9 Best Essential Oil For Hair

The world of beauty is transitioning and booming in such a way that can transform the way your skin and hair looks. Your hair, like your skin, endures a great deal and is frequently neglected. Are you someone who has always dreamed of long, beautiful tresses? Hair might be tricky to manage but massaging them frequently with some high-quality essential oil has proven to be extremely magical. Essential oils have superpower to treat hair, skin and even your moooooood! They give strength, gloss, and general health to your hair. These oils have been used since ancient times due to their efficacy and low risk of side effects. Let’s dive deep into more about the benefits of essential oils for hair.

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What are Essential Oils (EO)?

According to NIH, EO are concentrated plant extracts that retain the natural smell and flavour of their source and are obtained through mechanical pressing, distillation, or evaporation. Each essential oil has a distinct chemical composition and aromatic properties that can be beneficial to the body.

How to Use Essential Oils for hair?

The first thing to remember is that Essential Oils should NOT be applied directly to the skin or scalp because they can cause irritation.

  • Always do a patch test before using it for the first time.
  • Read label instructions well.
  • Mix a few drops of EO in the carrier oil (olive oil, coconut oil) well and massage well in the circular motion on the scalp as well as apply it to the strands.
  • Leave it for 15-20 minutes before washing as usual.
Essential oils for your hair:
essential oil iyurved

This is a gentle oil that can be used on sensitive skin and the scalp. Lavender essential oil is known for its soothing, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. This improves overall scalp health, accelerates hair growth by generating new cells, and reduces hair loss. Additionally, it improves blood circulation and makes the strands look healthier. Lavender’s soothing aroma also aids in stress relief and relaxation. It is a kind of Stress-Booster!

2. Tea tree:
essential oil Iyurved

Tea tree oil has antibacterial, antifungal and antimicrobial properties that aid in hair follicle cleaning. To be more specific, it aids in the unclogging of follicles and the prevention of chemical or dead skin build-up. Overall, this promotes hair growth, reduces hair loss, and keeps lice at bay.

3. Cedarwood:
essential oil Iyurved

This oil works by balancing the oil glands in the scalp, which promotes hair growth and reduces hair loss. Cedarwood EO also has antibacterial and antifungal properties which helps in keeping dandruff at bay. Moreover, it facilitates good scalp health, thickens hair and strengthens hair too. Studies also show that cedarwood extracts help to reduce hair loss in people with alopecia areata.

4. Peppermint:
essential oil Iyurved

We all associate peppermint with coolness and freshness. Isn’t that right? This EO when applied to the scalp has a cooling and tingling effect which increases the blood circulation and thus promotes hair growth. A study also found that it aids in the growth of follicle depth and follicles. Furthermore, this oil alleviates dryness, itching, and other scalp issues. This oil can also be mixed into shampoo.

5. Rosemary:
essential oil Iyurved

If you’re looking for an oil that can help with both hair thickening and growth, rosemary oil is the way to go! This Essential Oil boosts cellular generation, making your hair thicker, stronger, and healthier. It has added benefits of improving blood circulation, reducing hair breakage, promoting better scalp, delaying premature greying of hair and hair regrowth. Well, that’s a lot!

6. Ylang-ylang:

This hard to pronounce Essential Oil is ideal for those having dry scalp. Ylang-Ylang EO stimulates the sebum production in the scalp and improves dry hair texture while reducing hair breakage. It has an amazing aroma and is a powerful aphrodisiac.

7. Clary sage:

This oil contains a similar compound that makes lavender oil. Therefore, it is also responsible for improving hair growth. It makes the hair frizz free. Clary sage oil can also help people who are experiencing premature baldness. It fights scalp infections and regulates sebum production. You can also combine this oil with your favourite conditioner.

8. Lemongrass:

This is a go to EO if you frequently face dandruff issues. Lemongrass Essential Oil is anti-dandruff and hair-follicle-strengthening. This is due to its astringent properties, which aid in keeping hair clean and clear. It also heals and soothes irritated and itchy scalp.

9. Thyme:
essential oil Iyurved

This essential oil is potent, nutrient-dense, antioxidant-rich, and flavonoid-rich. It has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that help keep the scalp healthy. Moreover, like cedarwood oil, this oil aids in the treatment of alopecia areata by preventing hair loss.


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