Food to Manage Hormone Imbalance

Food choices can directly impact hormone in the body. Consuming refined or processed carbs like white flour, bread, pasta, pizza, white rice can directly increase the blood sugar in the body and ultimately results hormone imbalance. On the contrary, foods which are whole grains like amaranth, buckwheat, barley or other high fibre foods can control the spike in blood sugar and manage stress by making hormones happy. Fiber rich foods are suitable to beat stress as they release a brain calming chemical called serotonin in the body.

In addition to fibre, research has found that intake of Magnesium can help manage stress, anxiety and hormone imbalance in kids. Magnesium is responsible for nerve transmission and nerve-muscle coordination. It protects against the excessive excitement in a child (which can be traumatic). There is enough research going on how Magnesium can help in fixing or preventing neurological disorders and hormone imbalance.

WHATSAPP for concerns like Speech Delay, Low Weight, Frequent Illness, Hyperactivity, Low Concentration, Weak Eyesight, Improper Sleep, Pigmentation, Pores, Face Marks, Fine Lines , Lactation etc.


Traditionally, if we look back centuries ago, Sendha namak or Epsom salt has been used to heal, relax and calm the body nerves. Epsom salt is actually not a salt but a mineral called Magnesium sulfate. Soaking body or feet in this mineral enables absorption of decent quantity through skin which results in relaxing nerves and muscles.

Studies indicate that roughly 50% kids don’t meet the daily Magnesium requirement. Magnesium is one of the top four abundant minerals in the body. So, any deficiency of this mineral will easily reflect in daily life as it results in hormone imbalance. Magnesium is key in formation of bones, maintaining blood flow, keeping stress low and to make hormones happy. It also brings relief to girls who suffer from menstrual cramps, leg cramps and irritable mood. (Puberty in girls)

For kids who deal with Asthma, which is on a rise due to hazardous air quality levels, magnesium can help. This Marvelous mineral has calming effects and hence aids in reducing hyper activity and lack of focus in kids. Daily intake of magnesium is necessary to maintain stock of the mineral in the body. Including magnesium rich foods in diet is best way to balance hormones with supplements based on foods.

Also check, Fruits to fix hormone imbalance

Food to Manage Hormone Imbalance

Spinach, beans, chia seed, sunflower seed, cumin, whole wheat flour, milk, yogurt, almond, peanut, cashew, quinoa are great sources of this mineral. Just 1 wholewheat roti/ paratha can meet 15% daily requirement of this mineral. In addition, 10 almonds or cashews will give 10% and 1 cup spinach will give 20%. However, a diet high in processed food can cause excretion of Magnesium through urine.

  • Magnesium also helps to absorb Vitamin-D in our body, which in turn helps to absorb Calcium in our bones. Hence, lack of this powerful mineral will directly result in weaker bones, teeth, hair and nails. Weaker bones (lethargy) further adds to irritation and stress in kids.
  • Migraine is one of the most common neuro disorders which too has shown improvement with the consumption of Magnesium.
  • Anxiety and Depression have impacted hundreds of millions of people across the world. Dietary intake of magnesium has been offered as a possible treatment, in addition to therapy.

So Yes! Magnesium is vital for every kid. Next time when your child has some tired muscles or cramp, use the magnesium salt with water to dip their feet in and let that table salt be on the table only!


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Eye, Brain development, Bone strength and overall growth to kids without any fuss. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods –SHOP HERE.

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

Forperson with Hormonal Imbalance, give Women Stop Hair Fall Masala Spread | 0% Preservatives | 0% Refined Sugar | 0% Palm oil | With SHATAVARI, ASHWAGANDHA, AMLA, MORINGA, ALOE VERA | ORDER |


Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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Best food for child growth, child growth and development

Between the age of 2 to 12 years children grow fast and need to be fed right from the beginning. Food plays a vital role in the overall growth and development of children. It is required not only for their growing bones and muscles, but also to boost their brain-power. Basically, healthy food for child is not only for physical energy but for cognition, focus and memory also. Nutritious food for kid is the common concern among all the parents around the globe. What to feed them for proper growth and development is what worries the parents the most. Nutritious food for kid becomes more important when he/she starts going to school. This is primarily because, children spend 1/3rd of their time of the day in school. According to a research, most of the kids are deficient in important nutrients because of their food choices. This is a direct outcome of increased intake of processed and refined foods such as chips, cookies, pizza, burger, fries and carbonated drinks. These foods not only have zero nutritive value but also have an undesired impact on the health of the child.

We all make efforts to prepare or plan balanced diet for child, but what makes diet a balanced diet?

What all should Nutritious food for Kids contain?


Protein is an important part of a healthy diet. It builds, maintains and repairs body tissues. It is made up of chemical “building blocks” called amino acids. Body uses amino acids to build and repair muscles and bones and to make hormones and enzymes.  It helps in growth of cells, boost metabolism and even strengthen the immune system. Nuts and seeds are rich source of protein and best food for child growth.(Easy protein foods to feed kids)


The body needs calcium to maintain strong bones and to carry out many important functions. Calcium is stored in bones and teeth in our body, where it supports their structure and hardness. The body needs calcium for muscles to move and for nerves to carry messages between the brain and every part of body. (Easy Calcium and Vitamin D foods for kids)


Carbohydrates are sugar molecules. Along with protein and fats, they are one of the three main nutrients found in foods and drinks. Body break down carbohydrates into glucose, which is the main source of energy for body’s cells, tissues and organs. (Weight gain foods for kids)


Fats are nutrients that provide energy to kids. Apart from supplying fuel for the body, it also helps the body to absorb some vitamins like vitamin A, D, E and K, which are fat soluble and can be absorbed easily if taken with fat. (Saturated fat that is good for the body?)


Fiber, also known as roughage, is the part of plant based foods. It passes through the body undigested and keeps the digestive system clean and healthy. (Recipe of fiber rich meal for kids lunchbox)


Iron is a mineral that body needs for many functions. It is a part of hemoglobin, a protein which carries oxygen from lungs to other parts of body. It is also essential in providing energy for daily routine. Iron is vital for brain development too. (Iron rich spreads on apply on bread or paratha for kids)


Zinc is the second most important trace mineral after iron which is present in every cell. It is needed for the activity of over 300 enzymes that helps in digestion and metabolism. (Foods that can build immunity in kids)


Magnesium is a nutrient that body needs to stay healthy. It helps in regulating muscles and nerve function. It also supports immune system, bone health,  improve mood, better sleep and concentration. (Magnesium rich food recipe for kids that they will enjoy)


Potassium is a mineral and an electrolyte. It helps your muscles work and nervous system to function properly. It also regulates the balance of fluids in the body. (How to treat constipation in kids?)


Vitamin A is crucial for eye health. B Vitamins are essential for body’s various metabolic processes. It have a direct impact on your energy levels and brain function. Vitamin C helps in formation of red blood cells. It also helps to boost immunity. Vitamin D helps absorb calcium to build strong bones and teeth. Vitamin E is powerful antioxidant which helps cells fight off infections. It is important to maintain normal blood clotting as it help wounds to heal and keeps bone healthy. Vitamin K is the one who helps in that. (Some easy foods covering all the essential vitamins)

5 Nutritious foods for kid’s Growth and Development

Dairy products

Main dairy products like milk, cheese and yogurt are main source of calcium for small kids. Dairy foods are essential for the good health of kids and form an important part of a complete balanced diet. It is considered as healthy food for child to get strong bones and teeth. Dairy products also contain potassium, magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin B12, Vitamin D, riboflavin and other essential nutrients. There are many ways to include dairy foods to your kid’s diet, like in form of smoothies, cheese sandwich and fruit yogurt. (Nutritious summer drinks for kids to keep them hydrated)


Fruit provides vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and many phytonutrients (nutrients naturally present in plants), which helps kids body to stay healthy. Fruits being rich in antioxidants boost child’s immunity and gives sustainable energy. It also ensures kids healthy growth and development. High in fiber contents it aids in proper functioning of digestive system and thus prevents constipation. Fruits also provide a wide range of health- boosting antioxidants, including flavonoids. These qualities make them super nutritious food for kid. While planning a balanced diet for child fruits play important role. (Best fruits for teenagers and kids acne, hormones, stress)


Almost all vegetables are rich source of fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It is considered as healthy food for child as it helps in enhancing immunity, keeps bowel movement regular, avoids constipation and promotes healthy growth and development. Vegetables improve kids gut health which promotes absorption of necessary nutrients for growth. Green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale helps in brain development of kids. It also helps in maintaining the energy level of kids throughout the day. (How to keep the nutrition safe while cooking vegetables?)

Whole grain

Whole grains are nutritious foods for kids as they are powerhouse of energy and rich in carbohydrates, protein, iron, fiber, iodine, magnesium, zinc, folate, riboflavin and vitamin E. All these nutrients help in overall growth and development of kids.  Whole grains are a great way to start the day for a toddler or young child.  They are nutrient- dense, energy rich foods which make them ideal food for busy school going children. They help to maintain energy level and feeling of fullness for longer. Whole grain includes wheat, bulgur, oatmeal, quinoa, corn, barley and millet. As it contains dietary fibers, it also helps to maintain digestive health and contributes in preventing constipation. (Recipe of whole grain and millet pizza)

Nuts and seeds

When we talk about nutritious foods for kids, nuts and seeds tops the list for children of any age. Nuts and seeds are among the best foods with protein to meet the daily requirement of the body. They are packed with antioxidants, protein, calcium, fiber, potassium, healthy fats like omega 3 and 6. Considered super healthy for brain development in children, nuts also help keep their immune system strong. It also aids in losing weight as it keeps kids feel full for long time. (Easy to feed veggies, nuts and seeds spreads)


Let’s make every dish tasty and nutritious by ‘hidden’ nutrition of veggies, herbs and nuts.

Biscuit cake recipe by Iyurved

Check the Recipe made with Ayurvedic spread by Iyurved- DAILY NUTRITION spread.



We are happy to introduce our range of nutritious & tasty products for kids!!

We know that preparing and feeding healthy foods everyday is a huge task. Even more tough when kids are picky eaters. Kids prefer certain foods and formats. It is not easy to feed kids bitter Ayurvedic herbs, variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds everyday.
Mixed with Ayurvedic herbs, this unique Ayurvedic chocolate spread is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Brain development, Bone strength and overall-growth to kids without any fuss.

Let’s try to make every food a child wants to eat more tasty and nutritious with (hidden) veggies, herbs and nuts.

Kids & Teens Daily Nutrition Savoury Spread

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

If your child is a picky eater or does not take enough nutrition for the day, you can give Daily Nutrition Savoury Spread | Made with clinically proven ‘5 Ayurvedic Herbs and 7 Nuts’ | ORDER | 0% preservative | 0% Palm oil |

Check more products for: Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Autism, Sleep, Hyperactivity, skin, Bones and Overall growth

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Foods and Remedies by a Nutrition Expert
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As you get older, you notice that your hair starts falling out. Losing hair can be upsetting for anyone, at any age. But kids hair fall could come as a real shock. Many of the causes aren’t serious. Still, losing hair can take a toll on a child’s emotional well-being at a certain age. We often see parents searching answer of “what are the reason for hair fall in kids?” There are many possible causes or reasons of hair fall in children, broadly categorized by infection, physical cause, autoimmune cause and reactive cause. It is commonly caused due to fungal or bacterial infections, the most common in kids being scalp ringworm, which is a treatable fungal infection. (Foods, herbs and essential oils for strong hairs)

Whether your child has thinning hair or distinct bald spots, the loss of hair can be frightening and you definitely want to know the reasons of hair fall


Tinea Capitis

Tinea capitis is the most common paediatric infection worldwide that is reason for hair fall in kids. It is a kind of contagious fungal infection and usually spread by coming in contact with infected hairs on comb, brushes, hats, or pillow cases. It can be possible to catch ringworm from infected animals such as dogs, cats, horses or farm animals. Tinea capitis is one of the reasons of hair fall in kids.

Alopecia areata

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease that causes hair loss in kids. About 1 out of every 1,000 children has the localized version called alopecia areata. It happens when the body’s immune system, which normally fights infections, attacks the hair follicles. This disrupts hair growth. The hair loss that comes with alopecia areata can be upsetting, but it is not contagious.

Telogen effluvium

Hair is an epidermal appendage. It has a regular cycle of phases where hair grows (anagen), rest (telogen) and has a transition phase (catagen). Telogen effluvium is one of the most common causes of kids hair fall. During this phase, hairs shed with more than normal amount of hair loss over a short period of time. Diffuse hairs are lost over weeks to months and more hairs are shed if pulled. This can be a reason for hair fall in kids.

Nutritional deficiency

Iron deficiency is the world’s most common deficiency and is a well known reason for hair fall in kids. Good nutrition is essential for a healthy body and for healthy hairs too. When kids don’t get enough vitamins, minerals, and protein, their hair can fall out. Nutritional deficiency may impact both hair structure and hair growth. Data from studies suggests that vitamin D plays a role in hair follicle cycling. A small trial from 2010 found that vitamin E improved hair growth in people with hair loss. It’s thought that the vitamin’s antioxidants properties help reduce oxidative stress in the scalp and help in treating kids hair fall. (What are the causes of postpartum hair loss?)

Blow and dry

Blow and dry can also damage hair and can become a reason for hair fall in kids. Excess heat from blow-drying or straightening can harm hairs to a great extent. It’s not advisable to blow it and dry everyday to minimize heat exposure.

Hair ties

Pulling your child’s hair back into a tight ponytail, braid or bun causes trauma to the hair follicles. Keep ponytails and braids loose to prevent hair loss in kids. If a child brushes or combs it too hard, It can become one of the reasons of hair fall too. Be gentle on your hair.


Mostly Vitamin Bs- Riboflavin (B2), biotin (b7), folate (B9) and B12 deficiencies have been associated with hair loss.

Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)

Riboflavin plays a crucial role in hair growth by activating vitamin B6 and B3; these two vitamins are key to hair development. Vitamin B6 also gives hair melanin and is known to prevent hair fall in kids. You can get a good amount of riboflavin by eating a variety of foods including: Dairy, yogurt, cheese, eggs, black/ wild rice, mushroom, brinjal.

Biotin (Vitamin B7)

Biotin plays an important role in the growth of healthier, thicker hair. It’s also one of the only natural hair loss treatments backed up by science, with study data showing that use of biotin can show a remarkable increase in hair growth in people with a deficiency. Foods that contain the most biotin include almonds, walnuts, fruits like avocado, bananas and certain vegetables like sweet potatoes, tomato.

Folic acid (Vitamin B9)
  • Deficiency of folic acid may lead to thinning hairs and (hair fall in kids) and in adults as well. It is responsible for healthy cell growth. These cells are found inside skin tissues, hairs, and nails. Foods that contain high amounts of folate include dark green leafy vegetables like asparagus, broccoli, avocado, beetroot, sunflower seeds, peanuts, beans, legumes.
Vitamin B12
  • This B vitamin promotes healthy hair growth by producing oxygen rich red blood cells, which feed hair follicles. Hair is made up of protein called keratin which is a dead substance that is why it doesn’t hurt when you get your haircut. Cheese, milk, fortified cereals, mushrooms, eggs are great sources of vitamin B12. (


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Eye, Brain development, Bone strength and overall growth to kids without any fuss. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods –SHOP HERE.

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

To Stop Hair fall & Strengthen Hair & Body, give Women Stop Hair Fall Masala Spread | 0% Preservatives | 0% Refined Sugar | 0% Palm oil | With SHATAVARI, ASHWAGANDHA, AMLA, MORINGA, ALOE VERA | ORDER |

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The Importance of Balanced Diet for Kids

The Importance Of Balanced Diet

Healthy body is key to a better future. As a parent, the most important thing you can do to give your children a healthy life is to make them learn healthy eating habits. What is the importance of balanced diet? Balanced Diet is a combination of food from all 3 food groups: vegetables & fruits, whole grains & protein, fats. And they also need complete meals and snacks during the day. Healthy snacks are just as important as the food you serve at meals. For body to work effectively, it has to be fed the balanced nutrition for the day. (Nutrition for kids)

Children who don’t get enough healthy foods may face delayed growth and development, compromised cognition and reduced immunity. Usually children love processed or packaged foods because they enjoy the taste and experience of digging into a packet. Surprisingly, these happy emotions are further charged up by the development of dopamine from these processed foods. This tricks the brain into consuming more and more of these empty, nutrition-less calories

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WHATSAPP for concerns like Speech Delay, Low Weight, Frequent Illness, Hyperactivity, Low Concentration, Weak Eyesight, Improper Sleep, Pigmentation, Pores, Face Marks, Fine Lines , Lactation etc.

What is the importance of balanced diet?

Most commonly we hear parents say that their child is active and looks healthy too, so, nutrition is not their worry (Do healthy kids need supplements?). Some parents also add that ‘they also turned out fine without their parents worrying so much about nutrition when they were young’. Compared to today’s time, food earlier was less contaminated, primarily local, fresh and seasonal. Sadly, kids nowadays consume at least two servings of processed food in a day. This only worsens their chances of consuming a balanced diet.

While it is not apparent to a parent everyday, but the child is in utmost need of balanced nutrient rich diet, especially in the growing and foundation years. Every living moment, the child’s body cells are oxidising (like ours) and aging. Which means, the cells are deteriorating in quality and performance. It is not evident so easily, however, lower immunity, early greying of hair, weak muscles, disturbed digestion, lowered vision, hormonal imbalance are all examples of this. To make sure that the quality of body cells remain for as long as possible, the cells have to be fed the necessary nutrition everyday. What we feed our kids today will only show many years later.


Balanced diet contains different kind of foods in certain quantities and proportion, so that the requirement for all the macronutrients (Carbs, Protein, Fats, ) and micro nutrients (Vitamins and minerals, Fiber) along with water can be fulfilled. The importance of balanced diet is that it helps children maintain good health, reduce their risk of disease, build up strong immune system and help them in growth and development of a healthy mind and body.

This chart of balanced diet can help us to understand the dietary requirements for kids of different ages.

Kid's nutrition
chart for balanced diet
RDA for macronutrients and minerals
Kid's nutrition
Chart for balanced diet
RDA for vitamins


Carbohydrates are the biggest source of energy for kids. Almost 60% of energy (calories) for the day must come from carbohydrate foods. They provide instant energy and keep the kids on their toes. Every gram of carb consumed gives 4 calories to the body. So if a child has to consume 2000 calories in a day (as per height weight), then 1200 calories should come from carbs (this means 300g carbs in a day), preferably whole grains and not processed carbs like sugar (why is sugar harmful?). carbohydrate rich foods are also among the weight gain foods for kids.


Proteins are essential nutrients for children and third highest provider of energy for the day. Along with being the building blocks of the body, they also give 10-15% of energy (calories) to kids. A child must consume almost 1g protein per kg of weight. So if a child weighs 40kg, then he/she must consume 35-40g of protein everyday. Every gram of protein consumed gives 4 calories to the body. Food rich in protein is a must for kids since it digests slowly, support hunger for long, and is great for skin, hair, muscle of the body. A child roughly gets 150 calories a day from protein food like lentils, beans, cottage cheese, moringa (what is it?) etc.


Body needs fat (what are saturated and unsaturated fat?) from natural sources. They help to fix hormones that can otherwise cause the body to go haywire impacting weight, mood, acne, bloating, PCOS, thyroid, sleep and the list goes on. Our brain, that is just 2% of our body mass but consumes 25% energy of the body, needs fat to perform efficiently for life. Saturated fat also stays inside the body cells to build a defence system and attack viruses and bacterias. 25-30% of the body energy comes from fat sources like nuts, coconut, avocado, dairy etc. Every gram of fat gives 9 calories to the body and hence should be consumed in limited quantity not exceeding 60g.


Vitamins helps the body grow and work the way it should be. There are 13 essential vitamins A, C, D, E, K and vitamin Bs. Some helps in eyesight and energy production, while others support healthy nerves and cell and in fighting infections. A balanced diet and help meet the requirements of these on a daily basis (do healthy kids need supplements?)


Just like vitamins, minerals also help kids grow, develop and stay healthy. Minerals support stronger bones and teeth, healthy nerve function, absorption of important vitamins, protection against current lifestyle and process food damage. Essential mineral includes Calcium, Iron, Magnesium and Potassium.


Not exactly a nutrient but extremely critical to the body, fibre is the roughage of plant based food (grains , fruits, vegetables, nuts, and beans ) that body can’t break down. It helps kids with digestion by providing food for the bacteria (what is a gut bacteria?) in the gut and also support transfer of important vitamins to the stomach.


Water plays an important role in all the body functions including digestion. It carries nutrients to all cells in the body including the brain.

Hence we can say that balanced diet is very important for child’s overall growth and development. While it is usually preferred to get the nutrients a child needs from food rather than a pills or syrup or gummy supplements, its not always possible . That’s because some kids are picky eaters and their intake of food is limited to a chosen few. Or despite consuming healthy complete meals, a child may have a severe deficiency of a particular vitamin due to a prevalent health concern. This may result in a deficiency of any key vitamin in their body. The next best solution in such situation is to consume supplements made of real foods and fortified with the necessary vitamins. For example, some cereals are fortified with vitamin B12 as its found deficient in many vegetarian kids. Oils can be fortified with vitamin D for kids who are off dairy.

Recipe: Oat chocolate bar WITH HIDDEN HERBS & NUTS

Check the Recipe made with Ayurvedic spread by Iyurved- DAILY NUTRITION spread.



It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Eye, Brain development, Bone strength and overall growth to kids without any fuss. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods – SHOP HERE.

Ayurvedic spread by Iyurved

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

If your child is a picky eater or does not take enough nutrition for the day, you can give Daily Nutrition Chocolate Spread | Made with clinically proven ‘5 Ayurvedic Herbs and 7 Nuts’ | ORDER | 0% preservative | 0% Palm oil |


Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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7 Healthy Spread for Bread

Kids love to eat bread everyday and bread is a staple food in many households. Store bought bread can be a tricky choice as it contains refined flours and sugar to make the loaf super soft. It is best to purchase a bread with a fiber to carb ratio of 1:10 or less (1:15) as high intake of sugar in bread can cause weaker bones and compromise on the status of Vitamin C, D and Magnesium in the body. Healthy spread for bread mentioned below can help in making the meal nutritious and flavorful.

WHATSAPP for concerns like Speech Delay, Low Weight, Frequent Illness, Hyperactivity, Low Concentration, Weak Eyesight, Improper Sleep, Pigmentation, Pores, Face Marks, Fine Lines , Lactation etc.

TYPES OF Spread for Bread:

Ayurvedic Chocolate Spread
chocolate spread for bread
Healthy chocolate spread by Iyurved
healthy spread for bread
  • Other types of spread for bread include flavorful nut and seeds spread which can work magically on any bread or wrap, adding loads of Vitamin E and fiber. 1 tablespoon of this seed mix provides 5g of protein (Want more easy protein?). A healthy spread like this can easily blend with any dish and kids won’t even notice this.

Also, Check Iyurved’s 5 herbs and 7 nuts savoury spread for daily nutrition for kids

herbs and seed spread:
healthy spread for bread
  • Adding herb to the seeds spread will enhance nutrition further. Basil has the power to treat stomach ailments. Pine nuts are a source of good fat and can mix well with Basil to make a delectable and healthy spread.

Also, check what is a good fat?

cottage cheese spread:
types of spread for bread
  • You can prepare a spread for bread or wrap by blending freshly prepared cottage cheese. This healthy spread is high in protein along with other nutrients like calcium, Vitamin B12 and good bacteria. Just half a bowl of this can provide 14g of protein. (

Also, check How much protein do I need?

cucumber and yogurt spread:
healthy spread for bread
  • This is also one of the best spread for bread which not only has high calcium and protein from yogurt, but also good bacteria for the gut from its fermentation process. Cucumber further adds high amounts of Vitamin K (30% of daily requirement is met in just 1 cucumber) which supports bones and healthy menstrual blood flow. This extremely low calorie food should be best consumed with the peel to include the fiber.

Also, check Why is gut health important?

hummus spread:
  • Hummus is also one of the best spread for bread that kids love to eat. This chickpea blend is a great source of good fat and dietary fibre. And if you mix it with beetroot, it offers additional nutrition of Vitamin B9 for the brain and exceptionally high amounts of antioxidants too. Avocado chickpea spread offers loads of good fats and Omega-3 for the brain and Vitamin K for stronger bones and healthy menstrual blood flow.

Also, check Recipe for pumpkin hummus: healthy spread for bread

  • Cooking berries or citrus fruits like orange, mandarin, and dragonfruit along with chia seed, honey and vinegar gives a tasty tangy healthy spread. This formula is super nutritious. It contains antioxidants, and fibre and is extremely good for balancing hormones.

Also, check What other food can help with hormones?


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Eye, Brain development, Bone strength and overall growth to kids without any fuss. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods – SHOP HERE.

Ayurvedic Daily Nutrition Spread

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

If your child is a picky eater or does not take enough nutrition for the day, you can give Daily Nutrition Chocolate Spread | Made with clinically proven ‘5 Ayurvedic Herbs and 7 Nuts’ | ORDER | 0% preservative | 0% Palm oil |


Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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Best Nuts and Seeds for Protein

The Protein Consumption in the Diet of Adult Indians Survey, a pan India survey stated that 9 out of 10 Indians consumed less than adequate proteins daily. 91% of the vegetarians and 85% of the non-vegetarians were consuming less food with protein. A typical-Indian meal served in homes of north or south or central India are most often protein deficient. Let’s see which foods are good source of protein and which are the best nuts and seeds for protein?

WHATSAPP for concerns like Speech Delay, Low Weight, Frequent Illness, Hyperactivity, Low Concentration, Weak Eyesight, Improper Sleep, Pigmentation, Pores, Face Marks, Fine Lines , Lactation etc.

What is protein?

Protein is considered the body’s building block and repair agent. It’s also integral in forming enzymes and hormones in the body. From digestion to immunity, from hair to nails, everything requires protein. The suggested intake of protein is decided at 0.8 gm per kg of body weight. For athletes or kids in active sports, few studies state that it is best to eat protein within 30 minutes of exercise. This is the period when most muscle formation or muscle repair happens, and timely protein consumption of foods with protein for kids enables that.

Also check, Easy ways to add protein to kid’s diet

Signs of low protein in the body:

One of the most common signs of low protein is swelling. This usually happens in legs, feet, hands or abdomen. Proteins circulate in blood and keep fluid from building up in tissues. In the absence of enough protein, fluid begins to collect together thereby resulting in swelling. More generally, kids who are protein deficient develop weaker bones and muscles, damaged skin, hair, nails, lower immunity and also compromised or delayed physical growth. So it’s become important to feed foods with protein for kids.

Also check, how to increase immunity in kids?

Nuts and seeds are among the best foods with protein for kids to meet the daily requirement of the body and also a rich source of protein for children’s growth. In addition, they are a good choice of protein rich food for vegetarians.

which are the best nuts and seeds for protein?

best nuts and seeds for protein
protein rich food for vegetarians
rich source of protein
best foods with protein

Technically a legume, this nut is widely and easily available and affordable too. It is one of the most rich source of protein for kids. Peanuts is the nut with the most protein. Just a handful of peanuts can give 9 g of protein to the body. In addition, it is a wonder full of over 30 nutrients and hence one of the best foods for children’s growth. Read more.


The second best contender in the category with 8g of protein in just a handful of nuts is also one of the best foods with protein for children’s growth. An expensive yet easily available source of high nutrition carries highest fibre in this nut category. Read more.


A seed of a pistachio tree, this perceived nut offers 7g protein in just a handful and best to use as foods with protein for kids. This nut has the highest amount of potassium which is useful for kids to balance the negative impact of eating processed or junk food, which causes high sodium levels in the body. Potassium helps by balancing sodium levels which can otherwise impact bones, brain, digestion, muscles, and kidney.

best nuts and seeds for protein
protein rich food for vegetarians
rich source of protein
best foods with protein

It is also among the best foods for children’s growth. A favourite of many, this nut has 6g of protein in just a handful. It is a quick source of high quality carbohydrates for kids with a variety of health benefits. Read more.


Despite being a little less in protein at 5g per handful, this wonder nut is loaded with good fats which are vital for the brain. Read more.


Similar to walnut in its nutrition profile, this nut also has 5g of protein per handful. Preferred by kids in chocolates and spreads, this nut is a nutritious snack with lots of essential fat.


Sunflower, Pumpkin and Melon together offer a great source of nourishment to the body and are best foods for children’s growth. 1 tablespoon of this seed mix provides 5g of protein. A spread of this can easily blend with any dish and won’t even get noticed by kids. Read more.

Soaking and consuming Almond, Peanut, Walnut enables release of phytic acid, resulting in more absorption of nutrients by the body.

Also check, What are the benefits of soaking and sprouting?

Recipe: Chia Berry cupcake with hidden herbs and nuts

Let’s make every dish tasty and nutritious by ‘hidden’ nutrition of veggies, herbs and nuts.

best nuts and seeds for protein

Check the Recipe made with Iyurved’s secret health ingredient- DAILY NUTRITION spread.

Check more healthy recipes loved by kids.


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Eye, Brain development, Bone strength and overall growth to kids without any fuss. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods – SHOP HERE.

India’s First ever Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

For Kids who are picky eaters, you can give Daily Nutrition Chocolate Spread | ASHWAGANDHA | MULETHI | SHALAKI | VITAMIN B12 | VITAMIN D  | ORDER | 0% Preservative | 0% Palm oil | 0% Refined Sugar


Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

what is the down's syndrome

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Lesser known benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar!

benefits apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) isn’t a miracle cure but the benefits are phenomenal. Uses of apple cider vinegar have been in action since ancient times for cooking, cleaning, home remedies and medications. Today, it is well known for its benefits for boosting skin, weight loss, heart health, blood sugar regulation, overall health and good gut bacteria. (Beauty foods for skin and hair) Research about the benefits of apple cider vinegar shows wonders. ACV has a lot of disinfectant, antimicrobial, antioxidant and preservative properties too. It is calorie free and also adds flavors to various foods.

Apple cider vinegar with “mother” is used for consumption. This is the unfiltered and unrefined version of vinegar with a cloudy appearance. It contains beneficial bacteria, protein and yeast. Apple Cider Vinegar with “Mother” nurtures our gut health by helping the good bacteria (probiotics) to grow and also kills the bad bacteria. (Probiotics for gut health)

What is apple cider vinegar?

Formation of ACV is a 2 step process. Sugars present in the apples are fermented using yeast or bacteria. Firstly, they are converted into alcohols and then in to acids. This process of conversion of sugar to vinegar is called fermentation. Strong smell and sour taste to vinegar generates in this process. ACV most of the time has 5 percent acetic acid. Briefly, it contains citric, malic, and also lactic acids to some extent. Ongoing studies show that ACV has a great potential to affect the body performance. It boosts, promotes, reduces and provides various benefits to skin, hair and body. Here are few popular benefits of apple cider vinegar-

9 Health benefits: apple cider vinegar
  • Kills harmful bacteria and pathogen
  • It also acts as food preservative .
  • It helps in lowering blood sugar levels by improving insulin function.
  • ACV aids weight loss by giving the feeling of satiety and this obviously helps in less calorie intake.
  • Boosts skin health by balancing pH and providing protective barriers to the skin.
  • Improves and flourish healthy gut flora in the body. The more the good bacteria the stronger the gut.
  • Body uses apple cider vinegar to boost the immunity. (Immunity boosting foods)
  • Apple cider vinegar alters the scalp’s pH which makes it harder for the yeasts to grow, as a result helps in preventing dandruff.
  • It strengthens the hair and keeps it clean.
9 additional health benefits: Apple cider vinegar
  • It reduces cold and sinus pain. (Remedies for cold and flu in kids)
  • As ACV has antibacterial properties. For that reason it prevents skin infections cause by skin injuries.
  • One of the benefits of apple cider vinegar is drying out the popped pimples. Especially acetic and other acids are responsible for this.
  • Benefits of apple cider vinegar is also seen in energy improvements. (Complete daily nutrition meal)
  • Apple cider vinegar reduces bad cholesterol and improves heart health.
  • ACV keeps away smelly feet and armpits away by fighting bad smelling bacterias and maintaining the ph.
  • Alleviates inflammation.
  • Many detoxes uses apple cider vinegar as a main ingredient to help clean the body. (5 ways to detox)
  • It is quite counterintuitive that ACV helps in reducing acid reflux. It does so lowering the production of acids in the body.

In the same manner, you can also use ACV for cleaning toothbrushes, making cleanser, trapping fruit flies, making facial toners, bath and hair rinses and cleaning fruits and vegetables too.

How to use apple cider vinegar?

ACV can be used in multiple ways right from cooking, cleaning, drinking, skin and hair products, disinfectant, antibacterial, salad dressings, preservatives and many more. The use of concentrated ACV is not advisable. 1-2 tablespoons (5-30 mL) a day is enough. It is always RECOMMENDED to use diluted form of ACV.

The Side effects of apple cider vinegar:

The side effects of apple cider vinegar is broad. ACV is completely safe. Anything in excess is harmful. Excess drinking or consumption or even using highly concentrated ACV shows side effects.

  • Damages teeth as it’s highly acidic
  • Cause potassium level to drop
  • May slow digestion or upset the stomach
  • Possibilities that it will hurt your throat
  • May interact with certain medications
Recipe: Apple Cider Vinegar jellies


  • 1 cup Fruit juice (homemade berry or orange)
  • Keep on low flame till it simmers lightly
  • Remove and cool for 1 minute


  • Hot fruit juice + ½ cup Apple cider vinegar + 4 tbsp Gelatin + 2 tbsp Honey (or more)


  • Transfer to any mould or plate. Refrigerate for an hour or more till firm. Cut into shapes. Store in fridge for future use


  • Only use Apple Cider Vinegar with ‘Mother’
  • Don’t over heat juice as it can become bitter
  • Mix ingredients properly till Gelatin dissolves
  • Cut into single dosage size for easy consumption
  • Add more juice to keep it sweet for kids


We are happy to introduce our range of nutritious & tasty products for kids!!
We know that preparing and feeding healthy foods everyday is a huge task. Even more tough when kids are picky eaters. Kids prefer certain foods and formats. It is not easy to feed kids bitter Ayurvedic herbs, variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds everyday.
Mixed with Ayurvedic herbs, this unique product is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Brain development, Bone strength and overall-growth to kids without any fuss.

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

Kids and Teens Immunity Boost Chocolate Spread | 0% preservatives | 0% Refined sugar | 0% Palm oil | With AMLA, TULSI, GILOY | ORDER |

Check more products for: Immunity, Brain development, Sleep (for hyperactive kids), Weight, Eyesight, Hormones and Overall growth

(shipping in India and Singapore only)

Join Fast-Growing KIDS NUTRITION & SKINCARE Community for Parents of small Kids & Teens.


Foods and Remedies recommended by a Nutrition expert.

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What are the effects of sugar to the body of kids?

The effects of sugar to the body of kids are severe. Sugar can harm the growth and performance of a child. Any kind of added sugar damages the protein in our body, resulting in aging of organs, which further compromises immunity, growth and functioning. Kids often fall sick, heal slow, are physically unfit and become lazy.

WHATSAPP for concerns like Speech Delay, Low Weight, Frequent Illness, Hyperactivity, Low Concentration, Weak Eyesight, Improper Sleep, Pigmentation, Pores, Face Marks, Fine Lines , Lactation etc.

Effects of sugar to the body of kids.

  • May lead to weight gain
  • Causes tooth cavities
  • Risk of acne
  • May lead to fatty liver
  • Spikes blood sugar level

Greatest source of sugar in the average kid’s diet are sugary snacks and beverages like cookies, cakes, candies, fruit juice, soda, and sports drinks. Everything that the child picks up to eat today has strains of added sugar in some form or the other. The food industry has understood the formula to entice more and more kids towards their products- ADD SUGAR! While the small dosage of sugar treats is okay, but in this generation we have lost track on moderation.

Consuming 1-2 tsp of added sugar is acceptable in a day.

Our body runs on energy which is derived from Protein, Fat and Carbs. 50-60% of daily energy comes from carbs (Fiber + Sugar). Today, majority of the energy (calorie) from carbs is derived from added sugar intake. Whereas, for our kids to have a balanced healthy growth, we need the energy (calorie) to come from natural sources of carbs (sugar) along with protein and fat. The solution here is to shift focus to natural sweeteners like fruits, berries, dried fruits, honey, maple syrup etc.

Also check, What are some healthy sugar alternatives?


Make it EASY to feed a daily dose of vegetables, greens, dal, and prebiotics and probiotics. 1 serving of Veggies and  Dal powder equals 30-50g of fresh food. Helps to provide daily nutrition for Immunity, Brain, Digestion, Bones, Healthy Weight, Height, Eye health and Growth. Get yours now!

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs

For Kids with Unhealthy eating habits| Give Daily Nutrition Veggies and Dal powder | Rich in Calcium, Vitamin D, B12, Iron | Made with 100% veggies, greens, sprouted dal | 0% preservative | 0% Artificial Colour | 100% Natural | No refined sugar | ORDER |


Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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How to add 9g protein to your diet easily to rebuild your Body cells?

Why is Protein rich diet important?

Proteins are the primary structural components of cells and perform a few different duties. It is considered the body’s building block and repair agent. The primary function of the protein consumed in the diet is to build and repair cells, including the muscle cells damaged when exercising to the point of momentary fatigue. Protein is also integral in forming enzymes and hormones in the body. From digestion to immunity, from hair to nails, everything requires protein. The suggested intake of protein is decided at 0.8 gm per kg of body weight. For athletes or kids in active sports, few studies state that it is best to eat protein within 30 minutes of exercise. This is the period when most muscle formation or muscle repair happens, and timely protein consumption of foods with protein for kids enables that. (Easy ways to add protein to kid’s diet )

Protein rich diet helps in:

  • Higher energy
  • Weight loss
  • Building muscles
  • Sharper brain and focus

Daily recommended intake of protein is 50g on an average.

Protein intake can be calculated individually by multiplying 0.8 * body weight in kg

How to get 9g of instant Protein?

Just grab a handful of roasted or soaked nuts to get 9g of instant protein.

Peanuts: Technically a legume, this nut is widely and easily available and affordable too. It is one of the most dense foods with protein for kids. Just a handful of peanuts can give 9 g of protein to the body. In addition, it is full of over 30 nutrients and hence one of the best foods for children’s growth. (What are the other benefits of peanuts?)

Almonds: The second best contender in the category with 8g of protein in just a handful of nuts is also one of the best foods for children’s growth. An expensive yet easily available source of high nutrition carries highest fiber in this nut category. (What are the other benefits of almonds?)

Pistachios: A seed of a pistachio tree, this perceived nut offers 7g protein in just a handful and best to use as foods with protein for kids. Protein accounts for approximately 21 percent of the total weight of the nut, making it a good source for vegetarians and vegans. It is one of the best nuts to consume in a large quantity since its low in calories yet loaded with good fat. (What are the other benefits of pistachios?)

Cashew: It is also among the best foods for children’s growth. A favorite of many, this nut has 6g of protein in just a handful. It is a quick source of high quality carbohydrates for kids with a variety of health benefits. (What are the other benefits of cashews?)

Walnut: Despite being a little less in protein at 5g per handful, this wonder nut is loaded with good fats which are vital for the brain. (What are the other benefits of walnuts?)

Hazelnut: Similar to walnut in its nutrition profile, this nut also has 5g of protein per handful. Preferred by kids in chocolates and spreads, this nut is a nutritious snack with lots of essential fat.

Recipe of Nuts and Seeds Sweet with dates and hidden herbs

Check the Recipe made with Ayurvedic spread by Iyurved- DAILY NUTRITION spread.



We are happy to introduce our range of nutritious & tasty products for kids!!
We know that preparing and feeding healthy foods everyday is a huge task. Even more tough when kids are picky eaters. Kids prefer certain foods and formats. It is not easy to feed kids bitter Ayurvedic herbs, variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds everyday.
Mixed with Ayurvedic herbs, this unique Ayurvedic chocolate spread is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Brain development, Bone strength and overall-growth to kids without any fuss.

Ayurvedic Daily Nutrition Spread

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

If your child is a picky eater or does not take enough nutrition for the day, you can give ‘5 Ayurvedic herbs and 7 Nuts’ chocolate spread to meet daily Nutrition ORDER | 0% preservative | 0% Palm oil |

Check more products for: Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Eyesight, Weight, Brain development, Sleep, Bones and Overall growth

(shipping in India and Singapore only)

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Foods and Remedies by a Nutrition Expert

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