Teething age in babies: 7 Facts Parents Should Know

Teething can be a cause of sleepless nights for babies and parents as well. At the same time, it brings a smile on a parent’s face to see your baby’s first tooth. It is one of the important milestones in the baby’s growth and development cycle. It is a natural process by which the baby’s first tooth erupts through the gums. Babies are born with all the primary teeth below their gum line which generally starts to come out gradually. the teething age in babies is different, but usually they erupts between 6 to 12 months of age. Some children erupt one tooth at a time, while others have tooth that come in pair.

Teething is a difficult period for your baby as your child will experience some discomforts. Some of the teething symptoms in babies are: Irritability, disrupted sleep, swelling or inflammation of gums, drooling, loss of appetite, rash around mouth, mild temperature, increased biting and gum rubbing are few signs the baby is teething. These symptoms were reported by 70-80 percent of parents according to an article from the British Dental Journal. There are certain facts about teething every parent should be aware of.

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7 Facts About Teething

Teething age in babies:

Every child has their own pace of growth. In some very rare cases babies are born with their first tooth, some experience teething early in around 4 months while few baby’s first tooth comes in around 14 months. Mostly teething age in babies is at around 6 months. In most of the cases lower front teeth are first to appear followed by upper front teeth. By the age of three most of the kids develop an entire set of primary teeth.

Teething Pain:

Teething pain can make your child irritated and fussy. You can minimise the pain by rubbing or massaging their gum gently with clean finger or with cool spoon or you can offer a teether.

Does teething cause Diarrhea?

Many parents connect teething with diarrhea and believes that diarrhea is one of the teething symptoms in babies. However, there is no such evidence that can justify that teething and diarrhea are connected. Teething usually starts around 6 months of age. This is the time when mothers begin solids to babies. Babies sensitive digestive system may cause diarrhea due to this change in diet. Also, the chances of bacteria entering the mouth are extremely high during this phase of putting everything in the mouth due to gum irritation, which may also lead to diarrhea. (Which foods to give in diarrhea during teething?)

Does teething cause fever?

Teething may raise the body temperature slightly, but high fever over 101 degree Celsius is not due to teething. Check for other causes of illness or consult your doctor for high fever.


Fluoride is essential in protecting your kid’s new teeth from the formation of any cavities and helps in strengthening the enamel. Thankfully fluoride is present in drinking water. During teething, make your child drink some water after regular intervals.


As soon as your baby’s first tooth erupts, you need to start taking care of it. Gently brush their milk teeth using water with soft bristled children’s toothbrush. By age of 3 you can start using a small amount of fluoride toothpaste for your baby or as recommended by dentist. (Why is it important to brush in the night?)

Visit to Dentist:

The Indian dental association suggests that a child should visit the dentist within 6 months from the eruption of the baby’s first tooth or upon their first birthday, that means if the child does not have a tooth by the age of one, their parents should discuss tooth development with their pediatric dentist.

Key Vitamins and Minerals for Dental Health

Diet plays a significant role in teeth development in babies and toddlers. What your child eats affects their teeth. Too much carbohydrates, sugar and starch can cause tooth decay. As a parent it is your responsibility to encourage your child to make healthy food choices.


Calcium is the key building block for teeth and bones. It helps to harden your enamel and help teeth fight off erosion and cavities. Dairy products including milk, yogurt and cheese are good source of calcium, but always try less sugar or no sugar varieties as sugar can promote tooth decay. So give more calcium rich foods as soon as the teething age in babies starts. (What are some calcium rich foods?)

Vitamin D:

Vitamin D is very important for your dental heath as it allows your body to absorb calcium. It plays a key promoting dental health and helping prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Deficiency of vitamin D can make kids teeth prone to decay. By spending about 15 to 20 minutes in sunlight each day can meet your daily requirement of vitamin D. You can also consume foods such as fortified milk, egg, fish that are rich in vitamin D. (How to absorb more calcium and Vitamin D in the body?)


Like calcium and vitamin D, Phosphorus is also a key mineral for strong teeth. 85% of your body’s phosphorus content lies in your teeth and bones. Phosphorus also helps your body to absorb calcium, which aids in building strong bones, teeth and rebuilding tooth enamel. Daily need of phosphorus can be achieved by consuming foods such as pumpkin seeds, whole grains, soybean, fish and egg.

Vitamin A:

Not only for eye sight, vitamin A is equally important for your dental health. Vitamin A helps your salivary glands to keep active which aids to prevent tooth decay. It also promotes saliva production in your mouth which is crucial for cleaning away bacteria and food particles between teeth and gums. Food rich in vitamin A are sweet potato, carrot, yellow fruits like mango, papaya, apricot, eggs, and cheese. (How to cook a vitamin A food to extract more vitamin?)

Vitamin C:

It is required for both teeth and gum health. Vitamin C helps keep the connective tissues in your gums healthy and strong, which hold your teeth in place. By consuming any of the citrus fruits like oranges, grapes, guava, kiwi, and lemon you can meet daily requirement of vitamin C. (What is the easiest way to meet Vitamin C requirement for the day?)

Let’s try to make every food a child wants to eat more tasty and nutritious with (hidden) veggies, herbs and nuts.


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Calcium Containing Foods: Must For Building Strong Bones

From being in the womb to enjoying your retirement, this one mineral is incredibly vital to our overall health. Especially important for adolescents who are building bones rapidly. Teens are growing fast and gaining height so their Calcium needs are also high. However, invariably they are most deprived because they switch from milk to non-dairy beverages (e.g. coke, ice-teas etc) and munch a lot of salty foods (e.g. chips, fries, pizza etc). Caffeine and soda lead to calcium loss from the body. Comfort-foods (high in sodium) is the other robber of calcium. At this point of time they badly need calcium containing foods in their diet to meet the required amount of this mineral. Read here to know more.

99% of the Calcium is stored in Bones and Teeth. If calcium is needed elsewhere, it is taken from the Bones. Hence it becomes imperative to keep 100% stock of calcium and consume it every day. The more bones will lend calcium, the weaker they will become. It is said that Osteoporosis is a disease that manifests in old age.

We only build bones until mid-20s and hence it becomes crucial to build strong bones and teeth to last us a lifetime.

Calcium containing foods
Milk & dairy products

Milk, cheese and yogurt are a rich source of calcium and are the most widely used calcium rich foods in India and other countries for kids. They are good for children who don’t have any milk allergies. In case your child has allergies to dairy products, then you should look for non-dairy foods rich in calcium. (Foods to prevent allergies in kids)


Moringa is a superfood. It has 3 times more calcium than milk which makes it an excellent food to treat weak or damaged bones and also one of the best non-dairy sources of calcium. Some studies also indicate that moringa can heal damaged bones thus making it a must have calcium rich foods for bones. (Foods and remedies for cold and flu in kids)


Ragi is also one of the foods which is very high in calcium. It is said that no other plant source can provide calcium the way ragi can, making it one of a popular non-dairy calcium rich foods in India. It is a whole grain that is gluten free also and can be used in baking cakes and cookies.


Cabbage, mustard (sarson leaves), broccoli & ladyfinger are a good source of calcium. (How to retain vitamin A and C in food?)


Many seeds are good sources of calcium. For instance, 1 tablespoon (9 grams) of poppy seeds has 13% of the recommended daily intake, while the same serving of sesame seeds packs 9% of the recommended daily intake. In addition to calcium, chia seeds are also rich in omega 3 fatty acids. (List of seeds to eat everyday)


Amongst all the nuts, almonds are the highest in calcium. One ounce of almonds or about 22 almonds, provides 8% of the recommended daily intake of calcium. (Top 6 benefits of almonds for kids)

Lotus seeds/ Makhana

Makhana or lotus seeds are grown in Asian countries and considered as one of the best calcium containing foods. Makhana is an excellent source of many important nutrients. It is loaded with protein, fiber, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and carbohydrates. Just a bowl of makhana is a great snack for kids. (Easy to make Makhana ice cream recipe)


In addition to calcium, Amaranth is a good source of folate and very high in certain minerals, including manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and iron. One cup (246 grams) of cooked amaranth grain delivers 116 mg of calcium, or 12% of the recommended daily intake.

Potassium rich food

If the child eats lots of comfort-food, then consuming Potassium rich foods (banana, spinach, cucumber, peas, sweet potato) will save Calcium from being robbed from the bones.

Calcium & Vitamin D 

Calcium always works together with Vitamin-D and Magnesium. So, foods high in these nutrients are necessary to be included in your kid’s diet like dairy, whole grains, nuts, greens. (Panchamrit benefits for digestion)

Recipe: Ragi Pancake

Let’s make every dish tasty and nutritious by ‘hidden’ nutrition of veggies, herbs and nuts.

Check the Recipe made with Iyurved’s secret health ingredient- DAILY NUTRITION spread.

Check more healthy recipes loved by kids.


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Well Known Calcium Rich Foods in India

99% of the Calcium is stored in Bones and Teeth. If calcium is needed elsewhere, it is taken from the Bones. Hence, it becomes imperative to keep 100% stock of calcium and consume it every day. The more bones will lend calcium, the weaker they will become. We Often heard of lactose intolerance in kids. Other than dairy products there are some calcium rich foods in India that are high in this mineral.

Kids take at least 1 to 2 servings of processed or junk food in a day. Most favourite of such foods are chips, cookies, Maggi, cheese cubes, canned drinks, pizza, fries. Such foods are loaded with Sodium. It is not the table salt that is the main contributor of sodium. A kid (not baby) needs less than 1 teaspoon (2000 mg) of sodium per day. A study states that kids in India (and worldwide) tend to consume double the recommend limit of sodium in their diet. When sodium intake becomes too high, the body gets rid of sodium via the urine, taking calcium with it, which depletes calcium stores in the body. This is a cause of concern for two reasons: (1) high levels of calcium in the urine lead to the development of kidney stones, (2) inadequate level of calcium in the body results in weaker bones.

Control your kid’s salt intake for stronger bones and fewer stones!

WHATSAPP for concerns like Speech Delay, Low Weight, Frequent Illness, Hyperactivity, Low Concentration, Weak Eyesight, Improper Sleep, Pigmentation, Pores, Face Marks, Fine Lines , Lactation etc.

Well known SOURCES OF calcium in IndiaN FOODS


Milk, cheese and yogurt are a rich source of calcium and are the most widely used calcium rich foods in India and other countries for kids. They are good for children who don’t have any milk allergies. In case your child has allergies to dairy products, then you should look for non-dairy foods rich in calcium.

Also check, Foods to prevent allergies in kids


Moringa is a superfood. It has 3 times more calcium than milk which makes it an excellent food to treat weak or damaged bones and also one of the best non-dairy calcium food sources. Some studies also indicate that moringa can heal damaged bones thus making it a must have calcium rich foods for bones.

Also check, Foods and remedies for cold and flu in kids


Ragi is also one of the foods which is very high in calcium. It is said that no other plant source can provide calcium the way ragi can, making it one of a popular non-dairy calcium rich foods in India. It is a whole grain that is gluten free also and can be used in baking cakes and cookies.


Makhana or lotus seeds are grown in Asian countries and considered as one of the best calcium containing foods. Makhana is an excellent source of many important nutrients. It is loaded with protein, fiber, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and carbohydrates. Just a bowl of makhana is a great snack for kids.

Also check, Easy to make Makhana ice cream recipe


In addition to calcium, Amaranth is a good source of folate and very high in certain minerals, including manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and iron. One cup (246 grams) of cooked amaranth grain delivers 116 mg of calcium, or 12% of the recommended daily intake.


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Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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