Mouth/Gastric Ulcers- Causes: 5 Foods that help

mouth ulcer causes

Are you suffering from painful mouth ulcers? Are painful mouth ulcers preventing you from enjoying your favorite foods? Do you have painful ulcers that make it difficult to eat or even speak? These common diseases, while unpleasant and bothersome, can be managed with medical therapy and lifestyle changes. This read will provide an overview of the gastric/mouth ulcer causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options.


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What exactly are stomach/ MOuth ulcer causes?

1.Gentle dental care: Brush your teeth gently and avoid using hard-bristled toothbrushes to avoid aggravation of mouth ulcers. For a calming effect, rinse your mouth with a saltwater solution.
2. Avoid trigger foods: Identify and avoid foods that irritate your ulcers. Spicy, acidic, or crunchy meals can aggravate mouth and stomach ulcers.
3. Eat smaller, more frequent meals: Choosing smaller, more often meals over large ones may help lessen gastric ulcer discomfort.
4. Manage stress: Stress can be one of the reason for stomach or mouth ulcer causes. To relieve stress, use relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or gentle activities.
5.Over-the-counter medications: To relieve discomfort from mouth ulcers, consider over-the-counter gels or ointments. Antacids may provide short relief for gastric ulcers, but it is essential to visit a doctor for thorough treatment.

Also, check Gastritis in kids: Home Remedies that help



Guar gum is a fibre made from guar bean or Indian cluster bean. It is used as a laxative that normalises the moisture content of the stool, absorbing excess liquid in diarrhoea, and softening the stool in constipation. Undoubtedly, it is one of the best foods for helping in bloating.
PHGG is a water-soluble dietary fibre and is used to regulate gut function. According to the study conducted by NIH, intake of PHGG improves human stool form by regulating intestinal microbiota. It has also been useful in treating Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms in both adults and kids.
Benefits of Guar gum:

  • Treating diarrhoea/ constipation and also bloating
  • Lowering cholesterol
  • Manages high blood pressure
  • Control diabetes
  • Weight loss
  • Enhance Mineral absorption.

Also, check Bloating: Foods and Tips that help


Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) are composed of short fructose chains. They are a type of carbohydrate called oligosaccharides. FOS occurs naturally in many plants. They are prebiotic fibres that support the growth of healthy bacteria in the digestive tract. FOS is also a good source of soluble, dietary fibre and has been shown to reduce, or eliminate constipation and relieve bloating.


Citric acid is the weak organic acid found in the greatest amount in citrus fruits. We all have seen citric acid appear on the label of many products but don’t know exactly what citric acid is for our health. However, the primary reason for including this in any packaged foods is for its tangy flavour. But apart from this citric acid is associated with many health benefits also:Citric acid helps to convert food into energy.It enhances calcium, phosphorus and Magnesium absorption through the gut.This also prevents calcium crystals or kidney stones from forming.

Also, check 11 Proven Foods for Proper Digestion.


Oranges are the food to boost immunity. They are not only nutritious and rich in Vitamin-C but also loved by kids. Just one orange can meet 100% vitamin C requirements for the kid’s daily nutrition.  The pith (white after between peel and fruit) of orange has 30% fibre of the fruit and this particular fibre (called pectin) is good for the gut which builds immunity, reduces bloating, acidity, severe symptoms and supports digestion.

Also, check Role of Prebiotic and Probiotic in Digestion


The papaya fruit contains two enzymes, papain and chymopapain. They can help with digestion, reduce bloating, inflammation and also improve gut health. Papaya is also high in fibre and water content, both of which help to prevent constipation and promote regularity and a healthy digestive tract. Also, it is a good source of folate, vitamin A, magnesium, copper, B vitamins, alpha and beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin, vitamin E, calcium, potassium, vitamin K, and lycopene, and pantothenic acid.


Fix your GUT with these Quick, Easy and Tasty PREBIOTIC Gut Drinks! This flavourful range of prebiotic gut friendly drinks helps with  Digestion, Constipation, Brain development, Allergies, Immunity, Hormonal balance, Acidity and Bloating and even more! Grab yours. NOW!

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

For Mouth/ Stomach Ulcer, Bloating , Immunity, Constipation, Vomit, Brain Development, Allergies | Family PREBIOTIC GUT DRINK | Made with Guar Beans | Prebiotic Fiber | Plant Sweetener | 0% preservative | 0% Artificial Colour | 100% Natural | No refined sugar | ORDER |


Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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Tips to reduce Bloating & Acidity

acidity severe symptoms

Have you noticed that as you indulge in your favorite meal, your stomach expands and puts pressure on the waistbands of your pants? Do you feel satisfied or bloated/acidity severe symptoms after eating? Are you experiencing frequent burping or excessive gas? Do you suffer from heartburn, a burning sensation in your chest or throat, after meals? Bloating and acidity are familiar and uncomfortable conditions experienced by many. If you’re searching for an effective solution, continue reading to discover some methods that can help you manage these symptoms.


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Acidity severe symptoms and bloating can be brought on by a variety of factors, such as dietary ones like eating fatty or spicy foods, bad eating habits like eating too quickly or skipping meals, digestive disorders like GERD or IBS, food intolerances or sensitivities, and the effect of stress and anxiety on digestion. One can reduce the acidity severe symptoms or bloating by addressing these causes through dietary changes, healthy eating practices, stress management, and consulting a doctor for underlying digestive problems.

Also, check Bloating: Foods and Tips that help

Techniques to reduce Acidity and Bloating:

1. Keep an eye on your diet: Steer clear of items that cause triggers, such as fried, spicy, and fatty foods, as well as carbonated drinks, too much coffee, and alcohol. Pick a healthy diet that includes lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.
2. Eat more frequently and in smaller portions. This will help you avoid overeating and minimise bloating. Eat slowly and fully chew your food.
3. Maintain sufficient hydration: Consume enough water to maintain healthy digestion and avoid constipation, which can increase the appearance of bloating. Limit carbonated and sugary beverages.
4. Reduce stress: Take up relaxing hobbies, deep breathing exercises, exercise, meditation, or other activities.
5. Identify food triggers: Keep a food journal to keep track of your symptoms and pinpoint particular meals that may make your bloating and acid reflux worse. Also, Check Lactose Intolerance in Kids
6. Take into account probiotics. Yogurt and other fermented foods may help establish a healthy gut environment and ease digestive problems.
7. Seek medical advice: For accurate diagnosis and counselling, speak with a healthcare provider if you frequently or severely experience symptoms of bloating and acid reflux.

Foods that help in reducing bloating of stomach:


Guar gum is a fibre made from guar bean or Indian cluster bean. It is used as a laxative that normalises the moisture content of the stool, absorbing excess liquid in diarrhoea, and softening the stool in constipation. Undoubtedly, it is one of the best foods for helping in bloating.

PHGG is a water-soluble dietary fibre and is used to regulate gut function. According to the study conducted by NIH, intake of PHGG improves human stool form by regulating intestinal microbiota. It has also been useful in treating Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms in both adults and kids.

Benefits of Guar gum:

  • Treating diarrhoea/ constipation and also bloating
  • Lowering cholesterol
  • Manages high blood pressure
  • Control diabetes
  • Weight loss
  • Enhance Mineral absorption
Fructooligosaccharides (FOS):

Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) are composed of short fructose chains. They are a type of carbohydrate called oligosaccharides. FOS occurs naturally in many plants. They are prebiotic fibres that support the growth of healthy bacteria in the digestive tract. FOS is also a good source of soluble, dietary fibre and has been shown to reduce, or eliminate constipation and relieve bloating.


Citric acid is the weak organic acid found in the greatest amount in citrus fruits. We all have seen citric acid appear on the label of many products but don’t know exactly what citric acid is for our health. However, the primary reason for including this in any packaged foods is for its tangy flavour. But apart from this citric acid is associated with many health benefits also:

  • Citric acid helps to convert food into energy.
  • It enhances calcium, phosphorus and Magnesium absorption through the gut.
  • This also prevents calcium crystals or kidney stones from forming.

Also, check 11 Proven Foods for Proper Digestion


Oranges are the food to boost immunity. They are not only nutritious and rich in Vitamin-C but also loved by kids. Just one orange can meet 100% vitamin C requirements for the kid’s daily nutrition.  The pith (white after between peel and fruit) of orange has 30% fibre of the fruit and this particular fibre (called pectin) is good for the gut which builds immunity, reduces bloating, acidity severe symptoms and supports digestion.


The papaya fruit contains two enzymes, papain and chymopapain. They can help with digestion, reduce bloating, inflammation and also improve gut health. Papaya is also high in fibre and water content, both of which help to prevent constipation and promote regularity and a healthy digestive tract. Also, it is a good source of folate, vitamin A, magnesium, copper, B vitamins, alpha and beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin, vitamin E, calcium, potassium, vitamin K, and lycopene, and pantothenic acid.


Fix your GUT with these Quick, Easy and Tasty PREBIOTIC Gut Drinks! This flavourful range of prebiotic gut friendly drinks helps with  Digestion, Constipation, Brain development, Allergies, Immunity, Hormonal balance, Acidity and Bloating and even more! Grab yours. NOW!

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

For Bloating , Immunity, Constipation, Vomit, Brain Development, Allergies | Family PREBIOTIC GUT DRINK | Made with Guar Beans | Prebiotic Fiber | Plant Sweetener | 0% preservative | 0% Artificial Colour | 100% Natural | No refined sugar | ORDER |


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Tips to maintain personal hygiene and health

personal hygiene and health

Maintaining good personal hygiene is essential as it protects you and your kids from catching or spreading infections and germs. Additionally, it boosts self-esteem and has a strong influence on relationship. Many parents are wondering about how to teach kids regarding personal hygiene and health routine. If you are one of them, we are here to assist. You can help your kids to develop their personal hygiene and health by reading this article. Let’s understand more about it.

WHATSAPP for concerns like Speech Delay, Low Weight, Frequent Illness, Hyperactivity, Low Concentration, Weak Eyesight, Improper Sleep, Pigmentation, Pores, Face Marks, Fine Lines , Lactation etc.

Personal hygiene and health

Personal hygiene can be defined as the way of looking after your own body and health. This routine involves brushing teeth, showering, washing your hands and face etc. You are exposed to millions of germs daily. These germs might cling on your body for a long time and occasionally could even make you ill. The high chance of illness is brought on by poor self-care which can be decreased by maintaining proper personal hygiene and health routine. Your self-confidence will increase as a result of practising proper hygiene, and you’ll also be more involved and successful in all aspects of your life.

Also check, Tips to improve concentration

Tips for teaching personal hygiene and health to your kids

If you don’t know how to direct your kids to follow personal hygiene and health, don’t worry we are here to help. Here are some of the tips to teach your kids about personal hygiene and health:

Brushing teeth

In kids, brushing is essential for maintaining personal hygiene and health to prevent cavities as well as bad breath. You can motivate your kids to maintain a good oral hygiene by following the below steps,

  • Encourage your kid to brush twice (morning and night)
  • Give them tiny soft bristle toothbrushes.
  • Till 1 year of age, carefully massage your kid’s gums with a clean soft towel.
  • Once the first tooth erupts, cleanse its surface with water and a baby toothbrush.
  • Allow your child to brush himself with toothpaste at 2 years
  • Ensure that they are cleaning the corners of their mouth
  • Make sure they are properly flossing and rinsing after brushing their teeth.
  • Teach them to rinse their mouth after eating anything.

Reward them with a colourful star or heart stickers when they did everything right, which can encourage them to brush their teeth.

Also check, Worst foods for child’s teeth

Hand washing

Frequent hand washing can minimise the possibility of infections. The simplest tactic to follow this strategy is to demonstrate proper hand washing to your kids. Explain the correct way of washing their hands. Make sure they follow each step exactly.

  • Make use of the clean water to wash your hands
  • Rinse your hands
  • Cleanse your hands with hand wash soaps
  • Create foam by rubbing
  • Cleans the nails and area in between your fingers for 30 seconds
  • Rinse your hands until foam goes away
  • Dry your hands with tissue or towel

You can sing a song while hand washing which can make this activity fun.

Toilet hygiene

Obviously, millions of germs are present in our toilets that will cause frequent illness in our kids. The toilet should always be kept tidy for that purpose. Additionally, show your children how to maintain proper bathroom hygiene. They are able to maintain their health by doing this.

  • Tell your kid how to wash or wipe after using toilet
  • Show them how to flush
  • Make sure they are washing their hands after using toilet

Clap for them when they follow everything properly.

Also check, How to potty train your kid

Shower hygiene

Showering is very important to maintain the personal hygiene and health of a kid. 

  • Motivate your kid to bathe twice a day.
  • Instruct them to clean their feet, armpits and legs
  • Tell them to clean their private parts.
  • Make sure they always have a gentle bath with light soap.
  • They should wash their hair twice a week to get rid of dirt and oil.
  • Assist your kid to use shampoo and make sure they wash properly
  • Instruct them not to share personal items with others.

Play their favourite songs while bathing and sing together to make it fun.

Nail hygiene

Nails grow each day. Additionally, kids frequently play outside in unclean areas, their nails tend to pick up more dirt. Kids also tend to bite their nails which can cause illness. You must therefore instruct your children to cut their nails once a week. Tell them interesting stories to distract them while cutting the nails.

Food hygiene

A chance of food poisoning will increase when uncleaned veggies or fruits are consumed. It is necessary to clean the fruits and vegetables before eating. 

  • Open the clean water tap in the sink
  • Put the vegetables or fruits into it
  • Show them how to rinse it
  • Gently rub the outer surface
  • Allow them to take out the washed fruits and veggies to dry it.
Sneezing hygiene

Despite your best efforts, your kids could feel sick at any time. Your children may occasionally catch the common cold, the flu, or seasonal allergies. They will begin to cough or sneeze. Here is checklist to do to enhance their healing and stop them from infecting others:

  • Educate your children to follow the basic manners for sneezing and coughing like covering their mouth and nose while sneezing.
  •  Advise your children to use a handkerchief or piece of tissue paper rather than using their hands.

Also check, Remedies for Dust allergy

Cleaning the house

It is important to keep our surroundings clean. You can follow simple ideas to make them clean the house.

  • Educate your children to take away their plates and wash them with soap after eating
  • As they get older, tell them to organise their clothes or books
  • Make sure they are cleaning their room regularly

Also check, Social emotional development in kids

Things to avoid 

  • Avoid criticising your kids when they did something wrong
  • Don’t give up on them, be patient
  • Don’t compare your kids with others which will make them feel inferior
  • Allow them to learn at their own pace and give them more time.
  • Encourage your children for their good behaviour instead of punishing them

Also check, Tips for Personality development


Nutritious health foods for kids is important to maintain their physical as well as mental health, stabilizes energy, build immunity and prepares the body against diseases. Here are list of essential nutrients required for kid’s health:


Protein makes up building blocks of organs, muscles, skin and hormones. Our body needs protein to maintain and repair tissues. Meanwhile, children need it for proper growth in their early years too. Fish, poultry, nuts (almond, peanut, cashew, hazelnut), beans, are best choices. A balanced protein rich breakfast is always great for children to start their day. It helps them stay full for longer ideas and hence protein is a must for proper child nutrition.

Also check, How to add protein to your diet?


Health foods for kids must limit fats that are high in saturated fat and avoid trans-fat. Nuts, avocado, seeds (such as pumpkin seeds, melon seeds, sunflower seeds) and few oils are the healthiest sources of unsaturated fat. It is good for eye, bones and mental health of child, helps to boost brain and nervous system development, and strengthen the immune system. Encourage your child to eat all these good fats that support kid’s nutrition. (Foods and remedies for cough?)


It is really important to get strong bones and teeth and we get chance to build them only once – throughout childhood and adolescence. Children who get enough amount of calcium in childhood start their adult lives with the strongest bones possible. Mostly calcium is stored in bones and teeth where it supports their structure and hardness, but the body also needs calcium for muscles to move and for nerves to carry messages between the brain and every body part. Calcium is predominately found in milk and milk based products like cheese. And is also found in smaller quantities in some nuts and seeds. (Should kids take whey protein?) Moreover, few herbs such as shallaki also contains calcium.


Fibre, starches and sugar are very essential food for healthy diet that body turns into glucose to give energy to function. Carbs that take time to digest and have fibre in them are complex carbs which are found in naturally existing fruits, vegetables, almonds, cashews, hazelnut, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, melon seeds and whole grains.


Vitamins and minerals help us to grow, to form bones, muscles, for eyesight, for skin and organs and most importantly help us to fight against infections by building immunity. Deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals can lead to severe issues related to health. The best way to ensure that your child is getting enough vitamins and minerals for proper growth and development is to provide them with five food groups (fruit and vegetable, complex carbs, dairy, protein and fat).


Ayurveda has the potential to not only correct imbalances in our children, but also to set them on an enduring path toward optimal health and well-being. Thus, ayurvedic herbs must be included in the list of health foods for kids. Ayurvedic herbs such as ashwagandha, mulethi, brahmi, shallaki and turmeric are great for kids development. Overall, these herbs support immunity, bone strength, brain development and overall growth.


Antioxidants are compounds produced in your body or naturally found in some foods that scavenge or neutralize the effects of cell damage by potentially harmful molecules known as free radicals. Fortunately eating a diet rich in antioxidants or antioxidant rich foods help to fight oxidative stress and reduce the risk of many chronic diseases. Turmeric, Vitamin E, cocoa, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Selenium, Beta carotene, Lycopene, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Manganese, Polyphenols show great antioxidant properties.

Also check, Brain development foods for children


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Eye, Brain development, Bone strength and overall growth to kids without any fuss. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods – SHOP HERE.

India’s First ever Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

For Kids personal hygiene and overall health, you can give Daily Nutrition Chocolate Spread | ASHWAGANDHA | MULETHI | SHALAKI | VITAMIN B12 | VITAMIN D  | ORDER | 0% Preservative | 0% Palm oil | 0% Refined Sugar


Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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Worst foods that May affect kids’ oral health this festive season

oral health

Do you know which foods cause tooth decay in kids? Do holidays influence the oral health of your kid? Sweets are unavoidable, particularly during festive seasons like Diwali! However, protecting your kid’s teeth and maintaining their oral health is also crucial. Continue reading to know about some foods which are worst for your kid’s teeth and tips to maintain oral health. 

WHATSAPP for concerns like Speech Delay, Low Weight, Frequent Illness, Hyperactivity, Low Concentration, Weak Eyesight, Improper Sleep, Pigmentation, Pores, Face Marks, Fine Lines , Lactation etc.

Why is oral health important?

Germs are often kept in check by the body’s own defence mechanisms and maintenance of oral health. But without good dental hygiene, bacteria may build up to the extreme where they cause cavities and pain. Oral health has an impact on overall health of the body. For example, Diabetic patients seem to experience gum disease more frequently and severely. Proper dental care can help to regulate diabetes.

foods that affect children’s oral health

It’s crucial for parents to be aware of the foods that are the worst for children’s teeth. Here are some of the foods that can cause cavities in kids:


Sweets and desserts are high in sugar. They tend to adhere to your teeth and get stuck there. Your mouth has microorganisms that naturally convert carbohydrates to acid. As a result, the protective coating of our teeth called enamel will be eroded and cause cavities. However, sugar has many positives and contains healthy nutrients, if you take it in its natural form. In processed form, large intake of sugar in the form of candies, sweets, lollipops, jellies etc can harm the growth and performance of a child. Sugar not only affects the oral health but also damages the protein in our body, resulting in ageing of organs, which further compromises immunity, growth and functioning. Regular flossing can also help remove the residual particles from the teeth.

Also check, Healthy alternatives of sugar 


Fruit supplies nutrients including vitamins, minerals, dietary fibre, and phytonutrients, which keep your kid healthy and prevent chronic conditions. But not all the fruits are beneficial for oral health. Citrus fruits like lemon, oranges or berries have high acidity. These acids erode away the enamel of the tooth and increase the risk of cavities in children. While drinking citrus juices, insist your kid to use straw to avoid the reaction of acid in the teeth. Also, assist them to their mouth with water after drinking the juice which can neutralise the acid.


Children love to eat starchy foods like chips, biscuits, pasta, noodles, bread, pizza etc. Although these foods aren’t bad, their stickiness makes them prone to become stuck between teeth. Additionally, they may have higher amounts of simple sugar than you know and damage the teeth’s enamel.


Carbonated drinks are popular among both kids and adults. Most of these drinks are loaded with sugar and are very acidic. It has no advantage in improving the body’s health and nutrition but it influences the damage of teeth’s enamel. Rinsing aids in reducing any extra sugar that adheres to teeth.


Fruits like peaches, apples, pineapples etc are usually soaked in sugar syrups while canning. The sugar syrup in the canned fruits will coat every tooth and gradually erode the enamel. This increases the probability of getting cavities.


Pickles add flavour to your food but are bad for your oral health. It contains vinegar which is highly acidic and causes tooth damage.


Popcorn is the favourite movie time snack for everyone from kids to adults. However, the corn kernels will get trapped between your teeth, it can be challenging to remove them. It will eventually cause infection in the mouth.

Tips to maintain the oral health

Brushing is essential for maintaining oral health to prevent cavities as well as bad breath. You can motivate your kids to maintain a good oral hygiene by following the below steps,

  • Encourage your kid to brush twice (morning and night)
  • Give them tiny soft bristle toothbrushes.
  • Till 1 year of age, carefully massage your kid’s gums with a clean soft towel.
  • Once the first tooth erupts, cleanse its surface with water and a baby toothbrush.
  • Allow your child to brush himself with toothpaste at 2 years
  • Ensure that they are cleaning the corners of their mouth
  • Make sure they are properly flossing and rinsing after brushing their teeth.
  • Teach them to rinse their mouth after eating anything.

Also check, Benefits of coconut oil for oral hygiene

Key vitamins and minerals for dental health

Diet plays a significant role in teeth development in babies and toddlers. What your child eats affects their teeth. Too much carbohydrates, sugar and starch can cause tooth decay. As a parent it is your responsibility to encourage your child to make healthy food choices.


Calcium is the key building block for teeth and bones. It helps to harden your enamel and help teeth fight off erosion and cavities. Dairy products including milk, yogurt and cheese are good sources of calcium, but always try less sugar or no sugar varieties as sugar can promote tooth decay. So give more calcium rich foods as soon as the teething age in babies starts.

Also check, What are some calcium rich foods?


Vitamin D is very important for your dental health as it allows your body to absorb calcium. It plays a key promoting dental health and helping prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Deficiency of vitamin D can make kids’ teeth prone to decay. By spending about 15 to 20 minutes in sunlight each day can meet your daily requirement of vitamin D. You can also consume foods such as fortified milk, egg, fish that are rich in vitamin D.

Also check, How to absorb more calcium and Vitamin D in the body?


Like calcium and vitamin D, Phosphorus is also a key mineral for strong teeth. 85% of your body’s phosphorus content lies in your teeth and bones. Phosphorus also helps your body to absorb calcium, which aids in building strong bones, teeth and rebuilding tooth enamel. Daily need of phosphorus can be achieved by consuming foods such as pumpkin seeds, whole grains, soybean, fish and egg.


Not only for eye sight, vitamin A is equally important for your dental health. Vitamin A helps your salivary glands to keep active which aids to prevent tooth decay. It also promotes saliva production in your mouth which is crucial for cleaning away bacteria and food particles between teeth and gums. Foods rich in vitamin A are sweet potato, carrot, yellow fruits like mango, papaya, apricot, eggs, and cheese.

Also check, How to cook a vitamin A food to extract more vitamin?


It is required for both teeth and gum health. Vitamin C helps keep the connective tissues in your gums healthy and strong, which hold your teeth in place. By consuming any of the citrus fruits like oranges, grapes, guava, kiwi, and lemon you can meet daily requirements of vitamin C.

Also check, What is the easiest way to meet Vitamin C requirement for the day?


Make it EASY to feed a daily dose of vegetables, greens, dal, and prebiotics. 1 serving of Veggies and  Dal powder equals 30-50g of fresh food. Helps to provide daily nutrition for Immunity, Brain, Digestion, Bones, Healthy Weight, Height, Eye health and Growth. Get yours now!

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs

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Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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10 amazing health benefits to include honey in kids diet

Benefits to honey

Honey is a delicious and healthy natural ingredient that everyone knows about. It is one of nature’s most wonderful gifts, and it can benefit a child’s health in a number of ways. It is a natural sweetener, thus it is preferable to refined sugar. Most parents have switched from refined sugar to honey and jaggery as alternatives. It has a good nutritional value, as well as a high amount of phytochemicals and flavonoids. It has long been utilised in Ayurvedic medicine for a variety of purposes.

WHATSAPP for concerns like Speech Delay, Low Weight, Frequent Illness, Hyperactivity, Low Concentration, Weak Eyesight, Improper Sleep, Pigmentation, Pores, Face Marks, Fine Lines , Lactation etc.

When can I give honey to the baby?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions by parents to their paediatricians. Honey has excellent therapeutic properties that can really help us, however, it is not recommended for newborns under the age of one year. It is, of course, natural and beneficial, but your baby is not yet ready for it. This is to prevent infant botulism, a disease that can be caused in children under the age of one year consuming honey.
Clostridium botulinum, a spore-forming bacteria found in honey, can proliferate in the intestine. Because newborns have an immature digestive system that cannot fight off clostridium spores, the bacteria releases toxins that might irritate the little one’s gut. However, is safe for children over the age of one since their digestive systems are mature enough to eliminate bacteria from the body.

Honey nutritional value:

It provides numerous health benefits as well as a high nutritional value. It also has trace levels of vitamins and minerals.

Health benefits of honey for kids

Some of the amazing health benefits to include honey in a kid’s diet for growth and development are: 

1. Serves as an excellent nutrient storehouse

Honey’s nutritive value is remarkable, as it contains the majority of vital nutrients. Because children are fussy eaters, they often skip out on many of these nutrients, which honey might help to fill. Honey is high in calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorous, zinc, niacin, and riboflavin, all of which aid in the prevention of nutritional deficiencies. (7 health foods for kid’s daily nutrition)

2. Helps in digestion

Honey is an excellent food for boosting digestion in children and treating digestive problems. It is a good prebiotic that aids in the maintenance of healthy gut flora. It also aids in the treatment of constipation and speeds up the process of digestion. In addition to preventing stomach ulcers, honey can help with indigestion, bloating, and flatulence.

3. Treats sore throat/ cough

One of the most common honey benefits for health is – its cure for sore throat /cough. It has been used in Ayurveda and other natural therapies to treat a sore throat in various forms. Honey is antimicrobial in nature and can help soothe a dry, sore throat. It coats the throat and helps sick children sleep easier, especially if they have a nighttime cough. (7 foods to boost immunity in kids)

4. Relieves constipation and diarrhea

Honey can aid with constipation and improve digestive function, but it can also be used as a home treatment for diarrhea. Honey has been shown in studies to improve the recovery process by delaying bowel movements. It’s also a more appealing alternative for kids. (Foods rich in fibre to treat constipation)

5. Relieves gastric reflux

Honey can be used to relieve acid reflux symptoms in children. Honey helps to treat this problem by lining the oesophagus and stomach wall. This limits the upward flow of food and stomach fluid, providing relaxation.

6. Helps in healing 

Honey is well-known for its healing properties. It is used to treat lesions, bug bites, burns, boils, and sores due to its antibacterial and wound-healing characteristics. In kids, a mixture of honey, and olive oil may aid in the treatment of damaged skin and disorders such as psoriasis or atopic dermatitis.

7. Heals mouth ulcers

Mouth ulcers can be extremely painful, especially in children. Applying little honey mixed with turmeric on the mouth ulcer helps in healing faster. 

8. Heals toothaches

When you have a bad toothache, honey is an excellent pain reliever. Honey, combined with a pinch of cinnamon, is an effective toothache remedy. Make a paste with one teaspoon of cinnamon and 2-3 teaspoons of honey and apply it immediately to the painful teeth. (Home remedies for tooth decay)

9. Alleviates muscle pain

Honey can aid kids with muscle pain and even growing pains. Drinking a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of honey will help greatly.

10. Treats asthma

Honey can aid children with asthma, especially if they experience symptoms in the middle of the night. It has the ability to relieve congestion and allows for easier breathing.

Honey use for colds and coughs in kids:

It has antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties, which is why it is used as a natural cold and cough relief. Giving pasteurized honey before sleep provides some relief from cough and cold symptoms in children over the age of one year. (Home remedies and foods for cough and cold )

Honey is used in various ways, especially during sickness. Adding honey to warm water with a pinch of tulsi has proven to be effective, and it is also the most usual method of use. This combination will help the child’s throat feel better, boosts immunity while also increasing his or her metabolism. 

How much honey can my child consume?

Avoid giving honey to children below one year of age. For, children with the age of 

  • 1- 2 years: 2 tsp honey
  • 3- 6 years: 2 ½ tsp honey
  • Above 6 years : 3 tsp honey

Ways to include honey in your child’s diet :

Honey should be progressively introduced into a child’s diet. This will allow you to check for any potential allergic reactions. However, you can add honey to milk, spread it on bread, drizzle on pancakes and can use it as an alternative to refined sugar in baked goods. 

Follow these precautions while giving honey to your child

Here are few things you can keep in mind while giving honey to your child. 

  • Honey should not be given to children in excess. It is high in calories and contains free sugars like fructose, which can lead to unwanted weight gain, dental caries, and gastric issues. 
  • Check the manufacturing date and ingredients listed on the label.
  • Do not leave it open without a lid, as it may get contaminated by insects and dust.
  • Store the honey bottle in a cool place.
  • Honey can sometimes lead to breathing difficulty in children caused due to allergic reactions. So, if you identify any such problem, it is better to reach out to your pediatrician immediately.

Raw honey or processed honey: which is better?

Raw honey has nutrients in its natural state, but it also includes natural poisons which can induce honey poisoning showing symptoms such as low blood pressure, nausea, and vomiting. When honey is processed, the toxins are diluted and may not have a negative impact on the body. Honey that has been processed is also devoid of pollen grains and dust particles. This implies that processed honey has fewer hazards than raw honey, but raw honey has a higher nutritional value than processed honey.

Honey contains nutrients such as vitamins and minerals that are often lacking in simple sugar, making it a healthier alternative to refined sugar. Remember to gradually introduce honey so that your child gets familiar with the flavour and their body adjusts to the new dietary item. Once your child has developed a taste for honey, you may incorporate it into his or her balanced diet to make it more healthy.


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India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

If your child is a picky eater or does not take enough nutrition for the day, you can give Daily Nutrition Chocolate Spread | Made with clinically proven ‘5 Ayurvedic Herbs and 7 Nuts’ | ORDER | 0% preservative | 0% Palm oil |


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4 essential vitamins to prevent teeth grinding in kids

Teeth grinding in kids

Isn’t bliss to hear the sounds of smooth breathing and lovely dreams when you gaze in on your sleeping child? But, some parents get to hear the harsher noises of clenching and teeth grinding in kids, which is known as bruxism.

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What is teetH grinding in kids?

Teeth grinding in kids, also known as bruxism is more common. This usually occurs in children before the age of five. It’s normally nothing to be concerned about, and most kids outgrow it by the age of six. Teething or poor tooth alignment are the most common causes of teeth grinding in kids. However, some children only grind their teeth during the day, but teeth grinding when sleeping is more common.

Also check, Impact of sleep disorders in kids brain development

Causes of teeth grinding in kids

The cause of bruxism or teeth grinding in kids isn’t always clear to experts. However, some of the reasons include:  

  • Poor teeth alignment 
  • To ease the discomfort caused. Often, it’s a reaction to pain, such as an earache or teething, that causes them to do it. 
  • Another cause is stress, which usually manifests as nervous tension or anger. For example, a child may be concerned about a school test or a change in routine. Even arguing with parents and siblings can be stressful enough to cause jaw clenching or teeth grinding when sleeping.

Also check, Ashwagandha reduces stress and anxiety and promotes better sleep

Are there any signs and symptoms to identify if your child grinds teeth?

Most parents may usually hear a lot of sounds of teeth grinding in kids, especially if it happens late at night. Apart from this, general symptoms of teeth grinding in kids include:

  • Frequent complaints of headaches
  • Sore jaw
  • Injured teeth and gums (Oral health of kids : Tooth decay)
  • Tightening or clenching of the jaw muscles
  • Complaining of jaw muscle ache
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold foods and beverages

In some cases, even the teeth and tooth enamel may be worn away. As a result, if the problem is not addressed, children may experience future dental difficulties.

Effects of teeth grinding in kids

Many cases of teeth grinding in kids go unnoticed and have no negative consequences, while others result in headaches or earaches. Chronic tooth grinding can cause fracturing, loosening, or loss of teeth in some kids. Teeth can be worn down to roots as a result of constant grinding. Bridges, crowns, root canals, implants, partial dentures, and even complete dentures may be required when these events occur. 

Clenching and teeth grinding when sleeping can also damage teeth, chip teeth, increase temperature sensitivity and create significant facial discomfort and jaw disorders like temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. It might also change the appearance of the face.

How to prevent teeth grinding in kids?

Bruxism is a common reaction among children as they grow and develop. These incidents are unavoidable. Stress-related teeth grinding can, however, be avoided in both children and adults. The first step in avoiding teeth grinding when sleeping is to establish a relaxing nighttime routine. The following are some tips to help your child sleep better at night.

  • Before going to bed, turn off the television and other electronic devices.
  • Allow them to listen to soothing music.
  • Give them a warm bath or shower.
  • Allow them to read or listen to what you’re reading.

Stress management is important. Discuss your child’s feelings on a daily basis. They need help coping with stress. Your child’s stress can be relieved by talking to a family member, or a therapist about what’s bothering him or her. And if possible, try to eliminate your child’s sources of stress. (Anger management in kids)


You might probably be familiar with your child facing sore jaw muscles as a result of teeth grinding. Chewing foods that further exhaust those muscles can cause them to become even more tired and achy.

It’s best to avoid foods that promote jaw clenching and necessitate a lot of chewing. You should also avoid foods that damage the teeth as part of the bruxism diet because weakened teeth is another common symptom of bruxism.

Some of the most important foods to avoid if you have bruxism are:

  • Chewing gums
  • Chewy candies
  • Hard candy
  • Crunchy foods 
  • Popcorn
  • Chewy food like steaks
  • Hard foods like nuts

Best diet TO PREVENT teeth grinding

A diet consisting of mostly soft foods will help minimize the tension on your kid’s jaw joint and the surrounding muscles. This could involve the following:

  • Apple puree
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Yogurt
  • Pasta

You might also improve your bruxism diet by including more anti-inflammatory foods. Because bruxism and TMJ are linked to inflammation, these foods may help alleviate symptoms. 

  • Fatty fish, salmon
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Berries like strawberries and bluberries

Vitamins that help TO PREVENT teeth grinding

It is ideal to acquire all of the vitamins and nutrients from a balanced diet. Here are a few vitamins and minerals that might help teeth grinding in kids.  Supplement your child’s regular regimen with these vitamins and minerals.

1) Magnesium

Magnesium relaxes the neurological system and can aid in the relaxation of muscles in the jaw. Clenching and teeth grinding when sleeping is reduced as a result. Stress is regarded to be one of the most common causes of bruxism, and low magnesium levels are linked to high stress levels. The foods that are rich in magnesium include: 

  • Nuts such as almonds, cashew, peanut
  • Seeds such as pumpkin , flax and chia 
  • Whole grains like wheat, oats, barley, buckwheat and quinoa
  • Spinach
  • Banana
  • Vegetables like carrot, potatoes, broccoli, avocado
  • Milk
  • Fatty fish
2) Calcium

Deficiency in calcium, which causes bone deterioration, has been related to teeth grinding and teeth clenching. Make sure your child receives adequate calcium, too. Calcium-rich food sources include: 

  • Milk and milk products
  • Moringa
  • Ragi
  • Vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, lady’s finger
  • Seeds such as sesame and chia 
  • Almonds 
  • Lotus seeds or makhana
  • Amaranth
3) Vitamin B and vitamin C

Dietary supplements of vitamins B and C have been linked to better sleep quality and deeper sleep. Sleep bruxism, which is categorized as a sleep-related movement problem, is significantly helped by these vitamins. (Foods with B vitamins)

Dietary sources of vitamin B include: 

  • Whole grain cereals
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Beans
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Milk and milk products
  • Egg
  • Meat
  • Fruits

Dietary sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits, papaya, broccoli, potatoes, cabbage, cauliflower. 

Changing your child’s diet all at once may be challenging, so consider making one or two changes at a time. In this way, you will be able to determine which meals have an impact on your bruxism symptoms.

Living with teeth grinding

Clenching or teeth grinding in kids is not harmful. The majority of kids will outgrow it. However, it might induce unpleasant symptoms that can make daily life difficult. You can take efforts to alleviate and prevent discomfort. The following are some home care suggestions:

  • Use  wet heat or ice for sore jaw muscles 
  • Massage the neck, shoulders, and face muscles.
  • Avoid foods that are hard, dense, or chewy, such as nuts, bagels, or steak.
  • Avoid chewing gum 
  • Stretching activities for physical rehabilitation can be learned.
  • Relax the  facial muscles.
  • Reduce the stress levels.
  • Practice relaxation techniques.

If self-care measures don’t work after a few weeks and your child is still having problems, consult your family doctor.


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Eye, Brain development, Bone strength and overall growth to kids without any fuss. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods – SHOP HERE.

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All about coconut oil benefits: Skin, Hair, Body and Oral hygiene

about coconut oil benefits

Coconut oil is widely considered as a “True Superfood”. This is because there aren’t a lot of things that coconut oil can’t do. While talking about coconut oil benefits, it can be considered as “Do it all miracle oil”.

Coconut oil is derived from the lifeline of the health tree i.e., coconut tree. It is well known for its taste, health and other versatile benefits that you may not be even aware of. Over decades, coconut oil has gained its fame as a healthiest food for skin, hair and body and the benefits are beyond your expectations.

Let’s get aware of what all this hype is about with the science-backed health benefits of coconut oil for skin, hair, body, oral health and others.

Composition of coconut oil:

Coconut oil is rich in Medium Chain Fatty acids (MCT). These MCTs are easier to burn and harder for the body to convert into fats. It is a rich source of Vitamin E and almost 100% fat.

Fatty acids found in coconut oil include –

Saturated fatty acids: Lauric acid, Myristic acid, Palmitic acids, Caprylic acid, Stearic acid, Capric acid.

Unsaturated fatty acids: Oleic acid, Linoleic acid

Types of coconut oil:

Broadly speaking, Coconut oil is classified into two: refined coconut oil and virgin coconut oil.

Refined coconut oil is produced through heat exposure. It is refined, bleached, deodorized and made from dried coconut. Moreover, it is less expensive, has a neutral scent and higher smoke point. Usually recommended for cooking and have fewer nutritional properties.

Virgin coconut oil is a pure form of oil and is produced without heat exposure. It is made from cold pressing and is unbleached. Moreover, it retains all the natural aroma and has a lower smoke point. It tastes great and has numerous health and nutritional benefits. It is recommended to consume this raw like a dressing.

Cold pressed coconut oil is extremely pure and raw. It has a higher smoke point and is considered better for high temperature cooking. This is usually priced higher since the extraction process retains all the nutrients.

Benefits of coconut oil for skin:

Apart from cooking, coconut oil has some outstanding benefits for skin too. It shines in the beauty product sector too. Read below to explore more about coconut oil benefits for skin.

Treating dry skin:

Skin hydration is an issue faced by most of us. Coconut oil helps in protecting and retaining skin hydration with the help of fatty acids present in them. If you have oily face skin, then try to avoid its use. (Home remedies for dry skin)

Protection against UV radiation: Natural sunscreen

Coconut oil protects your skin from the harmful UV radiations by acting as a barrier between your skin and the radiations. This acts as a natural sunscreen as few studies have stated that it can block about 15-20% of the sun’s UV radiation. Although this may be true but it won’t work as a complete protection. (How to apply sunscreen)

Reduces Inflammation:

The major reasons for skin inflammation include eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis. Since, coconut oil possess anti-inflammatory properties, it is a quick fix that penetrates the skin easily.

Treating Pimples:

Coconut oil contains MCTs that help in reducing pimples or acne by killing the bacterias responsible for this. Therefore, application of a thin layer of coconut oil to the affected areas works. (Home remedies to reduce pimples)

Keeps you safe from infections:

As coconut oil contains lauric acid and other essential fatty acids too, it possesses antimicrobial, antifungal and antiviral properties. This helps in prevention of infection in the body. Consumption and application both work well. (Immunity boosting foods)

Heals wounds:

Coconut oil helps in wound healing by increasing the production of collagen. It is considered as an important wound healing protein.


Apart from soothing, smoothing and nourishing the skin, coconut oil acts as an anti-ageing serum. It is rich in vitamins, vitamin A and fatty acids that reduce wrinkles, fine lines, damaged skin and hyperpigmentation. Moreover, it improves the skin elasticity to a greater extent. (How sugar affects your skin)

Stretch marks:

Coconut oil can be an effective remedy to reduce stretch marks. Application of a mixture of warm coconut oil with pure kapoor (camphor) works best.

Treats baby rashes:

Baby’s skin is quite sensitive. Rashes caused by diapers and heat can be treated with the help of coconut oil. Since coconut oil has soothing and hydrating properties, it reduces the inflammation thus giving relief from itching and irritation. (Home remedies to treat heat rash)

Benefits of coconut oil for hair:

Coconut oil is not only beneficial for the skin but also plays an important role in hair nourishment. Mentioned below are few benefits of coconut oil for hair:

Prevents damage:

Your hair is more vulnerable when wet. When the hair is wet it undergoes structural changes by absorbing water. This results in hair damage and hair fall. Applying coconut oil before and after hair wash prevents damage by reducing protein loss. If applied before, it reduces the amount of damage during washing whereas application of the same after bath prevents damage caused by friction and styling. Moreover, it keeps your hair soft and smooth. (Hair fall home remedies)

Makes your hair shine:

Coconut oil helps in hair shine as it penetrates the scalp much better than other mineral oils. It protects the hair and locks the moisture thus, providing shine to the hair strands. This is the secret of long and shiny hairs.

Protects your hair:

Coconut oil contains essential properties that are important for revamping damaged hair. The nutrient in the oil nourishes the scalp thus protecting it from damage. Its chemical structure is so superior that it helps in protecting the hair from the environmental and cosmetic damages.

Aids hair growth:

Longer, thicker and shinier hair can be obtained from coconut oil. In addition, coconut oil helps in aiding hair growth by reducing breakage, moisturizing the hair, reducing protein loss and protection against environmental damage. It also promotes hair growth by removing excess sebum from the hair follicles. For this to work best, you need to make it a regular beauty regimen. (Reasons of hair fall in kids and remedies)

Prevents lice:

The initial step of lice prevention can be usage of coconut oil. Massaging coconut oil along with tea tree oil kills the lice. Alternatively, you can use apple cider vinegar to wash off the lice eggs after the coconut oil treatment.

Protects hair from sun UV radiations:

Studies state that application of coconut oil protects the hair from the sun’s harmful radiations. It may work as a weak sunscreen.

Treats dandruff:

Coconut oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties. That is why frequent massage of warm coconut oil reduces dandruff. (Home remedies for dry and itchy scalp)

Benefits of coconut oil for oral hygiene:

Coconut oil for oral hygiene has been used since decades. Oil pulling is the natural way of preventing any oral health issues. It helps in maintaining the oral hygiene by

  • Killing the harmful bacterias
  • Reduce bad breaths
  • Prevents dental plaque
  • Prevents tooth decay (Importance of teeth brushing in kids)
  • Preventing gum disease
  • Reduce build-up of food debris
  • Prevents formation of film on tongue
How to oil pull?

It’s simple! Oil pulling is more like an oil mouthwash. Swish coconut oil in your mouth for 15-20 minutes and spit out followed by brushing. The reason behind doing this is, every time you oil pull, the fatty acids present in the oil traps the bacteria and removes them from the mouth. Isn’t it an interesting fact about coconut oil benefits?

Coconut oil drinking benefits: Body care
Boost heart health:

Coconut oil may help in boosting heart health. It contains saturated fatty acids but these work differently as compared to the other saturated fats. It increases the healthy cholesterol (HDL, good fat) in the body while lowering the harmful effects of LDL. Additionally, the MCTs present in this oil are not involved in the cholesterol transport. On the whole, it may help boost heart health.

Quick source of energy:

MCTs present in the coconut oil are easily digested and go directly from your gut to the liver. The body uses them as a quick energy source without increasing the blood sugar levels. (Power foods all kids need)

Helps in fat burning:

Coconut oil helps in the proper functioning of the thyroid and endocrine system. It boosts the body’s metabolic rates which aids weight loss. The major fats from coconut oil are converted into energy rather than being stored as a fat. (Natural ways for weight loss)

Reduce hunger:

Studies shows that coconut oil is responsible for satiety. It reduces hunger by producing ketones in the body. This aids to weight loss also as the intake of the calories reduces. (Tips to increase appetite in kids)

Improve Cognitive (Brain) Functions:

One of the lesser-known facts about coconut oil benefits is its role in improving brain function. The MCTs present in this oil break down into super rich ketones which act as an alternative energy source (fuel) for the brain. This helps in boosting memory. Moreover, it has been studied that it enhances the abilities of language and orientation in Alzheimer patients. (Foods for brain development in kids)

Controls blood sugar:

Recent work on the impact of coconut oil on the blood sugar level states that it helps in promoting insulin secretion. In addition to that, it helps in stabilizing the blood sugar levels and  encourages effective use of blood glucose.

Boost Bone Health:

Coconut oil helps boost bone health in two ways. Firstly, being a rich source of antioxidants, it neutralizes the free radicals and reduces oxidative stress. Secondly, it helps in the absorption of calcium, magnesium and other fat-soluble vitamins and minerals. In addition, it is useful in reducing the symptoms of osteoporosis and arthritis. (Bone development in kids)

Reduce stress:

The combination of two properties of the virgin coconut oil helps in relaxing the body. This oil can be used in aromatherapy which helps in body and mind relaxation. Gentle massage of coconut oil eases the stress.

Balance hormones:

Hormonal imbalance is quite a matter of concern these days. Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid. It helps in balancing the hormones and may have a good effect on the estrogen levels. It is good to consume this during menopause. (Foods to manage hormone imbalance)

Everything is okay, but how much coconut oil per day?

Even though coconut oil serves abundant health benefits, moderate use of it is required.  It should be treated like any other fat that you come across. You can enjoy all the benefits of coconut when consumed in adequate amounts.

Usually, it is best to limit yourself to about 2 tablespoons of coconut oil in a day.

Health benefits of coconut water:

Not only coconut oil but also coconut water plays an important role in the body.

  • Good source of hydration
  • Great source of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium (Calcium rich foods)
  • Help in preventing kidney stones
  • Instant energy source
  • Reduce blood pressure
  • Aids in digestion (Probiotic foods)
  • Healthy skin
  • Hangover cure
  • Treats flatulence, stomach ulcer and gastrointestinal issues
  • Prevention against infections
  • Eliminates worms (Deworming in kids)
Other benefits of coconut oil:

Apart from having health benefits coconut oil helps in some non-health related issues too. This makes coconut oil a whole.

  • Stain removal
  • Natural deodorant
  • Wood shine
  • Makeup removal
  • Massage
  • Base for exfoliants
  • Natural highlighter
  • Nasal drops
  • Hygiene wash

Recipe: Whole grain cake cum bar with hidden nuts and herbs

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We are happy to introduce our range of nutritious & tasty products for kids!!
We know that preparing and feeding healthy foods everyday is a huge task. Even more tough when kids are picky eaters. Kids prefer certain foods and formats. It is not easy to feed kids bitter Ayurvedic herbs, variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds everyday.
Mixed with Ayurvedic herbs, this unique product is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Brain development, Bone strength and overall-growth to kids without any fuss.

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

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Daily Nutrition for: Immunity, Brain development, Bones and Overall growth

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Foods and Remedies recommended by a Nutrition expert.

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How to lighten dark lips: 8 DIY ways for lip care!

how lighten dark lips

Dark lips? Well, don’t worry, you’re not alone. But if you are worried about how to lighten dark lips, this read is for you. Your lips are much more sensitive as compared to your body’s skin. They require extra care.

Generally speaking, the color of the lips varies from person to person. But if your natural lip tone turns out to be darker then some lifestyle changes are required. Your lips speak a lot about your habits, health and lifestyle.

There are various factors that affect the change in lip color. In this article, we have mentioned various potential causes of lip darkening. Moreover, now you will be able to treat these dark lips with the help of kitchen superstars. (Kitchen superstars to reduce dark circles)

Causes of dark lips:

Having dark lips is typically a harmless condition. It is nothing but excess production of melanin in that area which causes darkening also known as Hyperpigmentation. Following are the underlying causes-

How to lighten dark lips:

There are multiple ways of treating or reducing the pigmented lips. Everyone wishes for red lips. Apart from the cosmetic procedure, here are a few effective home remedies that will answer your question of how to lighten dark lips. Remember, consistency is the key!

1. Lemon and Sugar:

Lemon has skin lightening properties. It exfoliates and bleaches the skin. Sugar acts as a scrubbing agent. Honey moisturizes the skin.  Take a slice of freshly cut lemon. On it add some sugar and honey. Gently massage your lips for a few minutes. Rest it for a minute or two. Rinse with cold water. If you feel it drying out, apply honey and rinse.

2. Potato:

Potatoes have a naturally occurring compound called catecholase which is responsible for reducing darkness. Rub a slice of potato on your lips. Rest it overnight. Wash with lukewarm water.

3. Milk and turmeric:

Raw milk and turmeric are indeed a great combination to reduce dark lips. It exfoliates the skin and acts as a melanin inhibitor. Mix 1 tablespoon of milk with ½ tablespoon of turmeric. Make a paste and massage the lips. Rest for 5 minutes. Wash clean.

4. Massage with oil:

Coconut, Olive or almond oil are best for lip massaging. It helps in increasing the blood circulation. Also, it has emollient properties and helps in rejuvenating skin. Take a few drops of any of these oils and massage on the lip twice a day. You can also leave the oil overnight and wash with lukewarm water in the morning.

5. Pomegranate:

Pomegranate is a great answer to how to lighten dark lips. It helps reduce hyperpigmentation and restore the natural colour of your lips. Crush or grind pomegranate seeds. Mix raw milk. Make a paste and gently massage your lips. Leave for 5 mins rinse off with cold water. You can also mix carrot or beetroot juice for extra benefits.

6. Cucumber juice:

Cucumber soothes and rejuvenates skin. It has a good amount of vitamin C and antioxidants. Juice half of a cucumber. Refrigerate it. Once cooled, apply it on the lips and gently massage. Leave it for 30 minutes. Rinse well.

7. Rose water:

Apart from soothing and moisturizing the lips, rose water helps in healing the lip. Mix well honey and rose water. Apply this to your lips at least twice a day. Leave it for 15-20 minutes. Wash with cold water. Alternatively, you can mix rose petal paste with honey and milk.

8. Beetroot:

This remedy will give you red lips that you wished for. Apply beetroot paste to your lips. Leave for 15 mins. Rinse with cold water. Apply your choice of lip balm. Repeat twice a day. (5 reasons why you should eat Beet)

How to prevent dark lips formation:
  • Apply sunscreen
  • Quit smoking and tobacco
  • Use good quality cosmetics
  • Stay hydrated
  • Maintain your lips
  • Maintain a good balanced diet
  • Limit caffeine intake
  • Limit Alcohol intake too
  • Avoid allergens
  • Avoid lip sucking
Make your own Lip balm!

If you’re putting a lot of effort in maintaining and achieving red lips, why not try making your own lip balm? Avoid the chemical-based lip balms that do more harm than good. Here’s an easy natural way –

Things that you’ll need:

  • 3-4 tablespoon Beeswax pellets
  • 2-3 tablespoon Shea butter
  • 4 tablespoon Coconut oil (Alternatives can be almond oil, olive oil, grapeseed oil)
  • 10-15 drops Essential oil (Recommended are citrus, lemon. Lavender, peppermint)
  • ½ gram Flavor oil (Optional or alternative)

How to proceed?  

1. Melt beeswax, shea butter and oil in 30 seconds increments in a microwave. Stir well after each one.

2. Add the essential oil or the flavor oil. Microwave for 15 seconds. Mix well.

3. Pour the mixture in a tube or pots of the container of your choice. Make sure to choose a container that makes it easy to apply.

4. Leave it to set. Store in a cool place.

5. Ready to use!

Recipe: Beetroot Cheela

Let’s make every dish tasty and nutritious by ‘hidden’ nutrition of veggies, herbs and nuts.

Check the Recipe made with Iyurved’s secret health ingredient- DAILY NUTRITION spread.



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Mixed with Ayurvedic herbs, this unique product is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Brain development, Bone strength and overall-growth to kids without any fuss.

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Teething Symptoms in Babies: Teething and Diarrhea

It is a matter of joy to see your baby’s first tooth. But teething is a difficult and uncomfortable phase for kids as well as for parents. Kids become super fussy and refuse to eat or drink milk because of gum irritation. There are many teething symptoms in babies such as gum swelling and pain, drooling, biting, crying, gagging, pulling ears, facial rashes and refusing to eat. Lots of parents connect teething with diarrhea. However, there is no such evidence that can justify that teething and diarrhea are correlated. According to American academy of pediatrics, teething does not directly cause diarrhea. Babies can experience it due to many different factors other than teething. It is just a surrounding myth that teething and diarrhea are related or teething causes diarrhea.

WHATSAPP for concerns like Speech Delay, Low Weight, Frequent Illness, Hyperactivity, Low Concentration, Weak Eyesight, Improper Sleep, Pigmentation, Pores, Face Marks, Fine Lines, Lactation etc.

teething symptoms in babies

Biting and sucking: This is one of the most common teething symptoms in babies. You can notice that your baby is biting and sucking everything in hand. For them, it is a way to soothe gum irritation.

Gum pain: Eruption of teeth is a painful process. Sensitive and swollen gums can make your baby fussy.

Increased saliva: Babies chew, bite and drool more during teething phase. You may see a baby’s shirt wet all the time. This is one of the teething symptoms in babies

Facial rash: Constant moisture of drool may irritate baby’s skin and cause rash around the mouth.

Body temperature: Teething can raise body temperature slightly. But above 100.4 F is not one of the teething symptoms in babies, and you should consult a doctor.

Reasons for diarrhea during teething

Introduction of solid foods: Usually teething starts around 4-7 months of age. It is the time when babies get introduced to solid foods. This can cause a change in their bowel movement and leads to diarrhea. Infant’s digestive system is immature and it takes time for kids to adjust with new foods, which may cause a change in their stool and parents generally connect it with one of the baby teething symptoms. (What to feed when baby begins solids?)

Tend to put everything in mouth: The chances of bacteria entering the body are extremely high as during this phase kids tend to put everything in the mouth, which may also lead to diarrhea. Due to constant gum irritation, babies generally reach out for different objects, to put in the mouth. These objects could have germs or are not necessarily clean and this can be a cause of diarrhea during teething. It’s not one of the baby teething symptoms actually.

Immunity Fact: Babies immune system is much stronger immediately after birth than at the age of six months. Around this time the baby starts losing the antibodies he/she got at the time of birth and may experience unrelated ailments or infections which can cause diarrhea. This is the time when a baby’s underdeveloped immune system needs a boost up to fight against disease causing bacteria. (Immunity foods for babies during 6 months)

Tips to be followed during Diarrhea

Maintain hygiene: The most important thing is to maintain a hygienic surrounding when you notice some of the teething symptoms in babies. The process of teething causes gum irritation and in an attempt to soothe sore gums babies put things or a teething toy in their mouth. If these objects are not cleaned regularly, it can be an invitation for germs and microbes to enter their body which leads to many infections including diarrhea.

Rehydration: Rehydration is the process of restoring lost water or fluid to the body. The World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF recommended Oral Rehydration Salt (ORS) as essential for clinical treatment of acute diarrhea. ORS treats dehydration caused by severe diarrhea through the replacement of lost fluid, salt, sugar, potassium and other nutrients. Ask your doctor about what type and quantity of ORS to be used.

Diet: Your kid’s diet is the main concern you should take care of during teething and diarrhea. If your baby is on breastfeeding or formula, increase its frequency is necessary. At least half of the dietary energy comes from foods other than milk. If your baby is above 6 months, you can give mashed banana, yogurt, potato, carrots, moong dal/mung bean soup and rice water.  All these foods can help to aid diarrhea. (How to make mung bean soup?)

Developing immunity: To boost up your baby’s immunity to fight infections just stick to breastfeeding, nutrient rich foods, probiotics and follow their vaccination schedule.

When to consult a doctor?

Mild symptoms of diarrhea can be treated at home with these precautions. However, if your child develops any of the below mentioned symptoms, consult your paediatrician.

  • If diarrhea persists for more than a week.
  • Vomiting along with diarrhea.
  • Severe stomach pain.
  • Increase in baby’s body temperature more than 101 degree Fahrenheit.
  • Blood in stool.
  • If the baby is losing weight.
  • If there are symptoms of dehydration in a baby.

Foods to overcome Diarrhea

Besides keeping your baby hydrated, it is also important to take care of their diet. Offer small meals to your baby at regular intervals. Foods rich in carbohydrates help to maintain the energy level of the body during diarrhea. Potassium rich foods are also important, which may be lost in large quantities through diarrhea. Here is the list of foods that you can offer to your baby during diarrhea:

Breast milk (0+ month):

Breast milk passes antibodies from mother to the baby to fight against infections such as diarrhea. It is also a great source of probiotics (gut friendly bacteria) for babies, which contributes to the establishment of the infant’s gut microbiota. (How to heal the gut of the child?)

Banana (6 months+):

It is best to give during diarrhea as it helps to harden the stool. Banana is the rich source of potassium, which helps to balance electrolytes lost due to frequent loose motions. It is a rich source of iron and fiber which contributes to a healthy digestive tract. It is a superfood which can be used as a complete plant to treat digestion. (How to use banana stem in food everyday?)

Carrots (6 months+):

Carrots are rich in iron, calcium, vitamin A and fiber. It helps in adding bulk and binds the stool which helps in diarrhea. Go for steamed mashed or pureed carrots for your little one. (Prebiotics for kids to help with digestion?)

Nutmeg (6 months+):

Nutmeg or Jaiphal has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, which helps to reduce microbial infection and reduces the intestinal inflammation. It also has anti-secretory components which helps to reduce the loss of fluid from the body during diarrhea. You can make the powder by rubbing nutmeg on the stone grinder. Give your baby a pinch of this powder with some water. This is also great to treat cold and cough. (Foods and remedies to help with cold and flu)

Rice water (6 months+):

Rice water is starchy water left after rice is cooked. It is a great source of energy, as it contains carbohydrates. It also maintains the fluid level of the body and decreases the frequency of stool.

Moong dal (mung bean) (6 months+): 

Mung bean (Moong dal) is an outstanding prebiotic,which helps to maintain gut health. Rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber, It helps in digestion and adds more bulk to stool. It is extremely high in Protein, which digests slowly and keeps the kids energetic.(Why to sprout beans for kids?)

Sabudana (sago) (7 months+):

Sabudana is a rich source of carbohydrates, protein, vitamin K, calcium and potassium. It helps to retain fluid in the intestine and to thicken loose motions, hence control the frequency of bowel movements.

Buttermilk (7 months+):

Buttermilk is rich in calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B12, protein, carbohydrates and low in fat. It has great probiotics properties that help to increase the production of good bacteria in the digestive tract, which improves kids gut health, boosts immunity and prevents acidity. It helps to ease the discomfort in the digestive tract. (Nutritious summer drinks for kids keep hydrated)

Boiled potato (8 months+):

Potatoes are easy to digest and best to give your baby during diarrhea as it is high in carbohydrate and provides adequate energy that is lost during loose motion.

Coconut water (8 months+):

It is a good source of vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, potassium, fiber and natural enzymes, which promotes proper digestion. It is rich in nutrients and electrolytes, which makes it an excellent choice to control dehydration. (Coconut remedy for cough for kids)


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