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What are the Benefits of Moringa For KIDS?

The task of preparing and feeding at least three healthy meals a day is not only repetitive but also the most important one. This is where this miracle food helps. It is the most difficult task for a parent to feed their child healthy food. This is all the more true during the early foundation years of the child when the bones and brain are developing. Preparing nutrient dense food covering most important vitamins and minerals for the body is an inevitable requirement. With limited food choices that the child prefers, it does certainly become a daunting task to achieve complete nutrition. This is where this miracle food helps. Let’s learn what are the benefits of Moringa for kids.

What are the benefits of moringa for kids?

A parent makes endless efforts to balance all the nutrition required for the complete growth of a child. If only there was a miracle food which could single handedly deliver most of the nutrition for the day, this task of feeding healthy food would have become way less challenging.

Does nature have such a nutrient-dense food ? Moringa is one of the best food for children’s growth. All the parts of Moringa tree- leaves, fruit (drumstick), flower and root have a health purpose. Every part of moringa tree has its own benefits. Below here are mentioned the benefits of moringa for kids.


The leaves can be cooked and consumed directly. They can also be stored for longer periods after drying. For kids it is easy to serve powdered moringa by mixing it in dough or adding to any gravy or soup or shake.

Just 1 tbsp of Moringa leaf powder is equivalent to 60g of fresh leaves. This portion of Moringa contains 100% nutrition of Vitamin E, K which is great for making bones stronger and better skin and hair. It also meets 50% of Iron requirement (Iron in Moringa is 25 times higher than Spinach) which is essential for higher energy in the body. In addition, 25% of Vitamin A nutrition for healthy eyesight is also provided. It has 4 times more Vitamin A than carrots. (Which foods are good for eye health?)

  • The fruit of the Moringa tree is called the Drumstick. It can be added to any gravy or soup or lentil for consumption. Although Drumstick can be tough for the younger kids to consume directly.
  • Study indicates that moringa has shown to protect against the impact of arsenic in the body.
  • The high content of potassium (15 times more than banana) in Moringa also helps fight the adverse health effects of current lifestyle (food choices) that kids prefer. (How to feed nutrition to your child in an easy way?)
  • The flower of the Moringa tree can be cooked and added to gravy. It gives a taste like mushroom. They can also be brewed and enjoyed like hot tea (or cool drink with added flavours of lemon or honey). Hot tea is a great way to feed kids added Vitamin C for Immunity during the period of congestion, cold or cough. Moringa leaves have 7 times more Vitamin C than oranges making it a superfood for Immunity. (How to boost your child’s immunity?)
  • In addition to other bones friendly nutrients, Moringa also has 3 times more Calcium than milk making it an excellent food to treat weak or damaged bones.
  • An excellent source of Vitamin B1 and Vitamin E, Moringa works wonder on Brain of the child. The high content of Iron in Moringa, enables mental alertness.

Lastly, Moringa can also improve digestion in kids. The high fibre content of the miracle food helps in fixing any gut disorder which is quite commonly diagnosed found in kids nowadays due to choice of refined food.

  • In nutshell, Moringa food contains more nutrients than any other single food source. It supports an overall child growth by providing nutrition for brain, bones, eyesight, immunity, skin & hair, digestion.

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Check more healthy recipes loved by kids.


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