk Imbalance: How to fix it?

7. Aloe vera:

Aloe vera is a great remedy for the female reproductive system. It is incredibly hydrating and provides extra lubricant to the body, allowing it to remove accumulated chemicals and toxins and clear the digestive tract, which is vital if you have PCOS or hormonal imbalance in the body. It aids in uterine rejuvenation.


There are many researches that support the benefits of Ayurvedic herbs boost fertility and improve the sexual wellness in women. Few are as below.

Shatavari may improve female reproductive health issues including hormonal imbalance, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), follicular growth and development, oocyte quality and infertility possibly by reducing oxidative stress level and increasing level of antioxidants in the body.

Read here: How does shatavari help to improve fertility?

Similarly, many researchers have studied the fertility improving effects of herbs such as shatavari, lodhara, ashoka, aloe vera etc. These herbs are helpful in treating conditions like PCOS, cervical mucus, small underdeveloped cervix, failure to conceive etc.

Check here: Herbs to improve infertility


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to the boost fertility and improve the sexual wellness in adults, both men and women. To know more about adults ayurvedic foods –SHOP HERE.

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India’s First Tasty Adults Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

To boost Fertility in Women, take Women Fertility Booster Masala Spread | 0% preservatives | 0% refined sugar | 0% palm oil | Fortified with ASHOKA, LODHRA, SHATAVARI, ALOE VERA, GINGER | ORDER |


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PCOS And GUT Health: How is it connected?

what pcos means

PCOS affects women during the age group of 15-44 years. Between 2.2 and 26.7 percent of women in this age group have PCOS. If you are experiencing irregular periods, infertility or excessive facial hair, then probably you are suffering from PCOS. It is the most common endocrine disorder in women around the world. In this article, you will learn about what pcos means and what is the connection between pcos and your gut health.

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What does PCOS means?

PCOS means Polycystic ovary syndrome which is a widespread health problem that affects 6% to 20% women of reproductive age. The incidence of PCOS has increased dramatically in the recent years, one of the main reasons being poor lifestyle.

The three main features of PCOS are:

  • Irregular periods: it means that your ovaries do not release eggs regularly
  • Excess androgen: more than normal levels of androgen(male hormone) which results in excess facial or body hair and Acne
  • Polycystic ovaries:  a condition in which ovaries become enlarged and contain many fluid-filled sacs that surround the eggs.

Being overweight or obese increases your chances of getting PCOS. Few common symptoms include swelling, weight gain, hair loss, acne, less frequent periods and infertility. 

What Causes PCOS?

Doctors can’t say for sure what causes it, but PCOS seems to be related to an imbalance in a girl’s or woman’s hormones . Though PCOS is mostly linked to an imbalance in hormones, have you ever thought about what causes this hormonal imbalance? An unhealthy or leaky gut might be the main reason for hormonal imbalance. Let’s see how.

Also check, What are some foods to manage hormonal imbalance?

Connection between Gut health & PCOS:

What does gut health have to do with PCOS? The answer is EVERYTHING. According to recent research, PCOS is associated with some degree of chronic inflammation. This chronic inflammation leads to weight gain (particularly around the abdomen) and insulin resistance. It also leads to GUT Dysbiosis, which is an imbalance of good and bad bacteria in the gut. In other words, women with PCOS have less good bacteria and more harmful bacteria than normal.

Additionally, many women diagnosed with PCOS also suffer from a Leaky Gut. Leaky gut occurs when the lining of the gut allows food particles and toxins to pass through into the bloodstream, causing inflammation and insulin resistance. This again stimulates a systemic, low-grade inflammatory response. Probably this is the reason why leaky gut is so common among women suffering from PCOS. So getting your gut health back to normal becomes extremely important for women with PCOS conditions.

Foods to improve Gut Health:

Diet is extremely important to improve your gut health. A healthy diet of unprocessed foods, limited alcohol, and high fiber will help to produce an environment for good bacteria to thrive. Additionally, a good prebiotic supplement will help to replenish gut microbes and hence should be taken regularly. 

Studies have shown that probiotics (which are live microbes or healthy-gut bacteria) and prebiotics (food for good bacteria) have positive effects on improving hormonal balance and reducing inflammation in women with PCOS. Check scientific study here:


Prebiotic can help you improve your hormonal imbalance and reduce inflammation by healing your gut. Here is the simplest way to get your daily dose of prebiotics.

1 serving of PREBIOTIC GUT DRINK will provide prebiotic essential for healthy gut.

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

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Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) are an excellent source of prebiotics that promote growth of healthy gut bacteria. Hence, Prebiotics play an important role in weight management, lowering blood sugar and maintaining insulin levels.


Guar gum is a fiber made from guar bean or Indian cluster bean. Partially hydrolyzed guar gum is derived from guar gum by the process of enzymatic hydrolysis. It is a water soluble dietary fiber and helps to regulate gut function. Consuming PHGG can help to improve metabolic health and fertility.


Lemon and orange are the two best sources of citric acid or vitamin C. Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins for PCOS and has many health benefits. Women with PCOS have increased levels of oxidative stress (imbalance of free radicals). As an antioxidant, Vitamin C helps to prevent free radical damage to healthy cells.

For scientifically proven studies by NIH, Check here.


It is a great sugar alternative for refined sugar and is highly beneficial for women facing hormonal issues. It’s sweet and safe (approved by FDA) in its natural form. Stevia has no carbohydrates, calories or any artificial ingredients and is called a “zero-calorie” sweetener. (What are other sugar alternatives?)


Papaya contains carotene that helps induce period naturally and hence including papaya in diet can benefit women with PCOS.

To know the meaning of gut-healthy foods, check here.


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