7 Foods that help in Female Fertility

foods for increasing female fertility

According to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 10 women experience trouble getting pregnant. Our body’s physiological processes are directly impacted by the food we eat and the nutrients we consume. A deficiency in vital nutrients can progressively cause serious health problems and possibly have an impact on fertility. Social pressure and familial expectations play a role in childbearing and stress that goes along with it. This stress messes with a woman’s hormones, making it challenging for her to conceive naturally. A stress-free and happy lifestyle is essential to avoiding reproductive issues. Hence, incorporating these healthy foods for increasing female fertility can be beneficial.

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fertility and Nutrition:

Only when you have identified the underlying cause of your infertility can you start to benefit from foods that increase female fertility.  The infertility issue can be solved by identifying the gaps and integrating the correct nutrients through the appropriate food sources. You can increase your fertility by leading a stress-free lifestyle and eating a well-balanced diet. The female reproductive system is intricate and requires the right nutrition to function effectively. Nutrient-dense foods must be regular in your diet if you want to boost the health of your reproductive system.

Also check here: Causes of infertility in female

Tips and Remedies to foods for increasing female fertility

A healthy diet rich in nutrients along with some tips helps to improve fertility. The following are some tips to manage and prevent infertility in females.

  • Maintaining Healthy Routine
  • Tracking the ovulation cycle
  • Healthy Diet
  • Maintain a Healthy Weight
  • Quit Smoking and Alcohol consumption
  • Reduce the intake of caffeine
  • Be cautious around toxic chemicals
  • Check the label before using any lubricants to see if they kill sperms
  • Have a stress-free lifestyle
  • Have a happy and healthy sexual life
Foods for increasing female fertility:
1. Nuts:

Nuts of various types have been proved to bring nutritional benefits to your fertility diet. It includes crucial fertility-boosting elements such as Omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, vitamin E, and magnesium, in addition to plant-based proteins.

a. Almonds:

Almonds are a tasty way to achieve your nutritional requirements. This nut is high in antioxidants, and helps protect against free radical damage and oxidative stress, which are precursors to inflammation and fertility issues in both men and women.

B. Cashews:

These kidney-shaped nuts are a great source of magnesium and selenium. Cashews are a heart-healthy snack since they are high in unsaturated fat!

Studies have linked consumption of cashews to better magnesium absorption and a higher chance of becoming pregnant. Five grammes of protein, vitamin C, and folate are all found in one serving of around 18 cashews. It is also crucial for avoiding neural tube birth abnormalities during pregnancy.

C. Hazelnuts:

They are a good source of selenium, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, folate, and vitamin E, just like many other nuts. Nutrients in nuts have been shown to help regulate hormones by stabilising blood sugar levels, which is a crucial component of healthy fertility.

D. Peanuts :

Nutrient-dense peanuts are the ideal fertility food (when consumed in moderation, of course). They contain a high amount of protein, folates, vitamin E, and a trace amount of fibre. Peanuts include folate, a nutrient that is hard to get in food sources yet is necessary for the female reproductive system. For this reason, women in particular benefit from eating peanuts. In addition, they contain biotin, an essential mineral for pregnant women. 

Also, check Benefits of Vitamin C

2. Seeds:

Omega-3, vitamin E, magnesium, and other important elements can all be found in abundance in seeds. Pumpkin and flax seeds can help naturally boost estrogen levels while also providing fibre to support healthy estrogen metabolism. It’s an excellent approach to achieving estrogen dominance while balancing estrogen levels.

Sunflower and sesame seeds include lignans and important fatty acids, which aid progesterone and hormone production for the menstrual cycle. 

Also, check Health benefits of Pumpkin seeds

3. Ashoka: 

Since ancient times, the characteristics of this herb have been used to improve women’s reproductive health. It is known to strengthen the uterus and increase ovarian activity. It can also be used to treat infertility and uterine disorders like endometriosis in some situations. All of this is due to its balancing effects on the hypothalamus.

This herb’s herbal mixture is highly effective in treating heavy menstrual cycles, severe uterine bleeding, hormonal imbalance, uterine cyst, uterine polyps, and menopausal osteoporosis.

4. Shatavari: 

Shatavari, a well-known Ayurvedic plant, is known to promote fertility in both men and women, improve desire, and hence increase chances of pregnancy. It is believed to aid in ovulation and to correct any hormonal imbalances. This herb also tones and nourishes the female reproductive organs. It aids in the synthesis of a hormone that aids in the improvement of ovulation in women.

5. Lodhara: 

Lodhra is a traditional remedy used by Ayurvedic practitioners to treat female reproductive problems. It is beneficial for females suffering from PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) since it enhances female hormone levels while decreasing male hormone levels in the female body. This works as a hormone regulator to restore hormonal balance. It also reduces ovarian cell malfunction in PCOS and increases fertility.

Also, check Tips and remedies for PCOS

6. Ginger: 

Ginger contains many vitamins and nutrients that are necessary when trying to conceive, it is a fantastic way to add some ginger spice to your fertility diet. It provides a variety of critical nutrients and vitamins, including vitamin C, B5 and B6, as well as iron, potassium, manganese, copper, and magnesium. Ginger is also known to benefit women with uterine fibroids because it stimulates circulation in the body, supporting a balanced inflammation response and regular detoxification. It also promotes healthy digestion, which is critical for inflammatory diseases like PCOS. Ginger may increase the maturity of ovarian follicles during the process of folliculogenesis, which may increase female fertility.

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7. Aloe vera:

Aloe vera is a great remedy for the female reproductive system. It is incredibly hydrating and provides extra lubricant to the body, allowing it to remove accumulated chemicals and toxins and clear the digestive tract, which is vital if you have PCOS or hormonal imbalance in the body. It aids in uterine rejuvenation.


There are many researches that support the benefits of Ayurvedic herbs boost fertility and improve the sexual wellness in women. Few are as below.

Shatavari may improve female reproductive health issues including hormonal imbalance, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), follicular growth and development, oocyte quality and infertility possibly by reducing oxidative stress level and increasing level of antioxidants in the body.

Read here: How does shatavari help to improve fertility?

Similarly, many researchers have studied the fertility improving effects of herbs such as shatavari, lodhara, ashoka, aloe vera etc. These herbs are helpful in treating conditions like PCOS, cervical mucus, small underdeveloped cervix, failure to conceive etc.

Check here: Herbs to improve infertility


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to the boost fertility and improve the sexual wellness in adults, both men and women. To know more about adults ayurvedic foods –SHOP HERE.

foods for increasing female fertility

India’s First Tasty Adults Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

To boost Fertility in Women, take Women Fertility Booster Masala Spread | 0% preservatives | 0% refined sugar | 0% palm oil | Fortified with ASHOKA, LODHRA, SHATAVARI, ALOE VERA, GINGER | ORDER |


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Infertility in Males

infertility in males

Are you trying to get pregnant but did not succeed even after 1 year? Do you have a lump or swelling around your testicles? Do you have other reproductive health issues which make you worry so much about your conception? Don’t worry you are not alone, on average at least 8-9% of men have infertility of some type. Infertility in men can be due to several factors starting from genetic factors, lifestyle factors and environmental influences, Low sperm production, poor sperm function, or blockages that limit sperm delivery. But this condition can be treated with proper health care, a healthy lifestyle routine and proper nutrition.

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What is Infertility in males?

Infertility is a condition that impairs or limits one’s capacity to become pregnant and give birth to a child. For heterosexual couples, one-third of infertility causes are attributable to male issues, one-third to female issues, and one-third to a combination of factors or unidentified causes. Male infertility may be brought on by illnesses, accidents, chronic health issues, lifestyle choices, and other circumstances.

Also, check Infertility in Women

How common is Male Infertility?

Male infertility is the reason for unsuccessful pregnancy and conceiving in about 1 in 5 cases. Idiopathic infertility affects up to 25% of infertile males. This indicates that individuals have low or abnormal sperm counts for an unknown reason.

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Causes for infertility in males:

The following are some of the causes linked to infertility in males

  • Genetic conditions – Klinefelter syndrome
  • Testicular inflammation or injury
  • Severe illness
  • Undescended testes
  • Age
  • Obesity
  • Some medications- anabolic steroids or anti-seizure medicines
  • Varicocele – It is a disorder where the veins in the scrotum that surround the testicles enlarge and impair sperm quality. On occasion, it could result in pain in and around the testis.
  • Infection – Infections like Mycoplasma, Tuberculosis, Gonorrhoea, Urinary tract Infections, and Chlamydia can affect the quality, quantity and mobility of sperm. Infection in the testicle (orchitis), the prostate (prostatitis)
  • Retrograde Ejaculation – Instead of being released by the penis, the semen may enter the bladder under certain circumstances. Little to no ejaculated semen or cloudy urine after orgasm is two potential warning indicators.
  • Tumours- Lump or abnormal growth of tissue in the testicle or in the scrotum which can be detected using ultrasound.
  • Hormonal Imbalance – heredity, an infection, a malignant or non-cancerous tumour, or as a result of surgery can all cause abnormal hormone functioning.

The following are some signs and symptoms that indicate infertility in men 

  • Problems with sexual functioning
  • Inability to conceive
  • Pain, swelling or a lump in the testicle area
  • Recurrent respiratory infections
  • Abnormal breast growth (gynecomastia)
  • Loss of the body or facial hair, as well as other chromosomal or hormonal abnormalities
  •  A sperm count that is below average (fewer than 15 million sperm per millilitre of semen or a total sperm count of less than 39 million per ejaculate)
Foods that help in improving fertility

With proper physical exercise and nutritional diet infertility in men can be managed and treated. The following are some foods and herbs that help in preventing infertility in men.

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is the first and maybe the greatest food to boost sperm count. L-Arginine is an enzyme found in dark chocolate that helps to sperm volume growth.


Sperm motility is aided by the protein and vitamin E content of eggs, which are abundant in both. Consuming eggs increases the likelihood of fertilisation by twofold by shielding sperm from free radicals. 


Magnesium and vitamins B1 and C are abundant in bananas, which promote sperm production and sperm motility. In addition, the rare enzyme bromelain found in bananas promotes sperm motility and count.

Goji Berries

Goji berries help elevate mood and regulate the scrotum sac’s temperature, which is ideal for sperm production. Antioxidants included in goji berries increase sperm motility and fertility.


Walnuts are a great source of omega- 3 fatty acids that help in improving the vitality of the sperm and increase its count.

Also, check Ayurvedic herbs that are good for health


Allicin, found in garlic, is necessary for promoting blood flow to the appropriate areas of the scrotum. Another significant enzyme in garlic, selenium, aids in sperm motility improvement. In addition to improving sperm production, garlic also fights cancer.


Vitamin C, which helps shield sperm from free radicals, is abundant in asparagus. It even aids sperm in swimming toward the egg, which increases sperm count and reproduction potential.

Also, check Importance of vitamins


Folic acid, which is crucial for the sperm’s growth, is abundant in spinach. In particular, leafy vegetables can aid in the generation of sperm.


Oysters are high in zinc, which helps increase sperm motility. Supplying taurine and glycogen, they will boost the reproductive system.

Ashwagandha (Ginseng)

In addition to treating erectile dysfunction, it is said to boost testosterone. The root can be purchased fresh or dried and is suitable for making tea.

Also, check Benefits of Ashwagandha

Tips and Remedies to boost fertility:

A healthy diet rich in nutrients along with some tips helps to improve fertility. The following are some tips to manage and prevent infertility in females.

  • Maintaining Healthy Routine
  • Tracking the ovulation cycle
  • Healthy Diet (Avoid junk foods)
  • Maintain a Healthy Weight
  • Quit Smoking and Alcohol consumption
  • Reduce the intake of caffeine
  • Be cautious around toxic chemicals
  • Check the label before using any lubricants to see if they kill sperms
  • Have a stress-free lifestyle
  • Have a happy and healthy sexual life


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to the boost fertility and improve the sexual wellness in adults, both men and women. To know more about adults ayurvedic foods –SHOP HERE.

India’s First Tasty Adults Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

To boost Fertility in Men, take Men Fertility Booster Masala Spread | 0% preservatives | 0% refined sugar | 0% palm oil | Fortified with ASHWAGANDHA, KAWACH, KALI MUSELI, PIPER| ORDER |


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Female Infertility Causes: Home Remedies that help


Do you have irregular periods or reproductive problems? A growing number of women are experiencing infertility problems, and for about 40% of them, failure to ovulate is the primary factor. Multiple female infertility cause, including ovarian or gynaecological problems, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), ageing, lifestyle choices, and environmental factors, are to blame for this. This condition, however, is treatable with the proper medical attention, a good lifestyle routine, and a balanced diet.

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Female Infertility disorder

Infertility is a condition that impairs or limits one’s capacity to become pregnant and give birth to a child. For heterosexual couples, one-third of infertility cause are attributable to male issues, one-third to female issues, and one-third to a combination of factors or unidentified causes. Female infertility, often known as “female factor” infertility, is the term used when the female partner is proven to be the cause of infertility. Infertility in females is often diagnosed when a woman has attempted to become pregnant (using unprotected sex) for a period of 12 months without succeeding.

 Female infertility Cause:

The following are the possible cause of infertility in females

1. Ovulation disorders

The majority of occurrences of infertility are caused by irregular or absent ovulation. Ovulation difficulties can result from issues with the ovary, the pituitary gland, or the brain, which regulates reproductive hormones.

a. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) 

An abnormally high level of androgens, a type of hormone, is produced by a woman’s ovaries and adrenal glands in PCOS. Ovulation is impacted by the hormonal imbalance brought on by PCOS. High concentrations of these hormones prevent ovarian follicle growth and egg release during ovulation. As a result, cysts—fluid-filled sacs—can form inside the ovaries. It’s linked to acne, abnormal hair growth on the face or body, and insulin resistance.

Also, check PCOS: How to manage it?

b. Hypothalamic dysfunction

The pituitary glands are two hormones that are responsible for promoting ovulation. Two of these hormones are luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). A very high or extremely low body weight, a recent significant weight gain or loss, or excessive physical or emotional stress can all interfere with the production of these hormones and impair ovulation.

c. Primary ovarian insufficiency

When a woman has POI, her ovaries prematurely stop producing hormones and eggs. They may have abnormally high or low levels of ovarian and pituitary hormones. It is typically caused by an autoimmune reaction or by the ovary losing eggs too soon due to genetic causes or chemotherapy.

When a woman reaches the age of 40, her ovary stops producing eggs and her body produces less oestrogen. POI patients frequently struggle to conceive. Between 5 and 10 per cent of women with POI became pregnant without receiving medical care. 

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d. Too much prolactin

Prolactin can be produced in excess by the pituitary gland (hyperprolactinemia), which inhibits the production of estrogen and may result in infertility.

2. Damage to fallopian tubes (tubal infertility)

Fallopian tubes that are damaged or blocked prevent sperm from reaching the egg or hinder the fertilised egg from entering the uterus. Fallopian tube damage or obstruction can result from previous abdominal or pelvic surgery, such as surgery for an ectopic pregnancy.

3. Endometriosis

Endometriosis develops when the endometrium, the cells that normally line the uterine cavity, is found outside the uterus. This may hinder and have an impact on the egg’s subsequent release after ovulation. The passage of the egg via the tubes may be impaired or blocked by fallopian tube scarring.

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4. Uterine or cervical causes

Several uterine or cervical causes can interfere with the egg implanting or increase the risk of miscarriage:

A. Uterine fibroids:

They are non-cancerous growths that develop inside the uterus. Up to 10% of infertile women have fibroids, which can cause infertility. It’s more likely that fibroids that are larger than 6 cm in diameter or that are in the uterine cavity will impair fertility than those that develop inside the uterine wall.

B. Polyps

Noncancerous growths called polyps are found on the uterus’ inside surface. It may be challenging for a woman to maintain pregnancy after conception if she has polyps since they can affect the uterus’ ability to operate. Surgery to remove the polyps may improve a woman’s chances of becoming pregnant.

C. Scarring in the uterus

As result of prior wounds, infections, or operations can hinder implantation and increase the risk of miscarriage, which can result in infertility.

5. Infections

Chlamydia and gonorrhoea in females can result in pelvic inflammatory disease, which can result in scarring that can restrict the fallopian tubes. Syphilis that is left untreated makes a pregnant woman more likely to experience a stillbirth. It may be challenging for women to conceive as a result of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and surgical removal of cervical lesions linked to HPV infection.

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6. Autoimmune disorder

Fertility may be impacted by autoimmune diseases such as lupus, Hashimoto’s and other forms of thyroiditis, or rheumatoid arthritis. They are believed to involve uterine and placental inflammation or drugs used to treat the diseases. 

Signs and Symptoms:

The above-mentioned symptoms imply that the woman is not ovulating :

Home remedies to boost fertility naturally:

Medical intervention may be necessary to restore fertility in some of the situations mentioned above. But there are several ayurvedic home treatments for infertility that are well-known to work. These natural home treatments for female infertility are a safe and effective alternative that does not affect the body. Before choosing to use any at-home treatments, it is advised that you consult a physician.

1. Ashwagandha

Indian Ginseng, also known as Ashwagandha, is a herb that has been utilised for hundreds of years by women who have struggled to conceive. It enhances reproductive function and maintains hormonal balance. D rink 1 tablespoon of ashwagandha mixed with warm milk, 2 times in a day.

Also, check Ayurvedic herbs that are good for health

2. Pomegranate

Pomegranate promotes female fertility. It is high in important minerals and antioxidants, which aid in the maintenance of the uterine lining and the improvement of blood flow. Drink half a teaspoon of finely ground seeds and bark of the fruit with a glass of milk twice a day to increase fertility.


Cinnamon has been shown to be beneficial in the treatment of illnesses such as polycystic ovarian syndrome. Because PCOD is a leading cause of infertility, women who suffer from it can heal naturally with cinnamon. The herbal powder can be consumed in food or by mixing 1 teaspoon with a glass of milk.


Dates are high in critical vitamins and minerals that women require to conceive and nourish their foetus throughout pregnancy. As a snack, consume 6 to 8 dates each day. You can also include them in milk, smoothies, or yoghurt.


Vitamin D insufficiency is prevalent and causes infertility and miscarriages. It is crucial for the metabolism of calcium in the body, making it one of the vital nutrients. Your body naturally produces vitamin D by exposing your skin to sunlight. Spend 10 minutes in the sun every morning to enhance your vitamin D levels. Consume vitamin D-rich foods including cheese, eggs, seafood, and fortified cereals.

Also, check Importance of vitamins

6. yoga

Yoga is an excellent treatment for infertility in women. It increases blood flow to all essential organs and boosts glandular function. Hastapadasana (forward bend from a standing position), Paschimottanasana (forward bend from a seated position), and Badha Konasana are all excellent fertility positions (butterfly exercise).

Tips and Remedies to boost fertility:

A healthy diet rich in nutrients along with some tips helps to improve fertility. The following are some tips to manage and prevent infertility in females.

  • Maintaining Healthy Routine
  • Tracking the ovulation cycle
  • Healthy Diet (Avoid junk foods)
  • Maintain a Healthy Weight
  • Quit Smoking and Alcohol consumption
  • Reduce the intake of caffeine
  • Be cautious around toxic chemicals
  • Check the label before using any lubricants to see if they kill sperms
  • Have a stress-free lifestyle
  • Have a happy and healthy sexual life


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to the boost fertility and improve the sexual wellness in adults, both men and women. To know more about adults ayurvedic foods –SHOP HERE.

foods for increasing female fertility

India’s First Tasty Adults Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

To boost Fertility in Women, take Women Fertility Booster Masala Spread | 0% preservatives | 0% refined sugar | 0% palm oil | Fortified with ASHOKA, LODHRA, SHATAVARI, ALOE VERA, GINGER | ORDER |


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