Tips to maintain personal hygiene and health

personal hygiene and health

Maintaining good personal hygiene is essential as it protects you and your kids from catching or spreading infections and germs. Additionally, it boosts self-esteem and has a strong influence on relationship. Many parents are wondering about how to teach kids regarding personal hygiene and health routine. If you are one of them, we are here to assist. You can help your kids to develop their personal hygiene and health by reading this article. Let’s understand more about it.

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Personal hygiene and health

Personal hygiene can be defined as the way of looking after your own body and health. This routine involves brushing teeth, showering, washing your hands and face etc. You are exposed to millions of germs daily. These germs might cling on your body for a long time and occasionally could even make you ill. The high chance of illness is brought on by poor self-care which can be decreased by maintaining proper personal hygiene and health routine. Your self-confidence will increase as a result of practising proper hygiene, and you’ll also be more involved and successful in all aspects of your life.

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Tips for teaching personal hygiene and health to your kids

If you don’t know how to direct your kids to follow personal hygiene and health, don’t worry we are here to help. Here are some of the tips to teach your kids about personal hygiene and health:

Brushing teeth

In kids, brushing is essential for maintaining personal hygiene and health to prevent cavities as well as bad breath. You can motivate your kids to maintain a good oral hygiene by following the below steps,

  • Encourage your kid to brush twice (morning and night)
  • Give them tiny soft bristle toothbrushes.
  • Till 1 year of age, carefully massage your kid’s gums with a clean soft towel.
  • Once the first tooth erupts, cleanse its surface with water and a baby toothbrush.
  • Allow your child to brush himself with toothpaste at 2 years
  • Ensure that they are cleaning the corners of their mouth
  • Make sure they are properly flossing and rinsing after brushing their teeth.
  • Teach them to rinse their mouth after eating anything.

Reward them with a colourful star or heart stickers when they did everything right, which can encourage them to brush their teeth.

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Hand washing

Frequent hand washing can minimise the possibility of infections. The simplest tactic to follow this strategy is to demonstrate proper hand washing to your kids. Explain the correct way of washing their hands. Make sure they follow each step exactly.

  • Make use of the clean water to wash your hands
  • Rinse your hands
  • Cleanse your hands with hand wash soaps
  • Create foam by rubbing
  • Cleans the nails and area in between your fingers for 30 seconds
  • Rinse your hands until foam goes away
  • Dry your hands with tissue or towel

You can sing a song while hand washing which can make this activity fun.

Toilet hygiene

Obviously, millions of germs are present in our toilets that will cause frequent illness in our kids. The toilet should always be kept tidy for that purpose. Additionally, show your children how to maintain proper bathroom hygiene. They are able to maintain their health by doing this.

  • Tell your kid how to wash or wipe after using toilet
  • Show them how to flush
  • Make sure they are washing their hands after using toilet

Clap for them when they follow everything properly.

Also check, How to potty train your kid

Shower hygiene

Showering is very important to maintain the personal hygiene and health of a kid. 

  • Motivate your kid to bathe twice a day.
  • Instruct them to clean their feet, armpits and legs
  • Tell them to clean their private parts.
  • Make sure they always have a gentle bath with light soap.
  • They should wash their hair twice a week to get rid of dirt and oil.
  • Assist your kid to use shampoo and make sure they wash properly
  • Instruct them not to share personal items with others.

Play their favourite songs while bathing and sing together to make it fun.

Nail hygiene

Nails grow each day. Additionally, kids frequently play outside in unclean areas, their nails tend to pick up more dirt. Kids also tend to bite their nails which can cause illness. You must therefore instruct your children to cut their nails once a week. Tell them interesting stories to distract them while cutting the nails.

Food hygiene

A chance of food poisoning will increase when uncleaned veggies or fruits are consumed. It is necessary to clean the fruits and vegetables before eating. 

  • Open the clean water tap in the sink
  • Put the vegetables or fruits into it
  • Show them how to rinse it
  • Gently rub the outer surface
  • Allow them to take out the washed fruits and veggies to dry it.
Sneezing hygiene

Despite your best efforts, your kids could feel sick at any time. Your children may occasionally catch the common cold, the flu, or seasonal allergies. They will begin to cough or sneeze. Here is checklist to do to enhance their healing and stop them from infecting others:

  • Educate your children to follow the basic manners for sneezing and coughing like covering their mouth and nose while sneezing.
  •  Advise your children to use a handkerchief or piece of tissue paper rather than using their hands.

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Cleaning the house

It is important to keep our surroundings clean. You can follow simple ideas to make them clean the house.

  • Educate your children to take away their plates and wash them with soap after eating
  • As they get older, tell them to organise their clothes or books
  • Make sure they are cleaning their room regularly

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Things to avoid 

  • Avoid criticising your kids when they did something wrong
  • Don’t give up on them, be patient
  • Don’t compare your kids with others which will make them feel inferior
  • Allow them to learn at their own pace and give them more time.
  • Encourage your children for their good behaviour instead of punishing them

Also check, Tips for Personality development


Nutritious health foods for kids is important to maintain their physical as well as mental health, stabilizes energy, build immunity and prepares the body against diseases. Here are list of essential nutrients required for kid’s health:


Protein makes up building blocks of organs, muscles, skin and hormones. Our body needs protein to maintain and repair tissues. Meanwhile, children need it for proper growth in their early years too. Fish, poultry, nuts (almond, peanut, cashew, hazelnut), beans, are best choices. A balanced protein rich breakfast is always great for children to start their day. It helps them stay full for longer ideas and hence protein is a must for proper child nutrition.

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Health foods for kids must limit fats that are high in saturated fat and avoid trans-fat. Nuts, avocado, seeds (such as pumpkin seeds, melon seeds, sunflower seeds) and few oils are the healthiest sources of unsaturated fat. It is good for eye, bones and mental health of child, helps to boost brain and nervous system development, and strengthen the immune system. Encourage your child to eat all these good fats that support kid’s nutrition. (Foods and remedies for cough?)


It is really important to get strong bones and teeth and we get chance to build them only once – throughout childhood and adolescence. Children who get enough amount of calcium in childhood start their adult lives with the strongest bones possible. Mostly calcium is stored in bones and teeth where it supports their structure and hardness, but the body also needs calcium for muscles to move and for nerves to carry messages between the brain and every body part. Calcium is predominately found in milk and milk based products like cheese. And is also found in smaller quantities in some nuts and seeds. (Should kids take whey protein?) Moreover, few herbs such as shallaki also contains calcium.


Fibre, starches and sugar are very essential food for healthy diet that body turns into glucose to give energy to function. Carbs that take time to digest and have fibre in them are complex carbs which are found in naturally existing fruits, vegetables, almonds, cashews, hazelnut, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, melon seeds and whole grains.


Vitamins and minerals help us to grow, to form bones, muscles, for eyesight, for skin and organs and most importantly help us to fight against infections by building immunity. Deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals can lead to severe issues related to health. The best way to ensure that your child is getting enough vitamins and minerals for proper growth and development is to provide them with five food groups (fruit and vegetable, complex carbs, dairy, protein and fat).


Ayurveda has the potential to not only correct imbalances in our children, but also to set them on an enduring path toward optimal health and well-being. Thus, ayurvedic herbs must be included in the list of health foods for kids. Ayurvedic herbs such as ashwagandha, mulethi, brahmi, shallaki and turmeric are great for kids development. Overall, these herbs support immunity, bone strength, brain development and overall growth.


Antioxidants are compounds produced in your body or naturally found in some foods that scavenge or neutralize the effects of cell damage by potentially harmful molecules known as free radicals. Fortunately eating a diet rich in antioxidants or antioxidant rich foods help to fight oxidative stress and reduce the risk of many chronic diseases. Turmeric, Vitamin E, cocoa, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Selenium, Beta carotene, Lycopene, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Manganese, Polyphenols show great antioxidant properties.

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10 Tips for Personality Development for Kids

Parenting is not only a challenging task but also very essential for the baby’s future. On a regular basis, you must learn and deal with a variety of issues that you have never seen or studied about before. Every child is born with a distinct personality, but the environment in which the child is reared also has a significant impact on personality development for kids.

As a parent, it is your responsibility to make sure that your child grows up in a supportive atmosphere that can aid in their learning and understanding of the world. It is the ongoing duty of parents, teachers, and other adults to help children develop positive personality aspects. Continue reading for tips on moulding a child’s character into a positive personality right from childhood.

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Personality affects one’s general outlook on life and behaviour as well as work performance. The overall structure of a person’s personality is made up of a variety of traits and physical characteristics, including cognitive patterns, attitudes, behaviours, ability to communicate, and physical aspects. 

In between the years of three and six, you can observe your child’s personality evolving. It is now appropriate to instil in them moral principles and behaviours that will help children develop into good people. As children imitate and learn from their parent’s behaviour, you become the single most important influencer on personality development for kids.

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Life skillsCommunication skillsAppearanceLeadership skillsPhone etiquette
Positive attitude,Interpersonal skills, anger/stress management, self presentation, personal hygiene, concentration, hosting, social behaviourPublic speaking, presentation, confidence, body language, story telling, conversingPersonal hygiene, grooming, neat clothes, body language, expressionsInitiate talking, decision making, time management, peer pressure handling, positive attitudeMaking a phone call, receiving a call, remembering and noting important messages
Major Skills in Personality development for kids

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Improving communication skills:

A big element of personality development is communication skill. Your child’s verbal and nonverbal communication skills, vocabulary, and pronunciation all grow with personality development. People are more open to what your child says when they communicate effectively, which is crucial for their future professional and personal lives.

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Positive attitude: 

A person can succeed in life by maintaining a positive attitude. You may give your child the ability to approach life with an attitude of not giving up by fostering good attitudes in them from an early age through personality development.

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A positive personality boosts one’s self-confidence. It is simpler for your youngster to be less worried when meeting new people when they are well-groomed, aware of what to say and how to act.

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The most successful people all share a high level of self-motivation. The appropriate mindset must be fostered in children as part of personality development in order for them to achieve their life’s main goal.

Social behaviour: 

Personality development for kids aids in their social adjustment. Additionally, it gives kids the confidence they need to face difficulties like finding friends, dealing with bullies, asserting themselves, and coping with peer pressure and social anxiety.

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Children who are developing their personalities are more likely to be focused and efficient. It helps people prioritise their jobs and do them efficiently in order to get the best results. 


1. Listen to them: 

Children constantly seek attention. Children get increasingly independent as they age. Toddlers and preschoolers frequently speak more to express themselves, especially when their language abilities are still growing. As parents, you can patiently hear their tales and instil in them a sense of trust and security. This builds their confidence and sets an example for them to be good listeners as well.

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2. Don’t judge:

You want your person ’s attitude to grow independently from yours and other people’s opinions. Therefore, try to avoid giving your child labels like “hard,” “dramatic,” “sensitive,” “shy,” “egotistical,” or “bossy.”

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3. Accept their failures and support: 

Many parents have high expectations for their kids’ performance in every activity. When children fall short of their expectations, parents often blame them for their disappointment by saying that they do not have the capabilities. As parents, you must recognise and nurture each child’s individual talent. Without eroding the child’s self-confidence, you can gently help them to correct their flaws.

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4. Give attention:

Keep a close watch on your child’s actions and how they react to the circumstances they find themselves in. Additionally, pay close attention to their actions and interests.

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5. Don’t compare:

Making comparisons between your child and other friends, family members, and neighbours might seriously harm your child’s individuality. A child who is constantly compared to someone else begins to feel inadequate. Children start imitating others when they get uncertain about who they are. Unquestionably, the first and most important step in boosting a child’s confidence and instilling confidence in them is embracing their uniqueness.

6. Encourage play time:

Your child’s emotional, physical, and cerebral development largely depends on play. They learn teamwork, social skills, resolution of disputes, and other life skills through play. They learn to make decisions, advocate for themselves, and create, explore, and take the lead through play.

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7. Reduce screen time:

Many modern parents struggle with electronics. Studies have demonstrated that children’s intellectual and social development is hampered by too much screen usage. The addictive nature of playing video games on mobile devices reduces social contact time. 

To keep your child away from devices and offer him a more in-depth understanding of the world around him, spend more time with him playing games and going on trips. Teach your child to prefer real life experiences and interactions over the virtual objects he sees.

Also check, How to reduce screen time in kids?

8. Support independence: 

Typically, parents focus so much on nurturing and caring for their kids that they forget how important it is to teach them to be independent. It’s crucial to instil responsibility in children. 

Begin by assigning children modest tasks like packing their bags for school, clearing up their toys after games, and completing their homework with little to no monitoring. The child feels more accomplished and their sense of responsibility is boosted.

9. Explain the rules:

Children’s understanding will improve if their duties are made clear to them. When parents don’t make clear what they expect from their kids, they frequently blame them for disobeying. 

The toddler learns to match his actions with the expectations when the rules are clear. Children may need some time to adjust to the rules, but consistent commitment to a code of conduct eventually causes it to become a habit.

10. Be gentle:

It will be worse for you and the child if you physically punish your youngster or shout at him for his errors. Children frequently take scolding to heart and fail to recognise the necessary corrective response. 

The only method to successfully influence their thinking is to patiently explain the implications of their misconduct. Your youngster will comply when you yell at him out of fear and doesn’t realise what will happen as a result. He learns the cause-and-effect relationship when you explain it to him, or occasionally when you let him feel the effects of your actions.

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Home remedies to remove tan: Types and concerns

home remedies to remove tan
home remedies to remove tan

Summer and vacations are fun but no one likes to return back having their skin striped like a zebra. Hanging out at the beach or an open pool feels amazing until you realize that you have got two tons of skin! Yes, skin tan it is! But, don’t you worry, there are effective home remedies to remove tan.

Tanned skin is a beauty problem faced by almost every individual including kids too. Scorching heat and the blazing sun rays make your skin appear dull and tanned. Mild exposure to sun is important in the synthesis of vitamin D but excess is harmful. It not only tans the skin but also results in dark spots, premature ageing, loses luster and hyperpigmentation.

Effects of tanning vary according to the skin types. It’s a simple science behind why tanning occurs. Let’s learn more!

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What is tanning and how does it happen?

Tanning is a natural process of the body where it protects the skin from sun damage. Sun exposure increases the production of melanin which leads to tanning or darker skin appearance. (Food for glowing skin)

The sun rays comprise 2 types of the rays i.e., UVA and UVB. UVA is responsible for the sun tan whereas UVB causes skin burn by affecting the upper layer of the skin.

UVA goes deep into the lower layers where it triggers melanocytes cells to produce melanin. The more is the exposure to the UV radiations; more melanin is produced and darker the skins appear. Even though sun tan protects the skin from UV rays, it is a sign of skin damage.

The areas that are most prone to sun tan are: Face, arms, neck, back, hands, legs and feet.

Types of skin tan:

There are different types of tans based on the skin type and reaction to the sun. According to the Fitzpatrick skin prototypes, the tans are classified as below:

Skin Color Sun Exposure reactionsTanning Levels
Pale WhiteEasily burnsDoes not tan
WhiteUsually burnsTans with difficulty
BeigeBurns moderatelyTans uniformly
Light brownBurns hardlyTans to moderate brown
BrownRare burnsTans very easily
Dark brown or blackNever burnsTans profusely
Fitzpatrick skin prototypes


Wouldn’t it be amazing to find a de-tan in your kitchen itself? Tan removal remedies at home by using natural ingredients that do wonders to your skin. Mentioned below are few handy home remedies for tan removal.


Tomato is a rich source of lycopene, antioxidants and vitamin C. The former acts as a natural sunscreen and the latter two accelerates the collagen growth and prevents the skin from sunburn and pollution. Moreover, it helps in regeneration of cells. It’s also considered as of the easiest home remedies of sunburn.

Take a slice of tomato. Add some sugar to it. Rub on the skin gently.  Leave for 10-25 mins. Rinse.

Also check, Antioxidant rich foods

Gram Flour and turmeric:

This is considered as one of grandma’s best home remedies to remove tan. Gram flour is responsible for skin exfoliation, lightening and anti-ageing. It is also used to remove tan from neck, arms, hands and legs. Turmeric is believed to have skin lightening properties and also have antiseptic and antibacterial properties.

Mix 2 spoons of gram flour, 1 spoon of turmeric, 1 spoon of raw milk, ½ spoon of honey and 1-2 spoons of lemon juice. Apply this paste on the affected areas. Scrub well. And then rinse off. Pat dry and apply Aloe Vera gel.

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It is one of the ideal de-tan remedies. It contains an enzyme papain, which helps in skin lightening. Mash a slice of papaya and mix well with 1 tablespoon of honey. Apply on the skin and leave for 20 mins. Wash well.

Potato and Lemon Juice:

Both lemon and potato juice have bleaching properties. It helps effectively in removing tan. Care must be taken that lemon juice must always be used in the diluted form. If you are using any citrus product on the skin, don’t forget to apply sunscreen while stepping out.

Mix potato and lemon juice. With a cotton swab apply it to affected areas and massage well. Leave it for 30 mins. Wash well. You can also add sugar for mild scrubbing action.

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Honey and curd:

Honey has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Besides, the antioxidants present helps to heal the sun damage. Similarly, the natural acids present in the curd act as a bleaching agent. It exfoliates the skin. Together, they make the skin light, soft and supple.

Mix 2-3 tablespoons of curd with 1 tablespoon of honey. Mix and apply as a thick layer. Rest it for 10-15 mins. Wash with lukewarm water.

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Oatmeal and buttermilk:

Oatmeal exfoliates and cleanses the skin while buttermilk helps in removing the tan. It improves the skin tone and softens the skin too.

Soak 3 spoons of oatmeal for 15 minutes. Add 2-3 spoons of freshly made buttermilk. Add 1 tablespoon of honey. Mix well. Apply on the face. Rub in circular motion. Leave it for 15-20 minutes. Rinse well with lukewarm water.

Aloe Vera:

Aloe Vera is almost used to treat every skin complexion. On the whole, it has anti-inflammatory properties that helps sooth skin that is tanned. It lightens the skin and protects it from damage caused by UV radiations.

Apply the aloe vera gel overnight. Rinse well in the morning.

Cucumber And Milk:

Cucumber is a rich source of vitamin C and antioxidants. It aids in skin rejuvenation, eliminating tan, soothes skin and keeps the skin clean. Whereas milk helps in skin brightening and lightening. Moreover, together they act as an effective de-tanning remedy.

Blend cucumber juice and raw milk. Apply on the skin and leave for 20 mins. Wash well.

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Fuller’s earth:

This has been an ancient home remedy to remove tanning. It soothes the burn and makes the skin radiant.

Mix Multani Mitti (Fuller’s earth) and rose water. Make a smooth paste. Apply a layer on the affected skin. Let it dry. Wash with warm water.

How long do tans last?

Usually, the lifespan of the tan is decided based on the skin type. The frequency of skin regeneration also affects tan’s lasting time. Generally speaking, it lasts for around 8-10 days. After that the outer layer of the skin begins to shed off naturally, thus removing the tan.

How to protect sun tan:

  • Apply and reapply sunscreen after certain intervals
  • Use sunglasses and hats
  • Wear protective clothing
  • Stay hydrated
  • Seek shades if possible
  • Exfoliate your skin at regular intervals if you’re exposed to sun for a longer time

Both UVA and UVB rays may cause severe skin issues if the skin is exposed to this radiation to a greater extent. UVA goes deeper inside the skin and may damage a person’s immune system. It leads to a type of skin cancer called Melanoma. Correspondingly, UVB exposure increases the danger of causing other 2 types of skin cancer namely, basal and squamous cell carcinoma.

Exposure to UVB rays also increases your danger of getting two other types of skin cancer: basal and squamous cell carcinoma.

It is always recommended to protect your skin from these radiations. 


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