Breast milk HMOs: A Nature’s wonder

Breast milk

Breastfeeding is a gift that only you can give your baby. It has its own health benefits for both mother and child. Health organisations all over the globe consider human breast milk as the best source of nourishment to aid early life development. Breast milk is also considered as a “golden standard” for baby’s nutrition. Do you understand why breast milk is regarded as a beneficial dietary source? What qualities does breast milk possess that make it such a highly rated option? Keep reading to understand more about the components of breast milk.

WHATSAPP for concerns like Speech Delay, Low Weight, Frequent Illness, Hyperactivity, Low Concentration, Weak Eyesight, Improper Sleep, Pigmentation, Pores, Face Marks, Fine Lines, Lactation etc.

What are Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMOs)?

Breast milk is uniquely suitable for the newborn child’s nutritional needs and it also contains immunological and anti-inflammatory compounds that protect the child against various diseases. It is also easily digested so there is no problem of constipation, diarrhoea and also upset stomach in babies. Several biomolecules are found in breast milk. Among them, breast milk has a very significant and unique component known as human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs). After lipids and lactose, HMOs are the third most prevalent solid component of breast milk. HMOs are a collection of complex, non-digestible sugars that are both structurally and functionally varied. Approximately, 150 HMOs have been discovered in breast milk.

Also check, Foods to increase the breast milk supply

Types of HMOs

Three primary HMO forms are present in human breast milk:

Types Amount present (%)Example
Neutral or Fucosylated HMO35-50%2′-fucosyllactose (2′-FL)
Neutral Non-fucosylated HMO45-55%lacto-N-neotetraose (LNnT)
Acid or Sialylated HMO12-14%2′-sialyllactose

Every woman produces breast milk with a different level of HMO. The moms’ regional and genetic backgrounds are some of the elements that influence the quantity and type of HMOs.

Also check, Breastfeeding schedule for babies

Role of HMOs

Benefits the gut microbiota

HMOs are unique prebiotics that are discovered in human breast milk. HMOs have been scientifically proven to have a favourable impact on the microbiota in breastfed infants. It feeds all the good bacteria in the intestine. 70-80% of immune cells are located in the gut. Beneficial gut microbes produce bacteriocins which are antimicrobial compounds capable of eradicating pathogenic bacteria.

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Protect the intestinal cells

The first line of immunity is thought to be the quality and efficiency of the intestinal barrier. HMOs aid in the strengthening of the barrier by preventing harmful bacteria from adhering to the gut barrier. According to studies, HMOs speed up the development of intestinal cells.

Also check, Foremilk and Hindmilk imbalance

Regulates immune system

As HMOs are specific, they instruct a baby’s immune system when and how to fight an infection. They regulate the immunological responses by suppressing inflammatory responses and also strengthen the baby’s immune system.

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Brain development

HMOs and their byproducts, such as sialic acid, play a part in brain development, nerve cell formation and transmission of nerve signals. Sialic acid, a crucial component found in HMOs, helps in improving cognition, focus, concentration and memory of an individual.

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Food that can help to improve the quality of breast milk


Fenugreek is one of the most effective meals for increasing milk production and also its quality. It is the finest galactagogue ( foods for increasing breast milk).  It helps in activating the mammary glands to boost the production of breast milk.

Also check,Nuts and seeds that help with milk production


Moringa is also a powerful galactagogue. It was reported to have a positive impact on breast milk production and also its quality. It’s packed with nutrients essential for nursing moms and also newborn babies. Though it is ideal to ingest fresh moringa leaves, soaking moringa powder in water and consuming it can also ensure the absorption of nutrients much more efficiently.

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This Ayurvedic herb has been used to help women with breastfeeding concerns. It possesses qualities that aid in the production of prolactin and corticoids, which aid in the increase of breast milk, and so enhance lactation and also breast milk quality.

Also check, How shatavari improve fertility?


Ginger is utilised for its health advantages in addition to giving flavour to a variety of dishes and beverages. It is a well-known natural galactagogue among nursing mothers. There is, however, evidence to support ginger’s effectiveness in enhancing breast milk volume and also its quality.

Also check, Tips to manage pregnancy related gastrointestinal issues

5. NUTS:

Nuts like peanuts, Almonds, Cashew, and Hazelnut provide energy for a breastfeeding mother to stay active throughout the day. It is the best snack to include in a breastfeeding mother’s diet. These nuts help to boost milk production. Also, consuming nuts new study suggested that the consumption of nuts while breastfeeding can help to protect babies from developing allergies. Nuts are considered one of the best foods for increasing breast milk.

Also check,Best nuts and seeds


Seeds like melon, sesame, and pumpkin help in milk production. Sesame is a rich source of calcium which is the most important nutrient for breastfeeding mothers. Pumpkin seeds are a natural source of DHA and alpha-linolenic acid which helps in boosting milk volume.

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Iron and essential minerals like potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus are abundant in jaggery. It helps in the build-up of milk in the breast. Eating it with a piece of Garlic can help boost breast milk production and enhance its quality.

Also check, Growth Spurts in Kids


For hundreds of years, this golden spice has been utilised in Ayurvedic medicine as the best galactagogue (the food that boosts milk production).  Hence, turmeric may help nursing mothers by increasing milk production, relieving pain, and also lowering depression.

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Vitamin E is only transferred to the foetus through the placenta during pregnancy, therefore breast milk is the only source of this nutrient for exclusively breastfed newborns. This is an important strategy to provide the infant with antioxidant protection while also stimulating immune system development.

Also check, Benefits of vitamin E


It is a natural fat emulsifier that can aid to lessen the “thickness and stickiness” of milk. It may also help release existing fatty blockages, boosting milk flow, quality and also quantity of milk supply.

Also check, Tips to prevent clogged ducts


It’s chocolate, but it’s healthy!!! It can assist nursing mothers in increasing their milk production. It not only delivers excellent nutrition to enhance a nursing mother’s milk production, but it also gives a slew of additional health advantages to a new mother.

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Cinnamon promotes the flow of mother’s milk. For milk stimulation, combine honey, milk, and cinnamon powder. Also having honey and cinnamon is therefore not only healthful but is also a fantastic choice for increasing milk production.

Also, check Role of Prebiotics and Probiotics in Digestion


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to improve the quality and quantity of breast milk in breast feeding moms and helps in postpartum recovery. To know more about mom ayurvedic foods –SHOP HERE.

2 tablespoons of Milk Jaggery Spread will help to boost milk supply, quality, supply & mothers’ and baby’s health.

foods for breast milk

India’s First Easy Effective Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

For Boosting Milk Quality and Quantity in Nursing Moms and Recovery, give Milk Jaggery Spread | 0% preservatives | 0% refined sugar | 0% palm oil | Fortified with SHATAVARI, METHI, MORINGA, GINGER | Contains CALCIUM, FOLIC, IRON PROTEIN, BIOTIN, VIT D, B12 | ORDER |


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Breastfeeding schedule: A guide for feeding your baby


Are you a new mother who is unsure of how long to breastfeed your newborn? Do you know how frequently you need to nurse your baby? Have you noticed that your baby seems to be more hungry than usual? When you are a new parent, finding out the reason behind your baby’s crying can look like a mystery. The good news is that part of the mystery can be avoided by carefully following the breastfeeding schedule. Here is the breastfeeding schedule that new moms can follow during the first year of babies. Keep reading to find more details.

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Importance of breastfeeding

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) strongly recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life and to continue it for at least 12 months. Breastfeeding is a good choice for both babies and mothers. For babies, it can protect against infections and reduce the rates of future health problems like diabetes, obesity, and asthma. For mothers, breastfeeding helps the uterus to contract and bleeding to cease more quickly after delivery.  Breastfeeding also reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancer and also provides a great way for mothers to bond with their babies. You can either feed the baby directly or pump your milk and use a bottle to feed the baby.

Also check, Nutritional needs for breastfeeding moms

Breastfeeding schedule for babies

Every baby is unique. Newborns start growing very quickly as soon as they are born. While every baby’s feeding requirements may vary slightly depending on their weight, age, and other aspects, the majority of moms will adhere to a regular breastfeeding schedule. Knowing how much to feed your newborn baby is very difficult. Let your baby decide how much he/she wants to drink. You should not feed forcefully. Consult your doctor if required. Guide to feed your newborn:

AgeWhat to feedAmount feedFeeding frequency/day
0-1 monthsBreastmilk45-90 ml every 2 to 3 hours8 to 12 times
(on demand )
1-2 monthsBreastmilk120 ml every 3 to 4 hours 6 to 8 times 
2-4 monthsBreastmilk120-180 ml every 3 to 4 hours6 to 7 times
4-6 monthsBreastmilk120-230 ml every 3 to 4 hours6 to 7 times
6-9 monthsBreastmilk+
Fruit and 
vegetable purees
180-230 ml every 3 to 4 hours+
2 to 4 teaspoons of solids
5 to 6 times
9-12 monthsBreastmilk+
Dairy products
180-230 ml every 4 hours+
3 to 4 teaspoons of solids
5 to 6 times

Also check, Foremilk and Hindmilk imbalance

Guide for new moms for feeding a baby during first year

Here is a guide for new moms to breastfeed a baby according to the age:

1.Feeding schedule for newborns:
  • The belly of your newborn baby is really small. For each feed, he or she doesn’t require more milk to feel full.
  • Your infant might have the urge to eat every one to three hours. 
  • Regular breastfeedings encourage your infant to practise sucking and swallowing while also helping to boost your breast milk supply.

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Tips for breastfeeding a newborn
  • Make sure your child latches on comfortably. It can be challenging at first, especially for new mothers, but eventually your baby might start to latch more easily
  • Calculate the interval between breastfeeding 
  • Each time you feed, switch between the breasts.
  • You might need to nurse more frequently when your baby gets bigger.
  • Keep an eye out for your baby’s fullness cues. 
  • Finish the feeding when your baby feel disengaged 

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2. Breastfeeding schedule for 3 month old babies

It can be challenging to make little changes once you and your infant have established a routine. You will need to modify your baby’s feeding plan as he/she develops and her nutritional requirements alter.

  • Your child will start to become more active at 3 months, start to nurse less frequently, and possibly sleep through the night for extended amounts of time.
  • Your baby is likely to receive the proper nutrients if you notice the weight gain and growth at a regular rate.
  • Another excellent way to tell if a baby is eating properly is by counting how many of his diapers are wet. An infant needs four to six wet diapers each day on average.

Also check, Best foods to increase breast milk supply

3. Feeding schedule for 6 month old babies

Based on the physical development of the baby, the solids are introduced. Firstly, proper development of digestive enzymes is required. The digestive enzymes in the stomach develop between 4 to 6 months and it aids in digestion. Early introduction of solids before proper development of digestive enzymes leads to more digestive problems and food allergies. Secondly, good head and neck control is required to easily accept solids, chew and swallow them. In addition to this, you can introduce solids when your child shows interest in food or is still hungry after being breastfed. You can design a meal plan or food chart for your baby and follow it. Since milk is still the prime source of nutrition to the babies, introduce solids between the milk feeds.

Also check, 6 month baby food chart

4. Feeding schedule for 7 to 9 month old:

At 7 to 9 months, it can be advantageous to increase the types and amount of solid meals in your baby’s diet. 

  • Your baby might only require four to five midday feedings at this point.
  • Introduce different flavours and varieties of food to your baby by pureeing them with only one component, then slowly introduce combos to his meals.
  • As your baby’s body grows and needs solid foods for nutrition, he or she may gradually start to wean off breast milk.

There are two approaches to weaning from breastfeeding namely traditional approach and Baby Led Weaning approach. 

  • In Traditional weaning for babies approach, you feed your baby and gradually introduce solid foods. You will begin with smooth purees before moving to mashed and chopped foods, then finger foods and finally small bites. 
  • In the Baby led weaning approach, babies are encouraged to self-feed from the start. You can introduce solid foods as finger foods and allow your child to explore solids at their own pace. 

Also check, Tips to wean off a baby

5. Feeding schedule for 9 to 12 month old

Around 9 months of age, the food schedule of a baby should consist of three proper meals a day with one or two healthy snacks in between. These snacks can include fruits, finger foods, or any light preparations. In spite of this your baby still needs breast milk or formula milk as an important part of his/her meal plan. Milk is the most essential source of protein and at this age the baby needs ample protein as it is the building block of the body.

Also check, Feeding schedule for 9 to 10 months old

6. Feeding schedule for 1 year old
  • The fact that your kid can now consume more food in a single sitting may be causing him to eat less frequently.
  • Provide your 1 year old with generally three meals and two to three snacks each day.
  • A toddler may breastfeed one or more times each day.
  • Some mothers prefer to nurse just at night or in the day.

Also check, Foods for 1 year old

Foods that help to meet the nutritional needs of breastfeeding moms


Fenugreek is one of the most effective meals for increasing milk supply and quality. It helps in adding vitamin A, B1, B2, C and calcium to activate the mammary glands to boost the production of breast milk which helps to increase weight in newborns. 

Also check, Nuts and seeds that help with milk production


Moringa is rich in iron, vital for a nursing mom. It helps in restoring the lost blood during labour. Also, Moringa, being high in Vitamin K, aids in blood coagulation. It is very beneficial for ladies who are experiencing heavy postpartum bleeding. Consuming moringa leaves can also assist with labour discomfort. The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial characteristics can help in removing uterine sluggishness following birth.

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This Ayurvedic herb has been used to help women with breastfeeding concerns, aids cellular damage, boosts immunity, and helps with constipation. Shatavari has antidepressant chemicals as well. As a result, it can help to prevent postpartum depression or anxiety, which are common among nursing moms.

Also check, How shatavari helps to improve fertility


Breastfeeding women who wish to produce a good milk supply or maintain their supply might benefit from consuming ginger.It is widely administered to women in the early postpartum period to aid in the healing process.Digestive enzymes supplied to the infant through breast milk may help digestion in a baby’s undeveloped stomach, alleviating colic symptoms in newborns.

Also, check How to gain weight for kids?

5. NUTS:

Nuts like peanuts, Almonds, Cashew, and Hazelnut are packed with protein and fibre. It is rich in micronutrients like zinc, iron, copper, and folic acid. Some people are concerned about the high-fat content of nuts, although the majority of the fat is “healthy” monounsaturated fat. These nuts help to boost milk production. These are a reasonably good source of proteins and also healthy fats, ensuring a healthy weight gain for the baby.

Also check, Best nuts and seeds


During the first two years of life, the brain grows at its fastest. As a result, the crucial fatty acid DHA, which promotes brain development, is a key component of breast milk. Moms may ensure that their milk is full of omega-3 fatty acids by consuming omega-3 fatty acid-rich foods such as ground flax seeds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds.

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Iron and essential minerals like potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus are abundant in jaggery. It helps in the build-up of milk in the breast. Eating it with a piece of Garlic can help boost breast milk production.

Also, check Growth Spurts in Kids


For hundreds of years, this golden spice has been utilised in Ayurvedic medicine as the best galactagogue (the food that boosts milk production).  Hence, Turmeric may help nursing mothers by increasing milk production, boosting immunity, relieving pain, and lowering depression.

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Vitamin E is only transferred to the foetus through the placenta during pregnancy, therefore breast milk is the only source of this nutrient for exclusively breastfed newborns. This is an important strategy to provide the infant with antioxidant protection while also stimulating immune system development. A strong immune system is also responsible for healthy weight gain.

Also check, Benefits of Vitamin E for skin and hair


It is a natural fat emulsifier that can aid to lessen the “thickness and stickiness” of milk. It may also help release existing fatty blockages, boosting milk flow and quantity of milk supply.

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It’s chocolate, but it’s healthy!!! It can assist nursing mothers in increasing their milk production. It not only delivers excellent nutrition to enhance a nursing mother’s milk production, but it also gives a slew of additional health advantages to a new mother.

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Cinnamon promotes the flow of mother’s milk. For milk stimulation, combine honey, milk, and cinnamon powder. Having honey and cinnamon is therefore not only healthful but is also a fantastic choice for increasing milk production.

Also, check Role of Prebiotics and Probiotics in Digestion


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to improve the quality and quantity of breast milk in breast feeding moms and helps in postpartum recovery. To know more about mom ayurvedic foods –SHOP HERE.

2 tablespoons of Milk Jaggery Spread will help to boost milk supply, quality, supply & mothers’ and baby’s health.

foods for breast milk

India’s First Easy Effective Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

For Boosting Milk Quantity and quality in Nursing Moms and Recovery, give Milk Jaggery Spread | 0% preservatives | 0% refined sugar | 0% palm oil | Fortified with SHATAVARI, METHI, MORINGA, GINGER | Contains CALCIUM, FOLIC, IRON PROTEIN, BIOTIN, VIT D, B12 | ORDER |


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Foremilk and Hind milk imbalance: How to fix it?

hind milk

Mother’s milk or breastmilk is the very first food the baby consumes after birth. From immunity to nutrient intake and balance, mother’s milk provides all of it to the baby. Breast milk is generally known to have two components – foremilk and hindmilk. Hence, any imbalance in the composition of foremilk and hind milk can badly affect the health of the baby. Read more to understand what is foremilk and hind milk imbalance and ways to overcome them.

WHATSAPP for concerns like Speech Delay, Low Weight, Frequent Illness, Hyperactivity, Low Concentration, Weak Eyesight, Improper Sleep, Pigmentation, Pores, Face Marks, Fine Lines , Lactation etc.

What are hind milk and fore milk?

Hindmilk and foremilk are not at all separate milk. These terms indicate the time of feeding whether in the beginning or end of feeding the baby. The breast milk that the infant receives at the beginning of a nursing session is referred to as foremilk; it contains less fat and more water. As breastfeeding continues, the amount of breast milk decreases and its fatty content steadily rises. The hindmilk is the breast milk that is produced at the end of the nursing session and has a lower volume but a much higher fat content. 


What is hind milk and foremilk imbalance?

Hindmilk and foremilk imbalance is a condition where breast milk does not have a good mixture of hindmilk and foremilk for feeding the baby.

Usually, the mother’s breast produces only one type of milk which is naturally rich in fat. But, as the feeding is continued, the amount of fat in the breast milk varies. When the milk is produced in the breast, the globules of the fat in the milk stick to each other and move towards the walls of the alveoli. When there is a gap between the feedings, the milk gets collected inside the breast and then slowly moves towards the nipples leaving behind the fat in the milk ducts. When there is more gap between the two feedings, the fat content in the milk reduces in comparison with the fat content at the beginning of the feeding.

Also check, 11 Foods to increase breast size

Causes of hind milk and foremilk imbalance:

When the baby is breastfed in the proper manner, it receives a good mixture of hindmilk and foremilk. However, the baby when too hungry and quickly drinks the milk, or when the baby switches between breasts, there will not be proper mixing of foremilk and hindmilk and as a result, the baby consumes more foremilk than the hindmilk.


Symptoms of hindmilk and foremilk imbalance:

1. Baby when passes blood in poop:

When there is foremilk and hindmilk imbalance while baby feeds, there is more pressure on the digestive system. They may pass gas which causes their sensitive anal area and intestine to be pressurized frequently. This might result in the blood spots occuring in the poop of the baby.


2. Regular and Repetitive Problems of digestion:

Milk imbalance usually causes digestion problems regularly. The major evidence for that is gastric problem. Babies may fart more often and burp many times in this case.

3. Reduced weight:

Breast milk forms a strong foundation for a baby’s nutrition as it facilitates weight gain and builds the fat necessary to keep the body warm and immune. But, as the hindmilk contains more of these nutrients than the foremilk, any imbalance in their composition may result in reduced weight of the baby.


4. Required to feed more frequently:

As the hindmilk has more fat, it fills up the stomach of the baby and makes him feel satisfied. If there is no hindmilk, the foremilk which is thin and light cannot satisfy the baby and the baby demands to be fed more and more.

5. Occurrence of diaper rashes:

The hindmilk and foremilk imbalance changes the whole milk’s nature. It may result in slightly acidic milk, resulting in difficulties in pooping, leading to diaper rashes.

6. Gastric Problems:

The baby may suffer from stomach pain due to gas, and sometimes colic attacks. Some babies release gas by farting and burping but others may not do that. As a result, the stomach muscles may tighten and spasm, and your child may tend to cry loudly, and may sleep in a foetal position to relieve the pain. It may also result in a swollen belly.

7. Babies may poop immediately after being breastfed:

In case of an imbalance of hindmilk and foremilk, there will be a larger amount of foremilk which hardly gives the stomach and intestines any time to do their work. Milk now passes directly forward, resulting in immediate bowel movement and poop.

8. Unnatural texture and nature of poop:

A Baby’s poop indicates how healthy the child is and whether or not the baby is receiving the right nutrition. Breast milk, if imbalanced, will contain more lactose than usual. The baby’s poop may get a green tint and liquid nature rather than solid.

How to combat foremilk and hind milk imbalance?

Give Breastfeeding the Time and Patience it Deserves:

For most of the mothers and every baby, breastfeeding is a new experience. After many trials and errors, both will adjust to each other’s preferences, positions, and time schedules and finally end up on the one that works for both. So, it’s important for both baby and mother to be patient so that the breastfeeding experience is comfortable.

Pump Out a Little Milk Before Breastfeeding Your Baby:

Foremilk comes first before the fatty hindmilk. Hence, it’s important to pump out some of it before feeding the baby if it is getting full by the foremilk itself. This would frame a good balance of both foremilk and hindmilk, enabling the baby the right kind of nutrition.

Having a break in between breastfeeding cycles:

It’s common for many moms to finish one breast’s milk before switching to the other. This gap is much more before continuing the feeding by the other breast. It’s good to make the child burp and then giving him some rest ensures that he can feed for a longer time and mom can get a good proportion of hindmilk, too.

Trying different breastfeeding positions:

In cases of milk imbalance, lying on your side helps to provide a good flow of milk, also helps the baby to take a small nap in between feeding, and makes him drink more. Otherwise, you can lie down and place the baby on top of you or adopt an upright position of sitting, which helps to give the baby more control over feeding.


Initiate Breastfeeding the Moment Your Baby Is Hungry:

If the child is hungry for a longer time, it will become more aggressive and his breastfeeding will be devouring. This may result in drinking higher foremilk compared to hindmilk. Immediately feed him once you understand he is hungry and he will get both kinds of milk in the right proportion.

Extend Your Feeding Duration as Much as Possible:

The breastfeeding cycle of a baby can be compared to a three-course meal. The foremilk increases the appetite, whereas the hind milk supplies the majority of the proportion of a meal. Biologically, the hindmilk may take some time to start flowing from your breast. Hence, by increasing your breastfeeding time frame, you can make sure a fulfilled meal for your baby each time.


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Eye, Brain development, Bone strength and overall growth to kids without any fuss. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods –SHOP HERE.

foods for breast milk

India’s First Easy Effective Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

For Boosting Milk Quality in Nursing Moms, give Milk Jaggery Spread | 0% preservatives | 0% refined sugar | 0% palm oil | Fortified with SHATAVARI, METHI, MORINGA, GINGER | Contains CALCIUM, FOLIC, IRON PROTEIN, BIOTIN, VIT D, B12 | ORDER |

Parent reviews:

Some parents have been kind enough to share their journey with us. Let’s hear them to closely understand the benefits of Ayurvedic spreads by Iyurved.


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Nutritional Needs for Breastfeeding Moms

diet for breastfeeding moms

Breastfeeding is one of the most nutritionally demanding times in a woman’s life, particularly during the first three months of lactation. During this time, a woman needs a rich supply of protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats and more. But exactly which foods provide the nutrients her body — and her growing baby — need? Read on to learn more about nutritional requirements and diet for breastfeeding moms, which help their kid grow and maintain a healthy weight.

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diet for breastfeeding moms

Nutritional needs in lactation:

It is always vital to have a nutritious diet, but it is more crucial during nursing.

Breastfeeding consumes a significant amount of both energy and nutrients. It’s critical that diet for breastfeeding moms includes the following nutrients:

  • Calcium
  • Iodine
  • Iron
  • Vitamin D and
  • Other vitamins

For adequate breast milk production, to meet the nutritional needs of the infant and for your own health and well-being, you require these nutrients. Consume a diverse range of healthful meals on a daily basis.


During the first six months, the diet for breastfeeding moms requires an additional 550 kcal per day. Although the milk supply is lowered when an Indian woman continues to lactate beyond six months, an additional 400 kcal per day is required from six to twelve months.


Diet for breastfeeding moms must include more protein than non-lactating mothers. During the 0 to 6 month and 6 to 12 month periods of breastfeeding, an extra protein of 16.8g per day and 12g per day should be added to the diet, respectively.

For optimum milk production, enough amounts of high-quality protein (milk, cheese, paneer, curds, poultry, eggs, cereal pulse combinations, nuts) should be provided in the diet.

Milk volume will be reduced if protein and calories are insufficient in the diet. However, if very little protein is consumed, the quantity of casein (milk protein) may be lowered as well.


To achieve necessary fatty acid requirements, extra fat should be consumed. This proportion of fat in the diet would offer sufficient energy density to meet the greater energy requirements of nursing women.


Nursing mothers are estimated to lose 3-5 percent of their bone mass. This occurs due to the baby’s increasing calcium need. To acquire the recommended intake of 1,000 mg per day, the mother should consume at least 3 to 4 servings of calcium-rich foods each day (milk, yoghurt, sardines, almonds, spinach, or tofu).


During breastfeeding, no extra iron is required. Because milk is a poor supplier of this mineral, the baby is born with sufficient stores. The extra iron in the diet of breastfeeding moms does not pass on to the baby, but iron-rich foods are crucial for the mother’s health. Try to include foods like dairy products, eggs, seafood, or iodized table salt.


It is necessary for bone formation because it aids calcium absorption. Breastfeeding women require 400 IU of vitamin D every day. Vitamin D can also be found in cereals, eggs, orange juice, fortified milk, yoghurt and other foods.

Vitamin needs rise with those for calories, proteins, and calcium during breastfeeding. The key vitamins required in higher amounts at this time include vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, C, folic acid, and vitamin B12.


2 tablespoons of Milk Jaggery Spread will help to boost milk quality, supply and meet the nutritional requirements of the nursing moms and baby.

diet for breastfeeding moms

India’s First Easy Effective Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

For Healthy Nutrition for Nursing Moms and Baby, give Milk Jaggery Spread | 0% preservatives | 0% refined sugar | 0% palm oil | Fortified with SHATAVARI, METHI, MORINGA, GINGER | Contains CALCIUM, FOLIC, IRON PROTEIN, BIOTIN, VIT D, B12 | ORDER |

Foods that help to meet the nutritional needs of Breastfeeding moms:

1. Fenugreek:

Fenugreek is one of the most effective meals for increasing milk supply and quality. It helps in adding vitamin A, B1, B2, C and calcium to activate the mammary glands to boost the production of breast milk which helps to increase weight in newborns.  

Also check, Nuts and seeds that help with milk production

2. Moringa:

Moringa is rich in iron, vital for a nursing mom. It helps in restoring the lost blood during labour. Also, Moringa, being high in Vitamin K, aids in blood coagulation. It is very beneficial for ladies who are experiencing heavy postpartum bleeding. Consuming moringa leaves can also assist with labour discomfort. The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial characteristics can help in removing uterine sluggishness following birth.

Also, check 20 Best foods for Healthy Body and Hair

3. Shatavari:

This Ayurvedic herb has been used to help women with breastfeeding concerns, aids cellular damage, boosts immunity, and helps with constipation. Shatavari has antidepressant chemicals as well. As a result, it can help to prevent postpartum depression or anxiety, which are common among nursing moms.

4. Ginger:

Breastfeeding women who wish to produce a good milk supply or maintain their supply might benefit from consuming ginger.
It is widely administered to women in the early postpartum period to aid in the healing process.
Digestive enzymes supplied on to the infant through breast milk may help digestion in a baby’s undeveloped stomach, alleviating colic symptoms in newborns.

Also, check How to gain weight for kids?

5. Nuts:

Nuts like peanuts, Almonds, Cashew, and Hazelnut are packed with protein and fibre. It is rich in micronutrients like zinc, iron, copper, and folic acid. Some people are concerned about the high-fat content of nuts, although the majority of the fat is “healthy” monounsaturated fat. These nuts help to boost milk production. These are a reasonably good source of proteins and healthy fats, ensuring a healthy weight gain for the baby. 

Also check, Best nuts and seeds

6. Seeds:

During the first two years of life, the brain grows at its fastest. As a result, the crucial fatty acid DHA, which promotes brain development, is a key component of breast milk. Moms may ensure that their milk is full of omega-3 fatty acids by consuming omega-3 fatty acid-rich foods such as ground flax seeds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds.

Also, check Baby Poop Types and Colour: What does it mean?

7. Jaggery:

Iron and essential minerals like potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus are abundant in jaggery. It helps in the build-up of milk in the breast. Eating it with a piece of Garlic can help boost breast milk production.

Also, check Growth Spurts in Kids

8. Turmeric:

For hundreds of years, this golden spice has been utilised in Ayurvedic medicine as the best galactagogue (the food that boosts milk production).  Hence, Turmeric may help nursing mothers by increasing milk production, boosting immunity, relieving pain, and lowering depression.

9. Vitamin E:

Vitamin E is only transferred to the foetus through the placenta during pregnancy, therefore breast milk is the only source of this nutrient for exclusively breastfed newborns. This is an important strategy to provide the infant with antioxidant protection while also stimulating immune system development. A strong immune system is also responsible for healthy weight gain.

10. Sunflower lecithin:

It is a natural fat emulsifier that can aid to lessen the “thickness and stickiness” of milk. It may also help release existing fatty blockages, boosting milk flow and quantity of milk supply.

Also, check Hearing aids and Speech development

11. Cocoa solids:

It’s chocolate, but it’s healthy!!! It can assist nursing mothers in increasing their milk production. It not only delivers excellent nutrition to enhance a nursing mother’s milk production, but it also gives a slew of additional health advantages to a new mother.

12. Cinnamon:

Cinnamon promotes the flow of mother’s milk. For milk stimulation, combine honey, milk, and cinnamon powder. Having honey and cinnamon is therefore not only healthful but is also a fantastic choice for increasing milk production.

Also, check Role of Prebiotics and Probiotics in Digestion

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12 Best Foods to Boost Breast Milk Quality

foods for breast milk

Any mother would undoubtedly want to provide their child with the highest quality of everything in their life. And it all starts with breastfeeding – delivering the greatest and highest quality nutrients to her infant. Breast milk is a baby’s sole source of immune-boosting factors, protein, and other nutrients required for their overall growth. As long as you are healthy, the quality of your breast milk will be excellent for your baby. Continue reading to learn about foods for increasing breast milk quality so that it aids in a child’s healthy weight gain and growth. This read will tell you various evidence-based practices and foods that moms have used for ages.

foods for breast milk

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Importance of lactation in babies:

Breastfeeding is a gift that only you can give your baby. It has its own health benefits for both mother and child. Breast milk is uniquely suitable for the newborn child’s nutritional needs and it also contains immunological and anti-inflammatory compounds that protect the child against various diseases. It is also easily digested so there is no problem of constipation, diarrhoea or upset stomach in babies. Also check, Best milk for Babies

From the moment you conceive, the process of lactation begins, and hormonal changes send signals to the mammary gland to make milk preparation for the baby. Only having milk in the mammary gland is not enough, you have to maintain it. Therefore, the more you breastfeed your infant, the more milk your body produces.

Also check, 6 months baby food chart

HOW DOES Milk Jaggery Spread HELP to increase quality of milk?

2 tablespoons of Milk Jaggery Spread will help to boost milk quality, supply & mothers’ and baby’s health.

foods for breast milk

India’s First Easy Effective Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

For Boosting Milk Quality in Nursing Moms, give Milk Jaggery Spread | 0% preservatives | 0% refined sugar | 0% palm oil | Fortified with SHATAVARI, METHI, MORINGA, GINGER | Contains CALCIUM, FOLIC, IRON PROTEIN, BIOTIN, VIT D, B12 | ORDER |

Foods that help to increase the breast milk QUALITY:

Here are some best foods to increase breast milk supply and quality:

1. Fenugreek:

Fenugreek is one of the most effective meals for increasing milk production and its quality. It is the finest galactagogue ( foods for increase breast milk).  It helps in activating the mammary glands to boost the production of breast milk. Also check,Nuts and seeds that help with milk production

2. Moringa:

Moringa is also a powerful galactagogue. It was reported to have a positive impact on breast milk production and its quality. It’s packed with nutrients essential for nursing moms and newborn babies. Though it is ideal to ingest fresh moringa leaves, soaking moringa powder in water and consuming it can also ensure the absorption of nutrients much more efficiently.

Also, check 20 Best foods for Healthy Body and Hair

3. Shatavari:

This Ayurvedic herb has been used to help women with breastfeeding concerns. It possesses qualities that aid in the production of prolactin and corticoids, which aid in the increase of breast milk, and so enhance lactation and breast milk quality.

4. Ginger:

Ginger is utilised for its health advantages in addition to giving flavour to a variety of dishes and beverages. It is a well-known natural galactagogue among nursing mothers. There is, however, evidence to support ginger’s effectiveness in enhancing breast milk volume and its quality.

5. Nuts:

Nuts like peanuts, Almonds, Cashew, and Hazelnut provide energy for a breastfeeding mother to stay active throughout the day. It is the best snack to include in a breastfeeding mother’s diet. These nuts help to boost milk production. Also, consuming nuts new study suggested that the consumption of nuts while breastfeeding can help to protect babies from developing allergies. Nuts are considered one of the best foods for increasing breast milk.

Also check,Best nuts and seeds

6. Seeds:

Seeds like melon, sesame, and pumpkin help in milk production. Sesame is a rich source of calcium which is the most important nutrient for breastfeeding mothers. Pumpkin seeds are a natural source of DHA and alpha-linolenic acid which helps in boosting milk volume.

Also, check Baby Poop Types and Colour: What does it mean?

7. Jaggery:

Iron and essential minerals like potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus are abundant in jaggery. It helps in the build-up of milk in the breast. Eating it with a piece of Garlic can help boost breast milk production and enhance its quality.

Also, check Growth Spurts in Kids

8. Turmeric:

For hundreds of years, this golden spice has been utilised in Ayurvedic medicine as the best galactagogue (the food that boosts milk production).  Hence, Turmeric may help nursing mothers by increasing milk production, relieving pain, and lowering depression.

Also check, Breast Milk HMOS.

9. Vitamin E:

Vitamin E is only transferred to the foetus through the placenta during pregnancy, therefore breast milk is the only source of this nutrient for exclusively breastfed newborns. This is an important strategy to provide the infant with antioxidant protection while also stimulating immune system development.

10. Sunflower lecithin:

It is a natural fat emulsifier that can aid to lessen the “thickness and stickiness” of milk. It may also help release existing fatty blockages, boosting milk flow, quality and quantity of milk supply.

Also, check Hearing aids and Speech development

11. Cocoa solids:

It’s chocolate, but it’s healthy!!! It can assist nursing mothers in increasing their milk production. It not only delivers excellent nutrition to enhance a nursing mother’s milk production, but it also gives a slew of additional health advantages to a new mother.

Also check, Best foods to increase breast milk supply

12. Cinnamon:

Cinnamon promotes the flow of mother’s milk. For milk stimulation, combine honey, milk, and cinnamon powder. Having honey and cinnamon is therefore not only healthful but is also a fantastic choice for increasing milk production.

Also, check Role of Prebiotics and Probiotics in Digestion

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Some parents have been kind enough to share their journey with us. Let’s hear them to closely understand the benefits of Ayurvedic spreads by Iyurved.


Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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12 Best Foods to Increase Breast Milk Supply

breast milk how to increase

Approximately 75% of new moms start nursing their newborns, but many of them discontinue either partially or entirely within the first few months. One of the most prevalent reasons is the insufficient milk supply. Continue reading to learn how to increase your breast milk supply so that it aids in a child’s healthy weight gain and growth. This read will tell you various evidence-based practices and foods that moms have used for ages.

WHATSAPP for concerns like Speech Delay, Low Weight, Frequent Illness, Hyperactivity, Low Concentration, Weak Eyesight, Improper Sleep, Pigmentation, Pores, Face Marks, Fine Lines , Lactation etc.

breast milk how to increase

Importance of lactation in babies:

Breastfeeding is a gift that only you can give your baby. It has its own health benefits for both mother and child. Breast milk is uniquely suitable for the newborn child’s nutritional needs and it also contains immunological and anti-inflammatory compounds that protect the child against various diseases. It is also easily digested so there is no problem of constipation, diarrhoea or upset stomach in babies. ( Best milk for Babies )

From the moment you conceive, the process of lactation begins, and hormonal changes send signals to the mammary gland to make milk preparation for the baby. Only having milk in the mammary gland is not enough, you have to maintain it. Therefore, the more you breastfeed your infant, the more milk your body produces.

Also check, 12 Best foods to improve breast milk quality

HOW DOES Milk Jaggery Spread HELP to increase Milk Supply?

2 tablespoons of Milk Jaggery Spread will help to boost milk quality, supply & mothers’ and baby’s health.

breast milk how to increase

India’s First Easy Effective Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

For Boosting Milk Supply in Nursing Moms, give Milk Jaggery Spread | 0% preservatives | 0% refined sugar | 0% palm oil | Fortified with SHATAVARI, METHI, MORINGA, GINGER | Contains CALCIUM, FOLIC, IRON PROTEIN, BIOTIN, VIT D, B12 | ORDER |

Ingredients that help to increase the breast milk SUPPLY:

1. Fenugreek:

Fenugreek is one of the most effective meals for increasing milk production. It is the finest galactagogue ( foods that increase breast milk).  It helps in activating the mammary glands to boost the production of breast milk. It is one of the best home remedies for increase breast milk.

Also check,Nuts and seeds that help with milk production

2. Moringa:

Moringa is also a powerful galactagogue. It was reported to have a positive impact on breast milk production. It’s packed with nutrients essential for nursing moms and newborn babies. Though it is ideal to ingest fresh moringa leaves, soaking moringa powder in water and consuming it can also ensure the absorption of nutrients much more efficiently.

Also, check 20 Best foods for Healthy Body and Hair

3. Shatavari:

This Ayurvedic herb has been used to help women with breastfeeding concerns. It possesses qualities that aid in the production of prolactin and corticoids, which aid in the increase of breast milk, and so enhance lactation and breast milk quality.

Also check, Foods to be avoided for pregnant ladies

4. Ginger:

Ginger is utilised for its health advantages in addition to giving flavour to a variety of dishes and beverages. It is a well-known natural galactagogue among nursing mothers. There is, however, evidence to support ginger’s effectiveness in enhancing breast milk volume.

5. Nuts:

Nuts like peanuts, Almonds, Cashew, and Hazelnut provide energy for a breastfeeding mother to stay active throughout the day. It is the best snack to include in a breastfeeding mother’s diet. These nuts help to boost milk production. Also, consuming nuts new study suggested that the consumption of nuts while breastfeeding can help to protect babies from developing allergies. Nuts are considered one of the best foods for increasing breast milk. (Best nuts and seeds)

6. Seeds:

Seeds like melon, sesame, and pumpkin help in milk production. Sesame is a rich source of calcium which is the most important nutrient for breastfeeding mothers. Pumpkin seeds are a natural source of DHA and alpha-linolenic acid which helps in boosting milk volume.

Also, check Baby Poop Types and Colour: What does it mean?

7. Jaggery:

Iron and essential minerals like potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus are abundant in jaggery. It helps in the build-up of milk in the breast. Eating it with a piece of Garlic can help boost breast milk production.

Also check, Growth Spurts in Kids

8. Turmeric:

For hundreds of years, this golden spice has been utilised in Ayurvedic medicine as the best galactagogue (the food that boosts milk production).  Hence, Turmeric may help nursing mothers by increasing milk production, relieving pain, and lowering depression. Also check,

9. Vitamin E:

Vitamin E is only transferred to the foetus through the placenta during pregnancy, therefore breast milk is the only source of this nutrient for exclusively breastfed newborns. This is an important strategy to provide the infant with antioxidant protection while also stimulating immune system development.

Also check, Foods to increase breast size

10. Sunflower lecithin:

It is a natural fat emulsifier that can aid to lessen the “thickness and stickiness” of milk. It may also help release existing fatty blockages, boosting milk flow and quantity of milk supply.

Also, check Hearing aids and Speech development

11. Cocoa solids:

It’s chocolate, but it’s healthy!!! It can assist nursing mothers in increasing their milk production. It not only delivers excellent nutrition to enhance a nursing mother’s milk production, but it also gives a slew of additional health advantages to a new mother.

Also check, How to increase the weight of the baby

12. Cinnamon:

Cinnamon promotes the flow of mother’s milk. For milk stimulation, combine honey, milk, and cinnamon powder. Having honey and cinnamon is therefore not only healthful but is also a fantastic choice for increasing milk production.

Also check, Role of Prebiotics and Probiotics in Digestion

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Some parents have been kind enough to share their journey with us. Let’s hear them to closely understand the benefits of Ayurvedic spreads by Iyurved.


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7 ways and foods for immunity boosting of kids

New School year is going to start soon. Most probably kids will attend it by physically going back into the classroom. In this scenario, immunity is a huge concern among parents as pandemic has not ended yet and cold and flu season also impede ahead. Many pediatricians consider four to five colds or flu per year normal in kids. But there are some healthy habits and foods for immunity-boosting of kids. It’s important to work on a kid’s immunity from the time he/she is born. Here we are discussing some possible ways of boosting and developing a strong immune system among kids from childhood.

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1. Breastfeed:

The baseline level of immune cells in the breast milk is higher for babies. We know from research that breastfeeding is an effective way to develop your baby’s defenses against diseases. Breast milk contains many elements that support your baby’s immune system. These include proteins, fats, sugars and antibodies and probiotics. When a mother comes into contact with germs, she develops antibodies to help her fight off infections. So breast milk is one of the foods for immunity boosting of infants (How else does breastmilk help the body?)This is another good reason for breastfeeding for the first six months, as recommended by the World Health Organization.

Also check, Foods to boost breast milk quality.

2. Enough sleep:

It’s important to get enough sleep for kids to be healthy and active. How to increase immunity in child through sleep? well during sleep, the immune system releases proteins called cytokines, which fights infection and inflammation. While not getting required sleep time suppressed cytokines production. A newborn should sleep up to 18-20 hours of the day, toddlers need 13-15 hours, kids aged 7-12 should sleep 10-11 hours and teenagers 8-9 hours. (Any food that can help how kids sleep better?) Studies have shown that sleep enhances adaptive immune response to invade infectious bacteria and viruses. Long term lack of sleep also increases risk of obesity in kids. (How to deal with obesity in kids?)

3. Exercise and outdoor activities:

Exercise like running, cycling, swimming, skipping, various kinds of dancing and yoga have been shown to improve immune function in children in some ways. Regular physical activity can strengthen your immune system and help your body fight against infections. Study has shown that moderate intensity exercise has a beneficial effect on a child’s immune system.

Also check, Focus and attention building games for the brain.

4. Healthy Gut:

A child’s gut is home to a wide range of bacterias. Some bad bacterias can lead to infections and diseases while some are good, healthy and helpful to boost immunity in kids. More than 75% of our immune system lives in the gut. It’s almost clear now that a healthy immune system starts with healthy guts as it plays a vital role in preventing infections and diseases. Feeding probiotics which contain beneficial bacteria can improve gut health and is an immunity booster food for kids. (How to prepare probiotic food easily?) Fermented foods contain beneficial probiotics that can help improve digestion and immunity. The most common foods that naturally contain probiotics include yogurt, kefir, pickles, kimchi, and some cheeses. These are foods to increase immunity in kids naturally. ( 7 FOODS FOR HEALTHY GUT )

5. Healthy platter:

Ensure that your plate is providing your kid with enough vitamins and minerals required in foods for immunity booster for kids to maintain their immune system (what all foods should be included?). Healthy diet is key to strong immunity. That means make sure you and your kids eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, lean protein and healthy fats. By choosing nutrient based immunity booster food for kids to keep them active and free from diseases.

6. Consume Zinc:

Zinc is an important mineral that shields the body from the attack of outer elements that can cause us harm. Like viruses and bacteria that can invade the body can cause infection. Zinc forms a layer on the cells of the body which fight off the infection before it tries to destroy the cell. It is crucial to maintain high immunity. (What are some Zinc foods?Remember the diaper rash cream that is applied on kids also has zinc, to protect from rashes (bacteria) that can form with the moisture of the diaper and skin. Zinc also helps with healing of wounds faster. Zinc is an essential element in foods for immunity booster.

7. Drink plenty of fluids:

Drinking water can help improve overall immunity of your body. Staying hydrated helps your body naturally eliminate the bacteria and toxin that causes infections. With the help of water, oxygen and nutrients are distributed throughout the body and waste material is flushed out from the body. Our blood stream is made up of water. It is essential to have enough water to properly transport nutrients to each organ system of our body. And not just immunity, proper water supply is required for every organ in our body to function at its best. Also you can give coconut water and buttermilk as they are foods to increase immunity in child naturally (Try some easy drinks that kids would like)


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Check here to know how Tulika helped her daughter to boost her immunity.


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