One Exercise that Increase Brain Power in Autism!

brain power

Ever wondered how a simple finger exercise could make a world of difference for brain power in autism? Wondering how something as simple as moving fingers could enhance cognitive function? Let’s explore the science behind finger exercises and their impact on autism!

Exercise that increase brain power in autism!

The connection between autism and finger exercises is rooted in addressing core challenges faced by individuals on the autism spectrum. Finger exercises offer a targeted approach to improving fine motor skills, sensory integration, and motor planning abilities—areas commonly affected in autism. By engaging in these exercises, individuals with autism can enhance coordination, attention, and self-regulation skills. Moreover, the repetitive nature of finger exercises can provide a calming effect, aiding emotional regulation. Integrating finger exercises into therapy programs and daily routines can serve as a valuable tool in supporting the overall development and functioning of individuals with autism.

Steps to follow:

  1. Sit at a table or desk.
  2. Place your palm flat on the table surface.
  3. Relax your hand and fingers.
  4. Lift both your index finger and ring finger simultaneously.
  5. Hold both fingers up for a moment.
  6. Slowly lower both fingers back down to the table surface.
  7. Repeat the process as desired for practice.
  8. Take breaks as needed to rest your hand.
  9. Focus on making smooth and controlled movements.
  10. Practice regularly to improve finger coordination and control.

Benefits for autism:

1. Coordination between both Hemispheres of Brain:

Lifting both the index and ring fingers at the same time requires coordinated movement between the two hands. This bilateral coordination exercise can promote communication between the brain’s hemispheres, potentially improving motor planning and execution skills. In individuals with autism who may experience difficulties with motor coordination, practicing bilateral movements can enhance overall coordination and motor control.

2. Fine Motor Skill Development:

This exercise involves controlled movements of the fingers, contributing to the development of fine motor skills. By repeatedly lifting and lowering the fingers, individuals can improve precision and control over finger movements, which may be beneficial for tasks such as writing, drawing, and manipulating objects.

Also check, Techniques to develop fine motor skills in toddlers

3. Sensory Integration:

Engaging in the tactile sensations of resting the palm on the table and lifting the fingers can help individuals regulate sensory processing. By experiencing different textures and proprioceptive feedback (awareness of body position and movement), individuals may improve their ability to integrate sensory information, leading to better self-regulation and sensory modulation.

Also check, Tips to manage sensory overload in children

4. Attention and Focus:

Concentrating on lifting both fingers simultaneously requires attention and focus. Engaging in this exercise may help individuals with autism develop the ability to sustain attention on a task, ignore distractions, and follow sequential instructions. Improved attention and focus can support learning, academic performance and increasing brain power.

Also check, Benefits of brain booster for focus and memory

5. Executive Functioning:

Executive functions such as planning, organization, and task initiation can be challenging for individuals with autism. Performing structured finger exercises like lifting both fingers simultaneously can help strengthen these executive function skills by requiring individuals to plan and execute movements in a coordinated manner.

6. Calming and Regulation:

Like other repetitive and rhythmic movements, lifting both fingers simultaneously can have a calming effect on the nervous system. This may help individuals with autism regulate arousal levels, reduce anxiety, and promote relaxation and emotional well-being.

Also check, Natural remedies for reducing hyperactivity in kids

7. Social Interaction:

While this exercise can be done independently, it can also be adapted for social settings, providing opportunities for interaction and engagement with peers or caregivers. Participating in the activity together can foster social connections, communication skills, and cooperation.


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10 tips for your child to write exam smoothly

write exam

Ever wondered how to help your child breeze through exams with confidence? Are you tensed more than your child for his exam? Looking for strategies to make exam preparation a smoother experience? Here are 10 essential tips to ensure your child tackles and write exams with ease and success!

most common mistakes children do in exams

Here are the most common mistakes children make during exams

  • Not reading instructions carefully.
  • Poor time management.
  • Lack of preparation.
  • Ignoring easy questions.
  • Panic and anxiety.
  • Copying incorrect information.
  • Skipping revision and review.
  • Misinterpreting questions.
  • Providing incomplete answers.
  • Overconfidence.

10 tips to write exam smoothly!

1. Prepare in Advance:

Encourage your child to start studying well in advance of the exam date. Procrastination can lead to stress and cramming, which is not conducive to effective learning.

2. Create a Study Schedule:

Help your child create a study schedule that breaks down their study material into manageable chunks. This will make studying more organized and less overwhelming to write exam.

Also check, 8 Tips to improve academic performance

3. Practice Regularly:

Encourage your child to practice regularly with mock tests or past exam papers. This will help them become familiar with the format of the exam and identify areas where they need more practice.

4. Stay Healthy:

Ensure that your child gets plenty of sleep, eats nutritious meals, and exercises regularly, especially during exam periods. A healthy body leads to a healthy mind and better concentration.

Also check, Focus and attention building games for the brain

5. Stay Calm and Positive:

Remind your child to stay calm and positive to write exam. Encourage them to take deep breaths and stay focused, even if they encounter difficult questions.

Also check, Nutrition memory connection in kids

6. Read Instructions Carefully:

Emphasize the importance of reading the instructions carefully before starting the exam. Skipping or misinterpreting instructions can lead to unnecessary mistakes.

7. Manage Time Wisely:

Teach your child time management skills, such as allocating a certain amount of time to each question or section of the exam. This will help them avoid spending too much time on one question and running out of time for the rest.

8. Answer Easy Questions First:

Encourage your child to answer the easy questions first and then tackle the more difficult ones. This will help them build confidence and ensure that they don’t miss out on easy marks.

9. Review Answers:

Advise your child to review their answers before submitting the exam paper. This will give them an opportunity to correct any mistakes or fill in any missing information.

10. Celebrate Effort:

Finally, regardless of the outcome, celebrate your child’s effort and hard work. Encourage them to learn from their mistakes and keep improving in future exams.



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10 Tried and tested methods to boost memory recall in kids

memory recall

Ever wondered how to turn your child’s memory into a superpower? Are you looking for the secret sauce to help them remember homework assignments, names of new friends, and even the periodic table? Are you curious to know how can you empower your little ones to remember more, learn better, and have a blast in the process? Discover the answers as we unveil 10 tried-and-tested methods to supercharge memory recall in kids. Buckle up for a journey where memory meets fun and learning!

10 Tried and tested methods to boost memory recall in kids

Improving memory recall involves adopting various strategies and lifestyle changes. Here are 10 tried and tested methods to boost memory recall:

1. Engage in Interactive Learning:

Encourage hands-on, interactive activities that involve touch, sight, and sound to stimulate multiple senses and enhance memory retention.

2. Create Mnemonic Devices:

Teach kids to use fun and creative mnemonic devices, such as rhymes, songs, or visual associations, to make information memorable.

3. Establish a Consistent Routine:

Children thrive on routine. Establishing a consistent daily schedule helps create a structured environment that supports memory development.

4. Incorporate Games and Puzzles:

Fun memory games, puzzles, and activities not only entertain but also challenge the brain, promoting the development of memory skills in an enjoyable way.

5. Encourage Healthy Sleep Habits:

Ensure kids get adequate sleep, as this is crucial for memory consolidation and overall cognitive development.

6. Promote a Balanced Diet:

Provide a nutritious diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, as proper nutrition is essential for brain health and optimal memory function.

7. Use Visual Aids:

Utilize visual aids like charts, diagrams, and colorful illustrations to reinforce learning and make information more visually memorable for children.

8. Foster Social Interaction:

Engage children in group activities and playdates to encourage social interaction, as socializing contributes to overall brain development, including memory skills.

9. Encourage Storytelling:

Narratives and storytelling can help children create mental associations, making it easier for them to remember information in a narrative form.

10. Provide Positive Reinforcement:

Offer positive reinforcement and praise when children remember and recall information. Positive feedback boosts confidence and motivates continued learning.

Foods to boost memory in kids


Almonds, pistachios, walnuts, and macadamia nuts all have unique qualities to offer. Macadamias support healthy brain function, while pistachio nut oils store fatty acids and fight inflammation. Almonds aid with memory improvement.

Also check, Benefits of almonds for child’s growth and development

2. Seeds:

Flaxseeds are a great source of fibre and omega-3 fats. They help in enhancing the parts of the brain involved in controlling mood and cognition. Flaxseeds can be best eaten ground, and can easily be added to baked goods, oatmeal, sprinkled on salads, or desserts. Similarly according to research, Muskmelon seeds help in increasing oxygen flow to the brain thereby calming and making it stress free. Thus seeds rich in omega-3 and Vitamin E  help in maintaining brain health.

Also check, Tips to improve concentration in kids

3. Ashwagandha:

Ashwagandha’s most highly valued advantages include its beneficial effects on stress , anxiety and mood. The ingredients in ashwagandha have anti-inflammatory, brain-protective, and stress-reducing properties that may shield your body from a number of ailments.

Also check: Health benefits of Ashwagandha

4. Shankhapushpi:

According to Ayurveda, Shankhpushpi relieves tension and anxiety while calming the brain. Its Medhya (improves intelligence) characteristic also helps memory by functioning as a brain tonic. Take Shankhpushpi powder with warm milk or water as it assists in improving focus and memory.

Also check, Benefits of Brain booster for stammering

5. Brahmi:

As per earlier studies, brahmi helps in enhancing focus and memory. Some of the chemical constituents in brahmi stimulate the neural pathways involved in cognition, which aids in the development of cognitive skills. This plant is also used to treat dementia, ASD and other mental diseases like Alzheimer’s.

Also check: Benefits of Brahmi for brain development

6. Curcumin:

Curcumin has a protein called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) which is found in the brain and spinal cord that plays a key role in keeping nerve cells healthy, as well as regulating communication between nerve cells, which is critical for learning and memory for the kid.

7. Pumpkin seeds:

They contain a high amount of antioxidants which protect the body and brain from free-radical mediated damages. They’re also excellent sources of magnesium, iron, zinc, and copper which are very important for brain health. ( Health benefits of pumpkin seeds )


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Top 5 Worst Foods for Your Child’s Brain Health

Ever wondered how your child’s diet might be influencing their brain health? Are you aware of the foods that could be detrimental to cognitive development? Do you know which are the worst foods for your child’s brain, and how might they be impacting their mental well-being? Let’s explore the top culprits that could be hindering your child’s cognitive potential.

Influence of diet on brain health

Diet has a profound influence on brain health, impacting various aspects of cognitive function, emotional well-being, and overall neurological resilience. Here are key ways in which diet can influence brain health:

1. Nutrient Supply for Brain Function:

Essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, are crucial for the proper functioning of the brain. Nutrients contribute to the production of neurotransmitters, the chemicals that facilitate communication between nerve cells.

2. Energy Metabolism:

Glucose, derived from carbohydrates, is the primary energy source for the brain. Maintaining stable blood sugar levels is essential for optimal cognitive performance. Irregularities in blood sugar can lead to mood swings, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating.

3. Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Brain Structure:

Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fatty fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts, are critical for the structure and function of cell membranes in the brain. These fatty acids support neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to adapt and form new connections.

4. Antioxidants for Neuroprotection:

Antioxidant-rich foods, such as fruits and vegetables, help protect the brain from oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is associated with aging, neurodegenerative diseases, and cognitive decline.

5. Protein for Neurotransmitter Production:

Amino acids from protein sources are essential for the synthesis of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine. Adequate protein intake supports mood regulation and overall cognitive function.

6. Gut-Brain Axis:

The gut and the brain communicate through the gut-brain axis. A balanced and diverse gut microbiome, influenced by diet, can positively impact mental health. Probiotics and prebiotics found in certain foods support a healthy gut microbiota.

7. Inflammation and Brain Health:

Chronic inflammation, often linked to diets high in saturated fats and sugars, can contribute to neuroinflammation. Persistent neuroinflammation is associated with conditions like Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders.

8. Hydration for Cognitive Function:

Dehydration can impair cognitive performance, affecting attention, memory, and mood. Maintaining adequate fluid intake, primarily through water, is essential for optimal brain function.

9. Brain-Boosting Nutrients:

Specific nutrients, such as choline, found in eggs and liver, and vitamin K, found in leafy greens, are associated with improved cognitive function.

10. Impact on Mental Health:

Emerging research suggests a link between diet and mental health conditions, including depression and anxiety. Diets rich in whole foods, such as the Mediterranean diet, have been associated with a lower risk of mental health disorders.

Top 5 Worst Foods for Your Child’s Brain Health

1. Highly Processed Snacks:

Many packaged snacks targeted at children are loaded with artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives. These additives have been linked to attention and behavioral issues in some studies.

Alternatives: Opt for whole, minimally processed snacks like fresh fruits, vegetables, and nuts.

2. Sugary Beverages:

High sugar intake, especially from sugary drinks, can lead to spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels. This can affect a child’s concentration and mood.

Alternatives: Encourage water, milk, or natural fruit juices in moderation.

3. Trans Fats:

Trans fats, often found in fried and processed foods, have been associated with an increased risk of cognitive decline. These unhealthy fats can interfere with brain cell structure and function.

Alternatives: Choose foods rich in healthy fats, such as avocados, nuts, and olive oil.

4. Artificial Sweeteners:

While marketed as a healthier alternative to sugar, some studies suggest that artificial sweeteners may negatively impact gut bacteria, which plays a role in brain health.

Alternatives: Use natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup in moderation.

5. Excessive Fast Food:

Fast food is often high in saturated fats, salt, and additives, which may contribute to inflammation in the brain and negatively impact cognitive function.

Alternatives: Prepare homemade meals with a balance of lean proteins, whole grains, and plenty of colorful fruits and vegetables.

As a parent, making informed choices about your child’s diet is a powerful way to support their cognitive development. By minimizing the intake of these five worst foods for the brain, you can create a foundation for better concentration, mood stability, and overall brain health in your child. Remember, small changes can lead to significant improvements in your child’s well-being and future success.


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ADHD and Working Memory

working memory adhd

Do you ever struggle to focus on your work, stay organised , or recall what you were just thinking? For those suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), these difficulties may be encountered on a daily basis. ADHD is a common neurodevelopmental disease that impairs focus and impulse control in both children and adults.While there are many facets to ADHD, working memory is a crucial component in understanding and managing it.

We’ll examine the connection between working memory and ADHD in this blog post, breaking down these ideas into easily understandable words.

What is ADHD?

ADHD is comparable to a “traffic jam” within the brain. It interferes with your capacity to control your impulsivity and pay attention. Consider it as being difficult to stay in your mental lane when there are too many “thoughts and distractions” on the road. The condition usually manifests in childhood and may last until maturity.

What is Working Memory?

Your brain’s “sticky note pad,” or working memory, is where you temporarily store information needed for tasks. Working memory functions as your mental workspace, storing the puzzle pieces you’re currently working on when you solve problems or follow instructions.

The Link Between Working Memory and ADHD

Consider keeping your tasks on a little sticky notepad. The brain’s “note pad” doesn’t stick as well or as long in people with ADHD. This has an impact on a person’s capacity for focus, organising and completing the  tasks.

One common symptom of ADHD is difficulty with working memory. It can be difficult for children and people with ADHD to retain crucial knowledge in their brains, which makes it difficult to follow complicated instructions, recall specifics, or control impulsive behaviour.

Why is Working Memory Important for ADHD?

The conductor of an orchestra is similar to working memory. Coordinating different brain functions such as impulse control, problem solving, and concentration is aided by it. These processes can become misaligned when working memory is compromised, which makes treating ADHD symptoms more challenging.

Techniques for Kids with ADHD to improve working memory

1. Structured Routine:

To assist kids with ADHD in better organising their assignments and activities, create a regular daily schedule. Their working memory may be under less cognitive strain as a result of this regularity.

2. Information Chunking :

Divide work or information into more manageable, smaller portions. Children find it easier to comprehend and retain the information as a result.

3. Visual Aids:

To depict information and tasks, use visual aids like timetables, charts, and diagrams. Working memory may be strained less by visual information than by spoken instructions.

4. Establish Clear Expectations:

Let the child know exactly what is expected of them. To make instructions easier for children to remember and follow, use straightforward language.

5. Minimise Distractions:

Establish a setting free of most distractions. Children with ADHD may be especially receptive to environmental stimuli. A peaceful, clutter-free environment helps them concentrate better.

6. Practise Self-Regulation:

Teach kids how to regulate their impulsive behaviour and help them focus their attention by helping them build self-regulation abilities. Working memory’s cognitive load may be lessened as a result.

7. Physical Activity:

Children with ADHD can benefit from regular physical activity. It has been demonstrated that exercise improves cognitive and working memory.

Foods that can help

1. Nuts:

Almonds, pistachios, walnuts, and macadamia nuts all have unique qualities to offer. Macadamias support healthy brain function, while pistachio nut oils store fatty acids and fight inflammation. Almonds aid with memory improvement.

2. Seeds:

Flaxseeds are a great source of fibre and omega-3 fats. They help in enhancing the parts of the brain involved in controlling mood and cognition. Flaxseeds can be best eaten ground, and can easily be added to baked goods, oatmeal, sprinkled on salads, or desserts. Similarly according to research, Muskmelon seeds help in increasing oxygen flow to the brain thereby calming and making it stress free. Thus, seeds rich in Omega-3 and Vitamin E  help in maintaining brain health.

3. Ashwagandha:

Ashwagandha’s most highly valued advantages include its beneficial effects on stress , anxiety, attention span and mood. The ingredients in ashwagandha have anti-inflammatory, brain-protective, and stress-reducing properties that may shield your body from a number of ailments.

4. Shankhapushpi:

According to Ayurveda, Shankhpushpi relieves tension and anxiety while calming the brain. Its Medhya (improves intelligence) characteristic also helps memory by functioning as a brain tonic. Take Shankhpushpi powder with warm milk or water as it assists in improving focus, attention and memory.

5. Brahmi:

As per earlier studies, brahmi helps in enhancing focus and memory. Some of the chemical constituents in brahmi stimulate the neural pathways involved in cognition, which aids in the development of cognitive skills. This plant is also used to treat dementia, ASD and other mental diseases like Alzheimer’s.

6. Sage herb:

Sage is a herb you shouldn’t overlook if you wish to improve your concentration and memory. It’s packed with substances that act as antioxidants. It is demonstrated to improve the coping strategy in your brain. It helps in sharpening the memory and maintaining brain functioning.

SCIENTIFICALLY proven studies conducted by NIH

There are many researches by NIH that support the benefits of Ayurvedic herbs in ADHD, MEMORY & BRAIN HEALTH. Few are as below.

1. What is working memory? Hear from an expert.

2. What is the relation between memory less and ADHD?

The portion of your memory known as working memory is what enables you to put new information into practise, like retaining directions long enough to complete a task. Research indicates that children and adults with ADHD have less effective working memory than people without the disorder.

3. What is working memory and short-term memory deficits in ADHD?

4. Working memory in ADHD and Non- ADHD kids

The impact of ADHD on executive performance is one of its defining characteristics. Adults with ADHD overcome difficulties with working memory by employing a wide range of techniques and resources. It’s frequently a matter of trial and error because what works for one individual won’t work for everyone. You can overcome your working memory issue by picking up new abilities, utilising helpful technology, and forming new routines.


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Hyperactivity, Immunity, Eye, Brain development, Bone strength and overall growth to kids without any fuss. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods –SHOP HERE.

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Tips to improve Attention span in Kids

Attention span

Is your child not able to pay attention for extended periods? Do they hold very low sitting tolerance? Do they easily get distracted? Are they unable to control their impulses? Do you often spot them forgetful about things? Do they always find it challenging to concentrate on any task? Then indeed it’s a thing to work upon improving their attention span. 

The development and daily functioning of a child can benefit in a number of ways by increasing their attention span. Keep reading to know about some effective ways for improving attention span in children.

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Why is attention span important?

Children’s attention span is crucial because it enables them to concentrate, focus, and participate fully in tasks and activities. Children that have a greater attention span can process information, finish tasks, and learn more quickly. By encouraging active listening, problem-solving abilities, impulse control, and emotional management, it enhances their academic success, social interactions, and overall growth. Children with longer attention spans do better in school, learn more, and function better overall in many areas of their lives.

Also check, Focus and attention building games for Brain development.

Techniques to improve the Attention span

1. Establish a structured setting: Create a schedule and a structure for your everyday tasks. This can aid in keeping kids’ attention and help them predict what will happen next. For instance, set aside specific times for reading quietly, playing, and homework.

2. Reduce distractions: When children need to focus, the environment’s distractions should be minimised. Reduce background noise, shut off the television, and avoid using electronic gadgets unless they are absolutely necessary for the task at hand. Encourage them, for instance, to leave their phones in a different room while they study until it is finished.

3. Break tasks into smaller chunks : Instead of presenting them with a massive assignment, they should be encouraged to take on one task at a time. Set goals and divide activities into smaller, more doable pieces. For instance, if they have a big task, recommend they start with brainstorming ideas, then move on to outlining, and ultimately write the actual content.

4. Encourage active learning: Encourage hands-on activities and interactive teaching strategies to keep kids interested in learning. Their focus may be maintained and learning will be more fun as a result. For instance, if they were studying plants, you could take them on a nature walk so they could see and recognise various plant species.

5. Practice mindfulness exercises: Teach kids mindfulness exercises to help them concentrate and focus better. They can improve their attention span and calm their brains using breathing exercises and guided visualization. For instance, lead them through a brief breathing exercise where they concentrate on their breath coming in and out.

6. Provide regular short breaks: Regular breaks are important for recharging attention and preventing mental exhaustion. Encourage quick, frequent pauses during activities that call for extended concentration. For example, after 30 minutes of study, advise them to take a 5-minute break to stretch, get a snack, or perform a brief exercise.

Along with the practices that you implement, food also plays a major role in overall growth and development. 

Also check, 8 ways to manage Hyperactivity in ADHD.

Foods that help in Brain development

1. Nuts: Almonds, pistachios, walnuts, and macadamia nuts all have unique qualities to offer. Macadamias support healthy brain function, while pistachio nut oils store fatty acids and fight inflammation. Almonds aid with memory improvement.

2. Seeds: Flaxseeds are a great source of fibre and omega-3 fats. They help in enhancing the parts of the brain involved in controlling mood and cognition. Ground Flaxseeds can be easily added to baked goods, oatmeal, sprinkled on salads, or desserts. Similarly according to research, Muskmelon seeds help in increasing oxygen flow to the brain thereby calming and making it stress free. Thus seeds rich in omega-3 and Vitamin E  help in maintaining brain health.

3. Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha’s most highly valued advantages include its beneficial effects on stress , anxiety, attention span and mood. The ingredients in ashwagandha have anti-inflammatory, brain-protective, and stress-reducing properties that may shield your body from a number of ailments.

4. Shankhapushpi: According to Ayurveda, Shankhpushpi relieves tension and anxiety while calming the brain. Its Medhya (improves intelligence) characteristic also helps memory by functioning as a brain tonic. Take Shankhpushpi powder with warm milk or water as it assists in improving focus, attention and memory.

5. Brahmi: As per earlier studies, brahmi helps in enhancing focus and memory. Some of the chemical constituents in brahmi stimulate the neural pathways involved in cognition, which aids in the development of cognitive skills. This plant is also used to treat dementia, ASD and other mental diseases like Alzheimer’s.

6. Sage herb: Sage is a herb you shouldn’t overlook if you wish to improve your concentration and memory. It’s rich in antioxidant substances . It helps to improve the coping strategy in your brain. It helps in sharpening the memory and maintaining brain functioning.

Also check, Top 5 Ayurvedic herbs that are safe for kids.


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Kids Ayurvedic Brain Booster is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Brain development to kids without any fuss. Made with Proven Ingredients. No Preservatives or Artificial Colour or Flavour. No Side Effects. Trusted by 1,00,000+ Parents and Practitioners. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods – SHOP HERE.

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Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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Does your child often get distracted while studying or performing any task? Does he/she frequently forget what they studied the day before? Do they find it difficult to memorise their poems or rhymes? Can they not focus or stay attentive in the classroom? Then this indeed makes it necessary to take steps for the development of all these cognitive skills. We have it all for you! Grab this for your kids and let them grow to their fullest!

WHATSAPP for concerns like Speech Delay, Low Weight, Frequent Illness, Hyperactivity, Low Concentration, Weak Eyesight, Improper Sleep, Pigmentation, Pores, Face Marks, Fine Lines , Lactation etc.




Improved Memory power


It is a healthy brain booster food that contains nutrients such as nuts, seeds, and Ayurvedic herbs such as Brahmi, Shankhpushpi, and Ashwagandha, all of which can strengthen the left side of the brain, which is involved in cognitive performance. The brain booster food also aids in the child’s natural provision of omega-3, healthy fats, and protein. You will initially notice the advantages of focus. When their focus is sharpened, their memory power improves.

Also check, Focus and attention building games for brain



Almonds, pistachios, walnuts, and macadamia nuts all have unique qualities to offer. Macadamias support healthy brain function, while pistachio nut oils store fatty acids and fight inflammation. Almonds aid with memory improvement.

Also check, Benefits of almonds for child’s growth and development

2. Seeds:

Flaxseeds are a great source of fibre and omega-3 fats. They help in enhancing the parts of the brain involved in controlling mood and cognition. Flaxseeds can be best eaten ground, and can easily be added to baked goods, oatmeal, sprinkled on salads, or desserts. Similarly according to research, Muskmelon seeds help in increasing oxygen flow to the brain thereby calming and making it stress free. Thus seeds rich in omega-3 and Vitamin E  help in maintaining brain health.

Also check, Tips to improve concentration in kids

3. Ashwagandha:

Ashwagandha’s most highly valued advantages include its beneficial effects on stress , anxiety and mood. The ingredients in ashwagandha have anti-inflammatory, brain-protective, and stress-reducing properties that may shield your body from a number of ailments.

Also check: Health benefits of Ashwagandha

4. Shankhapushpi:

According to Ayurveda, Shankhpushpi relieves tension and anxiety while calming the brain. Its Medhya (improves intelligence) characteristic also helps memory by functioning as a brain tonic. Take Shankhpushpi powder with warm milk or water as it assists in improving focus and memory.

Also check, Benefits of Brain booster for stammering

5. Brahmi:

As per earlier studies, brahmi helps in enhancing focus and memory. Some of the chemical constituents in brahmi stimulate the neural pathways involved in cognition, which aids in the development of cognitive skills. This plant is also used to treat dementia, ASD and other mental diseases like Alzheimer’s.

Also check: Benefits of Brahmi for brain development

Iyurved brings in a plethora of benefits through its organic products enriched and fortified with the ayurvedic herbs! Brain booster chocolate spread is a perfect concoction of nuts, seeds, herbs and antioxidants. Formulated with 14 nutrient-rich ingredients individually contributing to maintaining a sound brain health!

Also check, Benefits of BRAIN booster and HYPER less for speech and hyperactivity


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Kids Ayurvedic Brain Booster is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Brain development to kids without any fuss. Made with Proven Ingredients. No Preservatives or Artificial Colour or Flavour. No Side Effects. Trusted by 20000+ Parents and Practitioners. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods – SHOP HERE.

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

For building Focus and Attention give Kids & Teens Brain Booster Chocolate Spread | 0% preservatives | 0% refined sugar | 0% palm oil | Fortified with SHANKHAPUSHPI, ASHWAGANDHA, BRAHMI | Contains OMEGA 3, PROTEIN | ORDER |


Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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Types of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

types of autism spectrum disorder

Does your child struggle to communicate with others? Is he/ she smart yet not able to express their feelings? Does your child have no interest in playing or other activities? Have you noticed a sudden decline in your child’s speech, memory and motor skills ? These are the common signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). ASD is a spectrum disorder used to describe different types of conditions. Keep reading to understand more about the types of autism spectrum disorder.

WHATSAPP for concerns like Speech Delay, Low Weight, Frequent Illness, Hyperactivity, Low Concentration, Weak Eyesight, Improper Sleep, Pigmentation, Pores, Face Marks, Fine Lines , Lactation etc.

Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Autism is a complex condition which is indicated by facing challenges in interpersonal and communication skills, sensory sensitivities, obsessive and rigid behaviours. According to WHO, one in 100 children globally deal with autism. Currently, autism can be called as a “Spectrum disorder”. The term “spectrum” refers to the distinct range of behavioural and developmental issues and difficulties linked to autistic syndromes with different levels of severity. There are three different levels which are mild, moderate and severe and five different types of autism spectrum disorder. Some kids with ASD can be independent but others need support in their daily lives. Each kid with ASD is unique and can be associated with strengths in music, art, science and maths.

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Different types of Autism spectrum disorder

There are 5 different types of Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) ranging from mild to severe type. Here are more details about the various types of austism spectrum disorders:

1.Asperger’s syndrome

Asperger’s syndrome is the milder types of autism spectrum disorder. The majority of the people affected by Asperger’s syndrome were smart and able to carry out their daily duties, however they may struggle with social interactions. They may have repeated thoughts and behavioural patterns. Additionally, they struggle to express themselves with gestures, facial expression and body language.

Also check, More details of Asperger’s syndrome

2.Rett’s syndrome

Rett’s syndrome is a type of genetic disorder which commonly affects girls. The early symptoms will develop in 6-18 month old babies with rett syndrome which includes impairment in development and inability to learn new skills. The severity of the symptoms will increase during 1-4 years as they experience decline in social, communication and motor skills. Mild autistic symptoms will be there at 2-10 years of age. After a decade,their muscles become weak and stiff which reduces their mobility.

Also check, Virtual autism

3.Childhood disintegrative disorder

Childhood disintegrative disorder (CDD), is the rarest and severe types of autism spectrum disorder which is also termed as Heller’s syndrome. In 1950, Heller, a scientist observed dementia in 2 year old children and sudden change in mood and development who previously had normal development. They will get irritated easily and have anger outburst. These children also show signs of anxiety and cognitive decline which leads to loss of speech.

Also check, 7 foods for speech delay in kids

4.Pervasive developmental disorder-Not otherwise specified

Pervasive developmental disorder-Not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS) is more severe than Asperger’s syndrome but it wasn’t as bad as other autistic disorders. Children with this type of autism spectrum disorder experience mild or fewer symptoms of autism. The early symptoms like developmental delay in head control will appear in 6 months old babies. At the age between 2-4 years, kids with PDD-NOS will be characterised by uncontrolled crying and hyperactivity. They might face challenges in interpersonal and communication skills. Early diagnosis of PDD-NOS and following behavioural therapies can help to manage the symptoms.

Also check, Types of therapies for autism

5. Classical Autism

Classical Autism is the most severe types of autism spectrum disorders. It is also called Kanner’s syndrome. The symptoms may vary from mild to severe. Most kids struggle with non-verbal communication like they are unable to express themselves with facial expressions and gestures. Some children may repeat the same words again and again. They will be disinterested in activities like playing but they will be obsessed with one particular thing. Speech delay, frequent tantrums and not making eye contact are the other symptoms of classical autism.

Also check, How to manage tantrums of kids?

Tips for parents whose children have ASD


The more you understand about what causes autism, the better you will be able to make decisions for your child. Additionally, it is preferable to educate oneself about all treatments and participate in various decisions made by medical practitioners.

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Determine all of the situations that cause your child to act out and those that help him or her relax. Moreover, if you understand it, you will be able to solve all problems more effectively and avoid difficult situations.

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Instead of focusing on how your child differs from other children, consider what your child possesses. This will assist both him and you in accepting the situation with less regret.

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It is impossible to predict the occurrence or progression of autism. It is always preferable to avoid jumping to conclusions and instead concentrate on identifying the problems. Autistic people, like everyone else, have a life to lead and live.

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Nutrient requirements of Kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

It is very important to follow a healthy diet plan for kids with various types of Autism spectrum disorder. When the dietary needs of kids with autism spectrum disorder are met, the associated complications can be managed. Here are some proven foods for the brain development of kids:


All the nuts like almonds, walnuts, cashew, peanuts and hazelnuts are rich in vitamin E and help in boosting memory. They are also antioxidants which protect against cell damage. Walnuts are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and are a valuable substance for brain function, memory and thinking abilities. This fatty acid also encourages cognitive functions.

Also check, Best nuts for protein


Apart from nuts, seeds like flax, chia, melon, sesame and pumpkins also contain powerful antioxidants like vitamin E that protect the brain from free radical damage. Sunflower seeds impact overall mood and mental processing powers. Therefore it is considered a brain boosting snack. Pumpkin seeds are high in magnesium, copper, and much higher in zinc than other seeds, which help in increasing concentration and memory. One of the easiest to feed brain boosting foods for kids.

Also check, Health benefits of pumpkin seeds


Multiple studies have shown the link between low omega 3 fatty acids and poor development, ADHD, speech delay, poor focus and concentration. These healthy fats are crucial for the brain development and helps to manage speech disorder and delay in kids.

Also check, What are some home benefits of omega 3?


Pure cocoa powder (unsweetened) contains brain boosting components as it is packed with a large number of antioxidants molecules, the main is epicatechin helpful to improve cognition and speech impairment in studies. Hence cocoa powder is also an important brain development food for children.

Also check, More benefits of cocoa powder


Ashwagandha is an adaptogen. It reduces anxiety and stress. Moreover, it increases acetylcholine levels which support better memory, mental focus and intelligence. Ashwagandha also improves communication between nerve cells and stimulates the body’s capacity to heal any nervous system damage.

Also check, More benefits of Ashwagandha


Brahmi is a superfood for the brain. It sharpen the brain by protecting cells and increasing chemicals associated with learning and memory. It has shown to improve spatial learning and retaining power in kids. That is why in older times, kids were often given Brahmi powder with ghee/honey. This would increase their focus and attention while keeping them calm and distressed.

Also check, More benefits of Brahmi


Shankhapushpi is a traditional remedy for increasing the functioning of the brain. The powerful antioxidants and flavonoids present in it improve the memory capacity, focus, concentration, calmness, alertness of an individual. Since it is a brain tonic and stimulator, people taking shankhapushpi have improved memory, reasoning, problem-solving, and other cognitive abilities.

Also check, Brain development foods for children


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Kids Ayurvedic Brain Booster is also an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Brain development to kids without any fuss. Made with Proven Ingredients. No Preservatives or Artificial Colour or Flavour. No Side Effects. Trusted by 20000+ Parents and Practitioners. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods – SHOP HERE

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

For Kids with Autism, Speech delay, Lack of Concentration or Focus give Kids & Teens Brain Booster Chocolate/ Savoury Spread | 0% preservatives | 0% refined sugar | 0% palm oil | Fortified with SHANKHAPUSHPI, ASHWAGANDHA, BRAHMI | Contains OMEGA 3, PROTEIN | ORDER |


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Techniques to reduce Stammering in Kids

Does your kid often face difficulty to start a word or phrase? Does your child add sounds like “hmm” to the phrase? Is your child not able to speak fluently? These are the signs of “Stammering”.  If this isn’t taken care of sooner, it can later lead to speech difficulties. Some techniques can help your kid to overcome stammering.

Let’s know more about it!

WHATSAPP for concerns like Speech Delay, Low Weight, Frequent Illness, Hyperactivity, Low Concentration, Weak Eyesight, Improper Sleep, Pigmentation, Pores, Face Marks, Fine Lines , Lactation etc.


What is stammering?

Stammering is a neurodevelopmental disorder in which children have speaking difficulty and struggle to talk clearly and fluently. They may, for example, repeat or lengthen a word, a phrase, or a consonant or vowel sound. They may also halt during talking when they reach a difficult word or accent. Most stuttering occurs at the start of a phrase when kids repeat the first letter a few times before it is proper.

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Techniques that help to reduce stammering 

Here are some strategies that you or your kid may do to help lessen the stammering issue :


Speaking  slowly is one of the efficient techniques to overcome stammering. Trying to rush through a topic can make you stutter, or have difficulty forming the words. This technique has two advantages, one, it gives your child an example of how to talk more fluently and smoothly and two, it gives the discussion extra time so that your kid doesn’t feel pressurized.

Additionally, you can slow down your speech by including more gaps and extending them longer than usual. Also, by purposefully extending the sound of  first word of each sentence, you may deliberately slow down your speaking. For example, speak like “Hooww…. iss.. yoour…. daayy?”. This makes the kids feel more comfortable and relaxed throughout the conversation.

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The stammering in kids can be reduced by 96% when they use the robot speech technique on a daily basis. It is also called as syllable-timed speech technique. It took advantage of the repeated sound pattern’s capacity to encourage fluent speech. First segment the words into separate syllables and try to talk like this “Em..ploy…”. You may think that this will make you look quite awkward and weird at first. But speaking at a regular speed by breaking the syllables can increase fluency. 

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As kids with stammering struggle to get their words out, they frequently build up a lot of stress and pressure in their jaws, mouth and throat. Stammering can be modified by a technique known as a cancellation. This technique involves taking a moment or stopping to talk when they begin to stammer, taking deep breaths, letting go of the stress, and extending the stammered sound to make it seem natural like this, “Llll… (stop to let go of the pressure) Let’s play outside”

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Tongue twisters are the phrases or sentences that contain words with repetitive sound patterns. It is a great way to help to get rid of stammering in kids. Practicing jumbled, meaningless words with similar sounds in a daily manner will help to improve pronunciation and fluency of each word and syllables.

Try teaching your kids simple tongue twisters like “An ape hates grape cakes”. First say it slowly and then repeat it for 3 to 4 times. Also, encourage them to increase the speed and say it loud. This will be fun and your child will enjoy this activity.

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This feedback technique can help kids between the age of 3-6 years. A child’s brain can be encouraged to talk more effortlessly by receiving vocal feedback on their speech. So, parents can give more feedback about their speech. These feedback aids in normalizing stammering and also develops confidence in kids to speak fluently. Try some following techniques

  • Give them applause and reward
  • Make them assess their own speaking
  • Appreciate their stutter-free speech

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Foods that help to reduce stammering in kids

Without the brain, there would be no language. The human brain has a few areas that are specific to language processing and production. Adding foods that support brain development can help to reduce stammering in kids.


All the nuts like almonds, walnuts, cashew, peanuts and hazelnuts are rich in vitamin E and vitamin B6. They help to improve the motor functions in kids who stammer. They are also antioxidants which protect against cell damage. Walnuts are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and are a valuable substance for brain function, memory and thinking abilities. This fatty acid also encourages cognitive functions.

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Apart from nuts, seeds like flax, chia, melon, sesame and pumpkins also contain powerful antioxidants like vitamin E that protect the brain from free radical damage. Sunflower seeds impact overall mood and mental processing powers and therefore it is considered a brain boosting snack. Pumpkin seeds are high in magnesium, copper, and much higher in zinc than other seeds, which help in increasing concentration and memory.

Also check, Health benefits of pumpkin seeds


Multiple studies have shown the link between low omega 3 fatty acids and poor development, ADHD, speech delay, poor focus and concentration. These healthy fats are crucial for the brain development and helps to manage speech disorder like stammering in kids.

Also check, What are some home benefits of omega 3?


Pure cocoa powder (unsweetened) contains brain boosting components as it is packed with a large number of antioxidants molecules, the main is epicatechin helpful to improve cognition in studies. Hence cocoa powder is also an important brain development food for children.

Also check, More benefits of cocoa powder


Ashwagandha is an adaptogen. It can reduce anxiety and stress. Moreover, it increases acetylcholine levels which support better memory, mental focus and intelligence. Ashwagandha also improves communication between nerve cells and stimulates the body’s capacity to heal any nervous system damage.

Also check, More benefits of Ashwagandha


Brahmi is a superfood for the brain and is believed to sharpen the brain by protecting cells and increasing chemicals associated with learning and memory. It has shown to improve spatial learning and retaining power in kids. That is why in older times, kids were often given Brahmi powder with ghee/honey. This would help in keeping them calm and reduce stammering.

Also check, More benefits of brahmi


Shankhapushpi is a traditional remedy for increasing the functioning of the brain. The powerful antioxidants and flavonoids present in it improve the memory capacity, focus, concentration, calmness, alertness of an individual. Since it is a brain tonic and stimulator, people taking shankhapushpi have improved memory, reasoning, problem-solving, and other cognitive abilities.

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It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Kids Ayurvedic Brain Booster is also an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Brain development to kids without any fuss. Made with Proven Ingredients. No Preservatives or Artificial Colour or Flavour. No Side Effects. Trusted by 20000+ Parents and Practitioners. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods – SHOP HERE

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

For Kids with Stammering , give Kids & Teens Brain Booster Chocolate/ Savoury Spread | 0% preservatives | 0% refined sugar | 0% palm oil | Fortified with SHANKHAPUSHPI, ASHWAGANDHA, BRAHMI | Contains OMEGA 3, PROTEIN | ORDER |


Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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