Dry Cough in Kids

dry cough

With every changing season, the biggest concern amongst parents around the globe is to prevent their kids from cold, cough and flu. Children start to get cold and cough after about six months of age when the immunity they received from their mom fades and they have to build up their own immunity. Cough and cold is one of the most common complaints for which parents take their children to a doctor. Some cough and cold home remedy and foods can help to cure the symptoms and build immunity in kids. Understanding different types of cough helps to treat them better. Continue reading to know what is dry cough and foods that help.

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What’s this dry cough?

Phlegm or mucus is not produced by dry cough and hence it is commonly referred to as a non-productive cough. A dry cough can be brought on by many causes, including allergies and acid reflux. Sometimes there is no apparent cause. Whatever the source, a persistent dry cough can have a significant negative impact on your daily life, especially if it only occurs at night.

Very common characteristics that one can experience with dry cough include:

  • Persistent tickling in the throat
  • No mucus 
  • Absence of wheezing or congestion
  • Causes poor sleep
  • Unproductive nature of cough

Also, check: Home Remedies for Fever in kids

What causes dry cough in babies and kids?

Some of its causes include: 

1. Common cold:

A dry cough doesn’t always show as the initial sign of a common cold, but it usually does in its later stages. Common cold can make your baby’s throat feel itchy. At the beginning of the cold, your baby may experience brief episodes of mild, wet coughing; but, as the cold gets worse, these episodes will become drier. 

2. Irritants in the environment:

Some kids are more sensitive than others to environmental irritants including smoke, dust, and mould. A dry cough may develop after exposure, especially if the air is dry. With continued exposure to the irritant, the cough might develop into a persistent dry cough.

3. Acid Reflux or GERD:

Acid reflux causes the stomach’s contents to flow backward into the oesophagus, causing discomfort and a dry cough. Children and infants who have GERD, also known as chronic gastric reflux disease, may have a persistent dry cough. 

4. Whooping cough:

Pertussis, also known as whooping cough, is a dangerous upper respiratory infection. It frequently begins with cold-like symptoms before developing into a chronic cough that makes “whooping” noises, losing appetite, and a low-grade fever. Constant whoopin eventually leads to drying of the throat causing dry cough.

Also, check: Cough and cold: Foods that help

5. Allergies:

Allergies can be one major cause. Many kiddos have a fascination towards gardens, flowers, pets etc. All these can be potential sources of allergens that can negatively affect in some or the other way round. When the human body perceives a foreign substance (such as pollen or pet hair) as a danger, allergies develop. Your body reacts by generating extra mucus, which can then drip down your throat and cause a cough.

Also, check: Different types of Allergies

6. Asthma:

Most asthmatic kids experience a dry cough, which does not produce mucus. This is a characteristic of asthma and occurs when the airways narrow in reaction to an irritant. The restricted airway also frequently results in a high-pitched wheeze sound in combination with the cough.

Also, check: Asthma – Foods that help

Symptoms of Dry Cough:

Symptoms experienced with dry cough include:

1. Ginger:

Ginger and lemon tea is a fantastic home cure for a dry cough since both ginger and lemon have anti-inflammatory characteristics that assist to lessen irritation in the throat and lungs. Additionally, these teas can help dry coughs by clearing the airways.

2. Turmeric: 

Curcumin, a substance in turmeric, is an effective remedy for dry cough. Particularly noteworthy are the antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory effects of this substance. In addition, asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory diseases can be treated with turmeric.

Also, check:

3. Raw honey:

For years, honey has been utilised as a treatment for different throat issues, including coughs. Due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities, it is believed to be beneficial. Due to its viscous consistency, honey coats the throat and has a calming effect.

4. Garlic:

Allicin, the main physiologically active component of garlic, has been discovered to be quite helpful in reducing oxidative stress and inflammation in the body, both of which are frequently helpful in preventing coughs. When garlic is chopped or crushed, an enzyme called alliinase is activated. This enzyme, when allowed to settle for a little while, can enhance the medicinal effects of garlic.

5. Pineapple:

Coughing in babies and the kids is a pretty common occurrence. It plays a crucial role in your body’s defence mechanism by aiding in the removal of irritants and potentially dangerous bacteria.There are various varieties of coughs, such as wet and dry ones. Wet coughs expel phlegm or mucus or make an impression of doing so. On the other hand, dry coughs don’t and are more troublesome.

6. Lemon:

Lemons help the body recover from the common cold and are a wonderful source of vitamin C. According to studies, vitamin C helps treat common colds and strengthens the immune system to lessen the severity of the flu.


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Eye, Brain development, Bone strength and overall growth to kids without any fuss. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods –SHOP HERE.

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

For Dry Cough in Kids, give Immunity Boost Chocolate Spread | 0% preservatives | 0% Refined sugar | 0% Palm oil | With Amla, Giloy, Tulsi, Turmeric, Ashwagandha | ORDER |


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How to Avoid Frequent Infection in Kids?

infection in kids Iyurved

Our body is constantly communicating with us in its own language. We need to observe and understand the sign language that our body speaks to us. Come let’s understand. The collection of bacteria that resides in the gut is called the gut microbiome and has positive effects on behaviour, appetite, immunity (avoiding frequent infection in kids), digestive health and metabolism. Although most people think of bacteria as a bad word, human cells and bacteria live in close proximity and have a mutually beneficial connection.

Probiotics are live bacteria naturally occurring in food that are good for you, your digestion and your GUT. These are those good bacteria that help you fight off diseases causing bad bacteria and restore the balance of both. Food habits, lifestyle and antibiotics, all of them impact the gut health of your body. Your body loses good bacteria when you fall sick and take antibiotics. At this time probiotics can help to maintain the amount of good bacteria in the gut again.

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Benefits of probiotics –
  • Balance the friendly good bacteria in the gut and improve digestion.
  • Helps in stomach discomforts such as gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn and stomach ache. It reduces the risk of severity of diarrhea from a number of different causes.
  • Research shows that taking probiotics on a regular basis improves the symptoms of mental health disorders like depression, anxiety, stress etc. (More foods to manage stress and body ache?)
  • Probiotics may reduce the symptoms of eczema, by restarting the disrupted immune system. (Foods and remedies to manage skin rashes?)
  • Probiotics build your immunity by boosting immune cells and reduces the risk of infection in kids. (More foods that build immunity?)

Now coming to prebiotics, these are a type of dietary fiber that humans cannot digest but the gut bacteria can. Prebiotic is a source of food for your gut’s friendly bacteria.It is a food which does not get fully digested in the body and reaches the large intestine (commonly known as GUT). The good bacteria in the large intestine eat this food and flourishes.

Prebiotics should not be confused with probiotics. Each have their separate role in the battle for better gut health, where probiotics are the friendly bacteria, prebiotics in foods are food for these bacteria. (What are some foods for healthy gut?)

Benefits of prebiotics:
  • Consumption of prebiotics increases the useful gut flora, which synthesize the B complex vitamins.
  • Positive effect on calcium and other mineral absorption, by increasing their solubility.
  • Prebiotic may help reduce inflammation, especially in your intestines, and thereby strengthen the immune system.
  • Prebiotics in foods reduces constipation by maintaining the regularity of bowel movement.
  • It also may help with allergy prevention and symptoms of eczema.
  • Helps in maintaining healthy hormone levels. Prebiotics help your body absorb essential nutrients that help in building hormones.
  • Prebiotic are fiber and eating lots of fibrous food keeps you full for a long time, thus prebiotics in foods are great for weight loss.
Signs of unhealthy gut:

There are many factors that affect kids gut health such as eating too much processed and high sugar food, stress, too little sleep and taking excessive antibiotics. All of these lead to damage to kids gut health which results in many health issues. Here are some common problems that may occur due to unhealthy gut:

  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Bloating
  • Craving for sugar
  • Skin irritation
  • Improper sleep or sleep disturbances
  • Frequent infection in kids
  • Undefined weight changes
How gut health helps in reducing frequent infection in kids?

The best gift you can ever give to your child is a healthy body and strong immunity to fight infections. Immunity plays a major role and it can be achieved by feeding some foods for immunity boost. For the world, 2020 was all about immunity. We had never dreamt about going through such trying medical and emotional conditions. It taught us that in some situations science and medicine fail to help us as spontaneously as our own immunity can. Now the question arises: How to increase immunity in children?

Your GI tract houses a large amount of your immune system. The gut contains approximately 70% of the immune system. According to the studies, it is critical for the body’s health to maintain a delicate balance in the immune system by eliminating invading pathogens while also maintaining self-tolerance to avoid autoimmunity.

What is the immune system?

Our immune system is critical in protecting our bodies from harmful invaders. Immune cells serve as your body’s first line of defense, identifying and neutralizing harmful substances that enter the body. When this system in the body is functioning properly, your kid’s bodies do not feel anything. However, if this system is not robust, your child is likely to become ill on a regular basis.

Gut health and immunity:

The immune system’s job is to keep the body healthy and protect it from viruses and bacteria. What about gut microbes (prebiotics and probiotics), and how do they play a role?

The immune system shapes the bacteria variety, and the gut has an impact on the immune system’s strength and growth. Other factors, such as nutrition, environment, and lifestyle behaviours, affect the composition of the gut flora throughout time. When everything is in order, the stomach sends out signals that encourage the development of good immunological function, which modulates immune responses. In exchange, the immune system aids in the proliferation of health-promoting bacteria in the microbiome. When you acquire an infection, it’s a symptom that your system is out of balance due to nasty germs. At this moment, good bacteria assists in the elimination of the bad bacteria and the restoration of the good bacteria equilibrium. Thus, overall gut health improves children’s ability to fight infections and reduces the frequency of infection in kids.


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Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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10 best proven home remedies for fever in kids

With every season change, parent’s biggest concern is their kid’s health and how to protect them from fever, cold and cough. Fever is common in children of all age group, no matter how careful you are. Young children are prone to falling ill because their immune systems are not strong enough to fight  toxic air and seasonal allergies. Fever itself is usually not harmful, in fact it helps the body’s immune system fight off infection. Fever is a defense against infection, it raises the temperature of the body to kill the germs. By increasing the body’s temperature, a fever makes it harder for the bacteria and viruses to survive in the body and cause infection. Keep reading to find more details about fever and effective home remedies to manage it.

WHATSAPP for concerns like Speech Delay, Low Weight, Frequent Illness, Hyperactivity, Low Concentration, Weak Eyesight, Improper Sleep, Pigmentation, Pores, Face Marks, Fine Lines , Lactation etc.

A mom’s opinion about how immunity booster helped to fight against frequent infections

What considered as fever:

Many parents complain that their baby’s head is warm most of the time and their feet and palm are hot. Do they have a fever?

Children are considered to have a fever if they have a body temperature of 38.5°C (101.3°F) or more, and babies less than three months old are already considered to have a fever at a body temperature of 38.0°C (100.4°F) or more. Use a reliable digital thermometer to confirm a fever.

Causes of fever in kids

When the child has fever, the doctors are more concerned about what is causing the fever, and not what the child’s temperature is. Fevers can be caused by a few things, including

  • Infection:

Most of the fever is caused by infection or other illness for instance, a common cold, middle ear infection, urinary tract infection (UTI) or gastroenteritis. Fever helps the body to fight this infection by raising body temperature to kill the germs.

  • Vaccination:

Generally after vaccination kids get a slight increase in their body temperature. Child’s immune system is developing antibodies to fight the germs that the vaccine aims to protect them from.

  • Dehydration:

Dehydration caused by severe vomiting or diarrhea or they haven’t had enough fluid and their body is dehydrated. This also causes fever in some cases.

  • Sunburn /sunstroke:

Sunburn, sunstroke or heat stroke may also causes fever in some cases

  • Food allergies or intolerance:

Food allergies or intolerance like lactose intolerance and gluten intolerance may also cause fever in some cases.

Symptoms of fever and when to see a doctor

Generally you can tell that a child has a fever just by looking at them. Typical signs include a red face, tired-looking or glazed eyes and otherwise pale skin. A hot forehead or neck can also be a sign of fever. Some children lose their appetite or cry a lot.

You should consult a doctor if child has following symptoms:

  • Their temperature is above 39°C (102.2°F) or a baby under three months old has a temperature above 38°C (100.4°F)
  • The fever last longer than three days
  • Vomiting and refuses to eat or drink anything
  • Have diarrhea or pain in their belly (home remedies for diarrhea in kids)
  • They have skin rash
  • Stiff neck, are unresponsive, restless or confused
  • More sleepy than usual
  • Problems with breathing
  • They have a febrile seizure (fit)
  • Seem be getting more unwell

Seeing your baby in fever is a difficult thing and you do everything to give them comfort during fever. Taking proper care at home can help your baby to recover fast and regain their energy. Below are some home remedies and foods that can help your baby with fever.

Home remedies for fever that can help:

1. Plenty of fluids:

Offer plenty of fluids to keep them hydrated, because fever can make them sweat excessively and cause dehydration in kids. You can offer your child water or oral rehydration solution. Give a small amount of fluid at a time but multiple times in a day. Apart from this you can also offer hot homemade soups, which are full of essential vitamins and minerals and are easy to digest. Avoid drinks with caffeine, including colas and tea, because they can make dehydration worse by increasing urination.

2. Apple cider vinegar bath:

This is one of the most effective remedies to fight fever. ACV has a lot of disinfectant, antimicrobial, antioxidant properties. In lukewarm water add a cup of apple cider vinegar and give your baby a gentle bath or sponge bath. This will immediately bring down the body temperature and give your baby relief from fever. You can also add a few drops of ACV to a warm compress pack and lay it over your baby’s forehead. this is one of the most effective home remedies of fever.

3. Mustard oil and garlic massage:

Heat mustard oil and roast garlic and carom seeds in it. Once cool, apply this oil on the baby’s head, palm, feet base, chest and back. Leave it applied and let the child sleep. It will help settle the body temperature. Also, any body ache the child has will be resolved. Mustard oil is a very effective cough and cold home remedy. ( how massage is important for kids?)

4. Chamomile tea:

Chamomile is considered to be a safe and effective way to help a child relax and will keep your child hydrated. Bring some water to boil and soak chamomile tea leaves in it for about a minute. Add honey to it and feed a few drops of it to your child, twice a day.

5. Turmeric:

Turmeric is the food for immunity boosting. There is a enough scientific evidence that curcumin compound of turmeric aids in boosting immunity. They also prevents body from any pain, swelling, fever due to its anti-inflammatory property. Offer a glass of luke warm turmeric milk to your child. Out of many home remedies of fever, this is the most powerful.

6. Raisins:

Raisins have antioxidant and antibacterial properties which help in fighting infections and lowering the body temperature during fever. Take a handful of raisins (20-25 approx.), soak all the raisins in a half cup of water for about an hour, once they become soft crush and strain the liquid. Add lime juice to it for better results. Feed this tonic to your child twice a day and see the difference.

7. Onion:

Onions are believed to bring down the temperature gradually. This is one of the most traditional home remedies for fever in children, onions are effective in relieving body pain also. Cut an onion into slices and rub 2 – 3 slices on your child’s feet for 2 minutes each. Repeat this process twice a day.

8. Lemon and honey:

Lemon and Honey are magical foods known for their medicinal properties. This is one of the easy and simple home remedies of fever. The vitamin C content of lemon helps improve immunity and honey provides nourishment. The combination of ingredients is highly effective in reducing fever. Mix one tablespoon of honey and an equal amount of lemon juice or in a glass of warm water add one tablespoon honey and juice of half lemon and feed the mixture to the child and watch the fever go down.

9. Tulsi

Tulsi is an important herb and every household should have it. With its antibiotic properties, it is very effective in bringing the fever down.  Add a few leaves of tulsi to boiling water, allow it to boil for 2 minutes, strain the water and make your child drink this multiple times a day to lower their temperature.

10. Ginger:

People have used ginger as one of the herbal home remedies of fever .  It has anti-inflammatory  antibacterial, antiviral properties that make it an excellent home remedy for fever. You can make ginger tea for the fever. Take a small piece of ginger and grate it and add it to a cup of water. Boiling water boils for a couple of minutes and then takes it out of the flame. Add a little honey and make your child drink this ginger tea three to four times a day.

Do your child often fall sick?

Do your child often fall sick with fever, cold and cough? The food we eat plays a key role in determining the overall health and immunity. It gives the body a condition of being able to resist a particular disease. by adding these foods to your kid’s diet you can prevent them from falling sick again and again by boosting their immunity.


It is a shrub and an essential herb in ayurvedic medicines. Giloy is used to treat a wide range of health conditions. It contains important plant compounds like terpenoids, alkaloids, lignans, and steroids. Research shows that these compounds have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antidiabetic properties, among other benefits which help to boost immunity.


Tulsi leaves have been scientifically proven to have medicinal properties. It also has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects, rich in vitamin c and zinc and thus keeps the infection at a bay and naturally boosts the immunity.


Amla is a storehouse of antioxidants. It is one of the richest sources of vitamin C, which is known to boost immunity. It has antibacterial and astringent properties that boosts immunity.


As an anti-oxidant, boosting immunity is one of the most popular benefits of Ashwagandha for kids. The root activates and increases the levels of enzymes and macrophages, a type of white blood cell that kills bad viruses and bacterias. It also promotes the development of antibodies, which is a major factor in improving the body’s response to a health-threatening infection.


A compound found in turmeric, Curcumin, offers therapeutic relief and is a perfect immunity booster for kids. It has a a very high antioxidant value to protect body from invading infections. It is also rich in vitamin A, Thiamine (B1), Riboflavin (B2) and vitamin C.


The vitamin E found in nuts like almonds, cashews, peanuts and hazelnut help the immune system to fight against invading bacteria. They are a great source of antioxidants that keep the body healthy and disease free by neutralizing free radicals and reducing inflammation.


Seeds are an incredible source of nutrients. Sunflower seeds are rich in magnesium, vitamin E, antioxidants and good fats. Together they help to boost immunity. Pumpkin seeds are rich in Vitamin E which is necessary for immunity building and also packed with other bone-building nutrients like potassium, magnesium and vitamin K. Melon seeds are a good source of zinc. It helps to boost our immunity, helps in digestion, cell growth, and keeps your nervous system healthy.


Cocoa contains flavonoid, a naturally occurring compound found in plants which act as antioxidant and help in counteracting free radicals in the body. Also rich in zinc, iron, copper, and vitamins like A, B12 and K. Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant and has an ability to modulate host immune functions. Vitamin E is key for strong immunity and healthy skin and eyes. In recent years, vitamin E supplements have become popular as antioxidants.


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Eye, Brain development, Bone strength and overall growth to kids without any fuss. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods –SHOP HERE.

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Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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