What are Probiotics foods for Gut Health?

What are probiotics foods? Probiotics are live bacteria naturally occurring in food that are good for you, your digestion and your GUT. According to a study, there are approximately 300 trillion bacteria living inside your body. Most of them reside in your gut and majority of them are quite harmless, some are helpful and a small number of them cause diseases. Whenever you get an infection, it is a sign that bad bacteria are affecting your system out of balance. At this point of time good bacteria helps in eliminating those bad ones and maintaining the balance of good bacteria again. Probiotics are the best way to flourish good bacteria in your body.

Most people consider bacteria to be a negative word. They thought that bacteria only made you sick. But Probiotics are those good bacteria that help you fight off diseases causing bad bacteria and restore the balance of both. Food habits, lifestyle and antibiotics, all of them impact the gut health of your body. Your body loses good bacteria when you fall sick and take antibiotics. At this time probiotics can help to maintain the amount of good bacteria in the gut again. The two specific types of bacteria found in probiotics are Lactobacillus and bifidobacterium. Probiotics also promote the production of natural antibodies in the body. There is no recommended daily intake for probiotics, so there is no way to know exactly what quantity is best. Therefore, add as many probiotic rich foods to your daily diet as you can.

Also check, Antioxidant rich foods that kids must eat everyday

WHATSAPP for concerns like Speech Delay, Low Weight, Frequent Illness, Hyperactivity, Low Concentration, Weak Eyesight, Improper Sleep, Pigmentation, Pores, Face Marks, Fine Lines, Lactation etc.

What are probiotics foods benefits:

  • Balance the friendly good bacteria in the gut and improve digestion.
  • Helps in stomach discomforts such as gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn and stomach ache. It reduces the risk of severity of diarrhea from a number of different causes.
  • Research shows that taking probiotics on a regular basis improves the symptoms of mental health disorsssders like depression, anxiety, stress etc.
  • Probiotics may reduce the symptoms of eczema, by restarting the disrupted immune system.
  • Probiotics build your immunity by boosting immune cells and reduces the risk of respiratory infection.

Also check, More foods that build immunity?

What are probiotics Foods


Yogurt is one of the best sources of probiotics, which helps in strengthening the digestive tract and promotes gut health. It is high in protein, calcium, vitamins and probiotics which can enhance the good bacteria in the gut. Yogurt is the best food for kids’ gut health.

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Kefir i a fermented milk drink similar to a thin yogurt that is made from kefir grains, which are high in good bacteria. The process of making is similar to yogurt, but the fermentation process in Kefir is for 24 hours. The result is not a sour curd, but rather a tasty one. You can also load it up with nuts, seeds and berries to make a shake high in antioxidants, probiotics and prebiotics.

Also check, Recipe of kefir with hidden fruits, nuts and seeds

Fermented food:

People have been using fermentation techniques from ages to boost food’s shelf life and to increase its nutritive values. It’s a process through which microorganisms like yeast and bacteria convert the carbohydrates in the food to acids, which act as a natural preservative and promotes the growth of good bacteria. They are the best food to treat digestive disorders. Some fermented foods are kimchi, made from fermented vegetables such as radish and cabbage; it’s a popular Korean dish. Miso is a Japanese seasoning, made from fermented soybeans. Sauerkraut is a traditional food of Europe and made from fermenting finely chopped cabbage. Traditional buttermilk is the leftover liquid you can get during the making of butter and contains lots of probiotics. Buttermilk is one of the famous probiotics foods in India.

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Cheese is good for kids’ gut health. There are many kinds of cheese which are prepared by fermentation, but all do not contain probiotics. Only soft cheeses made up of unpasteurized milk, such as cheddar, mozzarella and Swiss are rich in probiotics. The longer the cheese ages the more beneficial bacteria develops in it for your gut health.

Also check,Which cheese is better to consume?

South Indian cuisine:

It’s good news for you, if you love south Indian foods like idli and dosa, as most of the south Indian dishes are rich in probiotics. Idli, dosa and other such foods are prepared by fermenting rice and lentils, which increases the bio-availability of its minerals and helps the body to easily absorb the nutrients. They are the best food to take while having digestive issues.

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Dark chocolate:

It contains both probiotics and prebiotics (food for good bacteria). Dark chocolate is rich in cocoa which is loaded with zinc, iron, copper, vitamins A, vitamin B12 and vitamin K which also relaxes arteries and increases blood circulation.


Kanji is a popular Indian fermented drink. It is one of the probiotics foods in India, which contains lots of gut friendly bacteria (probiotics) which aids in digestion and reduces bloating, gas and promotes a healthy gut. It has a tangy, spice and tart flavor. In India, it is used as a detox drink after festival binge eating, which helps in digestive issues. However, there are many ways of making kanji, the most popular is carrot kanji. It is made by fermenting carrots along with salt, mustard seeds and asafoetida (heeng).

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Make it EASY to feed a daily dose of high fiber veggies and dal, prebiotic fibre and probiotic to the child. 1 serving of Veggies and  Dal powder equals 30-50g of fresh food.  Excellent for child’s good Gut health, Immunity, Brain Health, Appetite, Healthy Weight. Get yours now!

2 spoons = 40-50% Fiber required for the day. Guaranteed 5 Lakh units of Bacillus coagulans probiotic in every serve. 100% veggies + greens + sprouted dal.

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs

For Improving Gut Health and Digestion| Give Digest Veggies and Dal powder | Rich in Prebiotic fiber and Probiotic | Made with 100% veggies, greens, sprouted dal | 0% preservative | 0% Artificial Colour | 100% Natural | No refined sugar | ORDER |


Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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Some Easy Probiotics in foods

Probiotics in foods are live bacteria (naturally occurring in food) that are good for you…your Digestion…your GUT! . Whenever you get an infection, it is a sign that bad bacteria are affecting your system out of balance. At this point of time good bacteria helps in eliminating those bad ones and maintaining the balance of good bacteria again. Probiotics are the best way to flourish good bacteria in your body

WHATSAPP for concerns like Speech Delay, Low Weight, Frequent Illness, Hyperactivity, Low Concentration, Weak Eyesight, Improper Sleep, Pigmentation, Pores, Face Marks, Fine Lines, Lactation etc.

Food habits, Lifestyle, Antibiotics, all together impact the Gut health of your body. When you lose “good”bacteria in your body, for example after you take antibiotics, probiotics can help replace them.


All these food products have bacterias in them that helps our digestion, immunity, and also increase the presence of more good bacterias in the Gut. It is advisable to go pro-biotic heavy especially after falling sick or taking medicines. Good bacterias lost during infection or otherwise can be recovered by eating food rich in prebiotic and probiotics.

Fermented foods are the most natural source of live bacterias- Probiotics. There is no recommended daily intake for probiotics, so there is no way to know exactly what quantity is best. Therefore, add as many fermented foods to your daily diet as possible.

What is a Pro-biotic?

Kefir is a fermented milk drink similar to a thin yogurt that is made from kefir grains, which are high in bacterias. The process of making is similar to yogurt, but the fermentation process in Kefir is for 24 hours. The result is not a sour curd rather a tasty one. You can also load it up with nuts, seeds and berries to make a shake high in antioxidant, probiotics and prebiotics.

Yogurt has much lower bacterias (less than 5) as compared to Kefir (over 50).

Ingredients: Kefir, Blueberry, Blackberry, Raspberry, Cherry, Goji Berry, Currant berry, Chia, Flax, Sunflower and Pumpkin seeds, Frozen mango, Soy milk

Try Sunflower seeds for that awesome skin!


Make it EASY to feed a daily dose of high fiber veggies and dal, prebiotic fibre and probiotic to the child. 1 serving of Veggies and  Dal powder equals 30-50g of fresh food.  Excellent for child’s good Gut health, Immunity, Brain Health, Appetite, Healthy Weight. Get yours now!

2 spoons = 40-50% Fiber required for the day. Guaranteed 5 Lakh units of Bacillus coagulans probiotic in every serve. 100% veggies + greens + sprouted dal.

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs

For Improving Gut Health and Digestion| Give Digest Veggies and Dal powder | Rich in Prebiotic fiber and Probiotic | Made with 100% veggies, greens, sprouted dal | 0% preservative | 0% Artificial Colour | 100% Natural | No refined sugar | ORDER |


Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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How do Probiotics rich foods help with Sneezing or Skin Allergy?

Up to 40% of the worlds population (an upward trend!) suffers from some form of allergy. Nut allergy, sneezing, itchy eyes, runny nose, eczema and many others. Allergies occur when the immune system overreacts to substances that are usually harmless, such as foods, pollen etc. At least 10% of children around the world have eczema. Probiotics rich foods help to resume the disrupted immune system and fix allergies.

The chances to develop allergies are largely genetically determined. Study shows that 12% of children with no family history of allergy, 30% to 50% of children with a single parental allergy and 60% to 80% of children with biparental allergies will develop allergic disease.

WHATSAPP for concerns like Speech Delay, Low Weight, Frequent Illness, Hyperactivity, Low Concentration, Weak Eyesight, Improper Sleep, Pigmentation, Pores, Face Marks, Fine Lines, Lactation etc.

Food allergies

While peanut allergies are what parents hear about the most — which makes sense given that the number of kids with peanut allergies has tripled in the past 15 years — there are other foods that are most likely to trigger an allergic reaction in children- cow’s milk, wheat, soy, egg, fish. Food allergy is different from food intolerance. A child might feel bloated or gassy after having a milk product, but that could be a sign of an intolerance to lactose. However, in case of allergy, the reaction will be much stronger like extreme gut pain or vomiting or even more serious. The good news is that most children will outgrow their food allergy. Approximately 85 percent of allergies to cow’s milk, soy, egg and wheat will resolve by the time the child is 8 years old.

allergy and immune system

An allergic reaction is an immune system response to a particular food protein. 70-80% of immune cells are located in the gut (large intestine). This is also home to 100 trillion bacteria (gut microorganisms). There is enough research linking bacterias to immunity. The shift in lifestyle, rising pollution, use of antibiotics, and processed food consumption has all together impacted the quality of bacterias in our gut. This has contributed to compromised immunity in kids and adults.

Studies state that a lack of diversity in the gut bacteria can also be associated to allergies- seasonal or nut allergies. Children who are exposed to antibiotic or medication soon after birth, increase the chances of developing allergies early on.

Also, Read about peanut allergy

The good news is that our immune system can be modified from as early as pregnancy to infancy and further as we age. A well developed immune system ensures the maintenance of health for infants and children, throughout life.

Also check, What other foods help with immunity?


This is one way to resume the disrupted immune system. Probiotics rich foods are live bacteria found in certain additional food like fermented rice or bean, wine, buttermilk, kefir, kombucha, yogurt, miso, kimchi, aged cheese, pickled vegetables. We provide these bacteria home, and in return they extract vitamins and minerals from food for our body’s healthy functioning.


Make it EASY to feed a daily dose of high fiber veggies and dal, prebiotic fibre and probiotic to the child. 1 serving of Veggies and  Dal powder equals 30-50g of fresh food.  Excellent for child’s good Gut health, Immunity, Brain Health, Appetite, Healthy Weight. Get yours now!

2 spoons = 40-50% Fiber required for the day. Guaranteed 5 Lakh units of Bacillus coagulans probiotic in every serve. 100% veggies + greens + sprouted dal.

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs

For Improving Gut Health and Digestion| Give Digest Veggies and Dal powder | Rich in Prebiotic fiber and Probiotic | Made with 100% veggies, greens, sprouted dal | 0% preservative | 0% Artificial Colour | 100% Natural | No refined sugar | ORDER |

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India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

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Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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