Growth Spurts in Kids: When do they happen?

growth spurt means

In the first several months, your newborn infant will grow quickly, and you might think he or she has grown overnight!!! Sometimes you will notice sudden changes in their appetite, sleep patterns, and even their mood. This can indicate a growth spurt. Growth spurt means short periods of time during which your child’s height and weight rapidly increase. They are a normal part of your child’s development and occur at different stages of their childhood until they reach physical maturity. Continue reading to learn what growth spurt means, their signs and how to deal with them.

WHATSAPP for concerns like Speech Delay, Low Weight, Frequent Illness, Hyperactivity, Low Concentration, Weak Eyesight, Improper Sleep, Pigmentation, Pores, Face Marks, Fine Lines , Lactation etc.

What does growth spurt means ?

Growth spurt means rapid physical changes that occur as your child grows up, such as increases in height and weight. Baby’s growth spurt normally lasts only a few days. In this duration, they will need to breastfeed more frequently and for longer periods of time to keep up with their physical development. The baby may be fussier than usual, and his or her sleep patterns may be disrupted. Every day, your baby grows and adds weight, but a baby growth spurt is usually fast and sudden.

When do babies have growth spurt? 

Every individual child may go through a growth spurt at a different age. When your baby is born, the paediatrician will give you a chart to keep track of his or her growth stages. This is based on a WHO chart that records the height, weight, and head circumference of babies according to their age.

According to the average data, your baby will go through a growth spurt throughout the following stages of their first year:

  • 1 – 3 weeks
  • 6 – 8 weeks
  • 3 months
  • 6 months
  • 9 months

Between the ages of 8 and 15 years, a child’s second growth spurt takes place. A growth spurt could last from two to three days to a week. Babies’ growth spurts are usually shorter, lasting up to three days, whereas teenage growth spurts can last up to a week. Some toddlers grow at a consistent rate throughout their toddler years, while others gain a few inches in a matter of months.


The signs and symptoms described below may indicate that your child is going to go through growth spurts.

1. Outgrowing their clothes and shoes quickly:

Clothing that no longer fits your child is a classic sign that they are going through one of their growth stages. As their legs get longer, toddlers can quickly outgrow their pants. Some toddlers grow at a consistent rate throughout their toddler years, while others gain a few inches in a matter of months.

2. New ability:

Toddlers’ brain development is one of the numerous characteristics of their growth spurts. You will notice your child making rapid progress in areas like language and motor skills.

3. Appetite increase:

Your toddler’s calorie intake will increase as their body matures. Because toddlers are usually quite active, seeing your child’s hunger increase is common, but it could also indicate that your child is going through a growth spurt.

4. Cravings:

Toddlers frequently have a favourite food. Growth spurts, on the other hand, can lead your child to crave foods that contain the vitamins and minerals he or she requires.

5. Mood swings occur:

Your child may get fatigued and irritable as a result of bodily changes. Hormonal fluctuations can also affect their mood.

6. Growing pains are inevitable:

When children grow, they frequently experience mild pains and stiffness. Because their limbs are painful from growing pains, your child may be cranky, weary, or fussy.


Growing up can be exhausting!! Even if your child was formerly a champion sleeper, they may now be waking up at all hours of the night, restless, and hungry. Your kid may appear to be more exhausted than normal. As their bodies release growth hormone while they sleep, make sure they get the rest they require.

8. CRANKIness:

All toddlers can be clumsy, but limbs growing rapidly creates an additional coordination challenge.

CauseS of growth spurt: 

Growth spurts are caused by your child’s genetic profile or the genes they receive from their parents. The genes of your child will decide how tall they grow and how quickly they achieve their maximum height. Environmental conditions can influence your child’s growth, including:

  • Diet and nutrition. 
  • Exposure to negative substances in the water or atmosphere (pollution or lead).
  • Abnormal fetal health or pregnancy complications.

How to deal with growth spurt?

During your child’s growth spurt, you can help them by doing the following:

  • Providing them with more meals to satisfy their hunger.
  • Encourage good sleeping habits and regular bedtimes.
  • Pay attention to the baby’s overall health.
  • Patience with their fluctuating emotions.

Also check, Food for enough nutrition

Foods required during the growth spurts in kids:

The child’s body needs a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals to grow properly in the duration of the growth spurt. A nutritious diet plan must provide all the essential nutrients like carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals and water in the required amounts. Requirements of essential nutrients vary with age, gender, physiological status and physical activity.

These are some foods that you should add to their diet for the complete nutrition of kids


Carbohydrates are also known as energy giving foods. It provides glucose, which is converted to energy and further used in body functioning and physical activities which helps to reduce tiredness during the growth spurt. Foods rich in carbohydrates are an important part of a healthy diet.


Protein is the body’s building block and repair agent. It also helps them to build a healthy and strong body during the growth spurt. It’s also integral in forming enzymes and hormones in the body. (What are some easy sources of protein for kids?)


It is an important dietary mineral that is essential for the growth and development of kids both physical and mental growth. Iron helps form haemoglobin that is found in the blood cells of the body. (Foods for Iron deficiency)


One of the most important minerals in our body is CALCIUM. Calcium consumption during a growth spurt has a good impact on bone. Bones are 70% calcium and it is only calcium that gives bones their hardness for protection and support. Bones also serve as the calcium bank of the body.


Vitamin plays an important role during the growth spurts as it helps the body grow and work the way it should. There are 13 essential Vitamins — Vitamins A, C, D, E, K, and Vitamin Bs. Some help in eyesight and energy production, while others support healthy nerves and cells and in fighting infection. (Importance of different vitamins for kids)


During the period of growth spurts, physical and brain development is at its peak point. Healthy fats are crucial to brain and overall physical development and can help stabilise mood. Also help with healthy metabolism, blood clotting and letting the body absorb vitamins.


Fibre is a non-digestible carbohydrate. It is responsible for keeping our digestion healthy and regular. Lack of fibre rich food in diet may cause constipation, which creates a nutrient-deficient disease. In growth spurt nutrient requirement is more from the body. (Fibre-rich foods for constipation)

Your adorable newborn will be a kid before you realise it, racing about and making you chase them. So take advantage of this newborn stage, and comfort and assist them during any unpleasant growth spurt days with a little extra love and care.


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Eye, Brain development, Bone strength and overall growth to kids without any fuss. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods –SHOP HERE.

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

If your child is a picky eater or does not take enough nutrition for the day, you can give Daily Nutrition Chocolate Spread and Daily nutrition Veggies and Dal powder | Made with Ayurvedic herbs | 0% preservative | 0% Palm oil | ORDER |


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Growth and Development of a Child at One Year

It’s been a year, feels like yesterday when your baby came into this world and now your little one has reached the 12-month point. So much happened in terms of growth and development of a child in their first year. From a little tiny baby he/ she became a more independent toddler. It’s fun and exciting seeing them do new things every day, trying new words, taking their first steps.  Now they have gained much control over their body. Following are the expected growth and development of a child at one year of age.

Growth and development of a child at one year
Physical growth:

Physical growth is the increase in the body size like height and weight of the child. From birth to one year their physical growth is fast and crucial. Normally  a child grows about 10 inches by the end of first year and their weight is likely to triple from the birth weight .  Also their teeth start to erupt, they may have 6 teeth by their first birthday.

Brain growth:

A child’s brain undergoes an amazing period of development from birth till one year. It will be double the size or 60% of its adult sizeMore than 1 million new neural connections are formed every second. Much of this growth occurs in a part of the brain called the cerebellum. (foods that helps in brain development)

Motor skills:

The first year of a baby’s life is the most criticle year for their gross motor skill development. Motor skills refer to the body’s ability to manage the process of movement.  During the first year, your baby is busy developing coordination and muscle strength in every part of her body. One-year-olds, learning to stand unsupported, walk while holding onto furniture or they may even have taken their first solo steps. They are now also capable of holding everyday items correctly like a spoon, comb, phone and books etc. (Tips to improve motor skill)

Sleeping pattern:

Their sleep pattern  of a one year child should be more at night and less during day timeAt this age, toddlers generally sleep 10 to 14 hours in a 24-hour period, including daytime naps of one to three hours. Some toddlers may still wake at night and will need you to comfort them. (some foods that helps in sleeping well)


It’s time to say goodbye to purees and hello to yummy table foods now that your baby is a toddler. By now, babies have developed taste buds and are eager to try different flavor foods. You can also introduce family foods to your little ones with fewer salt and spices, that suits their digestive system.


Til 12 months baby start making sounds like ma-ma-ma-ma or ba-ba-ba-ba and other similar long sounds. They start talking gibberish like sssbi, ebeedu to participate in conversation. He or she may start to combine his talking with gestures such as pointing to what he or she wants, shaking his or her head to mean ‘no’ or waving ‘bye bye’. In some cases babies start to say proper one words like mama, baba, papa etc. or try to repeat the words he/ she hears  from you.

They also start to follow instructions and understand far more words than he/she can speak. At around this age the Baby starts to recognize common objects like bottles, cups and plates. Body parts like nose, tummy, ears and mouth etc. also their belongings like recognizing  their toys. (foods for speech delay)

When to consult a doctor

Every child develops skill at their own pace. Some may reach milestones earlier than the others. Nobody can tell exactly when your child will develop all these above mentioned skills. However you should always consult your doctor if you notice any of the following signs of development delay at one year.

  • Does no crawl
  • Awkward body posture
  • Not able to stand with support
  • Does not use single words, such as “mama”
  • Does not understand instructions, such as “no” or “bye-bye
  • Does not indulge in back-and-forth gestures, such as waving, reaching, or pointing
  • Does not search for hidden object
  • Does not point to things or pictures
Tips for growth and development of one year child

Make sure your baby is up to date with his/her vaccination schedule.


Quality interaction is the key for cognitive development. Responding to your baby’s coos and cries, making eye contact and showing them funny faces is the type of interaction you can do in their early months and soon you will see them responding in their own sign language.


Books play a vital role in brain development of children as well as motor skill development. You can introduce board books from 6 months and paper books from 1 year. Show different colors, shapes and objects through these books or just allow your baby to turn the pages by themselves and let them observe and memorize things.


Reading and storytelling with babies and children promotes brain development and imagination, develops language and emotions, and strengthens relationships.


As soon as the baby starts sitting you can introduce the block games. There are lots of block games available in the market, you can choose according to your baby’s age. Block games help kids to express their imagination and help them to understand different shapes and colors.

No screen time:

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics advice, kids below 18 months should not be allowed for any screen time. Studies have shown that TV at this age can negatively affect a child’s language development, reading skills, and even contribute to problems with sleep and attention

Foods for proper growth and development of a child

Taking care of a kid’s nutrition from early years itself is very important. This not only keeps their present active but also ensures a dependable and disease-free future.


Protein makes up the building blocks of organs, muscles, skin and hormones. Our body needs protein to maintain and repair tissues. Meanwhile, children need it for proper growth in their early years too. Fish, poultry, nuts (almond, peanut, cashew, hazelnut), beans, are the best choices. A balanced protein rich breakfast is always great for children to start their day. It helps them stay full for longer ideas and hence protein is a must for proper child nutrition. (How to add protein to your diet?)


Healthy foods for kids must limit fats that are high in saturated fat and avoid trans-fat. Nuts, avocado, seeds (such as pumpkin seeds, melon seeds, sunflower seeds) and few oils are the healthiest sources of unsaturated fat. It is good for the eye, bones and mental health of a child, helps to boost brain and nervous system development, and strengthens the immune system. Encourage your child to eat all these good fats that support kid’s nutrition. (Foods and remedies for cough?)


It is really important to get strong bones and teeth and we get a chance to build them only once – throughout childhood and adolescence. Children who get enough calcium in childhood start their adult lives with the strongest bones possible. Mostly calcium is stored in bones and teeth where it supports their structure and hardness, but the body also needs calcium for muscles to move and for nerves to carry messages between the brain and every body part. Calcium is predominantly found in milk and milk based products like cheese. And is also found in smaller quantities in some nuts and seeds. (Should kids take whey protein?) Moreover, few herbs such as shallaki also contain calcium.


Fibre, starches and sugar are very essential foods for a healthy diet that the body turns into glucose to give energy to function. Carbs that take time to digest and have fibre in them are complex carbs which are found in naturally existing fruits, vegetables, almonds, cashews, hazelnut, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, melon seeds and whole grains. 


Vitamins and minerals help us to grow, to form bones, muscles, for eyesight, for skin and organs and most importantly help us to fight against infections by building immunity. Deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals can lead to severe issues related to health. The best way to ensure that your child is getting enough vitamins and minerals for proper growth and development is to provide them with five food groups (fruit and vegetable, complex carbs, dairy, protein and fat).


Ayurveda has the potential to not only correct imbalances in our children, but also to set them on an enduring path toward optimal health and well-being. Thus, ayurvedic herbs must be included in the list of health foods for kids. Ayurvedic herbs such as ashwagandha, mulethi, brahmi, shallaki and turmeric are great for kids’ development. Overall, these herbs support immunity, bone strength, brain development and overall growth.


Antioxidants are compounds produced in your body or naturally found in some foods that scavenge or neutralize the effects of cell damage by potentially harmful molecules known as free radicals. Fortunately eating a diet rich in antioxidants or antioxidant rich foods help to fight oxidative stress and reduce the risk of many chronic diseases. Turmeric, Vitamin E, cocoa, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Selenium, Beta carotene, Lycopene, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Manganese, Polyphenols show great antioxidant properties.


We are happy to introduce our range of nutritious & tasty kid’s Ayurvedic foods!!
We know that preparing and feeding healthy foods everyday is a huge task. Even more tough when kids are picky eaters. Kids prefer certain foods and formats. It is not easy to feed kids bitter Ayurvedic herbs, variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds everyday.
Mixed with Ayurvedic herbs, this unique Ayurvedic spread is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Brain development, Bone strength and overall-growth to kids without any fuss.

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India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

For building strong bones and muscles in kids give, Daily Nutrition Savoury Spread | Made with clinically proven ‘5 Ayurvedic Herbs and 7 Nuts’ | ORDER | 0% preservative | 0% Palm oil | High in CALCIUM, VITAMIN D and VITAMIN B12 |

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8 Amazing Health Benefits of Ragi: A super food

health benefits of Ragi

Do you wonder why ragi is good for health? Ragi, an ultimate superfood is also known as finger millet or nachni. In many parts of South India, ragi is a common staple food item.

Since ancient times, Ragi has been overshadowed by other cereal crops such as rice and wheat in India’s food and nutrition landscape despite being a highly prized healthy grain in ancient agricultural systems dating back over 2000 years. Fortunately, Ragi has made a huge comeback in the last three to four decades because of the extensive research and the UN FAO’s push to include millets in the daily diet to combat malnutrition and a variety of other prevalent diseases. 

Since Ragi is high in protein content, calcium, iron and amino acids, it is a “Super food”. It is the most commonly used millet for making porridges for babies and infants. Let’s take a closer look at the health benefits of Ragi.

WHATSAPP for concerns like Speech Delay, Low Weight, Frequent Illness, Hyperactivity, Low Concentration, Weak Eyesight, Improper Sleep, Pigmentation, Pores, Face Marks, Fine Lines , Lactation etc.

Health benefits Of Ragi:

Do you know why ragi is good for health? Read more to know why,

1. Great source of protein and fiber: 

100 grams of Whole Ragi Flour gives 7.29 grams of protein and 16.56 grams of fiber. That is why, it serves as an excellent source of protein for vegetarians. Due to its high fiber content, it prevents overeating and keeps you full for a longer time, which aids in weight loss. The insoluble fiber present in Ragi helps in easy movement of foods in the stomach and adds water into the stool, hence aiding easy digestion and relieving constipation.

Also check, Foods for constipation in kids

2. Calcium rich – promotes healthy bones and teeth:

When compared to other grains, ragi flour is one of the greatest non-dairy calcium sources. Calcium is essential for building strong bones and teeth, as well as for the prevention of a bone-weakening condition called osteoporosis. The sprouting process can increase the calcium content in Ragi by 20 percent. In addition, sprouting reduces the anti-nutritional factors and helps in better absorption of calcium. Hence, nothing beats Ragi when it comes to promoting bone growth in children and adults.

Also check, Benefits of calcium in kids

3. Improves Red blood cells production – PreventS Anemia:

Naturally rich in iron, ragi benefits those with low hemoglobin levels. Also,the vitamin B1 in it helps in the synthesis of red blood cells and generates ATP, which is used by our bodies for energy. Sprouted ragi benefits more as it has significant levels of vitamin C, which improves iron absorption.

Also check, Foods rich in iron

4. Adds great benefit for diabetes:

It is the major benefit of ragi for health. Its higher fibre content lessens the cravings for food. When compared to wheat flour, ragi flour produces a far lower spike in sugar levels. Moreover, ragi is high in magnesium, which helps to improve insulin sensitivity by reducing insulin resistance. When our magnesium levels are too low, the pancreas does not produce enough insulin to keep our blood sugar under control.

5. gluten-free:

Ragi is a must-have for anyone on a gluten-free diet or suffering from celiac disease. For chapatis, dosas and some sweets, ragi can readily replace wheat because it is gluten-free.

Also check, A guide to a Gluten free diet for kids

6. Rich in Antioxidants:

Other health benefits of ragi include its antioxidant property. Ragi is rich in antioxidants which prevents oxidation and fights against infections. Also, being a  rich source of amino acids, it aids the body’s natural ability to relax.You can efficiently combat depression, headaches and insomnia, as well as anxiety and stress, by consuming ragi.

Also check, Why do we need antioxidants

7. great pick for the little ones and new moms:

The health benefits of ragi flour makes it a great choice for infants and new moms. As well as aiding with their digestion, it also strengthens their bones and promotes their overall growth. Ragi is great for stimulating milk production and balancing hormonal processes in pregnant women and young moms due to its high iron and calcium content.

8. Promotes healthy skin:

Ragi is a miracle worker when it comes to keeping youthful skin. As a result of the essential amino acids Methionine and Lysine and vitamins such as Vitamin B3, the skin tissues are less susceptible to wrinkles and aging.

Nutritional information for 100 grams of Ragi flour:

100 grams of Ragi flour gives 385 calories. Below is the nutritional information for 100 grams of ragi flour. 

Health Benefits Of Ragi
Health Benefits Of Ragi

Can ragi be given to your babies?

Because of the benefits of ragi for health, it is the best weaning food for babies after the age of six months. To be clear, it should not be your baby’s first food. Steamed and mashed veggies such as potatoes, apples, etc. should be the first thing on your menu to get started. You can make Ragi malt at home and it is ideal for your child.

How to get the benefits of ragi malt for your baby at home?

The benefits of ragi malt has created interest for a lot of parents in learning how to make ragi malt at home. You can prepare ragi malt for babies in one of two ways. 

  • Traditionally, ragi grains are milked and dried before being ground into a thin powder. This method is time-consuming and tedious.
  • The alternative option is to powder the whole ragi. It is always a good idea to sprout the ragi and prepare a malt. Iron, calcium, vitamins, and minerals are all more abundant in sprouted ragi malt. Soaking and sprouting the ragi grains breaks down the complex proteins into simpler amino acids and lowers the fat level. It’s easier for babies to digest this way. Soaking and Sprouting- Health benefits
How much is too much for your baby?

Always start your kid on a smaller bit of new food and increase the amount over three days. It’s safe to feed your infant ragi, as long as the baby hasn’t experienced any adverse reactions, such as loose stools or gastrointestinal discomfort. Do not compel the infant to eat the entire bowl; let him make his own decisions.

Ragi Recipes: Best way to get the benefits of ragi flour 

Here are some of the tasty and healthy recipes for your baby:

ragi porridge recipe
health benefits of Ragi
Ragi Banana Pancake Recipe
cake with Ragi flour
cake with Ragi flour

There are several health benefits of ragi flour, and it can be consumed by people of any age. Because it has all of the key elements including fibers, proteins, iron and calcium and is gluten-free. It is suitable for those who have specific cereal or gluten allergies to consume.

As with any other food, ragi should be consumed in moderation to avoid any negative effects on the body.


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Eye, Brain development, Bone strength and overall growth to kids without any fuss. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods – SHOP HERE.

Ayurvedic spread by Iyurved

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

If your child is a picky eater or does not take enough nutrition for the day, you can give Daily Nutrition Chocolate Spread | Made with clinically proven ‘5 Ayurvedic Herbs and 7 Nuts’ | ORDER | 0% preservative | 0% Palm oil |


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Growth and development for Infant- 6 months old

It feels like yesterday when your baby came into this world and now it’s half way to a year. There is so much going on in terms of growth and development for infant during 6 to 8 months of age . It’s fun and exciting seeing them do new things every day. This is the time when the left side of their brain starts talking to the right side of the brain. It helps them to coordinate with the movement of their body parts much better. The growth and development for infant at this age is very fast and you have to keep an eye on this. Following are the things that you can expect at 6 months (What foods can be given to 6 months old?) baby age:

Growth and development for infant

Physical development: By 6 months most of the babies start to roll over in both directions and push themselves up and down, it means now you have to take extra care while they are on bed or table. They begin to sit (How calcium and vitamin D helps in building strong bones in kids?) with or without support for some time and also are able to hold their head up strongly without any help. They also try to reach and grab toys and other things which they see and pass them from one hand to other.

Communication and language skills: Normally children start to babble consonant sounds like “ba”, “da”, “Ma”. They try to talk gibberish sometime like sssbi, ebeedu. They also begin to recognize their name and responses when someone calls their name. Beside their name they start to understand a few words like eat, bath, sleep (How sleep is related to brain development in babies?) etc. Some Kids at this age use their voice to get attention and to express their feelings.

Emotional development: The growth and development of newborn is very rapid. 6 months is the time when babies start differentiating between familiar faces and strangers, even their touch and voice. They respond to your smile and when you talk to them they express their feelings through their expressions. Seeing themselves in the mirror is fun for them at this age.

Cognitive skills: They start reaching for things and putting them in their mouth to explore the world, show curiosity (Some brain foods that can help to build cognition) about things and try to get objects that are out of their reach. They also try to move in all directions and decide whether to go, either for a toy or when they look at you.

Every child is different so their time to reach any particular developmental milestone varies too. Some kids grab skills early while some take a little more time. It’s not right to compare them with one another. But if anything is bothering you; it is always better to talk with your pediatrician. Some signs of development delays are:

When to consult a doctor:

  • Do not try to reach out for things and toys in sight.
  • Does not make any sounds.
  • Rarely responds to smiles and shows little interest in talking.
  • Not sitting even with support.
  • Not able to hold his/her head.
  • Trouble in eating, like pushing food out of the mouth instead of swallowing.
  • Does not respond to his/her name and to any other sounds around them.
  • Don’t make eye contact or every little eye contact.
  • Don’t roll over in any directions.
  • Seems very saggy or floppy.
Tips for growth and development for infant
  • Familiarize your baby with his/her name by using it frequently.
  • Get toys for your baby which is easy to pick with one hand, so that they can pass it from one hand to another.
  • Play interactive games. Like peekaboo, in which kids show their different expressions when you disappear and come back.
  • Reading by showing pictures and telling stories, develop your baby’s imagination, and help them to recognize things later.
  • Take your baby out to a park or garden, this will give your baby all together a different experience, as there is so much to see, smell, hear and touch.

6 months is also the time to start solid food for your baby, as only breast milk (How To increase breast milk production?) or formula milk is not anymore sufficient to meet their nutrients requirements. They also need solid food to build immunity and to support growth of brain, bones, eye-vision and overall body. Every food chosen has to have a nutritional purpose. Please keep this in mind that even a single junk food can prove to be a wasted opportunity, since the opportunity to feed is limited in babies. Feed these foods for better growth and development of infants.

Foods to start solids with:

Banana: Bananas are loaded with potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, folate, niacin and vitamin B6. They are also a rich source of prebiotic fiber that helps build a healthy digestive system. Banana(Recipe of banana muffins) is good for bones, improves brain power and cures constipation issues too. It is one of the best baby’s first foods to introduce. As it is sweet and creamy, babies also enjoy eating it. Initially you can start with giving half a small mashed banana. Later, a small banana per day is ideal for a kid.

Mung bean/ Moong Dal: Mung bean is the safest and one of the best foods for growth and development for infant. It is a great source of protein, iron, fiber, vitamins and minerals as well as probiotics (What is the role of prebiotic in maintaining gut health?). All of these nutrients are essential in babies growing years. Always remember to soak and sprout the bean since it makes it easy for a baby to digest. You may use any- hulled mung bean or those with green covering.

Potato: It is considered good for growth and development of infants. It is a good source of carbohydrates (Which foods can help kids to gain weight?) and provides energy to your growing baby. Vitamin C, starch and various enzymes in it nourishes baby’s skin. It also helps babies to gain healthy weight. Phosphorus in it contributes to building strong bones.

Rice water: Rice water is considered to be a very rejuvenating and healthy drink for babies. Rice water is starchy water left after rice is cooked. It is a great source of energy, as it contains carbohydrates. It also maintains the fluid level of the body and is effective in removing gastritis conditions in babies.

Carom seeds: It has powerful anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Carom seed extract helps to prevent and treat gas and indigestion. It is a common medication used to treat coughs in India. You can start giving your baby a little bit of carom seed water after starting solids to save them from indigestion and gas.

Recipe for Millet Halwa (sweet)

Let’s make every dish tasty and nutritious by ‘hidden’ nutrition of veggies, herbs and nuts.

Check the Recipe made with Iyurved’s DAILY NUTRITION Savoury spread.

Check more healthy recipes loved by kids.


We are happy to introduce our range of nutritious & tasty products for kids!!

We know that preparing and feeding healthy foods everyday is a huge task. Even more tough when kids are picky eaters. Kids prefer certain foods and formats. It is not easy to feed kids bitter Ayurvedic herbs, variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds everyday.
Mixed with Ayurvedic herbs, this unique product is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Brain development, Bone strength and overall-growth to kids without any fuss.

Let’s try to make every food a child wants to eat more tasty and nutritious with (hidden) veggies, herbs and nuts.

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

If your child is a picky eater or does not take enough nutrition for the day, you can give ‘5 Ayurvedic herbs and 7 Nuts’ Daily Nutrition Savoury Spread | Good for weight, height, skin, digestion | ORDER | 0% preservative |

Check more products for: Immunity, Brain development, Bones, Weight, Digestion and Overall growth

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