Sleepwalking in Kids: Tips and Foods to Manage it


Does your child get out of bed and walk around? Did your child sit up in bed and open their eyes without waking up from sleep? Is your child acting confused or disorganised? Does he/she talk gibberish while sleeping? These are some common signs of sleepwalking in kids. Around 29% of children are dealing with sleepwalking. Let’s dive deeper into it to understand more about causes, symptoms, tips and foods to manage sleepwalking in children.

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What is Sleepwalking?

Sleepwalking is commonly described as somnambulism, which is a type of sleep disorder called parasomnia in kids. Parasomnias are irregular sleeping patterns. It is usually characterised by getting out of the bed and walking around in the middle of sleeping. Sleepwalking is more prevalent in children than adults.  Sleepwalking takes place while you are sleeping deeply. Most frequently, it happens one to two hours after you go to sleep since this activity peaks in the early hours of the night. The sleepwalking episodes don’t indicate any major issues or need special medical attention. The majority of them get over it by the time they hit adolescence, although it can occasionally last into adulthood.

Also check, Sleep talking in kids

Symptoms of Sleepwalking

Sleepwalking episodes can happen sometimes or frequently, and it typically lasts a few minutes. Here are some common signs of sleepwalking:

  • Open eyes and sit up in bed without waking from sleep
  • Kids may step out of bed and go for a walk
  • Have watery eyes and a glazed look 
  • They do not reply to or interact with others
  • Disorganised and confused
  • Nightmares or sleep terrors
  • Hard to wake from sleepwalking episodes
  • Difficulty focusing in the day time due to interrupted sleep
  • Not able to recall the incident in the morning

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Causes of sleepwalking

However the causes for sleepwalking is still mysterious, scientists believe that there could be a connection between heredity and sleepwalking. Here are a few causes of sleep talking:

  • Having sleep related issues or sleep disorders
  • Over exhaustion
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Fever or other sickness
  • Nightmares or vivid dreams
  • Gastrointestinal issues
  • Breathing problems
  • Restless leg syndrome 
  • Side effects of medications

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Tips to prevent sleepwalking in kids

Parents can take some easy steps to control sleep talking in kids. Here are some tips:


A decent sleep can make a positive impact on your child’s entire day. Kids need to get enough night sleep so they can achieve their necessary growth milestones, play, learn and perform well. Following a proper bedtime routine can help to control sleepwalking in kids.

Also check, Bedtime routine for kids and teens

2. Wake them 

If your child consistently sleepwalks at the same hour each night, try to gently wake them for a few minutes 15 to 30 minutes earlier before their sleepwalking time. By changing their regular sleep cycle, this may prevent them from sleepwalking.

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Don’t give coffee or soda to your kid before bedtime. These may raise energy levels and interfere with the child ‘s potential to get a good night’s sleep. Still, giving a warm cup of milk can help your kids to relax and calm before bedtime.

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A cosy bed encourages peaceful sleep in kids. Choose high-quality soft pillows and bedding as well as adequate ventilation in the room to make your kid feel comfy in bed

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Small events that occur in a kid’s life can upset them. Talk to your kids about those issues and then stand by them. It can reduce their anxiety, which can also help them to sleep better.

Also check, How to manage anxiety in kids?


Engage your kid in physical activities like cycling, swimming or playing any sport. This might enhance their night’s sleep.

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The bright lights emitted by electronic devices can prolong the release of sleep hormone (melatonin) and cause sleep deprivation in kids. Avoid playing video games or watching scary movies on television before bed.

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Avoid telling scary bedtime stories to your kids. Use dim lights and mild music. Give them toys like stuffed animals and monster sprays for making them feel safe.

Also check, Foods to manage hyperactivity in kids

9. Avoid crashes

Take some preventive measures to avoid crashes. 

  • Ensure the doors and windows are locked
  • Set alarms on doors and windows
  • Remove sharp or breakable objects from child’s room
  • Put keys away from the reach of children
  • To avoid stumbling, take away any barriers from your child’s room and other areas of your house.
  • Keep potentially harmful items out of reach.
  • Don’t allow your sleepwalker to sleep in a bunk bed to avoid falls.

Also check, Improper sleep cycle in Kids with ADHD and ASD

Foods that help to regulate sleep cycle

Foods that help to improve the sleep cycle and manage the sleepwalking are given as follows:


A study published in 2005 in Nutritional neuroscience suggested that consuming tryptophan alongside a carbohydrates source is one of the best ways to treat sleep deprivation. Pumpkin seeds may be small but they are packed with valuable nutrients. They are rich in healthy fats, magnesium, fiber, antioxidants and zinc. If your kid has trouble sleeping, give a few pumpkin seeds before bed with small amounts of carbohydrates such as a piece of fruit. It may be beneficial in providing the body with tryptophan needed for melatonin production, which can lead to better sleep. Also, for younger kids, powdered pumpkin seeds can be an option.

Also check, Other benefits if pumpkin seeds


Nuts like almonds, walnuts, pistachios and cashews are often considered to be a good food source for sleep. They contain melatonin (sleep hormone) as well as magnesium, vitamin B6, protein and zinc. Magnesium is helpful in promoting sleep because of its ability to reduce inflammation (body heat). The level of stress hormone cortisol, which is known to interrupt sleep, can be reduced by including nuts in your diet.

Also check, What nuts are easy protein sources?


Chamomile is considered to be a safe and effective way to help a child relax. It’s a dried flower. These flowers are white and yellow and look like beautiful little daisies. Native to Europe and Asia. For centuries, it has been used for medicinal purposes to calm the mind and mildly induce sleep.It Improves relaxation and relieves stress, reduces anxiety, promotes sleep and also relieves insomnia.

Also check, Health benefits of chamomile


Lemon balm extracts: A Phytomedicine Compound Improves Symptoms of hyperactivity, Attention Deficits, and Impulsivity in Children. As per the study conducted by NIH, the fraction of children having strong/very strong symptoms of poor ability to focus decreased from 75% to 14%, hyperactivity from 61% to 13%, and impulsiveness from 59% to 22%. Parent rated social behavior, sleep and symptom burden showed highly significant improvements.

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Pure Cocoa powder (unsweetened) contains brain boosting components as it is packed with a large number of antioxidants molecules, the main is epicatechin which is helpful to improve cognition in studies. Hence, cocoa powder is also an important brain development food for children.

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It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Eye, Brain development, Bone strength and overall growth to kids without any fuss. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods –SHOP HERE.

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Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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What is Insomnia: How to deal with it?

insomnia is

Are you facing difficulty in falling asleep? Are you up all night, tossing and turning, and does the night seem to go forever and ever? Or, do you wake up multiple times during the night? Well!! These can be the symptoms of Insomnia. Sleep is the golden chain that ties your health and body together. A proper night’s sleep is one of the most important factors in the overall development and an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. A decent sleep can make a positive impact on your entire day. If you’re experiencing insomnia then this article is for you!

What does insomnia really refer to?

Insomnia is a common sleep condition that can make it difficult to get asleep, difficult to stay asleep, or lead you to wake up too early and be unable to sleep again. When you wake up, you may still be exhausted. It can deplete not just your energy and mood, but also your health, performance, and overall quality of life.

The amount of sleep required varies from person to person, but most individuals require 7-8 hours of sleep per night.

Many adults may experience short-term (acute) insomnia at some point in their lives, which might endure for days or weeks. It is frequently caused by stress or a stressful experience. However, some persons suffer from long-term (chronic) insomnia that lasts a month or longer. Insomnia may be the fundamental issue, or it may be a side effect of another medical condition or medication.

Sleep issues may also be a concern for children and teenagers. However, some children and teens simply have trouble getting to sleep or resist a regular bedtime because their internal clocks are more delayed. They prefer to sleep later in the morning and go to bed later. Insomnia may affect your child, if he or she has difficulty sleeping or staying asleep, or if they frequently wake up too early.

types of insomnia:

Classification of insomnia in 3 ways:

  • Classification on the basis of duration:
  1. Acute, transient insomnia is a short-term problem.
  2. Chronic insomnia can last for months or years.
  • Classification on basis of cause:
  1. Primary insomnia is an issue by itself.
  2. Secondary insomnia is a result of another health issue.
  • Classification on basis of severity:
  1. Mild insomnia – involves a lack of sleep that leads to tiredness.
  2. Moderate insomnia – may affect daily functioning.
  3. Severe insomnia – has a significant impact on daily life.
Insomnia Symptoms:

The following are a list of insomnia symptoms:

  • Difficulty sleeping at night
  • Waking up in the middle of the night
  • Waking up too early
  • Not feeling rested after a good night’s sleep
  • Tiredness or sleepiness during the day
  • Anxiety
  • Difficulties paying attention, focusing on activities, or remembering
  • Errors or accidents have increased
  • Ongoing worries about sleep
  • Aggression
  • Memory problems
  • Depression
  • Hyperactivity
Causes of insomnia:
  • Stress: Work, school, health, finances, or family concerns might keep your thoughts active at night, making it difficult to sleep. Insomnia can also be caused by stressful life events or trauma.
  • Consuming stimulants like Caffeine : Stimulants include coffee, tea, cola, and other caffeinated beverages. Drinking them in the late afternoon or evening may keep you awake at night. It also prevents deeper phases of sleep and frequently causes waking up in the middle of the night.
  • Travel or work commitments
  • Inadequate sleep habits
  • Eating too much late in the evening
  • Mental health disorders
  • Medications



Nuts like almonds, walnuts, pistachios and cashews are often considered to be a good food source for sleep. They contain melatonin (sleep hormone) as well as magnesium, vitamin B6, protein and zinc. Magnesium is helpful in promoting sleep because of its ability to reduce inflammation (body heat). The level of stress hormone cortisol, which is known to interrupt sleep, can be reduced by including nuts in your diet. (What nuts are easy protein sources?)


A study published in 2005 in Nutritional neuroscience suggested that consuming tryptophan alongside a carbohydrates source is one of the best ways to treat sleep deprivation. Pumpkin seeds may be small but they are packed with valuable nutrients. They are rich in healthy fats, magnesium, fiber, antioxidants and zinc. If you or your kid has trouble sleeping, give a few pumpkin seeds before bed with small amounts of carbohydrates such as a piece of fruit. It may be beneficial in providing the body with tryptophan needed for melatonin production, which can lead to better sleep. For younger kids, powdered pumpkin seeds can be an option.


Chamomile is thought to be a safe and efficient technique to help relax. It has been used medicinally for generations to relax the mind and promote sleep.


Lemon balm extracts: A Phytomedicine Compound Improves Symptoms of Hyperactivity, Attention Deficits, and Impulsivity. As per the study conducted by NIH, The fraction of children having strong/very strong symptoms of poor ability to focus decreased from 75% to 14%, hyperactivity from 61% to 13%, and impulsiveness from 59% to 22%. Parent rated social behavior, sleep and symptom burden showed highly significant improvements.


Pure cocoa powder (unsweetened) has brain-boosting components because it contains a high concentration of antioxidant molecules, the most important of which is epicatechin, which helps to increase cognition in studies. Hence, cocoa powder is also an important brain development food for children. (How to get a sound sleep by eating )

How to deal with insomnia?

Follow these 10 effective tips and remedies to relax and promote sound sleep:

1. Good sleeping habits can aid in the prevention of insomnia and promote restful sleep

2. Maintain a consistent bedtime and waking time from day to day, including weekends

3. Stay active – frequent activity promotes a restful night’s sleep

4. Examine your medications to see whether they may be contributing to your insomnia

5. Avoid taking naps

6. Caffeine should be avoided or limited

7. Avoid having large meals before going to bed

8. Make your bedroom sleep-friendly and only utilize it for sleep

9. Make a nightly habit for yourself, such as having a warm bath, reading, or listening to calming music

10. Dim the lights and put down electronic devices an hour or so before bedtime

If you’re having trouble sleeping, don’t hesitate to get assistance from your doctor. They might be able to provide you advice on how to deal with difficulties that are interfering with your sleep. Many people who suffer from insomnia find that modifying their food, lifestyle, and bedtime routine helps them sleep better. Medications or cognitive behavioural therapy may also be recommended.


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Some parents have been kind enough to share their journey with us. Let’s hear them to closely understand the benefits of Ayurvedic spreads by Iyurved.

insomnia is

Check here to know how Surabhi helped her child fix her sleep routine.


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