The Food Loop: Exploring the Pros and Cons of Repetitive Diets for Kids!

Are you the one who would rather cook the same things for your kids every day? Ever wondered if your child’s love for the same handful of foods is impacting their nutritional intake? Is the repetitive nature of their diet leaving gaps in essential vitamins and minerals? Do you want to promote a well-rounded diet for children? Let’s explore the potential pitfalls and solutions to ensure your little one gets the well-rounded nutrition they need!

Nutritional impact of feeding repetitive foods

Feeding a child a diet consisting primarily of repetitive foods can impact their nutrition in several ways:

Nutrient Deficiencies:

Different foods contain different essential nutrients. A limited variety of foods may result in nutrient deficiencies, as the child might miss out on specific vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients present in a diverse diet.

Imbalanced Nutrition:

A varied diet is essential for providing a balance of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). Repetitive foods may lead to an imbalanced intake of these crucial nutrients, affecting overall health and development.

Limited Micronutrient Diversity:

Certain micronutrients are found in specific foods. If a child consistently eats the same foods, they may not receive an adequate variety of micronutrients, increasing the risk of deficiencies.

Growth and Development:

Children undergo rapid growth and development, requiring a diverse range of nutrients. A lack of variety in their diet may hinder optimal growth and development, potentially affecting both physical and cognitive milestones.

Development of Preferences:

Feeding repetitive foods can contribute to the development of strong food preferences. This may make it challenging to introduce new and diverse foods later on, potentially leading to a limited and less nutritious diet in the long term.

Risk of Overconsumption or Underconsumption:

Depending on the specific foods chosen, a child may be at risk of either overconsuming certain nutrients (such as sugars or unhealthy fats) or underconsuming others, leading to an unbalanced diet.

Limited Exposure to Flavors and Textures:

Exposure to a variety of flavors and textures is crucial for developing a well-rounded palate. Repetitive diet may restrict a child’s exposure to diverse sensory experiences associated with different foods.

Also check, Food sensitivities in children with autism

Mealtime Challenges:

A diet focused on repetitive foods may lead to mealtime challenges, as children may become resistant to trying new foods or may develop picky eating habits.

Tips to promote a well-rounded diet for children

Here are some tips to encourage a more varied and nutritious diet:

1. Gradual Introduction:

Introduce new foods gradually, one at a time. Start with small portions and combine them with familiar foods. Over time, the child may become more accepting of a wider variety.

Also check, 8 Healthy recipes for picky eaters with veggies and fruits

2. Creative Presentation:

Make meals visually appealing by arranging different foods in creative ways. Use colorful fruits and vegetables, create fun shapes, or arrange a variety of items on their plate to make it more interesting.

Also check, 6 Healthy Lunch recipes Ideas for Kids

3. Get Them Involved:

Involve children in the meal preparation process. This can include grocery shopping, washing vegetables, or even helping with simple cooking tasks. When children are involved, they may be more curious about trying new foods.

4. Role Modeling:

Set a positive example by demonstrating healthy eating habits. Children are more likely to try new foods if they see adults and older siblings enjoying them.

5. Pair New Foods with Favorites:

Introduce new foods alongside familiar ones. This way, the child can still enjoy their preferred options while being exposed to something new.

6. Dips and Sauces:

Offer healthy dips or sauces that children can use with their favorite foods. This can make the eating experience more enjoyable and provide an opportunity to introduce new flavors.

Also check, Healthy and Tasty Food Recipes using Brain booster savoury spread

7. Be Patient and Persistent:

It may take multiple attempts for a child to accept a new food. Be patient, and avoid pressuring them to eat. Encourage but don’t force, and celebrate small victories.

8. Include Nutrient-Rich Foods:

Ensure that the repetitive foods chosen are nutrient-dense. For example, if a child loves pasta, consider using whole grain pasta and adding vegetables to increase fiber and nutrient content.

9. Variety within Favorites:

Even if a child has a favorite food, there can be variations. For example, if they love apples, offer different types of apples or cut them in different shapes.

10. Limit Unhealthy Options:

While allowing some flexibility, try to limit the availability of highly processed and unhealthy foods. This helps ensure that, even within their preferences, children are getting essential nutrients.

11. Consult a Professional:

If you have concerns about your child’s nutrition, consider seeking advice from a pediatrician or a registered dietitian. They can provide guidance based on the specific needs and preferences of your child.

Remember, it’s normal for children to go through phases of selective eating, and patience and persistence are key. Creating a positive and relaxed mealtime environment can make the process of introducing new foods more enjoyable for everyone involved.


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How does age affect libido in women?


Do you know that your desires will change with age? Why do these changes occur throughout your life? What are the reasons behind the changes of libido in women? Clarify all your confusions by reading this article.

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What is libido?

Libido is the desire or interest towards intimacy. Women’s libidos differ from one another and are impacted by a number of factors. The sex drive will undoubtedly fluctuate over the stages of life and “age” could be a major concern for women. The desires or intimate thoughts may diminish as they age. According to a study, women between the ages of 55 and 64 experienced a significant drop in their sexual desires.

However, it is unclear to interpret the drop in women’s desires, further studies are required to explain this age-related changes. Some scientists believe that variations in sex drive may be caused by hormonal imbalance brought on by ageing.

Also check, Causes of libido loss in women

How does age affect libido in women?

Sex drive peaks and declines with age in distinct ways for male and female. Some of the factors like hormonal imbalances, maternity period, growing family commitments and menopause can trigger this change in women which typically occurs between their 20s and 40s. Here are the age-related changes in women:

Women in 20s:

Women between the ages of  21 and 28 usually have relatively high libido just like other physiological activities. This would be caused by a variety of factors. In the beginning, your relationship could be new and youthful. Generally, desire is greater in new relationships. Also, you are likely to be most fertile during this stage of your life. According to studies, female desire may potentially increase as fertility and begins to diminish around late 20s.

Also check, PCOS and fertility: Tips to get pregnant

Pregnancy and postpartum period:

Pregnancy and postpartum greatly affects the libido in women significantly at any age. It’s very normal for libido loss due to hormonal changes in women during pregnancy and after giving birth to their little one. Women’s life can drastically  change since they are nursing and taking care of their baby by sacrificing their sleep hours. Particularly new moms may be trying to adapt to the parenthood lifestyle. Also, their bodies require some time to recover from delivery. All these factors can influence the libido and cause temporary loss.

Also check, Fertility guide to get pregnant

Women in 30s:

Women’s libido might be at its peak during this stage of life. According to a study, women between the ages of 27 and 45 reported more desire when compared to young or elder women. On the contrary, some studies suggest that during this period  women are more engaged in jobs, family commitments and parenting. This can impact on their desires and lower their libido.

Also check, Vitamins and minerals to boost fertility

Women in 40s:

The perimenopausal transition in women can happen between the 40s and 50s. This can progressively decrease the secretion of hormones like estrogen and progesterone. The hormonal imbalance can cause various side effects like over-bleeding, irritation, mood swings and sleeplessness. This may cause loss of desire and mood in women.

Also check, Foods help in female fertility

Women in 50s:

Menopause can happen in women at 50s. During menopause, the body’s ability to produce estrogen and progesterone completely decreases or stops. There is an increase in susceptibility to male hormones like DHT concurrently with a drop in female hormone synthesis. Due to less production of estrogen, the vaginal mucosa becomes dry. As a result, a woman may experience soreness and difficulty during sexual activity. It thereby causes less to no interest towards intimacy.

Also check, How to overcome sexual anxiety

Tips to boost mood in women 

  • Aerobic exercise and weight training can help you gain more endurance, a better perception of your physique, enhance your mood, and raise your desire.
  • Open and honest communication between partners about your preferences usually results in stronger emotional bonds that can improve sexual performance. 
  • Increase your desire for intimacy by finding a more effective approach to dealing with daily problems, financial stress, and work-related stress.
  • Giving up unhealthy habits like smoking, using illegal drugs and drinking could boost your sex desire and enhance your overall health.

Also check, 12 herbs to boost fertility in women

Aphrodisiac Foods that helps to boost desire in women

There is a connection between food and the desire for intimacy. Foods with aphrodisiac encourage women’s desire for closeness. Foods with aphrodisiac include:


Gokshura is a little leafy plant which belongs to the caltrop family. Different cultures have utilised gokshura powder as a food with aphrodisiac for centuries. Additionally, it encourages egg production in ovaries. Women who struggle with infertility and desire to start a family can take gokshura. In addition, it can also raise libido in both men and women.


Milk and a sprinkle of nutmeg were always a traditional remedy to increase sexual drive. This spice is also said to help soothe the nervous system and enhance blood flow to the sexual organs by Ayurveda. Because of this, it has been referred to as “women’s viagra.”


Garlic may improve sexual function by boosting blood flow and enhancing fertility, according to several human and animal experiments. Crush or chop the garlic before using, and allow it to settle for at least 10 minutes prior cooking. This raises the amount of allicin, a substance that is responsible for many of the health advantages, in it.


Due to its potent influence on sexual desire, ashwagandha, or the “love drug,” has long been utilised as a natural sexual stimulant. According to research, both men and women who take Ashwagandha report feeling more lubricated, satisfied, and virilized.

Also check, Health benefits of Ashwagandha


Ancient Greeks and Romans, who also called aniseed as anise, thought that suckling on the seeds of anise may boost love. The female hormone boosting substances found in aniseed, known as estrogenic substances, have effects analogous to those of testosterone.


The herb Nagarmotha (Cyperus roundus), also known as Mustak or Nutgrass, is very well-liked in Ayurveda because of its multiple therapeutic benefits. Estrogen, often known as the female sex hormone, is crucial for female sexual and reproductive development. Nagarmotha often aids women to enhance estrogen and reduces mood swings, tension, and indirectly increases desire for intimacy.

7. NUTS:

Nuts like pistachios, hazelnuts, Walnuts, Almonds, Cashews and Peanuts are excellent for increasing desire in females. They contain the amino acid L-arginine, which has been shown to increase blood flow to the sex organs and nitric oxide levels, so naturally enhancing the body’s desire for sex.


Seeds are wonderful libido boosters for females. Omega-3 essential fatty acids, which are abundant in pumpkin seeds, melon seeds and sunflower seeds serve as a precursor to prostaglandins, hormone-like compounds vital to sexual health. A mere quarter-cup serving could be enough to ignite the flames. Seeds are rich in zinc and it can help with sexuality.

Also check, Aphrodisiac foods to improve libido in women


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Foods with aphrodisiac

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How to Avoid Frequent Infection in Kids?

infection in kids Iyurved

Our body is constantly communicating with us in its own language. We need to observe and understand the sign language that our body speaks to us. Come let’s understand. The collection of bacteria that resides in the gut is called the gut microbiome and has positive effects on behaviour, appetite, immunity (avoiding frequent infection in kids), digestive health and metabolism. Although most people think of bacteria as a bad word, human cells and bacteria live in close proximity and have a mutually beneficial connection.

Probiotics are live bacteria naturally occurring in food that are good for you, your digestion and your GUT. These are those good bacteria that help you fight off diseases causing bad bacteria and restore the balance of both. Food habits, lifestyle and antibiotics, all of them impact the gut health of your body. Your body loses good bacteria when you fall sick and take antibiotics. At this time probiotics can help to maintain the amount of good bacteria in the gut again.

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Benefits of probiotics –
  • Balance the friendly good bacteria in the gut and improve digestion.
  • Helps in stomach discomforts such as gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn and stomach ache. It reduces the risk of severity of diarrhea from a number of different causes.
  • Research shows that taking probiotics on a regular basis improves the symptoms of mental health disorders like depression, anxiety, stress etc. (More foods to manage stress and body ache?)
  • Probiotics may reduce the symptoms of eczema, by restarting the disrupted immune system. (Foods and remedies to manage skin rashes?)
  • Probiotics build your immunity by boosting immune cells and reduces the risk of infection in kids. (More foods that build immunity?)

Now coming to prebiotics, these are a type of dietary fiber that humans cannot digest but the gut bacteria can. Prebiotic is a source of food for your gut’s friendly bacteria.It is a food which does not get fully digested in the body and reaches the large intestine (commonly known as GUT). The good bacteria in the large intestine eat this food and flourishes.

Prebiotics should not be confused with probiotics. Each have their separate role in the battle for better gut health, where probiotics are the friendly bacteria, prebiotics in foods are food for these bacteria. (What are some foods for healthy gut?)

Benefits of prebiotics:
  • Consumption of prebiotics increases the useful gut flora, which synthesize the B complex vitamins.
  • Positive effect on calcium and other mineral absorption, by increasing their solubility.
  • Prebiotic may help reduce inflammation, especially in your intestines, and thereby strengthen the immune system.
  • Prebiotics in foods reduces constipation by maintaining the regularity of bowel movement.
  • It also may help with allergy prevention and symptoms of eczema.
  • Helps in maintaining healthy hormone levels. Prebiotics help your body absorb essential nutrients that help in building hormones.
  • Prebiotic are fiber and eating lots of fibrous food keeps you full for a long time, thus prebiotics in foods are great for weight loss.
Signs of unhealthy gut:

There are many factors that affect kids gut health such as eating too much processed and high sugar food, stress, too little sleep and taking excessive antibiotics. All of these lead to damage to kids gut health which results in many health issues. Here are some common problems that may occur due to unhealthy gut:

  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Bloating
  • Craving for sugar
  • Skin irritation
  • Improper sleep or sleep disturbances
  • Frequent infection in kids
  • Undefined weight changes
How gut health helps in reducing frequent infection in kids?

The best gift you can ever give to your child is a healthy body and strong immunity to fight infections. Immunity plays a major role and it can be achieved by feeding some foods for immunity boost. For the world, 2020 was all about immunity. We had never dreamt about going through such trying medical and emotional conditions. It taught us that in some situations science and medicine fail to help us as spontaneously as our own immunity can. Now the question arises: How to increase immunity in children?

Your GI tract houses a large amount of your immune system. The gut contains approximately 70% of the immune system. According to the studies, it is critical for the body’s health to maintain a delicate balance in the immune system by eliminating invading pathogens while also maintaining self-tolerance to avoid autoimmunity.

What is the immune system?

Our immune system is critical in protecting our bodies from harmful invaders. Immune cells serve as your body’s first line of defense, identifying and neutralizing harmful substances that enter the body. When this system in the body is functioning properly, your kid’s bodies do not feel anything. However, if this system is not robust, your child is likely to become ill on a regular basis.

Gut health and immunity:

The immune system’s job is to keep the body healthy and protect it from viruses and bacteria. What about gut microbes (prebiotics and probiotics), and how do they play a role?

The immune system shapes the bacteria variety, and the gut has an impact on the immune system’s strength and growth. Other factors, such as nutrition, environment, and lifestyle behaviours, affect the composition of the gut flora throughout time. When everything is in order, the stomach sends out signals that encourage the development of good immunological function, which modulates immune responses. In exchange, the immune system aids in the proliferation of health-promoting bacteria in the microbiome. When you acquire an infection, it’s a symptom that your system is out of balance due to nasty germs. At this moment, good bacteria assists in the elimination of the bad bacteria and the restoration of the good bacteria equilibrium. Thus, overall gut health improves children’s ability to fight infections and reduces the frequency of infection in kids.


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Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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Treatment for Dry Skin: 7 Ready Steady Glow Ingredients

The most talked about and most common skin ailment on the globe is dry skin. It can affect any part of the body, but our face skin is particularly vulnerable. In many cases, treatment for dry skin includes simple lifestyle changes and over-the-counter moisturizers will suffice.

Dry skin is defined by a lack of moisture in the epidermis, or top layer of the skin. Lipids and protein make up the epidermis, which helps to keep the skin hydrated. When these proteins and lipids are deficient in our skin, moisture from the skin evaporates quickly, resulting in dry skin.

The symptoms of dry skin usually include cracked skin, itching, flakiness, redness, grey or ashy skin and stretched skin. Before knowing the treatments, let us understand the causes of dry skin.

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What are the causes of dry skin?

The absolute cause of dry skin is quite unidentified. But it is alleged to be triggered by some environmental, genetic, atopic conditions.

  • Weather conditions – cold weather
  • Using extreme hot water for bathing
  • Hormone
  • Genetics
  • Allergens
  • Dry air
  • Exposure to harsh skin care products
  • Medical conditions (diabetes, eczema)
  • Unbalanced skin Ph
  • Harsh skin scrubbing or scratching

How to get rid of dry skin naturally?

There are the big hitters in the realm of moisturizing skin-care ingredients that you’ve probably heard of. These are few natural ingredients that helps in treatment for dry skin help:

1. Aloe vera:

This ingredient is an all-rounder and works great for alleviating dry skin. The mucopolysaccharides present help in binding moisture to the skin. Aloe vera gets absorbed easily in the skin and helps in retaining moisture and improving skin integrity.

2. Glycerin:

This humectant is a dry skin superhero. Glycerin has antimicrobial properties and is well suited for almost all types of skin.  It helps minimize the water loss in your skin and balances the skin Ph. Additionally, it draws moisture to the skin and creates a protective layer which helps in keeping the skin healthy and glowing. In skin care products, glycerin is majorly used as occlusive that traps moisture in the skin. Few studies show that glycerin is the most effective humectant.

3. Papaya extract:

This fruit extract is indeed a boon in treating dry skin It contains antioxidants, enzymes (papain), and vitamin A, all of which aid in the treatment of dry, flaky skin. Furthermore, this nutrient-dense fruit extract revitalizes the skin, keeping it soft, vibrant, and luminous.

4. Psidium Guajava (Guava):

Guava contains a variety of antioxidants and vitamins. It aids in the protection of your skin from harm. Guava fruit extract, in addition to its health benefits, aids in skin hydration when applied to the skin. Moreover, as guava has antimicrobial properties it may reduce the inflammation caused by dry skin.

5. Licorice:

For centuries, licorice has been used for skin treatments along with its benefits for health. Licorice has skin smoothing properties. It is an effective agent when it comes to treat dry skin or even atopic dermatitis (a type of eczema).  The active compound of licorice, glycyrrhetinic acid, helps in reducing skin dryness severity by alleviating irritation and redness. It also helps in regulating the oil production in the skin.

6. Hydrolysed rice protein:

This type of rice protein improves the ability of the skin to bind moisture. Thus, developing flexibility and strength. Hydrolyzed rice protein aids  in retaining skin’s moisture is an valuable cosmetic ingredient. It contains vitamin E, starch, and amino acids, which keep the skin hydrated and provide a protective barrier.

7. Sodium hyaluronate:

This hydrophilic ingredient extracted from Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is hydrophilic in nature. Sodium hyaluronate when applied to the skin topically draws moisture to the skin and retains it. It also helps in repairing the compromised moisture barrier and plums the skin up. According to the studies, sodium hyaluronate provides greater hydrating effects than HA.

Scientific research on ingredients that help with dry skin:

  1. How Aloe Vera helps for skin hydration. Read here.
  2. How Glycerin is an effective humectant for dry skin. Read here.
  3. Skin smoothening and hydrating properties of Licorice. Read here.
  4. How Sodium hyaluronate provides greater hydrating effects than HA. Read here.

Tips: Care for dry skin on face:

Along with the use of the above mentioned ingredients for reducing dry ski, here are a few tips that can help you this winter (and year round too).

  • Moisturize daily (twice or thrice or whenever dryness occurs)
  • Avoid going near strong heat sources
  • Use lukewarm water for bathing
  • Limit the bathing time
  • Dry yourself well
  • Reducing stress
  • Avoid scrubbing and scratching
  • Identify your triggers and avoid them
  • Cut fingernails often
  • Use gentle skin care products
  • Avoid chemical products
  • Avoid tight fitting clothing
  • Wear soft cotton clothes
  • Take extra care in winters
  • Clean yourself thoroughly when sweating a lot
  • Avoid dust and mites too
  • Drink adequate amount of water


Despite the fact that every skin care product claims to reduce dry skin, there are a few skin care chemicals that must be avoided. When taken for an extended period of time, they can cause serious harm. Therefore, when looking for a solution to help dry skin, it’s important to do your research. Some cosmetics contain substances that are potentially detrimental to your skin and health. Here are a few to mention:

  • Paraben
  • Phthalates
  • Mercury
  • Aluminum
  • Lead
  • Liquid Bleach
  • Steroids


Although vitamin C is generally accepted by all skin types, a patch test is required before usage to identify allergies or danger. Here’s how to get started:

  • Cleans your face well and pat dry.
  • Apply a small amount of vitamin c with the help of the dropper to the affected area
  • Massage gently (in the circular of upward direction)
  • Leave it to fully absorb by the skin
  • Lastly, apply sunscreen


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of skin care product for adults is an easy solution to various skin related problems. Made with Proven Ingredients. No Silicone, No paraben, No sulfate. To know more about this product SHOP HERE

For Dry skin, Reducing Pigmentation, Pores, Acne and Spots on Face | Use Ready Steady Glow Guava Botanical Face Drops | Made with GUAVA, ALOE VERA, PAPAYA, SAXIFRAGA PLANT, RICE PROTEIN | 100% Natural | Sulfate-Free | Paraben & Silicon-Free | ORDER


Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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Dry and frizzy hair home remedies: 10 hair hacks

dry and frizzy hair home remedies by Iyurved

People having dry and frizzy hair may relate to this quote that keeps on popping up the internet a lot of times. “My hair is wilder than I am” But, hey! Frizzy hair may be difficult to manage, but it’s not impossible! Frizzy hair is 100% natural and there is nothing wrong with it. With so many over-the-counter (OTC) anti-frizz products available in the market, you’d think keeping frizz away can be easy. But it seems that no matter how much product you put in your hair to keep it from frizzing up, nothing works. Here home remedies come into picture. Yes, there are some easy and effective dry and frizzy hair home remedies that not only control your frizz but also help improve the overall hair health.

Before going to home remedies, let’s start with some basic ideas about Frizz!

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what causes hair to be frizzy?

Our hair is composed of three layers, the outermost of which is known as the cuticle. When the hair is healthy, the natural oil present in the outer layers of the hair protects the inner layer of the hair as well. As a result, the hair retains moisture, shine, and sheen.

But, when hair becomes damaged or dry, the cuticle (outer layer of the hair strand) begins to resemble a pine cone, with rough, open, and overlapping scales. When this happens, the hair loses moisture while absorbing moisture from the air. This causes the hair to swell, lose shape, become fragile, brittle, and appear dull. In a nutshell, it becomes frizzy!

Causes of dry and frizzy hair:

A lot of factors are responsible for dry and frizzy hair. Dry hair makes the frizz worse. Here are some possible causes:

  • Dry scalp
  • Weather or environmental conditions
  • Excessive sun exposure
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Age
  • Very hot water for hair wash
  • Frequent or too often hair wash
  • Heat styling (blow try, straighteners, curlers)
  • Using harsh hair care product
  • Hormonal changes
  • No proper hair care routine
  • Some medical conditions can also lead to dry and frizzy hair:
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Hypoparathyroidism
  • Anorexia nervosa
  • Menkes disease
dry and frizzy hair home remedies:

You don’t have to spend a lot of money on these home remedies. Well, definitely not as much as the anti-frizz products available in the market. These remedies are pocket friendly, effective, and the simplest way to control frizz!

1.    Banana hair mask:

This fruit is almost universally adored. Bananas are not only good for the body but also for the hair. They are high in potassium and contain a lot of moisture. When applied to the hair, they help to prevent split ends, reduce frizz, soften the hair, keep it moisturized, and improve the elasticity of the hair.

Mash one banana. Mix 2 tablespoons of honey. Whisk and make a paste. Apply thoroughly from roots to tips. Let it rest for 45-50 minutes. Rinse well.

mash one banana and thoroughly spread it on the hair, from roots to ends. Leave it on for 1 hour and rinse with lukewarm water.

2.    Egg mask:

‘Do not use it if you have an egg allergy.’ Eggs contain a lot of protein, saturated fats, vitamins, and biotin. It has the ability to smooth and moisturize frizzy hair. Furthermore, it makes the hair shinier and healthier.

Whip one or two eggs according to the length of your hair. Mix 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil to it. Whisk it until they are frothy. Apply on the hair and scalp. Make sure that the entire length of hair is covered. Tie and cover your hair with aplastic wrap. Rest it for 30 minutes. Rinse well.

3.    Apple cider vinegar (ACV):

The pH of healthy hair is between 4.5 and 5.5. When the pH of the hair becomes too alkaline, the cuticles open up, resulting in frizz. ACV which is slightly acidic in nature that maintains the hair pH when applied. It helps by removing the product build up, reduces dandruff and thus tames frizzy hair. It also has antibacterial properties. People having sensitive scalp should avoid this remedy as it may cause irritation. Additionally, those who have coloured hair must not use this very often as this may fade the colour.

Mix 1/3 cup of apple cider vinegar to 1 quarter warm water. Combine thoroughly. Pour the required amount onto the hairs. Ensure that the entire length is covered. Allow it to sit for a few minutes before rinsing thoroughly. You can even use a conditioner if necessary. The strong odour of ACV must be washed away.

4.    Yogurt and Honey:

Honey and yogurt are a great combination to kick the frizz out. Yogurt has conditioning properties whereas honey provides hydration.

Mix well ½ cup of yogurt and 1 tablespoon of honey. Apply this to your hair and scalp completely. Keep it for about 20-30 minutes. Rinse well and ensure that all the residues of yogurt are washed off.

5.    Warm oil:

Coconut oil and argan oil are great to control the frizzy hairs. They are rich in lauric acid and oleic, linolenic acids respectively. Overall, they help in adding moisture to the hair, reduce protein loss, provide shine and protect hair from styling heat. There are multiple ways in which you can use these oils.

Apply warm coconut oil mixed with 10 drops of vitamin E on the scalp and hair. Massage gently. Leave it overnight. Rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Applying a tiny amount of coconut oil post wash (when the hair is damp) helps in reducing frizz too.

Before heat styling, add a few drops of argan oil on the palm and apply on the hair.

6.    Avocado hair mask:

Frizzy hair remedies at home include this fruit which is not only a delicious toast topping, but it’s also a superfruit that fights frizz. Avocado is high in vitamin A, E, saturated fats, vitamins, and minerals, all of which aid in hair strengthening, nourishing dry, damaged hair, and retaining moisture.

Mash one ripe avocado. To it add 2-3 spoons of coconut oil. Make a medium thick paste. Apply it all over your scalp and hair. Cover it with a plastic wrap or towel. Let it rest on your hairs for 20-30 minutes. Wash well with shampoo.

Ayurvedic dry and frizzy hair home remedies:

Herbs have been used for centuries for treating a lot of health concerns. It has incredible medical benefits when it comes to hair and skin too. Ayurvedic formulations are full of nutrients, which nourish the hair from root to tip. They keep the cuticle hydrated and seal in moisture to prevent frizzing. Here are a few simple but amazing ayurvedic dry and frizzy hair home remedies:

1.    Ashwagandha

This ayurvedic herb is well known for its healing and grounding abilities. One of the reasons for dry and frizzy hair is vata dosha. Ashwagandha has a very high potential to treat this frizz.  

Apply warm ashwagandha oil to the scalp and hair. Keep it overnight. Rinse well with shampoo.

Mix ashwagandha powder (required as per the hair length) and add water to it to make a fine paste. Apply this to your scalp and hair and massage gently. Wrap it up with a towel or sheet. Rinse well after 30 minutes.

2.    Neem:

Well, the antibacterial properties of neem are well known. In addition to it, the fatty acids in the neem helps to control frizz by locking the moisture in the hair follicles.

Take a handful of neem leaves and add it to boiling water. Leave it overnight. Grind the leaves to a medium flow consistency. You can use the water too for the hair wash. Apply gently on the hair and the scalp. Leave it for 20 minutes. Rinse well with a mild shampoo.

3.    Brahmi:

Since ancient times Brahmi has been a magical herb that helps to reduce vata dosha and thus reduce dry and frizzy hairs. Moreover, it also reduces hair loss and premature hair greying. Additional benefit is that a regular scalp massage with Brahmi oil helps in curing insomnia.  

Soak overnight a few Brahmi leaves in warm amla oil. Warm the oil before applying and massage gently on the scalp and hairs. Leave it for 1 hour and rinse well.

4.    Homemade shampoo:

Boil Reetha, Shikakai and Amla separately and strain the juice. To it mix Brahmi, hibiscus and fenugreek powder. Mix well. Use this as a shampoo. It will reduce frizz naturally.

Effective tips to prevent frizzy hair:
  • Protect your hair from humidity
  • Avoid excessive exposure to sun
  • Best to avoid hair dyes
  • Do not over wash/ over shampoo your hair
  • Use warm or cold water to cleanse your hair.
  • Protect the hair from the hair styling heat
  • Follow a hair care routine
  • Avoid (frequent) chlorinated water exposure
  • Trim your hair on a regular basis in order to prevent split ends
  • Apply hydrating hair mask at least once a week
  • Tie your hair in loose hair styles
  • Use soft and padded hair accessories and do not sleep with them
  • Avoid washing your hair too often
  • Use chemical free hair care products
  • Proper oiling
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Consume a good healthy balanced diet
Food that helps reduce dry and frizzy hairs:

Food is the most important aspect to consider when decreasing frizz. A balanced diet will help your hair become less dry and frizzy while also adding shine and hydration.

Nuts and seeds: These seeds are rich in essential fatty acids that help in keeping the hair hydrated, almond, pista, walnut, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds.

Fruits: These are rich in vitamins, minerals and micronutrients too. Papaya, banana, avocado, grapes, oranges, melons, figs, plums, apples, coconut, berries and cherries.

Legumes and pulses: Green gram and black lentils.

Vegetables: Carrots, onion, garlic, asparagus, celery, beetroot, radish, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, sprouts.

Dairy: Milk, paneer, cheese, ghee, butter


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Let’s understand what eczema is- 6 proven foods that help

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Treating eczema at times is hard to deal with. In addition to infants and babies, eczema can also affects teens and adults. It is possible that some people will be able to overcome this condition. In most cases, this is the long-term skin condition that flares up periodically. Eczema is a skin condition in which the body develops patches on the skin that can be itchy, dry, red, inflamed, cracked and rough.

In spite of the fact that a lot of research has been done, a cure has not yet been found. Few medications or creams can help reduce inflammation. Some home remedies can soothe the skin and make it better. It must be noted that eczema can be triggered by some foods too. Avoiding them will help a lot.

By the end of this read, you will find a few foods and tips that will help in preventing and reducing eczema to some extent.

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Symptoms of eczema:

The symptoms of eczema may vary according to age. These symptoms help in treating eczema. Though there are not many differences but can be noticeable.

General: Mild severity. Itching. Dryness. Redness. Scaly skin. Weeping sores. Infections if scratched frequently.

Skin colour: People whose skin tone is not white usually have eczema rash in brown colour. Light or dark patches (Hyperpigmentation)

Infants (below 2 years): Itchiness, dryness, boils, rash on cheeks, scalp and chest, redness, sensitive skin

Childhood (above 2 years): Usually overcome as the child gets older. Small bumps, itching, thick skin, rash on necks, legs, wrists, creases of buttocks, elbow and knees, light or dark rash, redness

Foods that help with eczema:


This herb has revitalizing and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also well known for its healing properties.  The root, when ground into a paste and used topically, can be used to treat a variety of skin irritations and infections, such as boils, ulcers, and eczema. Ashwagandha may also assist to enhance and stabilize the immune system. Consumption of ashwagandha may help with the inflammation in eczema.

Mulethi (Licorice):

For centuries, licorice has been used for skin treatments along with its benefits for health. Licorice has skin smoothing properties. It is an effective agent when it comes to atopic dermatitis (a type of eczema).  The active compound of licorice, glycyrrhetinic acid, helps in reducing eczema severity by alleviating irritation and redness. Moreover, it may be effective against the bacteria that can infect the skin. (NIH)


This medicinal herb is well known for its properties for treating various skin related concerns including eczema. It helps in blood purification, skin renewal and regeneration. It also helps to soothe irritated skin and clear it up quickly. Brahmi improves the complexion of the skin whether applied directly to it or consumed on a regular basis. Moreover, Brahmi helps in balancing Pitta in the skin and strengthen skin’s defensive properties.


This is the oldest cure when it comes to skin. As eczema is an inflammatory skin condition, an anti-inflammatory compound would help ease the irritation and redness. Turmeric has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help in reducing eczema and other skin related concerns.  The antimicrobial property in turmeric helps prevent the growth of bacteria on the skin that may flare up irritation and damage. Few studies have shown that turmeric can help treat eczema and other skin diseases by boosting collagen.


Too many free radicals in the body, in some cases, triggers various inflammatory skin conditions including eczema. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps in stabilizing the skin. In addition to its antioxidant properties, vitamin E also helps in protecting them from UV damage, renewing skin cells and repairing the skin.

Essential fatty acids:

Deficiency of essential fatty acids can be a cause of eczema as it can leave your skin dry and flaky. The foods rich in essential acids such as pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds have the capability to reduce inflammation. 


Extra care must be taken while treating eczema in babies and children as their skin is quite sensitive and may react quicker.

  • Use mild, chemical free moisturizers
  • Oat’s bath is generally safe for babies. Care must be taken for sensitive areas.
  • Avoid bathing the babies frequently
  • Make sure baby gets enough air flow when covered
  • Avoid tight clothing
  • Use mittens whenever required
  • Use chemical free baby care products
  • Fragrance free and alcohol-free wipes must be proffered
  • Extra care must be taken in extreme weather conditions

Scientific research on ingredients that helps with eczema:

Licorice: There is a convincing scientific research that licorice helps in reducing the inflammation and itching caused by eczema. Read Here.

Turmeric: There is a wide research on the role of turmeric in improving skin related concerns. It is well tolerated and widely available. Read here.

Foods to avoid:

Foods to avoid by Iyurved

Refined sugar: Excessive sugar spikes the insulin levels in the body and result in inflammation. Moreover, sugar can aggravate other skin conditions such as acne, wrinkles and fine lines. Greatest source of sugar in the average kid’s diet are sugary snacks and beverages like cookies, cakes, candies, fruit juice, soda, and sports drinks. Everything that the child picks up to eat today has strains of added sugar in some form or the other.

Preservatives: Most of the packaged food companies are adding artificial preservatives to delay spoilage and contamination in foods.  Artificial preservatives such as nitrates, benzoates, sulfites, sorbates, parabens, formaldehyde, BHT, BHA and several others can cause serious health hazards such as skin hypersensitivity, allergy, asthma, hyperactivity, neurological damage.

Refined oil: The high temperature involved in the refining process removes all the natural and beneficial substances from the oil, which is not good for the skin and body.

How to feed all these foods to kids?

What eczema by Iyurved

Now the question arises- how to include all these bitter Ayurvedic herbs, nuts, seeds and antioxidants in your child’s diet?

Immunity booster chocolate spread

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India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

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8 proven benefits from vitamin c

benefits from vitamin c

Well, where do we even begin when it comes to vitamin C? It has captivated the entire cosmetic industry because of its potential benefits.  Vitamin C is legendary in the skin care world and is known as the powerhouse. Vitamin C, on the other hand, is the holy grail (for a good reason) for many skin-related issues. The benefits from vitamin C are massive!

Vitamin C has been recognized as one of the most effective anti-oxidant (Foods with anti-oxidants) ingredients on the market. Vitamin C products have gradually found their way onto markets around the world, with claims ranging from delaying the ageing (How sugar affects ageing process) process to making your skin glow (Foods for glowing skin). But what exactly is vitamin C and what are the benefits from vitamin C that you get?

Vitamin C is the water-soluble antioxidant which helps in protecting and improving our skin and body in numerous ways. In scientific terms, it is also called Ascorbic acid or L-ascorbic acid. It is required for the body’s overall growth and repair of tissues. Let’s get aware of the benefits from vitamin c to your skin!

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Benefits from Vitamin C:

Usually, Vitamin C has a high level of safety (NIH). A lot of people use it on a daily basis for quite a long time without experiencing any contrary reactions.

1.Fights free radicals:

Free radicals are produced due to various environmental aggressors such as sunlight, pollution and stress. Over a period of time, they tend to damage the skin tissue which provides strength and elasticity to the skin. Also, they hamper the cell functioning, moisture barriers capacity and the skin colour and texture. Vitamin C fights these free radicals and protects the skin.

2. Skin hydration:

The derivatives of vitamin C and vitamin C of course exhibit skin hydrating properties (NIH). They show to prevent moisture loss and lock the moisture from the skin thus, decreasing the trans epidermal moisture loss. This in turn helps in making the skin healthy, soft and smooth.

3. Boost collagen production:

Collagen (Natural Collagen sources) is a protein which is found in the body and is responsible for skin’s structure, elasticity, texture and quality. As we age collagen starts to deplete. Lower level of collagen in the body leads to skin fine lines, wrinkles and sagging. Vitamin C, on the other hand, is known for boosting collagen production (NIH). Moreover, it also assists the production of elastin. This helps in keeping the skin firm, youthful, smooth and reduces aging.

4. Skin Brightening:

Vitamin C is majorly known for its skin brightening properties. Consistent applications help in improving the dull skin and making it bright.  They add extra luminance to the present complexions and make you look young and fresh. 

5. Reduces dark circles:

One of the benefits from vitamin C is that it aids in reduction of dark circles (Home remedies). Studies have shown that it helps in reducing the darkness by strengthening delicate under eye skin. It’s antioxidant properties make skin more resilient and conceal the blood vessels beneath the skin.

6. Boost wound healing:

According to the studies in NIH, vitamin C reduces the risk related to inflammation, infection and scarring. It has seen that it helps to speed up overall wound healing.

7. Reduces hyperpigmentation:

The antioxidant properties of vitamin C play a significant role in the fight against dark spots. It is also in charge of giving you a more even skin tone. Furthermore, vitamin C inhibits melanin production, preventing hyperpigmentation.

8. Act as sun damage shield:

According to a few studies, vitamin C can help to protect the skin from UV damage caused by the sun. It helps by mitigating the damage. Furthermore, it hastens cell turnover and replaces damaged cells with new ones.

How do you apply vitamin C to your face?

Although vitamin C is generally accepted by all skin types, a patch test is required before usage to identify allergies or danger. Here’s how to get started:

  • Cleans your face well and pat dry.
  • Apply a small amount of vitamin c with the help of the dropper to the affected area
  • Massage gently (in the circular of upward direction)
  • Leave it to fully absorb by the skin
  • Lastly, apply sunscreen
benefits from vitamin c
Transformation: Before and after benefits from Vitamin C

Read the label properly before use. Make sure you are not allergic to any ingredients mentioned. Daily once or twice application will show effects. As vitamin c is prone to oxidation, the colour might change due to oxidation. But still it is safe to use when used before the use by date. 


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9 Natural Ways for Hair Fall Control: Home remedies and foods

for hair fall control

“Invest in your hair. It’s the crown you never take off” Let your hair do the talking! We frequently have a complicated relationship with our hair. It stands to reason that we put in a lot of effort to manage our hair and maintain a good hair care routine. This is due to the fact that our hair is one of our most attractive features, and everyone wants to keep it that way. A lot of factors such as pollution, genetic stress, nutritional deficiencies, disease, medications, and improper hair tying causes hair loss. Try these home remedies for hair fall control if you want to reduce hair fall and avoid using chemical hair care products.

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9 natural ways for hair fall control:

Whatever the cause of your hair loss, it is critical to establish a proper hair care routine in order to reduce breakage and keep the hair you do have full and healthy. Although, every remedy mentioned on the internet might not work for you. Therefore, it is recommended to try any remedy on a smaller patch to check its suitability on your scalp or skin.


The benefits of hair massage for hair fall control is amazing. It increases blood circulation, reduces hair fall and promotes hair growth. Moreover, it keeps you relaxed. Massage gently with lukewarm oil. Coconut oil is best suited but some medicated oil such as rosemary oil, arnica oil may be beneficial.


Fenugreek do wonders to your hair. It helps in reducing the hair fall and also keeping your hair healthy, soft, and clean. Soak the fenugreek seeds in water overnight. Strain and apply the fenugreek water to your scalp. Let it rest for 1-2 hours and wash with shampoo. You can also make a paste, apply for about 30 mins and wash off. Repeat this procedure twice a week for better results.


For centuries, amla has been used as a cure for many hair issues. Amla, a rich source of vitamin C, can be used either in your diet or as an external application. Heat coconut oil with amla powder until it turns brownish-black. Once it is cooled, apply to your roots. Rest it for 2 hours and wash with shampoo. If this feels too sticky for you, then try mixing amla juice with lemon juice and apply it on your scalp. Massage it gently and leave it for about 2 hours. Wash off clean.


Bhringraj is commonly known for its benefits on hair and for hair fall control. Make a paste of fresh Bhringraj leaves and apply it on the scalp. Leave it for 45 mins and then wash as usual. If you don’t have fresh leaves, then try the tablets or powders available in the market.


Essential oils are one of the greatest tips for hair care. They have antifungal, antibacterial, antiseptic and antibiotic properties too. It helps hair growth and boost circulation. Rosemary oil, geranium oil and tea tree oil are a few to mention. You can mix a few drops of any of these oils with a carrier oil such as coconut or olive oil. Massage it on your scalp. Leave it for 10-15 minutes and wash thoroughly. DO NOT USE CONCENTRATED ESSENTIAL OILS.


Aloe vera is an all-rounder. It reduces skin inflammation, scaliness, itching, irritation and moisturizes the skin too. Moreover, aloe vera helps in reducing. It prevents hair loss and liberates the hair follicles blocked by excessive oil secretion. Apply fresh Aloe Vera gel to the scalp. Rub a little. Rest for a good 20 minutes and wash off normally as you would.


Although onions have a strong odour and can drive you insane, they will eliminate your tears when it comes to hair fall. It’s a good remedy for hair fall control as it increases the blood supply. If you use this on a regular basis you will notice shiny, thicker and longer hair. Make onion juice by grinding. Apply it evenly on the scalp. Massage gently. Leave it for 30 minutes. Wash normal.


Eggs are rich in Sulphur, protein, zinc and phosphorus. It is an excellent remedy for hair fall control. This is because it promotes hair growth, prevents split ends and strengthens the strands.  Mix an egg with a teaspoon of honey and olive oil. Apply it on the scalp and massage it well. Leave it for 20-30 minutes. Wash with cold water.

9.Regular washing and healthy diet:

Regular washing of hair will help to keep the scalp and the hair clean and healthy. It is important to use chemical free hair care products to reduce breakage and hair fall. A healthy diet and consumption of plenty of water will help in nourishing the hair from inside and promote hair growth.

Food for hair fall control:

Diet and nutrition plays a significant role in developing the strength of your hair. Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency known in the world as one of the major reasons for hair fall. There are various foods, nutrients, herbs and essential oils for hair fall control and for hair growth that can help to prevent/cure hair related issues in adults.


Hair is made up of 95% protein. Absorbable proteins must be a part of diet. Some good sources of proteins include legumes, soy, lentils, eggs, fish, beans and dairy products. (Top nuts and seeds for protein)


Biotin, a vitamin associated with hair growth, is an essential one to be consumed. Natural sources of vitamin B include dark green leafy vegetables, almonds, eggs, milk, cheese, yoghurt, Salmon and legumes. (What are the reasons of hair fall in kids?)


Anemia is one of the major reasons for hair fall. Iron helps in carrying oxygen to your cell. And as hair follicles are nourished by blood supply it is important to have iron rich foods. Good natural sources of iron include spinach, legumes, nuts and seeds, quinoa, dates, beetroot, broccoli, dark chocolate, fishes, ragi.


The antioxidant properties of vitamin E have been hailed for its skin and hair benefits. It helps in reducing hair fall to some extent. Also, vitamin E improves overall scalp, hair health and adds shine to the hair. This vitamin is easily found in nuts, sunflower seeds, soya oil, wheat germ, green leafy vegetables, olive oil, sunflower oil, avocado and kiwi.


Vitamin D stimulates the new and old hair follicles. Low levels of which can cause hair loss. Some foods rich in this vitamin include fishes, mushrooms, ghee, certain cereals, milk and egg yolk. (Why calcium and vitamin D are important?)


One of the roles of vitamin C in the body is to create a protein collagen which is an important part of hair structure. Moreover, it assists the absorption of iron. Vitamin C is abundantly found in citrus fruits, strawberries, raspberries, peppers, broccoli and kale. (Which food is power house of vitamin C?)


The deficiency of zinc is one of the reasons for hair fall. This is because zinc has its major part of play in hair growth and hair repair. Food high in zinc comprises pumpkin seeds, whole grains, milk products, poultry, beans, nuts, dark chocolate. (Food that can help to get best skin and hairs)


Collagen, as studies suggest, is one of the main reasons of hair fall and hair thinning. It is a protein which helps to build your connective tissues like bones, ligaments, cartilage and also improves skin, hair, nails, joints and digestion. It can be commonly found in fish, chicken, egg whites, citrus fruits, berries and garlic. (Which foods can help with acne?)


This flower is rich in vitamin C, flavonoids, amino acids, mucilage fiber, moisture content and antioxidants. It helps prevent hair loss and stimulates regrowth from dormant follicles and also reduces the greying of hair. Another healthy hair tip for hair fall situations and dry hair is to add hibiscus petals to your hair oil & then massage your scalp using this oil.


Moringa is loaded with nutrients such as Zinc, vitamin A, B, C and E and essential amino acids. It is rich in chlorophyll and antioxidants which helps to nourish your hair. It helps restore strength, promotes hair growth and also repairs damaged hair. (Is this really a superfood to prevent most of the ailments?)


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Eye, Brain development, Bone strength and overall growth to kids without any fuss. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods –SHOP HERE.

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

To stop Hair Fall & Strengthen Hair & Body, give Women Stop Hair Fall Masala Spread | 0% Preservatives | 0% Refined Sugar | 0% Palm oil | With SHATAVARI, ASHWAGANDHA, AMLA, MORINGA, ALOE VERA | ORDER |


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7 Best and Natural collagen sources

Natural collagen sources

Collagen is the recent buzzword in the cosmetic and health industry. There is more to it when we talk about collagens apart from its benefits for the skin. The most prevalent protein in the human body is collagen. You would be surprised to know that collagen covers about one third of protein in the body and 75% of your skin. Isn’t it a lot? The good news here is that you can get your collagen through some natural collagen sources.

Collagen is responsible for holding the body together. It plays a major role in providing strength and structure. It is mostly present in bones, connective tissues, tendons, skin, muscles and ligaments. Collagen found in the body has multiple functions. Hence, its depletion leads to a number of health issues. This is the point where we need natural collagen sources to consume and provide the body.

This article will give you an overall science backed idea about the versatile benefits, depletion and sources of collagen. But let’s start with the basics.


To put it in simple terms, collagen is the glue that holds the body together. Collagen is protein and is made up of the building block of protein i.e., amino acids (majorly proline, glycine, hydroxyproline and arginine). It is a hard, strong, quite flexible and fibrous form of protein that the body needs.

Collagen has different types depending upon its role in the body. Out of which 4 are main types.

Type 1: Covers 90% of the body’s collagen. Compactly packed. Provides structure to connective tissues, bones, skin, tendons, teeth and fibrous cartilage.

Type 2: Lightly packed fibres. Present in cushion joints (elastic cartilage)

Type 3: Ropes the structure of organs, muscles and arteries.

Type 4: Present in skin layers. Assist with filtration.

Why do we need collagen?

By now you might have got a little idea about what collagen is. Let’s get a bit deeper.

Every year our body loses about 1% of collagen. Initially there would be negligible difference but it makes a huge difference when you reach your 40s. The rate of breaking down is more than the rate of replacing the collagen in the body. It means, the depletion in the collagen will lead to weakened organ protection, wrinkles, weaker cartilages, weaker bones, weaker muscle tissue. Overall, it affects the strength and structure of the body. Therefore, collagen is of utmost importance.

Benefits of collagen:

Let’s talk about a few most spoken benefits of collagen.

Skin hydration and elasticity:

Collagen is known to give skin tissues its texture, durability, rigidity and structure. When collages combine with elastics fibers it gives the skin resilience. Moreover, it helps in keeping the skin hydrated and reduces the wrinkles. One of the studies in the journal Antioxidants, stated that collagen can also protect the skin from UV damage.

Reduce Joint pains:

As mentioned earlier, Collagen starts decreasing with age increasing. And as you get older you are more prone to joint disorders. Collagen is said to maintain the integrity of a rubber-like tissue that helps in protecting your joint (cartilage). It has also been hypothesized that collagen supplements stimulate the collagen production in the cartilage.  One of the studies mentioned in the Applied physiology, nutrition and metabolism journal states that collagen reduces inflammation, reduces pain and acts as a better support system for your joints.

Heals wounds:

Collagen promotes wound healing by regenerating skin cells. Also, it attracts new skin cells to the wound site to heal it faster. (First aids tips for cuts and wounds)

Prevent bone loss:

Our bones are mostly made up of collagen. This is what gives bone structure and strength. Consumption of collagen is shown to increase the bone mineral density. Thus, making it less brittle. (Foods for stronger bones)

Improve hair and nails:

Collagen is an important part of hair and nails too. They are responsible for increasing hair thickness, quality and scalp coverage. Moreover, they help in strengthening nails thus preventing brittleness. Furthermore, collagen stimulates the hair and nails to grow. (Healthy hair and skin foods)

Boost muscle mass:

Collagen is a structural protein in the muscles. It is required in order to maintain strong muscles and proper functioning. Researches indicate that collagen consumption improved the muscle mass that reduces with age. Also, it assists in synthesis of creatine (a muscle protein).

Promote heart health:

Surprising, right? Yes, researches mention that collagen may reduce the risk of heart related issues. Although this may be true as collagen is accountable to maintain artery stiffness and provide them structure. In addition to it, collagen also helps in improving the good cholesterol levels in the body.

Easily digestible protein:

The collagen that you get in the form of supplements are a bit different than that in the body. Supplements are usually made up of shorter chain amino acids and are hydrolyzed forms of collagen. This is the easily digestible form of collagen. This process also makes them easy to use in everyday foods.

Collagen damage:

There are several factors that damage or depletes the level of collagen in the body. If you wish to have healthy skin then avoid these factors.

Smoking: Reduces the collagen production. Damages skin elastin too.

Eating too much refined carbohydrates and sugar: Reduces collagens self-repair ability. Glycation (in which sugar attaches to protein to make a new molecule) damages protein. Brittle and dry collagen. (How sugar affects your skin)

UV rays: Excess of sun rays breaks the collagen. Decreases production. Irregular elastin build up. (Sunscreen tips)

Autoimmune disorders: Damages collagen.

Genetic changes and Ageing process: Cannot be avoided

Natural collagen sources:

There are some good natural collagen sources that you can consume if you do not wish to take supplements. One of the great things about collagens is that it is resorbable. It can be absorbed back into the body.

Procollagen is the initial step collagen formation. It uses up two amino acids viz., proline and glycine. The fact is that this can also be found in some foods.

Proline: Mushrooms, cabbage, egg whites, dairy products, asparagus, wheat germ, meat, soy

Glycine: Chicken skin, beans, nuts, seeds, salmon, legumes, watercress, spinach,

Vitamin C: Citrus fruits, bell peppers, strawberries, broccoli

Vitamin A: Carrots, squash, broccoli, fish, dairy products, salmon, spinach, sweet potato, egg

Copper: Cocoa powder, sesame seeds, lentils, cashew nuts, shellfish, nuts, green leafy vegetables

Zinc: Beans, lentil, nuts, seeds, fish, chickpeas, dairy products, whole grains, legumes

Anthocyanins: All bright Berries, cherries, Aubergine, red cabbage, dark chocolate, grapes, all red, purple and blue foods


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Check the Recipe made with Iyurved’s secret health ingredient- DAILY NUTRITION spread.



We are happy to introduce our range of nutritious & tasty products for kids!!
We know that preparing and feeding healthy foods everyday is a huge task. Even more tough when kids are picky eaters. Kids prefer certain foods and formats. It is not easy to feed kids bitter Ayurvedic herbs, variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds everyday.
Mixed with Ayurvedic herbs, this unique product is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Brain development, Bone strength and overall-growth to kids without any fuss.

Iyurved Teens Hormone Balance Chocolate Spread

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

Kids & Teens Hormone Balance Chocolate Spread | 0% preservatives | 0% refined sugar | 0% Palm oil | with MANJISTHA, TURMERIC, NEEM | ORDER |

Check more products for: Immunity, Brain development, Sleep (for hyperactive kids), Weight, Eyesight, Hormones and Overall growth

(shipping in India and Singapore only)

Join Fast-Growing KIDS NUTRITION & SKINCARE Community for Parents of small Kids & Teens.


Foods and Remedies recommended by a Nutrition expert.