Most Effective Home Remedies And Foods For Pneumonia

Pneumonia is the most common cause of serious illness in young children worldwide. Pneumonia is the infection of the lungs caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi. When a child is infected, his lungs are filled with fluid and it becomes difficult to breathe. Later in the article, will share home remedies and foods for pneumonia that may help in recovery.

The lungs are made up of small sacs called alveoli, which fill with air when a healthy person breathes. When an individual has pneumonia, the alveoli are filled with pus and fluid, which makes breathing painful and limits oxygen intake.Children are more likely than adults to develop pneumonia because their airways are smaller and their immune systems are not yet fully developed.

In general, pneumonia is not contagious, but the upper respiratory viruses and bacteria that lead to it are. It can be spread in a number of ways. The viruses and bacteria that are commonly found in a child’s nose or throat can infect the lungs if they are inhaled. They may also spread via air-borne droplets from a cough or sneeze. Sharing drinking glasses and eating utensils, and touching used tissues or handkerchiefs of an infected person also can spread pneumonia. Childrens with the following conditions are more likely to get this illness.

  • Weaker immune system
  • Chronic diseases issues like asthma
  • Lung or airway problem
Symptoms of pneumonia:

Symptoms of pneumonia may differ from person to person depending upon what is causing illness ( bacteria or virus).  The symptoms of pneumonia caused by bacteria may include:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Loss of appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Tiredness and fatigue

If pneumonia is caused by virus, along with the above mentioned symptoms the child may also suffer from:

  • Fast and hard breathing
  • Headache
  • Chills
  • Fussiness

If you notice any of the above symptoms in your child make sure your child sees his or her healthcare provider for a diagnosis

Diagnose of pneumonia

The Doctor will examine the child and may ask about the health history and symptoms. They will check the breathing pattern and chest congestion. Child has to undergo some physical exams and tests like chest x-rays and blood tests, to diagnose pneumonia.

Treatment for pneumonia

If the child has viral pneumonia, treatment options are limited as antibiotics don’t work against viruses. In that case doctors generally recommend taking rest and medication for fever if the child has one.

However if the child has bacterial pneumonia, antibiotics can be effective. If your doctor prescribes antibiotics to treat your child’s pneumonia, you should give them the recommended dosage as often as your doctor directs you to. Along with medicine the child should

  • Take plenty of rest
  • Eating nutritious foods
  • Drinking lots of fluids
Home remedies and Foods for pneumonia

A glass of hot water with a teaspoon of salt is very beneficial to ease a sore throat. Ask your kid to gargle with salt water twice a day. The saline water helps soothe the pain.


A compound found in turmeric, Curcumin offers therapeutic relief. It works as a mucolytic. Which means it helps in removing mucus and leads to easy breathing and relief from chest pain. It has a very high antioxidant value to protect the body from invading infections. It is also rich in vitamin A, Thiamine (B1), Riboflavin (B2) and vitamin C. You can offer a cup of warm milk with turmeric to your child for quick recovery. This is one of the best foods for pneumonia


Tulsi leaves have been scientifically proven to have medicinal properties. It also has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects, rich in vitamin c and zinc and thus keeps the infection at a bay and naturally boosts the immunity. With its antibiotic properties, it is very effective in bringing the fever down.  Add a few leaves of tulsi to boiling water, allow it to boil for 2 minutes, strain the water and make your child drink this multiple times a day to lower their temperature.


Giloy is used to treat a wide range of health conditions and one of the foods for pneumonia. This boost immunity which helps in fighting infection effectively. Research shows that these compounds have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antidiabetic properties, among other benefits which help to boost immunity. You can make giloy juice by boiling two small stems of a giloy plant in a glass of water. Drink this warm for better results.


Roasting pepper in ghee and consuming it 2-3 times a day helps in easing congestion and blocked nose. In addition, pepper is rich in vitamin C that helps to boost immunity.


Ginger roots have been used for centuries for health benefits in Asian cultures. Research shows that ginger has medicinal properties, both antiviral and antibacterial, that could help ease the symptoms of stuffy nose or sore throat. Take out some ginger juice by grating it and mix it with some honey. Give this mixture to your child above 1 year twice a day for quick relief (What are other Ayurvedic herbs that are good for kids?)


Lemons, like saltwater and honey, are beneficial for sore throats as they help clear up mucus and provide pain relief. Furthermore, lemons are high in Vitamin C, which can aid to strengthen the immune system and give it more capacity to battle your infection. For quick treatment, mix one teaspoon of lemon juice into a glass of warm water and consume.

  • Heat mustard oil and roast garlic and carom seeds in it. Once cool, apply this oil on the baby’s head, palm, feet base, chest and back. Leave it applied and let the child sleep. It will help settle the cold and cough both. Also, any body ache the child has will be resolved. Mustard oil is a very effective cough and cold home remedy.
  • Take1 to 2 tbs of lukewarm mustard oil and mix half a teaspoon of rock salt. Then, massage this oil gently on the baby’s chest and back, cover with cotton cloth. The warmth of mustard oil helps in relieving congestion.

Do your children often fall sick with fever, cold and cough? The food we eat plays a key role in determining the overall health and immunity. It gives the body a condition of being able to resist a particular disease. By adding foods, like Nuts, Seeds, Ayurvedic herbs like Tulsi, Giloy, Turmeric, Amla, Ashwagandha and Antioxidants like Cocoa and Vitamin E to your kid’s diet you can prevent them from falling sick again and again by boosting their immunity.


We are happy to introduce our range of nutritious & tasty kids Ayurvedic foods!!
We know that preparing and feeding healthy foods everyday is a huge task. Even more tough when kids are picky eaters. Kids prefer certain foods and formats. It is not easy to feed kids bitter Ayurvedic herbs, variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds everyday.
Mixed with Ayurvedic herbs, this unique Ayurvedic spread is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Brain development, Bone strength and overall-growth to kids without any fuss.

Ayurvedic kids and teens immunity chocolate spread by iyurved

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

For kids who suffer from Pneumonia, cough and cold frequently, give Kids & Teens Immunity Boost Chocolate Spread | 0% preservatives | 0% refined sugar | 0% Palm oil | Fortified with AMLA, GILOY, TULSI | ORDER |

Check more products for: Immunity, Brain development, Healthy weight, Eye health, Autism, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Acne and Overall growth

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Foods and Remedies by a Nutrition Expert
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9 Proven foods for eye health

The Eye is the lamp of the body, so if the eye is healthy your whole body will be full of light. From reading to writing, from classroom to playground, a child’s eyes are constantly at work. With the ongoing pandemic, kids are not able to attend school and they are sitting at home without friends, screen came to their complete rescue. With a sharp drop in physical movement (outdoor activities), and increased screen time due to online classes and pleasure viewing, leads to many health-related concerns especially affecting eyesight. By feeding foods for the eye you can protect their eyes. Bad eyesight is most commonly caused by a refractive error like nearsightedness (myopia), foresightedness (hyperopia) and astigmatism. Below are some reasons for weak eyesight in kids: (what are some common eye disorders in kids?)

WHATSAPP for concerns like Speech Delay, Low Weight, Frequent Illness, Hyperactivity, Low Concentration, Weak Eyesight, Improper Sleep, Pigmentation, Pores, Face Marks, Fine Lines , Lactation etc.

Reasons of weak eyesight

Genetics: Kids with a family history of poor eyesight are at higher risk of weaker eyesight than those who don’t have any family history of eye issues.

Lack of nutrients: Eating habits should be taken care of from an early age, as eating low nutrient food can lead to many health issues and weak eyesight is one of them.

Screen time:  limitless screen time is adversely affecting the overall health including the eyes of kids especially those under the age of 3 years, as their development is happening rapidly.

Sunlight: Just like UV rays affect our skin, it too affects our eyes. Photo keratitis is a type of sunburn on the surface of the eye.

Symptoms to be taken seriously:

  • Child is constantly rubbing his/her eyes
  • Poor focusing
  • Abnormal movement of eyes (after 6 months of age)
  • Redness of the eyes
  • Tearing of eyes
  • Tilting head and covering one eye
  • Sitting too close to television or keeping book too close while reading
  • Complaining of headaches or eye pain

How beta carotene help with eye health?

Beta carotene is the primary source of vitamin A in the human diet. It is a provitamin A carotenoid or you can say nutrients that the body converts into vitamin A. Orange-colored fruits and vegetables like carrots, mangoes, apricot, and sweet potatoes are high in beta-carotene which helps your eyes to adjust them in darkness and improves night vision. It helps to strengthen eye muscles, thus is key for eye care and necessary to protect your kid from any children’s eye disease.

Foods for eye that can help in strong vision

Foods play a very important role in developing and promoting children’s eye health. These foods not only help in strong vision but also improve weak eyesight to a great extent.


Moringa contains beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamin C and vitamin E. These nutrients can preserve eyesight and also reduce the risk of eye diseases. Moringa powder is the richest common food in lutein and zeaxanthin. There isn’t a recommended daily intake for beta-carotene. Scientific data shows that about 3-6 mg of beta-carotene per day is good. Scientists found the amount of beta-carotene in Moringa powder to be about 28.5 mg per 100g.

Also chech, Which other foods are good for eye health?


Carrots are a great source of beta carotene which can be converted into vitamin A. Vitamin A promotes better eyesight. It is also rich in lutein, an antioxidant which can help in preventing eye damage caused by free radicals.

3.Sprouted moong

This is high in nutrients and is believed to aid many ailments. Sprouted moong is stuffed with vitamin C, which is a natural antioxidant and helps to maintain the flexibility of the retina. sprouting reduces levels of phytic acid, which is an antinutrient. Antinutrients can reduce the absorption of minerals like zinc, magnesium and calcium 

4. Spinach

Spinach contains a high volume of antioxidant lutein and zeaxanthin stored in the macula. Macula is the part of the retina that naturally protects the eye from ultraviolet rays. These nutrients also help the eye to detect contrast better. So this not only improves vision, but also maintains vision for the long term.


Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae that is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, carotenoids, and antioxidants that can help protect cells from damage. It contains nutrients, including B complex vitamins, beta-carotene, vitamin E, manganese, zinc, copper, iron, selenium, and gamma linolenic acid (an essential fatty acid). Spirulina also contains high concentration of zeaxanthin, an important nutrient important for eye health. It helps in maintaining good eyesight as well as prevents night blindness.


Broccoli is packed with antioxidants and carotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin. Both of them act as protective pigments in the back of the eyes. It is an excellent source of vitamin C, an antioxidant nutrient that’s involved in both creating and protecting the structure of your eyes.

7.Flax seeds

Flax seeds are very high in fiber and provide good amounts of protein. It is also rich source of omega 3 fatty acid which is essential for strengthening eye nerves.


It is a shrub and an essential herb in ayurvedic medicines. Giloy is used to treat a wide range of health conditions. Giloy also contains lutein that is good for eyesight. It helps to boost vision clarity.


Wheat grass: high in vitamins A, C and E, as well as iron, magnesium, calcium and amino acids. All of these support eye health.

Barley Grass: barley grass contains a good amount of vitamin A, a fat-soluble vitamin that regulates immune function, cell growth, and vision.

Alfalfa Grass: It contains B-Vitamins, Vitamin A, and Vitamin C for vision and teeth. Also rich in Vitamin D which is extremely crucial for bone health.


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Eye, Brain development, Bone strength and overall growth to kids without any fuss. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods –SHOP HERE.

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs

For Better vision and to strengthen eye muscles, give Kids and Teens Eye health Chocolate Spread| Made with 100% veggies, greens, sprouted dal, Gingko Biloba, Lutein, Zeaxanthin | 0% preservative | 0% Artificial Colour | 100% Natural | No refined sugar | ORDER |


Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

what is the down's syndrome


Some parents have been kind enough to share their journey with us. Let’s hear them to closely understand the benefits of Ayurvedic spreads by Iyurved.

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Growth and Development of a Child at One Year

It’s been a year, feels like yesterday when your baby came into this world and now your little one has reached the 12-month point. So much happened in terms of growth and development of a child in their first year. From a little tiny baby he/ she became a more independent toddler. It’s fun and exciting seeing them do new things every day, trying new words, taking their first steps.  Now they have gained much control over their body. Following are the expected growth and development of a child at one year of age.

Growth and development of a child at one year
Physical growth:

Physical growth is the increase in the body size like height and weight of the child. From birth to one year their physical growth is fast and crucial. Normally  a child grows about 10 inches by the end of first year and their weight is likely to triple from the birth weight .  Also their teeth start to erupt, they may have 6 teeth by their first birthday.

Brain growth:

A child’s brain undergoes an amazing period of development from birth till one year. It will be double the size or 60% of its adult sizeMore than 1 million new neural connections are formed every second. Much of this growth occurs in a part of the brain called the cerebellum. (foods that helps in brain development)

Motor skills:

The first year of a baby’s life is the most criticle year for their gross motor skill development. Motor skills refer to the body’s ability to manage the process of movement.  During the first year, your baby is busy developing coordination and muscle strength in every part of her body. One-year-olds, learning to stand unsupported, walk while holding onto furniture or they may even have taken their first solo steps. They are now also capable of holding everyday items correctly like a spoon, comb, phone and books etc. (Tips to improve motor skill)

Sleeping pattern:

Their sleep pattern  of a one year child should be more at night and less during day timeAt this age, toddlers generally sleep 10 to 14 hours in a 24-hour period, including daytime naps of one to three hours. Some toddlers may still wake at night and will need you to comfort them. (some foods that helps in sleeping well)


It’s time to say goodbye to purees and hello to yummy table foods now that your baby is a toddler. By now, babies have developed taste buds and are eager to try different flavor foods. You can also introduce family foods to your little ones with fewer salt and spices, that suits their digestive system.


Til 12 months baby start making sounds like ma-ma-ma-ma or ba-ba-ba-ba and other similar long sounds. They start talking gibberish like sssbi, ebeedu to participate in conversation. He or she may start to combine his talking with gestures such as pointing to what he or she wants, shaking his or her head to mean ‘no’ or waving ‘bye bye’. In some cases babies start to say proper one words like mama, baba, papa etc. or try to repeat the words he/ she hears  from you.

They also start to follow instructions and understand far more words than he/she can speak. At around this age the Baby starts to recognize common objects like bottles, cups and plates. Body parts like nose, tummy, ears and mouth etc. also their belongings like recognizing  their toys. (foods for speech delay)

When to consult a doctor

Every child develops skill at their own pace. Some may reach milestones earlier than the others. Nobody can tell exactly when your child will develop all these above mentioned skills. However you should always consult your doctor if you notice any of the following signs of development delay at one year.

  • Does no crawl
  • Awkward body posture
  • Not able to stand with support
  • Does not use single words, such as “mama”
  • Does not understand instructions, such as “no” or “bye-bye
  • Does not indulge in back-and-forth gestures, such as waving, reaching, or pointing
  • Does not search for hidden object
  • Does not point to things or pictures
Tips for growth and development of one year child

Make sure your baby is up to date with his/her vaccination schedule.


Quality interaction is the key for cognitive development. Responding to your baby’s coos and cries, making eye contact and showing them funny faces is the type of interaction you can do in their early months and soon you will see them responding in their own sign language.


Books play a vital role in brain development of children as well as motor skill development. You can introduce board books from 6 months and paper books from 1 year. Show different colors, shapes and objects through these books or just allow your baby to turn the pages by themselves and let them observe and memorize things.


Reading and storytelling with babies and children promotes brain development and imagination, develops language and emotions, and strengthens relationships.


As soon as the baby starts sitting you can introduce the block games. There are lots of block games available in the market, you can choose according to your baby’s age. Block games help kids to express their imagination and help them to understand different shapes and colors.

No screen time:

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics advice, kids below 18 months should not be allowed for any screen time. Studies have shown that TV at this age can negatively affect a child’s language development, reading skills, and even contribute to problems with sleep and attention

Foods for proper growth and development of a child

Taking care of a kid’s nutrition from early years itself is very important. This not only keeps their present active but also ensures a dependable and disease-free future.


Protein makes up the building blocks of organs, muscles, skin and hormones. Our body needs protein to maintain and repair tissues. Meanwhile, children need it for proper growth in their early years too. Fish, poultry, nuts (almond, peanut, cashew, hazelnut), beans, are the best choices. A balanced protein rich breakfast is always great for children to start their day. It helps them stay full for longer ideas and hence protein is a must for proper child nutrition. (How to add protein to your diet?)


Healthy foods for kids must limit fats that are high in saturated fat and avoid trans-fat. Nuts, avocado, seeds (such as pumpkin seeds, melon seeds, sunflower seeds) and few oils are the healthiest sources of unsaturated fat. It is good for the eye, bones and mental health of a child, helps to boost brain and nervous system development, and strengthens the immune system. Encourage your child to eat all these good fats that support kid’s nutrition. (Foods and remedies for cough?)


It is really important to get strong bones and teeth and we get a chance to build them only once – throughout childhood and adolescence. Children who get enough calcium in childhood start their adult lives with the strongest bones possible. Mostly calcium is stored in bones and teeth where it supports their structure and hardness, but the body also needs calcium for muscles to move and for nerves to carry messages between the brain and every body part. Calcium is predominantly found in milk and milk based products like cheese. And is also found in smaller quantities in some nuts and seeds. (Should kids take whey protein?) Moreover, few herbs such as shallaki also contain calcium.


Fibre, starches and sugar are very essential foods for a healthy diet that the body turns into glucose to give energy to function. Carbs that take time to digest and have fibre in them are complex carbs which are found in naturally existing fruits, vegetables, almonds, cashews, hazelnut, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, melon seeds and whole grains. 


Vitamins and minerals help us to grow, to form bones, muscles, for eyesight, for skin and organs and most importantly help us to fight against infections by building immunity. Deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals can lead to severe issues related to health. The best way to ensure that your child is getting enough vitamins and minerals for proper growth and development is to provide them with five food groups (fruit and vegetable, complex carbs, dairy, protein and fat).


Ayurveda has the potential to not only correct imbalances in our children, but also to set them on an enduring path toward optimal health and well-being. Thus, ayurvedic herbs must be included in the list of health foods for kids. Ayurvedic herbs such as ashwagandha, mulethi, brahmi, shallaki and turmeric are great for kids’ development. Overall, these herbs support immunity, bone strength, brain development and overall growth.


Antioxidants are compounds produced in your body or naturally found in some foods that scavenge or neutralize the effects of cell damage by potentially harmful molecules known as free radicals. Fortunately eating a diet rich in antioxidants or antioxidant rich foods help to fight oxidative stress and reduce the risk of many chronic diseases. Turmeric, Vitamin E, cocoa, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Selenium, Beta carotene, Lycopene, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Manganese, Polyphenols show great antioxidant properties.


We are happy to introduce our range of nutritious & tasty kid’s Ayurvedic foods!!
We know that preparing and feeding healthy foods everyday is a huge task. Even more tough when kids are picky eaters. Kids prefer certain foods and formats. It is not easy to feed kids bitter Ayurvedic herbs, variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds everyday.
Mixed with Ayurvedic herbs, this unique Ayurvedic spread is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Brain development, Bone strength and overall-growth to kids without any fuss.

Ayurvedic weight savoury spread by iyurved

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

For building strong bones and muscles in kids give, Daily Nutrition Savoury Spread | Made with clinically proven ‘5 Ayurvedic Herbs and 7 Nuts’ | ORDER | 0% preservative | 0% Palm oil | High in CALCIUM, VITAMIN D and VITAMIN B12 |

Check more products for: Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Healthy weight, Brain development, Eye health, Autism, Hyperactivity, Sleep, Bones and Overall growth

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Foods and Remedies by a Nutrition Expert
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Difficulties in Learning, Reading and Writing: 7 Foods that can help

Does your child face difficulties in learning, reading or writing Or instead of trying hard they still struggle in learning any other specific set of skill? It could be a sign of a learning disorder.

Learning disabilities are disorders that affect the ability to understand or use spoken or written language, do mathematical calculations, coordinate movements, or direct attention. Common types of Learning disorder or disability involve problems with reading, writing, math, reasoning, listening, and speaking.  But it does not mean that such child is not capable enough or dumb, on the other hand they can be as smart as any other child, just that they have a different brain or they see, hear and understand things differently. One of the most common learning  disorder includes dyslexia 

What is dyslexia

Dyslexia is one of the commonest learning disorders. It is defined as a disorder where a child, in spite of all the classroom teaching, is not able to attain the language skills of reading, writing and spelling according to their level of intelligence. dyslexia affects areas of the brain that process language therefore People with dyslexia have difficulties in learning and trouble reading at a good pace and without mistakes. 

Rightnow there is no cure for dyslexia, but early diagnosis and right support can improve their reading and writing skills and help those with the problem be successful at school and work.

Symptoms of difficulties in learning 

Generally parents notice the signs of learning disorder or dyslexia by the time their child reaches preschool age or begins to start learning and reading. Some of the symptoms of learning disorder are:

  • Late talking
  • Trouble learning the numbers alphabets colors shapes etc
  • Reversing or transposing the letters while writing ( such as b instead of d or p instead of q)
  • Read and write very slowly
  • Difficulty following directions or learning routines
  • Problem in remembering the sequence of things
  • Misspells words and makes frequent errors.
  • Slow in learning new skills
  • Difficulty in basic math concepts
  • Problem in storytelling and rhyming
  • Difficulty in memorizing.
  • Struggle with planning and organization.

If you find that your child faces difficulties in learning, talk to their teacher for extra support to help your child. The most common treatment for learning disabilities is special education. Specially trained educators do this after assessing the child’s academic and intellectual potential.

Causes of learning disorder/ dyslexia

According to the experts the exact cause of learning disorder or dyslexia is unknown. However there are some conditions that result in learning disorders.

  • Genetic: the children with family history of learning disorder are at the higher risk. If the parents or any siblings has dyslexia then he/she is likely to develop the same disorder.
  • Exposure to heavy metals and environmental toxins such as lead (in paint, ceramics, toys, etc.)
  • Drug or alcohol consumption during pregnancy
  • Low birth weight.
  • Premature birth and maternal use of valproic acid or thalidomide during pregnancy can also be one of the causes for dyslexia.
  • Birth injury or trauma
  • A stressful incident after birth such as high fever, head injury, or poor nutrition.
  • Learning disorder and ADHD often co exist: research shows that either ADHD leads to learning disorder or that both are comorbid conditions. 30 to 40 percent of children with ADHD also have a specific learning disability.
Food that may help kids with difficulties in learning

It is very important to feed kids a nutritious diet from the early years itself, even more important if the child is suffering from a learning disorder. Experts say whatever is good for the brain is likely to be good for learning disorders and dyslexia. Below is the list of essential nutrients and foods recommended as a part of a healthy diet for kids with difficulties in learning.


Protein is an important part of a healthy diet. It builds, maintains and repairs body tissues. It is also essential for brain health and plays an important role in producing neurotransmitters (brain chemical). It’s also integral in forming enzymes and hormones in the body. From digestion to immunity, from hair to nails, everything requires protein. Some foods rich in protein are: nuts and seeds, egg and dairy products.(how to get a protein rich diet?)

2.Omega 3 fatty acids:

Research has established a link between omega 3 fatty acids and brain development in early childhood. These healthy fats have amazing brain boosting power and play a vital role in enhancing memory and attention span. Fish & walnuts are a very good source of omega 3. (Why is Omega 3 important for your kids?)


In our body, Magnesium is responsible for nerve transmission and nerve-muscle coordination. In other words, it protects against the excessive excitement in a child (which can be traumatic). There is enough research going on how Magnesium can help in fixing or preventing neurological disorders. Banana, avocado, pumpkin seeds and spinach are some food sources of magnesium.(what are some disorders in which magnesium can help?)


All the nuts like almonds, walnut, cashew, peanuts and hazelnuts are rich in vitamin E and help in boosting memory. They are also antioxidants which protect against cell damage. Walnuts are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and are a valuable substance for brain function, memory and thinking abilities. This fatty acid also encourages cognitive functions.


Apart from nuts, seeds like flex, chia, melon, sesame and pumpkins also contain powerful antioxidants like vitamin E that protect the brain from free radical damage. Sunflower seeds impact overall mood and mental processing powers and therefore it is considered a brain boosting snack. Pumpkin seeds are high in magnesium, copper, and much higher in zinc than other seeds, which help in increasing concentration and memory. One of the easiest to feed brain boosting foods for kids.


Pure Cocoa powder (unsweetened) contains brain boosting components as it is packed with a large number of antioxidants molecules, the main is epicatechin which is helpful to improve cognition in studies. Hence, cocoa powder is also an important brain development food for children.

7.Herbs for dyslexia


Ashwagandha is an adaptogen. It is known to reduce anxiety and stress. Moreover, it increases acetylcholine levels which support better memory, mental focus and intelligence. This herb also reduces mental fatigue and enhances sleep quality. In addition, it protects the brain nerve cells from damage. Another important use is that it provides benefits against illnesses such as epilepsy, depression, arthritis and diabetes. 


Brahmi is a superfood for the brain and is believed to sharpen the brain by protecting cells and increasing chemicals associated with learning and memory. It has shown to improve spatial learning and retaining power in kids. That is why in older times, kids were often given Brahmi powder with ghee/honey. This would increase their focus and attention, while keeping them calm and distressed.


Shankhapushpi is a traditional remedy for increasing the functioning of the brain. The powerful antioxidants and flavonoids present in it improve the memory capacity, focus, concentration, calmness, alertness of an individual. Since it is a brain tonic and stimulator, people taking shankhapushpi have improved memory, reasoning, problem-solving, and other cognitive abilities.

Scientifically proven studies conducted by NIH

There are many researches by NIH that support the benefits of Ayurvedic herbs in kid’s brain development. a few are as below:

How Brahmi, Ashwagandha and Shankhapushpi helps in Dyslexia?

How Ashwagandha helps in speech and brain functions?

Benefits of Brahmi for brain and speech

Proven benefits of shankhapushapi in boosting memory

How to feed all these foods to kids?
Kids & Teens Brain Booster Chocolate Spread vy Iyurved
Brain boosting foods

Now the question arises- how to include all these bitter Ayurvedic herbs, nuts, seeds and antioxidants in your child’s diet?

Kids and Teens Brain Booster Chocolate Spread

Kids & Teens Brain Booster Chocolate Spread
Brain boosting foods

Specially designed for kids having difficulties in learning, this unique product rich in Omega-3, Brahmi, Ashwagandha, Shankhpushpi is formulated with 14 nutrient-rich ingredients, No refined sugar and Zero preservatives. Iyurved provides daily nutrition for Kids & Teens to help support Brain Boosting.

Check more products for Immunity, Weight, Digestion, Sleep, Acne, Eye health


We are happy to introduce our range of nutritious & tasty products for kids!!
We know that preparing and feeding healthy foods everyday is a huge task. Even more tough when kids are picky eaters. Kids prefer certain foods and formats. It is not easy to feed kids bitter Ayurvedic herbs, variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds everyday.
Mixed with Ayurvedic herbs, this unique Ayurvedic spread is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Brain development, Bone strength and overall-growth to kids without any fuss.

Ayurvedic Chocolate spreads by Iyurved
Ayurvedic spreads by Iyurved

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

If your child is a picky eater or watches too much screen, or is at a learning stage, or is hyperactive, or has acne, or falls sick often | Give Ayurvedic Spreads by Iyurved for healthy body and growth | ORDER | 0% preservative | 0% Palm oil | 0% refined sugar |

(shipping in India and Singapore only)

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Foods and Remedies by a Nutrition Expert
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Child’s Development: 7 Foods That Help Babies in Sitting

The first year of a baby’s life is the most crucial year for a child’s development. Babies develop their skills gradually. It’s so overwhelming to see your newborn doing new activities every day, but these abilities don’t develop overnight. Babies put a lot of effort and handwork to achieve these motor skills. There are a lot of new parents frequently asking questions around baby development including when babies typically hold their head, sit up, roll over crawl and finally walk.

Motor skills refer to the body’s ability to manage the process of movement. Gross Motor skills involve baby’s milestone like holding head, sitting, crawling and walking.

Every parent wants to know if their child’s development is on track or not. Below are the age when normally babies start showing that they are ready to sit and the age when they finally sit without support.

WHATSAPP for concerns like Speech Delay, Low Weight, Frequent Illness, Hyperactivity, Low Concentration, Weak Eyesight, Improper Sleep, Pigmentation, Pores, Face Marks, Fine Lines , Lactation etc.

When do babies start sitting

Normally a baby starts to sit with support at  around 5 months to 6 months and without support at around 7 to 9 months. Holding head control and having enough upper body strength is a must for a baby before he/ she is able to sit up on their own. At 9 months babies can sit without any support and easily get in and out of sitting position. When your baby starts sitting up, you should provide support to his back. There are chances that he may lose his balance and hit his head on the floor.

When to consult a doctor

Usually a child who is late doing certain activities catches up to other children. But sometimes, developing late is the sign of a health condition. In case your baby is unable to sit upright without support by the end of nine months, you should consult your doctor. There are many causes of such delay in a child’s development, few are listed below.

  •  Premature birth
  •  Cerebral Palsy (brain damage before birth)
  •  Myopathy (a disease of muscles)
  •  Brain injury
  •  Ataxia (defective muscle coordination)
  •  Problems with vision
  •  Spina Bifida (birth defect in the baby that occurs when the spine and spinal cord do not develop completely)

How to help your baby in sitting

Right from the beginning you can help your child to achieve their milestones on time. Here are some tips on how you can help your baby to sit on time.

Holding the baby:

Holding the baby in an upright position on your shoulder. The baby tries to control the head position by using his/ her neck muscles. You can start this from the 2nd month, support the baby from the upper body then gradually move towards the hip. This will help them in strengthening their neck muscles.

Tummy time:

Give your baby plenty of tummy time.  Lay your baby on his tummy and place the toys he/ she likes in front of them.  It helps strengthen your baby’s arms, legs, torso, as well as his neck muscles.

Roll over:

When you place them on their tummy they will begin to push up on their arm. Tummy to side rolling is most common in babies at the age of 4 months. By 6 months most babies have gained enough abdominal strength to flip in both directions and roll over from their back to front. Rolling over helps strengthen the upper body and neck muscles that your baby needs to sit up. So always encourage your baby to roll over by placing toys or books near to them, so that they roll over to reach those things.

Sitting with support:

Once the baby gains control over their head, you can encourage them to sit by placing a pillow around them for support. Be careful and stay close to help them if they fall.Try sitting them on the floor while holding their back up straight. This helps improve their muscle control and coordination.

Foods to improve motor skill:

As soon as your baby is 6 months, taking care of their diet is very important, as food or nutrients that they get from food is key for a child’s development on time. Nutrients like protein helps in muscle strengthening, calcium and vitamin d promotes bone health and the foods that promote brain health like omega 3 fatty acids, as this milestone involve the brain and body’s muscles to work together. Below are the foods that help in a child’s development for sitting.


It is really important to get strong bones and we get a chance to build them only once – throughout childhood and adolescence. Children who get enough calcium in childhood start their adult lives with the strongest bones possible. Mostly calcium is stored in bones and teeth where it supports their structure and hardness, but the body also needs calcium for muscles to move and for nerves to carry messages between the brain and every body part. Calcium is predominantly found in milk and milk based products like cheese. And is also found in smaller quantities in some nuts and seeds.

Also check, Should kids take whey protein?

Vitamin D:

Vitamin D helps the body to absorb calcium and works with it to build strong bones. It moves calcium from the intestine to the bloodstream and into the bones. If you are thinking that your child is getting enough vitamin D only by drinking milk, then you may be partially correct. Recent study shows that most of the children are not getting essential vitamins and minerals, and especially vitamin D. Some children with low vitamin D complain of pain in the legs and body. Very low vitamin D can lead to soft bones, causing rickets, a bone softening disease and also increase the risk of bone fracture in children. From age 9 – 18 children need more calcium to meet the daily recommended intake.

Omega 3:

Research has established a link between omega 3 fatty acids and brain development in early childhood. These healthy fats have amazing brain boosting power and play a vital role in enhancing memory and attention span. Omega-3 fatty acids are considered as critical brain foods that may counteract oxidative stress and inflammations, two drivers of cognitive decline which may also result in motor skill delay.


All the nuts like almonds, walnuts, cashew, peanuts and hazelnuts are rich in vitamin E and help in boosting memory. They are also antioxidants which protect against cell damage. Walnuts are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and are a valuable substance for brain function, memory and thinking abilities. This fatty acid also encourages cognitive functions.

Also check, best nuts for protein


Apart from nuts, seeds like flex, chia, melon, sesame and pumpkins also contain powerful antioxidants like vitamin E that protect the brain from free radical damage. Sunflower seeds impact overall mood and mental processing powers and therefore it is considered a brain boosting snack. Pumpkin seeds are high in magnesium, copper, and much higher in zinc than other seeds, which help in increasing concentration, memory and thus helps in better coordination.

Ayurvedic Herbs:

Ayurveda has the potential to not only correct imbalances in our children, but also to set them on an enduring path toward optimal health and well-being. Thus, ayurvedic herbs must be included in the list of health foods for kids. Ayurvedic herbs such as ashwagandha, brahmi, shankhapushpi are great for kids’ development. Overall, these herbs support immunity, bone strength, brain development and overall growth.


Antioxidants are compounds produced in your body or naturally found in some foods that scavenge or neutralize the effects of cell damage by potentially harmful molecules known as free radicals. Fortunately eating a diet rich in antioxidants or antioxidant rich foods help to fight oxidative stress and reduce the risk of many chronic diseases. Turmeric, Vitamin E, cocoa, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Selenium, Beta carotene, Lycopene, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Manganese, Polyphenols show great antioxidant properties.


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Diabetes in Kids: 6 Foods to Manage Their Blood Sugar

It is sad but true that cases of diabetes in kids are increasing day by day. Diabetes is a chronic condition in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin, which results in high blood sugar level in blood. Blood glucose also known as blood sugar is your main source of energy and comes mainly from the food you eat. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps the glucose in your blood get into your cells to be used for energy.

If somebody has diabetes, their body either doesn’t make enough insulin or can’t use the insulin it makes the way it should. When there isn’t enough insulin or cells stop responding to insulin, too much blood sugar stays in your bloodstream. Without insulin, glucose can’t get into your cells and your blood glucose rises above normal.

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Types of diabetes in kids

Type 1 diabetes:

Also known as juvenile diabetes, this is the most common diabetes in kids and teens. In Type 1 diabetes, the pancreas does not make insulin. Without insulin, too much sugar stays in the blood.

Types 2 diabetes:

Not very common in kids type 2 diabetes is due to the wrong lifestyle, food habits and increasing cases of obesity in kids. Children have a higher risk of type 2 diabetes  if they are overweight or have obesity, have a family history of diabetes, or are not active.

Symptoms of diabetes in kids

Symptoms of diabetes in kids can start all of sudden and you should contact your doctor immediately as soon as you notice any of the following symptoms.

  • Increased thirst
  • Frequent urination
  • Unusual increase in appetite
  • Heavy breathing
  • Sudden weight loss ( foods to manage healthy weight in kids)
  • Fruity smelly breath
  • blurred vision or other eyesight problems. (how to improve eyehealthy?)
  • Unusual behavior or children become more moody
  • Fatigue
  • Lack of energy or drowsiness
  • Slow healing sores

Causes of diabetes in kids

Type 1 diabetes is a result of the pancreas not producing any insulin. This is due to an autoimmune reaction where the body destroys the cells in the pancreas that make insulin.The exact cause of type 1 diabetes in kids is still unknown. Following are some of the risk factors for type 1 and 2 diabetes in kids.

Genetics:  family history or genetics plans an important role and is the major cause of both type 1 and 2 diabetes in kids. Kids with a family history of diabetes are at higher risk.

Certain viruses: Exposure to various harmful bacteria and viruses that destroys insulin-producing (islet) cells in the pancreas.

Obesity or lifestyle: This is the most important cause of type 2 diabetes in kids. Usually it is common in adults but nowadays there is a sudden increase in cases of type 2 diabetes in kids. Overweight and less active kids are at higher risk. (How to help kids with obesity?)


For the diagnosis the doctor will ask about your child’s symptoms and health history. Also he will consider the family history of diabetes. After that the child has to undergo some blood  and urine tests.

Blood test: one is a fasting blood test in which a sample is taken at least 8 hour of not eating and the other is a random blood test  when there are symptoms of increased thirst, urination, and hunger.

Urine test: They may test your urine for glucose or chemicals your body makes when you don’t have enough insulin.


However there is no cure yet for diabetes, but with some change in lifestyle and precautions such children can live a normal life. These are some common things that a child with diabetes should do.

  • Regular blood sugar testing to check the glucose level in blood.
  • Take insulin either by injection or by insulin pump(as instructed by the doctor).
  • Healthy eating that includes green veggies and fruits.
  • Make sure that the child does not skip the meal.
  • Regular physical workout.

Foods for kids with diabetes

Some foods affect the blood sugar level directly by raising it while others help them to manage the blood sugar level. As parents it is our responsibility to choose foods wisly for kids with diabetes. Following are some foods that you can include in your child’s diet.


Almost all vegetables are rich source of fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It is considered as healthy food for children especially if the child has diabetes. They are rich in different types of fiber, which in are important for diabetes management and overall health. When you eat these foods, your digestive system breaks them down into sugar that enters your bloodstream. Insulin helps use up the sugar and lower your blood sugar levels again. Some of the vegetables are broccoli, carrot, spinach, tomato and cucumber.


Fruit provides vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and many phytonutrients (nutrients naturally present in plants), which helps kids’ bodies to stay healthy. Fruits being rich in antioxidants boost a child’s immunity and give sustainable energy. Some of the foods with low sugar content are orange, grapefruit, raspberries, kiwis, apple, peach, plum and watermelon.

Dairy products:

Main dairy products like milk, cheese and yogurt are the main source of calcium for small kids. Dairy foods are essential for the good health of kids and form an important part of a complete balance. Nonfat, low-fat and full-fat dairy products are available in the market. Check the label before buying, as a diet low in saturated fat is recommended for children with diabetes.

Whole grains:

Whole grains are nutritious foods for kids as they are powerhouse of energy and rich in carbohydrates, protein, iron, fiber, iodine, magnesium, zinc, folate, riboflavin and vitamin E. All these nutrients help in overall growth and development of kids and manages the blood sugar level.  Some of the whole grains are: quinoa, rice, brown rice, sorghum, millet, amaranth, teff, arrowroot, oats and buckwheat

Nuts and seeds:

It is recommended that diabetics should eat good carbs, fats, and healthy proteins, but in small portions. Flaxseeds/linseeds, almonds, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, macadamia nuts, pistachios, cashew nuts, chia seeds, etc are the best nuts and seeds for diabetics as they reduce and regulate the insulin levels in the body.

Herbs for diabetes in kids

Ashawagandha: Studies suggest that ashwagandha helps to lower blood sugar levels. One test-tube study found that it increased insulin secretion and improved insulin sensitivity in muscle cells. Also, several human studies have suggested that it can reduce blood sugar levels in both healthy people and those with diabetes. Additionally, in a 4-week study in people with schizophrenia, those treated with ashwagandha had an average reduction in fasting blood sugar levels of 13.5 mg/dL, compared with 4.5 mg/dL in those who received a placebo. 

Mulethi: Mutethi has a powerful ingredient that has anti-diabetic and anti-inflammatory properties called amorfrutins. This helps in reversing and controlling the high sugar level in the blood. Mulethi is also a good source of antioxidants and therefore helps in preventing various diabetes related diseases. According to some research, licorice helps in controlling the constant sugar cravings.

Brahmi: Brahmi leaves are known for antihyperglycemic properties and are widely recommended for diabetics. Studies reveal that regular consumption of Brahmi leaves can improve the symptoms related to diabetes and help in leading a healthy life. 

Turmeric: It has an active compound called curcumin which has shown to improve sugar.


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Causes of Nasal Congestion in kids: 8 Ways to Relieve

Baby’s stuffy or runny nose is a matter of concern for every parent but also unavoidable due to their still maturing immune system. Stuffed-up noses are caused by inflammation of the sensitive membranes that line the nasal cavity, and they’re usually nothing to worry about. Nasal obstruction is when the nasal passages are blocked, or there is difficulty breathing from the nose. This is very common in babies and toddlers. Especially it is troublesome for newborns younger than 2 months, as they don’t know how to sniff or blow their nose while adults and older children can blow their noses to help clear their nasal passages. The most common causes for nasal congestion and runny nose in infants and children are infections, mainly of viral origin, or allergies

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Symptoms of nasal congestion

A child with nasal congestion may also have these symptoms

  • Stuffy or Runny nose
  • Sneezing or coughing
  • Itchy eyes, nose, mouth and throat
  • Reduced sense of smell or taste
  • Has difficulty breathing or is unable to breathe
  • Noisy breathing
  • Body aches
  • Recurrent, severe respiratory infection
  • Problem in falling asleep. (some foods that help in sound sleep)
  • Difficulty in feeding
Causes For nasal congestion

Nasal congestion can be caused by any of the following causes:

Cold and flu

Children catch colds when a virus comes in contact with the lining of the nose and throat. There are more than two hundred different viruses causing colds in children, but the Rhinovirus is the most common offender. The symptoms for cold include stuffy or runny nose and sneezing. (Home remedies for cold and flu)

Infection of the sinuses:

Sinuses are moist air spaces within the bones of the face around the nose. When they get infected and swell or become irritated, this is called sinusitis (or a sinus infection).  This infection usually causes nasal congestion.

Allergic rhinitis:

These are the symptoms that occur when you breathe in something you are allergic to, such as dust, animal dander, or pollen. Symptoms can also occur when you eat a food that you are allergic to. (What are some common food allergies in kids?)

Presence of irritants: 

Another prominent cause of blocked nose due to cold in children is the presence of irritants such as dust, smoke, or perfumes around the little one.

Foreign object in nostril:

Nasal congestion in toddlers can also be because of the insertion of small objects like a bead or a peanut by mistake, which make it difficult to breathe properly and need to be taken out immediately.

Large adenoids

When the tissue in the back of the nose in children is enlarged, this may also cause nasal congestion in kids.

When to see a doctor?

In most of the cases nasal congestion is minor and clears up within a few days. If you notice any of the following symptoms, please seek help from your baby’s doctor.

  • Have fever (How to control fever at home?)
  • Nasal discharge persists for more than 10 to 14 days
  • Greenish or bloody nasal discharge
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Your child is eating or drinking less or seems to be having trouble with feeding
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Your child is peeing less than normal
  • Ear pain.
  • A blue tint to skin around lips and nostrils.
Home remedies for nasal congestion

Taking proper care at home can help your baby to recover fast from nasal congestion. Below are some home remedies and foods that can help your baby.

Plenty of fluid:

Keep your child hydrated, this will help in thinning the mucus clogged in their nasal passage. If the baby is under 6 months, feed more breastmilk or formula milk and if the child is above 6 month you can offer warm water or other fluids. Give a small amount of fluid at a time but multiple times in a day. Apart from this you can also offer hot homemade soups, which are full of essential vitamins and minerals and are easy to digest. Avoid drinks with caffeine, including colas and tea, because they can make dehydration worse by increasing urination.

Saline solution:

This is the most important home remedy for a stuffy nose. Mix a teaspoon of table salt in warm water and pour the solution into your kid’s nostrils with the help of a dropper. This will directly impact the thinning of the mucus.

Warm  compress:

Warm compress is one of the traditional and proven remedies to open up the nasal passage. Soak a soft washcloth in the warm water, squeeze it well. Now place this over the nose. This will help your child in passing the mucus and eases the clogged nose. Repeat this in a regular interval.


If your child has nasal congestion then giving them steam is the best thing to do. For small kids who can’t inhale steam themselves, turn on the shower up to its hottest setting and close the door and let the steam build up. Turn off the shower once the bathroom is full of steam, now sit there with your baby for sometime. Your baby will automatically inhale the steam. This will help in thinning of mucus and give your baby relief from nasal congestion.

Sleeping Position:

Keep your child’s head in an elevated position to give some relief from cough and blocked nose that perpetuates through the night. (How is sleep and brain development related?)


Due to its antibacterial and anti-viral properties turmeric is one of the best foods for cold and flu season, known to treat viral infections. Adding turmeric powder to a glass of warm milk can offer relief in the aching throat and runny nose.


Ginger roots have been used for centuries for health benefits in Asian cultures. Research shows that ginger has medicinal properties, both antiviral and antibacterial, that could help ease the symptoms of stuffy nose or sore throat. Take out some ginger juice by grating it and mix it with some honey. Give this mixture to your child above 1 year twice a day for quick relief (What are other Ayurvedic herbs that are good for kids?)


• Heat mustard oil and roast garlic and carom seeds in it. Once cool, apply this oil on the baby’s head, palm, feet base, chest and back. Leave it applied and let the child sleep. It will help settle the cold and cough both. Also, any body ache the child has will be resolved. Mustard oil is a very effective cough and cold home remedy.

• Take1 to 2 tbs of lukewarm mustard oil and mix half a teaspoon of rock salt. Then, massage this oil gently on the baby’s chest and back, cover with cotton cloth. The warmth of mustard oil helps in relieving congestion.

Prevention is better than cure

Do your child often fall sick with fever, cold and cough? The food we eat plays a key role in determining the overall health and immunity. It gives the body a condition of being able to resist a particular disease. By adding foods, like Nuts, Seeds, Ayurvedic herbs like Tulsi, Giloy, Turmeric, Amla, Ashwagandha and Antioxidants like Cocoa and Vitamin E to your kid’s diet you can prevent them from falling sick again and again by boosting their immunity.


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Proven Tips for Prevention of Dengue Fever in Kids

Dengue is the fastest spreading mosquito-borne viral disease in the world, affecting greater than 100 million humans annually, thas why prevention for dengue fever is very important in kids. Dengue virus is caused and spread by the infected Aedes mosquito bite. The dengue virus generally spreads in the monsoon season when the weather is warm and humid. Dengue is extremely common in tropical and subtropical areas and it can also infect anyone within any age group, whether it’s children or adults. The incidence of dengue has increased dramatically over the past few decades.

Causes of dengue

Dengue fever is caused by any of four similar viruses spread by mosquitoes of the genus Aedes. When an Aedes mosquito bites a person who has been infected with a dengue virus, the mosquito can become a carrier of the virus. If this mosquito bites someone else, that person can be infected with dengue fever. The virus can’t spread directly from person to person

Symptoms of dengue

Initially the symptoms of dengue re mild like any other fever, but as a parent you have to look closely and get your child properly checked if he/she has following symptoms:

  • High fever, in some cases as high as 105 degree F. fever may begin with flu and cold symptoms. (Home remedies for cold and flu)
  • Severity of muscle spasms and joint pain.
  • Severe headache
  • Rashes all over the body. These rashes can be in patches and itchy too.
  • Unusual Irritability and fussiness.
  • Loss of appetite. (Tips o improve appetite)
  • mild bleeding from the nose or gums
  • Mild bruising.

You must also look out for the signs of dehydration, such as if your child urinates less frequently, has a dry mouth, tongue, lips, sunken soft spot on the head (in an infant’s case) and few or no tears while crying. In these cases you must immediately seek medical help.

Diagnose of dengue

You are advised to confirm the dengue virus in your child through a blood test. A comprehensive blood test helps in identifying the severity of the dengue infection in children. The doctor could even inquire about the symptoms and exposure to mosquitoes of your baby.


There is no specific medicine to treat dengue. Mild symptoms can be treated at home, but if you notice any of the above mentioned symptoms, please visit your doctor immediately. Below are some precautions you can take at home.

  • Make your baby rest as much as possible
  • Give medicine for fever as prescribed by the doctor
  • Offer plenty of fluids to keep them hydrated, because fever can make them sweat excessively and cause dehydration in kids.

About 1 in 20 people with dengue will develop severe dengue. Severe dengue requires hospitalization and can be life threatening.

prevention for dengue fever

Right now there is no vaccine for prevention of dengue fever. The best protection is to prevent bites by an infected mosquito. Following are some precautions that you can take:

  • Make your child wear full sleeves tshirts and full pants.
  • Keep your house mosquito free by using screens on windows and doors.
  • Limit the time your kids spend outside, especially  in the hours around dawn and dusk, when mosquitoes are most active.
  • Mosquitoes lay their egg in water, so don’t give them standing water to breed. Drain collected water regularly
  • Use insect repellent as directed on kids.
Home remedies for dengue

With some home remedies you can effectively control dengue fever at home. These remedies can help you to improve your child’s platelet count.


Offer plenty of fluids to keep them hydrated, because fever can make them sweat excessively and cause dehydration in kids. You can offer your child water or oral rehydration solution. Give a small amount of fluid at a time but multiple times in a day. Apart from this you can also offer hot homemade soups, which are full of essential vitamins and minerals and are easy to digest. Avoid drinks with caffeine, including colas and tea, because they can make dehydration worse by increasing urination

Papaya leaf juice:

Papaya leaf juice is the great remedy to increase platelet count. It is also high in vitamin c which improves immunity. Papaya leaf juice can also help in reducing fever. Take some papaya leaves and crush them to extract juice out of it. Make your child drink this  juice in small quantity at least twice a day.

Giloy juice:

Giloy is used to treat a wide range of health conditions including dengue fever by boosting immunity which helps in fighting dengue fever effectively. It also helps in increasing the platelet count and gives relief to the patient. You can make giloy juice by boiling two small stems of a giloy plant in a glass of water. Drink this warm for better results.

Guava leaf juice:

Guava leaves are very helpful in curing dengue fever. It can raise the number of platelets in the blood. Boil 8-9 pieces of guava leaves in 6 cups of water until it becomes half. Then strain and cool it. Give a cup of this to dengue patients at least twice a day.


Tulsi is an important herb and every household should have it. With its antibiotic properties, it is very effective in bringing the fever down.  Add a few leaves of tulsi to boiling water, allow it to boil for 2 minutes, strain the water and make your child drink this multiple times a day to lower their temperature. Also tulsi leaves have essential oils with natural insecticidal properties which keep mosquitoes at bay.


People have used ginger as one of the herbal home remedies of fever .  It has anti-inflammatory  antibacterial, antiviral properties that make it an excellent home remedy for fever. You can make ginger tea for the fever. Take a small piece of ginger and grate it and add it to a cup of water. Boiling water boils for a couple of minutes and then takes it out of the flame. Add a little honey and make your child drink this ginger tea three to four times a day.

Keep your kid’s immunity high

Do your child often fall sick with fever, cold and cough? The food we eat plays a key role in determining the overall health and immunity. It gives the body a condition of being able to resist a particular disease. By adding these foods to your kid’s diet you can prevent them from falling sick again and again by boosting their immunity.


Giloy is used to treat the range of health conditions. It contains important plant compounds like terpenoids, alkaloids, lignans, and steroids. Research shows that these compounds have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antidiabetic properties, among other benefits which help to boost immunity.


Tulsi leaves have been scientifically proven to have medicinal properties. It also has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects, rich in vitamin c and zinc and thus keeps the infection at a bay and naturally boosts the immunity.


Amla is a storehouse of antioxidants. It is one of the richest sources of vitamin C, which is known to boost immunity. It has antibacterial and astringent properties that boosts immunity.


As an anti-oxidant, boosting immunity is one of the most popular benefits of Ashwagandha for kids. The root activates and increases the levels of enzymes and macrophages, a type of white blood cell that kills bad viruses and bacterias. It also promotes the development of antibodies, which is a major factor in improving the body’s response to a health-threatening infection.


A compound found in turmeric, Curcumin, offers therapeutic relief and is a perfect immunity booster for kids. It has a a very high antioxidant value to protect body from invading infections. It is also rich in vitamin A, Thiamine (B1), Riboflavin (B2) and vitamin C.


The vitamin E found in nuts like almonds, cashews, peanuts and hazelnut help the immune system to fight against invading bacteria. They are a great source of antioxidants that keep the body healthy and disease free by neutralizing free radicals and reducing inflammation.


Seeds are an incredible source of nutrients. Sunflower seeds are rich in magnesium, vitamin E, antioxidants and good fats. Together they help to boost immunity. Pumpkin seeds are rich in Vitamin E which is necessary for immunity building and also packed with other bone-building nutrients like potassium, magnesium and vitamin K. Melon seeds are a good source of zinc. It helps to boost our immunity, helps in digestion, cell growth, and keeps your nervous system healthy.


Cocoa contains flavonoid, a naturally occurring compound found in plants which act as antioxidant and help in counteracting free radicals in the body. Also rich in zinc, iron, copper, and vitamins like A, B12 and K. Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant and has an ability to modulate host immune functions. Vitamin E is key for strong immunity and healthy skin and eyes. In recent years, vitamin E supplements have become popular as antioxidants.


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11 proven foods for proper digestion

Eat right and digest well! What we eat determines how well our digestion works. Digestion is amongst the most common concerns in kids today. Child’s gut is responsible for the child’s overall health. It is connected to the child’s immune system, mood, mental health and body functioning.  Most of the diseases emerge in the gut, which is a component of a child’s digestive system. Digestive tract is responsible for absorbing nutrients and eliminating waste. Food plays an important role in digestion. Probiotics, prebiotics and fiber rich food for good digestion should be included in diet from beginning.

Digestion means breaking down food into nutrients, which is further used by the body for energy, growth and cell repair. If you want to set your child up for a lifetime of good health, it is essential to flourish the child’s digestive system with healthy bacteria.  Symptoms of digestive problems include diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain, bloating, gas and constipation. All of them negatively affects your child’s growth and development.


Digestive issues are primarily due to the food choices and not taking fiber rich food. Most of the meals nowadays comprises easy-to-consume options. Mostly include plain roti, yellow dal, potato, bread, white rice, pasta, cake, soup, noodles, cookies. While these food choices don’t lack nutrition entirely (if made at home). But they do miss out on an essential macronutrient- Fiber. Fiber is the non-digestible carbohydrate. It is responsible for keeping our digestion healthy and regular. Lack of fiber rich food in diet may cause constipation, which is a nutrient deficient disease. The usual cycle of digestion is between 1 to 1.5 days. However, with the current food choices, this time has become 4 days. So even though your child may be regular, he might still be 4 days late (constipated).

Preventive measures to improve the digestive system of kids:
  • Introducing small meals
  • Chewing food slowly and carefully
  • Fiber rich seasonal fruits and vegetables
  • Intake of plenty of water to cleanse child’s digestive system
  • Enough sleep helps to rejuvenate the child’s digestive system
  • Reduced processed foods
Foods for proper digestion
1. Tapioca starch:

Tapioca is a delicious starch extract derived from the cassava plant. High in dietary fiber tapioca is great food for digestion and constipation. Fiber bulks up the stool, which may help move it through the digestive tract, thereby eliminating constipation, bloating, and intestinal pain. It is also rich in protein, calcium iron and vitamin K, all of these support the overall growth of kids.

2. Sweet potato:

The high fiber content of this food helps in preventing constipation and promotes a well-functioning digestive tract. According to a study, dietary fiber found in sweet potatoes such as cellulose, lignin and pectin helps in maintaining gut health and improves digestion. It also contains vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E, potassium, magnesium and calcium that helps in the overall health of your baby. (Easy sweet potato fries recipe)

3. Black urad:

Urad dal is usually called black dal when whole and white when it is skinned and split. It is great in taste and in nutritional content. Urad dal is one of the best options to improve your digestion. It is Rechana (laxative) in nature. Consuming Urad dal helps to add bulk to stool and its high fiber content improves bowel movement. Altogether, it helps control constipation. Also, it is a great source of protein too.

4. Giloy:

It is a shrub and an essential herb in ayurvedic medicines. Giloy is used to treat a wide range of health conditions. It contains important plant compounds like terpenoids, alkaloids, lignans, and steroids. Research shows that these compounds have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antidiabetic properties which not only helps in boosting immunity, but Giloy stem can also help improve digestion, reduce constipation, acidity, gas and bloating. It works well for people with a weak digestive system.

5. Shallaki:

Also known as Boswellia serrate, this  Ayurvedic herb is used for the treatment of inflammatory diseases, including those affecting the gastrointestinal tract (e.g. diarrhoea, dysentery, and inflammatory bowel disease).Shallaki is also rich in carbohydrates and calcium, thus helps in bone growth and improves appetite.

6. Sendha namak ( rock salt):

In traditional Ayurvedic practices, rock salt is used as a home remedy for various digestive ailments, including stomach worms, heartburn, bloating, constipation, stomach pain, and vomiting. It can be used as a natural substitute for laxatives. It’s simply added to dishes in place of table salt and due to the beneficial minerals which are possessed by Rock salt it helps in proper digestion.

7. Raw banana:

Just with the addition of raw banana, a child can meet the daily fiber requirement considerably. It is a fiber rich food with around 60% fiber, which is a god-sent solution to improper digestion. (Some more foods rich in fibre). It is also extremely high in Vitamin B6, which keeps haemoglobin high, gives ample energy and helps kids fight weakness, fatigue and crankiness.

8. Green tea extract:

Green tea contains polyphenols and it help to improve your body’s digestive process. Studies on green tea extracts have demonstrated similar benefits to those associated with drinking it as a tea. Green tea extract has high antioxidant content, which helps improve health and body composition.

9. FOS:

Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) are composed of short fructose chains. They are a type of carbohydrate called oligosaccharides. FOS occurs naturally in many plants. They are prebiotic fibers that support the growth of healthy bacteria in the digestive tract. FOS are a good source of soluble, dietary fiber and also have been shown to reduce, or eliminate constipation.

10. Greens:

Curry leaves are famous food for digestion and stimulate digestive enzymes. The laxative properties of curry leaves also help in regulating the bowel movement and help in treating issues like gas and diarrhea.

Arbi or taro leaves is a green leafy vegetable that’s high in potassium, folate, fiber and vitamins C and A. Taro root also contains plenty of fiber and resistant starch. Hence, it is beneficial for gut health and supports a healthy digestive system.

11. Bacillus coagulans:

Bacillus coagulans is a type of  good bacteria (probiotics). It is used similarly to lactobacillus and other probiotics as “beneficial” bacteria. People take Bacillus coagulans for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diarrhea, gas, airway infections, and also for many other conditions.


How shallaki helps in digestion Read here

check the role of Bacillus coagulans in digestion Read here

Foods to avoid
Processed food:

High consumption of ultra-processed food and low consumption of fiber and vegetables results in an unhealthy gut. However, most of processed food contains a lot of sugar, artificial colors, flavours and unhealthy fats which have diverse and less healthy gut flora. On the other hand fiber is fuel for colon cells and helps to keep the digestive tract flowing. Always encourage your child to make healthy food choices. (What does junk food do to kids’ organs?)


Preservatives are linked with many health issues like gut health and inflammatory bowel disorders. Most of the packaged food companies are adding artificial preservatives to delay spoilage and contamination in foods.  Artificial preservatives such as nitrates, benzoates, sulfites, sorbates, parabens, formaldehyde, BHT, BHA and several others can cause serious digestive issues.


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Food for digeestion

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Some parents have been kind enough to share their journey with us. Let’s hear them to closely understand the benefits of Ayurvedic spreads by Iyurved.


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