Dyslexia in Kids: Symptoms, Remedies and Foods that Help

dyslexia symptoms

Does your child struggle to read, recognise speech sounds, and understand how those sounds link to letters and words? Does he or she have issues with speaking and word spelling? Yes! These might be Dyslexia symptoms. Continue reading to learn about Dyslexia symptoms, causes and remedies.

WHATSAPP for concerns like Speech Delay, Low Weight, Frequent Illness, Hyperactivity, Low Concentration, Weak Eyesight, Improper Sleep, Pigmentation, Pores, Face Marks, Fine Lines , Lactation etc.


Dyslexia is a widespread learning disability that mostly affects reading, writing, and spelling. In India, 15% of school-age children are diagnosed as dyslexic.Given that it is a specific learning disability, it affects certain learning skills, such as reading and writing. Intelligence is unaffected, unlike a learning problem.

Although dyslexia is a chronic condition that can cause difficulties on a daily basis, there is support available to help those who struggle with it develop their reading and writing abilities and succeed in both school and the workplace.

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Before your child starts school, it can be challenging to see dyslexia symptoms, but there are certain telltale signs that could point to a problem. When your child is old enough to start school, his or her teacher can be the first to spot a problem. The illness can range in severity, but it frequently manifests itself as a youngster begins to learn to read. Dyslexia symptoms can be categorised as,

1. Before school age:
  • Slowly learning new words,
  • Talking late
  • Incorrect word formation, such as misplacing words with similar sounds or reversing sounds in words
  • Learning nursery rhymes or engaging in rhyme-based games to be difficult
  • Difficulties naming or recalling letters, numbers, and colours

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2. Schooling age: 
  • Processing and understanding difficulties
  • Issues with recalling the order of events
  • Reading much below the age-appropriate level
  • Trouble coming up with the proper phrase or formulating responses to questions
  • Difficulty in differentiating letters and words
  • Inability to correctly pronounce a word using sound
  • Taking an extremely lengthy time to complete reading or writing chores
  • Avoid incidences of reading

Also check, 15 healthy brain foods

3. Teens and adults:
  • Reading challenges, including speaking aloud
  • Spelling mistakes
  • Slow and laborious writing and reading
  • Avoid incidences of reading
  • Inability to correctly pronounce a word using sound
  • Taking an extremely lengthy time to complete reading or writing chores
  • Having trouble summarising a story
  • Problems with foreign language acquisition
  • Difficulty solving word problems in maths

Also check, Speech disorder or delay in kids


Treatment for dyslexia symptoms involves particular educational strategies, and the earlier intervention starts, the better. The techniques include,

  • Recognize and employ the simplest sounds that words are made of (phonemes)
  • Noting what has been read (comprehension)
  • Understanding that these sounds and words are represented by letters and string of letters (phonics)
  • Improve their reading fluency, speed, and expression by reading aloud (fluency)
  • Develop a vocabulary of terms that people can understand.

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Parents play a crucial role in a child’s success. Parents of children with dyslexia symptoms can take following steps:

1. Addressing the problem early: 

Speak with your child’s healthcare professional if you think your youngster may have dyslexia. Early intervention can boost performance.

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2. Encourage reading on a daily basis: 

Make time each day for reading aloud to your youngster. A child needs to practise reading if they want to get better at it. As their skills advance, encourage your youngster to read. Additionally, get your kid to read aloud to you.

Also check, Benefits of behavioural therapy in autism

3. Importance of reading aloud: 

It is preferable to begin when your child is still a small child, but it is never too late to begin. Babies benefit from play, learning, and social connection with caregivers when books are introduced as toys. Tell your child stories. Attempt listening to books on tape with your kid as well. After your child has heard the stories, read them together when they are old enough.

Also check, Types of therapies for autism

4. Take help from school:

Discuss with the teacher how the school will support your child’s success. The best spokesperson for your kid is you.

Also check, Focus and attention building games for brain

5. Make learning enjoyable:

As an example and to encourage your child, set aside some time each day to read something on your own. Make reading and learning seem fun for your child.

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It is very important to feed kids a nutritious diet from the early years itself, even more important if the child is suffering from a learning disorder. Experts say whatever is good for the brain is likely to be good for learning disorders and dyslexia. Below is the list of essential nutrients and foods recommended as a part of a healthy diet for kids with difficulties in learning.


Protein is an important part of a healthy diet. It builds, maintains and repairs body tissues. It is also essential for brain health and plays an important role in producing neurotransmitters (brain chemical). It’s also integral in forming enzymes and hormones in the body. From digestion to immunity, from hair to nails, everything requires protein. Some foods rich in protein are: nuts and seeds, egg and dairy products.

Also check, how to get a protein rich diet?


Research has established a link between omega 3 fatty acids and brain development in early childhood. These healthy fats have amazing brain boosting power and play a vital role in enhancing memory and attention span. Fish & walnuts are a very good source of omega 3.

Also check, Why is Omega 3 important for your kids?


In our body, Magnesium is responsible for nerve transmission and nerve-muscle coordination. In other words, it protects against the excessive excitement in a child (which can be traumatic). There is enough research going on how Magnesium can help in fixing or preventing neurological disorders. Banana, avocado, pumpkin seeds and spinach are some food sources of magnesium.

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All the nuts like almonds, walnuts, cashews, peanuts and hazelnuts are rich in vitamin E and help in boosting memory. They are also antioxidants which protect against cell damage. Walnuts are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and are a valuable substance for brain function, memory and thinking abilities. This fatty acid also encourages cognitive functions.


Apart from nuts, seeds like flex, chia, melon, sesame and pumpkins also contain powerful antioxidants like vitamin E that protect the brain from free radical damage. Sunflower seeds impact overall mood and mental processing powers and therefore it is considered a brain boosting snack. Pumpkin seeds are high in magnesium, copper, and much higher in zinc than other seeds, which help in increasing concentration and memory. One of the easiest to feed brain boosting foods for kids.


Pure Cocoa powder (unsweetened) contains brain boosting components as it is packed with a large number of antioxidants molecules, the main is epicatechin which is helpful to improve cognition in studies. Hence, cocoa powder is also an important brain development food for children.



Ashwagandha is an adaptogen. It is known to reduce anxiety and stress. Moreover, it increases acetylcholine levels which support better memory, mental focus and intelligence. This herb also reduces mental fatigue and enhances sleep quality. In addition, it protects the brain nerve cells from damage. Another important use is that it provides benefits against illnesses such as epilepsy, depression, arthritis and diabetes. 


Brahmi is a superfood for the brain and is believed to sharpen the brain by protecting cells and increasing chemicals associated with learning and memory. It has shown to improve spatial learning and retaining power in kids. That is why in older times, kids were often given Brahmi powder with ghee/honey. This would increase their focus and attention, while keeping them calm and distressed.

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Shankhapushpi is a traditional remedy for increasing the functioning of the brain. The powerful antioxidants and flavonoids present in it improve the memory capacity, focus, concentration, calmness, alertness of an individual. Since it is a brain tonic and stimulator, people taking shankhapushpi have improved memory, reasoning, problem-solving, and other cognitive abilities.

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It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Kids Ayurvedic Brain Booster is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Brain development to kids without any fuss. Made with Proven Ingredients. No Preservatives or Artificial Colour or Flavour. No Side Effects. Trusted by 20000+ Parents and Practitioners. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods – SHOP HERE.

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

To improve Focus, Concentration, reading ability & Attention span, give Kids & Teens Brain Booster Chocolate/ Savoury Spread | 0% preservatives | 0% refined sugar | 0% palm oil | Fortified with SHANKHAPUSHPI, ASHWAGANDHA, BRAHMI | Contains OMEGA 3, PROTEIN | ORDER |


Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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Success Story of 15-year-old Raj who boosted his Self-Confidence and Academic Performance

self confidence

Raj, Anju’s 15-year-old son, describes his success story in boosting self confidence and enhancing academic performance.

“ I was bullied by my fellow mates in my 9th grade.. I was very hesitant and had low self confidence. I was unable to respond or act in response to anyone who was hitting or abusing me. I had trouble speaking clearly and my academic performance was a bit lower. My teachers even took counselling for me. I had hardly any friends and lacked the self confidence to engage in any extracurricular activity.

My mother came across Iyurved’s brain-booster product and suggested that I try it. I didn’t think any product would help me because my mother had already given me a variety of ayurvedic and homoeopathic medications. Surprisingly, though, I noticed a significant improvement in my speaking and confidence within a couple of months. I was able to attentively sit in class and focus for a longer duration. My academic results also got better.

Now that I know how to respond to those who are mean to me or insult me, I feel better about myself. The guys who made fun of me are now on my friend list. I take part in a lot of sports and extracurricular activities. My teachers are also amazed to see positive changes in me.” 

Raj, 15-year-old boy

Teenagers are quite concerned about being confident and competent around their peers. They have constant anxiety to do well in school, especially in the 10th or 12th grade. Also, the rise in competition in every academic sector compels a student to improvise their ways of grasping and learning things proficiently in order to make the best use of it. Continue reading to know a few tips and ways to improve academic performance. 

WHATSAPP for concerns like Speech Delay, Low Weight, Frequent Illness, Hyperactivity, Low Concentration, Weak Eyesight, Improper Sleep, Pigmentation, Pores, Face Marks, Fine Lines , Lactation etc.


Here are some tips for parents to build self confidence in children and improve academic performance


Any activity starts with the basics, and progresses gradually and firmly to reach the levels of excellence at its advanced stage. In order for your kid’s mind to be stretched to master difficult subjects and be able to adapt to new concepts and themes, academic basics are required for a solid foundation. In other words, students simply need to be prepared for real-life situations and the difficulties that come with them. Apart from this, make certain that your child gets adequate sleep, eats well, practices excellent hygiene, have self confidence and receives regular medical treatment.

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Creative ideas are indeed prolific! Creativity automatically brings in an ability to look at a problem through different perspectives and so also puts healthy stress upon the mind to dig out multiple ideas to arrive at a solution to those problems. Thus though there’s one answer, there can be numerous different ways to arrive at the same. All students need creative thinking skills so that they can participate and interact effectively in life.

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There’s a famous quote written by Thomas Edison that says, “I have not failed. I have found 10,000 ways that don’t work”. Children must be taught that failures are not bad experiences but mistakes that are not meant to be put to use again. Failure enhances critical thinking as well as information recall. But often students don’t realise how much they may learn from their blunders. It’s simple for them to feel ashamed or think achievement is too far away when faced with failure and put in more effort to accomplish their goals.

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Indeed we all are better than we know, if only we are brought to realise it then we may never again be prepared to settle for anything less! It’s very important for a parent/mentor to acknowledge a child’s efforts behind any particular task. This helps the child understand how to choose a wise approach for the ultimate fulfilment of goals. It strengthens constructive conduct and increases self confidence, motivation and zeal. Positive reinforcement upon completing a set of tasks also helps the child to upgrade and enhance his/her performance levels ahead.

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Technology-based education appears to be a step in the right direction for transforming education. If used in conjunction with the proper motivation and vision, technology and education make an excellent pairing. Nowadays, everything is just available on one click! Thus making the best use of one click to improve studies and achieve academic excellence needs to be deeply impregnated in the minds of children. Installation of computer setup must be done at home in such a way that you can also keep a watchful eye on your children and be aware of what sort of work they are performing upon the computer system. 

Also check, What parents say about Brain Booster Chocolate Spread?


After learning any particular subject, it is equally important to make ready-reckoner retention cards or short notes as it makes their understanding much easier. Provide freedom to the children to retain information upon the cards in whichever way it gets easier for them, either in terms of flowcharts and figures or in terms of short writings. During exam times, it gets easier to just glance through the critical points written down on the cards.

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Practising discipline at things is always must to be consistent with efforts and it indeed helps the children to better understand how to improve studies. When performing any assignment, discipline means being sincere, diligent, inspired, and motivated. Quality of the person’s character aids in finishing the assignment by the deadline. With discipline, an individual can excel with the accomplishment of his aims. 

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There are two ways that enough sleep benefits kids. A child who has had a good night’s sleep is awake and aware and therefore is better able to focus. Second, when one is sleeping, the brain is forming long-term memories and consolidating short-term ones. So also short healthy breaks in between successive learning sessions is must to allow the brain to pause for a while, ingest the things and firmly fix deep within for the long term. 

Also check, Importance of rest and night sleep in young children

CHECKSuccess story of 15-year-old Raj who boosted his Confidence and Academic performance!!


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Eye, Brain development, Bone strength and overall growth to kids without any fuss. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods –SHOP HERE.

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

To improve Focus, Concentration & Attention span, give Kids & Teens Brain Booster Chocolate/ Savoury Spread | 0% preservatives | 0% refined sugar | 0% palm oil | Fortified with SHANKHAPUSHPI, ASHWAGANDHA, BRAHMI | Contains OMEGA 3, PROTEIN | ORDER |


Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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15 Healthy Brain Foods to boost your Brain

healthy brain food

A child’s brain undergoes an amazing period of development from birth to first few years of life. More than 1 million new neural connections are formed every second. Since the brain develops rapidly from birth to age 5 in children, it affects the overall growth of a child. There are four main areas of development in any child: motor (physical), language and communication, social & emotional and cognitive. Brain development is part of cognitive development. Including healthy brain food along with brain-stimulating activities can help them to sharpen memory, improve focus and help with better cognitive development.

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Brain Developmental changes from Newborn to infant

 A newborn baby’s brain continues to expand in size until the age of five, with the first two years of life being the most crucial. The stages of your baby’s brain development may be case-specific, but doctors will have a number of benchmarks to use as a guide that are based on the typical development of kids in their age group. As a result, doctors are better able to spot any growth delays that might be a sign of more serious health or developmental problem. 

Infants’ brain development includes not only the improvement of their physical abilities but also of their emotions, senses, and ability to learn new languages for everyday communication. Baby milestones like the ability to recognise her parents, wave at known faces, hold items, play with a toy, utilise a teething ring, etc. can be used to monitor the development of an infant’s brain. The baby’s capacity to take in, process, and apply information is demonstrated by all of these developmental milestones. 

Healthy Brain Foods to boost brain development in kids:

The following are some of the top foods for the brain that you can feed your little Einstein to keep him/her mentally sharp:

1. Tapioca Starch

Tapioca starch is a great source of Vitamin K. This nutrient is very important for the proper functioning of the neurological system. The vitamin prevents free radicals from damaging brain tissue and keeps the neural networks active.  Additionally, it contains dietary fibres like cellulose and pectin that aid to maintain digestion and healthy gut health.

Also check, Health benefits of pumpkin seeds for kids

2. Sage:

Sage is a great source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It has been demonstrated to strengthen your brain’s defence mechanism and aid in memory, problem-solving, thinking, and other cognitive functions.

3. Flax seed:

Flaxseed, which is high in Omega 3 fatty acids, aids in regulating and promoting general brain function. It is particularly rich in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a form of omega-3 that has been closely associated with brain health. It contributes to better circulation and inflammation reduction in addition to enhancing cognitive function. 

4. Vitamin K2-7 (Menaquinone):

A reduction in cognitive impairment symptoms, depression, and anxiety, as well as improved learning and spatial memory, have all been associated with vitamin K supplementation. It also provides essential nutrients for the strong nervous system. 

5. Omega – 3 Fatty Acids:

Omega-3 fatty acids are considered as healthy brain food that may counteract oxidative stress and inflammations, two drivers of cognitive decline. It also increases the concentration power in kids. These healthy fats have amazing brain-boosting power and play a vital role in enhancing memory and attention span.

( What are some home benefits of omega 3?)

6. FOS (Prebiotic fiber):

FOS (Prebiotic fibres) are beneficial for many important functions, such as enhancing mood, working memory, learning memory, and reaction time. Prebiotics may support both cognitive enhancement and avoid behavioural changes. They also aid in a variety of digestive issues, encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut, and even strengthen your immune system.

Also, check Role of Prebiotics for health

7. Rice Protein

There are significant amounts of various vital amino acids in rice protein. It has been demonstrated to build muscle mass and increase strength. It is rich in non-heme Iron which plays a major role in transporting oxygen throughout the body and helps in improving brain health and metabolism. Moreover, compared to many other protein powders, rice protein is regarded to be much simpler to digest. 

8. Sprouted Moong Dal:

The nutrient-dense sprouted moong dal is an excellent source of essential vitamins and minerals like calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, and B vitamins. Excellent for bone strength and helps maintain brain health. 

Also, check Benefits of Soaking and Sprouting of Seeds

9. Moringa:

Moringa includes 100% of the recommended daily allowance of Vitamin E and K, which is excellent for strengthening bones and improving skin and hair. It is also a fantastic source of vitamin B1, which has amazing effects on a child’s brain. The high iron content of moringa promotes brain sharpness. It aids in strengthening memory and learning while also enhancing neurotransmission in the brain. It lessens oxidative stress and the degeneration of brain nerve cells.

Also, check What are the Benefits of Moringa for kids?

10. Beetroot:

Beetroot nitrates may boost brain function by encouraging blood vessel dilatation and so improving blood flow to the brain. It contains Vitamin C, B9 (folate), calcium, potassium, copper, manganese, iron, nitrates, proteins, and phytonutrients (betalains).  It’s known to specifically increase blood flow to the frontal lobe of the brain, which is connected to higher-order cognitive functions including decision-making and working memory.

11. Spinach:

Spinach is packed with brain-boosting nutrients like vitamin  A, B12, K, and iron. According to research, just one serving of spinach per day may help your brain stay a decade younger (likely due to Vitamin A) than people who do not regularly consume green leafy vegetables. Spinach is a complete superfood in addition to being a brain booster.

12. Giloy:

This healthy brain food is found to increase dopamine levels, boost locomotor function, decrease oxidative stress and help in overall brain health. Giloy possesses anti-inflammatory qualities that aid in the recovery of brain cells that have been injured. Additionally, it can also help to boost immunity.

Also, check Foods to boost immunity

13. Alfa-alfa Grass:

Alfalfa has a diverse range of vitamins, minerals, and bioactive substances, which contribute to its many health advantages. The antioxidant properties of alfalfa may lessen the cellular harm brought on by free radicals. 

14. Barley Grass:

Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA), a chemical messenger that works in the brain to regulate emotions and alleviate stress and anxiety symptoms, is abundant in barley grass extract. It is gluten-free, unlike its counterpart barley and is a natural detox for the body.

15. Wheat Grass:

It has also been demonstrated that wheatgrass has a neuroprotective impact on the brain, which can enhance mental capacity and memory. Extracts of this healthy brain food provide a concentrated, rich and bioavailable source of all brain-boosting nutrients.

As you are now familiar with the healthy brain foods that are required to boost your child’s brain development, memory and focus, adding them to their daily diet would be the best option.


Make it EASY to feed a daily dose of vegetables, greens, dal, and prebiotics and probiotics. 1 serving of Veggies and  Dal powder equals 30-50g of fresh food. Helps to provide daily nutrition for Immunity, Brain, Digestion, Bones, Healthy Weight, Height, Eye health and Growth. Get yours now!

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For Brain Development, Focus, Memory and Hyperactivity, give Kids & Teens Brain Booster Veggies and Dal Powder | Rich in Omega-3, Vitamin D, Vitamin K | Made with 100% veggies, greens, sprouted dal | 0% preservative | 0% Artificial Colour | 100% Natural| ORDER |


Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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Top 10 brain development foods for Children

Just like the body, the brain too needs nutrients for development. Children’s brain develops rapidly from birth to age five and during these years, it’s necessary to provide the right nutrients required to boost their brain’s growth. Brain development foods for children can help to sharpen memory, improve focus and help with cognitive development. As a parent, you can help your child to make healthy food choices to develop a positive relationship with food. Once this is done, kids benefit for a lifetime.

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Factors that Influence Brain Development:

The early years of a child’s life are very important for his/her future growth and development in terms of both physical as well as mental. Brain development in kids is influenced by many factors. In addition to genes, some important factors are nutrition is taken during pregnancy, an encounter with toxins or infections at an early age, experience with people and exposure to the world around them. Children are ready to learn from the moment their umbilical cord is cut. They depend upon parents, family members to help them develop skills to become more and more independent and learned. Lastly, in combination with others, food too is a key factor behind brain development.

Also check, How to improve concentration in kids?

Nutrients for Brain:

Before going further, to know in detail about brain development foods for child, it is important to understand the nutrients that work together to make them brain food. Key nutrients in brain foods are:

brain development foods for child

Foods rich in above nutrients which can support memory, cognition and overall brain health among kids:


Green veggies are one of the best brain development foods for children. The health benefits attached with them are not only for brain but also eyes (vitamin A), immunity (vitamin C, E), energy (vitamin B) and bones (Vitamin K). Vegetables like spinach, cabbage, mint and kale contributes to brain health as they are rich in vitamin Bs, iron and antioxidants that helps in the growth of new cells and aids in sharp thinking.

Also check,Why kids need vitamins?


The daily vitamin C requirements of a kid’s body can be fulfilled by the intake of citrus fruits in natural form. Vitamin C has powerful antioxidant that helps fight off free radicals (what are free radicals?) which can damage brain cells. This is the reason why vitamin C is one of the top 10 brain foods for kids. Vitamin C also supports brain health in your kids growing age by protecting it against cell damage. Other than oranges, kiwi, tomatoes, and strawberries are also some of the rich sources of vitamin C.


All the nuts like almonds, walnut, pista, cashew, brazil nut, hazel nuts, and Pine nuts are rich in vitamin E and helps in boosting memory. They are also antioxidants which protect against cell damage. Walnuts are rich in omega 3 fatty acid is a valuable substance for brain function, memory and thinking abilities. This fatty acid also encourages the cognitive functions. Apart from nuts seeds like flex, chia, melon, sesame and pumpkins also contain powerful antioxidants like vitamin E that protect the brain from free radical damage. Nuts and seeds are also very important brain development foods for children.

Also check,Why nuts and seeds are important?


Beans are rich in vitamin B1, which act positively to improve memory and enhance cognitive function. Beans encourages the function of compound called acetylcholine which is a neuron transmitter that allows signal to be transmitted through the brain and nerves. Kidney beans contain higher amount of omega3 fatty acids as compare to other beans, which are important for brain’s growth and function and makes it top 10 brain foods for kids.


The presence of folate (vitamin B9) in chickpeas is not only good for efficient brain development, but also good for smooth functioning of nervous system. Chickpeas are nutritionally high in good fats (like linoleic and oleic) which makes it one of the top 10 brain development foods for children.


Loaded with lots of nutrients, apple and plums helps in brain development in kids and fight cognitive declines. These fruits are packed with proteins, carbs, vitamins, choline, iron, selenium and antioxidants required for brain development and growth.


Sweet potato contains component (choline and manganese) that helps a kid’s brain to function at its best. Choline is an essential nutrient for brain growth development. The anthocyanin present in purple sweet potato may also have memory enhancing properties.

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Pure cocoa powder (unsweetened) contains brain boosting components as it is packed with large number of antioxidants molecule, the main is epicatechin helpful to improve cognition in studies. Hence cocoa powder is also an important brain development foods for children.

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Loaded with folate (vitamin B9) and other B vitamins, Lentil has a reputation for strengthening brain power. The high fiber contents of lentils is a key component in keeping your brain in optimal shape.

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Honey is also one of the top 10 brain foods for kids. The secret to Honey’s brain booster potential is an antioxidant called pinocembrin which improves brain function and prevents cellular damage within brain. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. Honey helps absorb calcium, which is used by brain in thought and decision making process.

Also check, Why are antioxidants important?


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Kids Ayurvedic Brain Booster is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Brain development to kids without any fuss. Made with Proven Ingredients. No Preservatives or Artificial Colour or Flavour. No Side Effects. Trusted by 20000+ Parents and Practitioners. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods – SHOP HERE.

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

For lack of focus, memory and concentration, give Kids & Teens Brain Booster Chocolate Spread | 0% preservatives | 0% refined sugar | 0% palm oil | Fortified with SHANKHAPUSHPI, ASHWAGANDHA, BRAHMI | Contains OMEGA 3, PROTEIN | ORDER |


Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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Some parents have been kind enough to share their journey with us. Let’s hear them to closely understand the benefits of Ayurvedic spreads by Iyurved.

Check here to know how Ayesha helped her child improve Focus and Concentration.


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