Benefits of Nuts and Seeds during Pregnancy

benefits of nut

Pregnancy is a very crucial and beautiful stage in every woman’s life. She requires more nutrition during this time for herself and the developing foetus in the form of protein, good fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals to complete a balanced diet. During this stage, she starts to take additional care with what she eats and what she doesn’t. One of the healthy foods to eat when pregnant is nuts and seeds. Continue reading to learn how to use nuts and seeds for a healthy pregnancy and health benefits of nut and seeds.

Although it may be tempting to consider those extra calories as a ticket to indulge in unhealthy snacks, nutrition experts advise against doing so as of yet. A reward now and then won’t harm you as long as you consume balanced, healthful meals on a regular basis. But ideally, you want the majority of those extra calories to come from wholesome foods.

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Nuts and seeds are a powerhouse of nutrition, containing minerals like magnesium, zinc, plant iron, calcium, copper, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium as well as vitamins like B complex vitamins, C, niacin, folate, and others. When consumed in moderation, they are healthy during pregnancy and can satisfy appetite and cravings. However, it is not advisable to consume a lot of nuts and seeds which may cause some discomforts.

Also check, 12 Foods to avoid for pregnant ladies


Health benefits of nut and seeds in pregnancy are numerous. They are a powerhouse of nutrition, containing minerals like magnesium, zinc, plant iron, calcium, copper, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium as well as vitamins like B complex vitamins, C, niacin, folate, and others. Major benefits of nut and seeds include:

1. Good brain power in child: 

In early pregnancy, consumption of nuts and seeds can enhance a child’s cognitive growth. The IQ, memory, and attention/concentration of children whose mothers consume nuts and seeds on a daily basis, during the first trimester of pregnancy are found to be higher than those of their peers whose mothers do not consume nuts throughout pregnancy.

Also check, How to improve child’s memory

2. Regulate blood pressure:

Nuts and seeds are rich sources of potassium, which can improve muscle control and help regulate blood pressure.

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3. Development of nervous system:

Dry fruits and nuts include magnesium in them, which can aid in your baby’s healthy bone and nerve growth.

Also check, Bone development

4. Essential fatty acids:

Nuts and seeds are generally abundant in fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6, as well as folic acids, which are essential for neural development. While pregnant, consuming a handful of nuts and seeds can create a buildup of these substances in the foetal brain’s frontal region, improving memory and other cognitive abilities.

Also check, Benefits of omega-3

5. Prevention of asthma:

The lungs and cells of the developing newborn can benefit from the vitamin E found in nuts and seeds. Additionally, this vitamin can control blood sugar and help shield your child from developing asthma and wheezing. 

Also check, Asthma: 7 Foods that help

6. Packhouse of nutrients: 

Seeds such as chia seeds are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and potent antioxidants that are crucial for a healthy pregnancy. The nutrients calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, potassium, and iron are particularly abundant in them.

To ensure appropriate bone development, it’s crucial to consume enough calcium during the last three months of pregnancy. Chia seeds also include boron, manganese, and vitamin A, all of which are essential nutrients for bone health. Chia seeds have almost five times as much calcium per gram as milk.

Also check, Calcium containing foods

7. Prevent iron deficiency: 

Premature birth, low birth weight, insufficient iron reserves, and impaired cognitive and behavioural development are all risks of inadequate iron consumption during pregnancy.

Iron, which is necessary for the growth of the red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body, is a mineral that is abundant in seeds such as chia seeds, pumpkin, flax seeds etc. In order to support the mother’s larger blood volume and the growth of the baby’s blood during pregnancy, iron intake must be increased.

Also check, 6 Iron rich foods to prevent iron deficiency in kids

8. Balance blood sugar:  

Because they include a lot of fibre, nuts and seeds can help pregnant women avoid constipation. The high fibre content promotes intestinal health as well as blood sugar management.

Also check, Fibre rich recipes for kids

9. Energy boosters: 

Nuts and seeds can increase energy levels for a longer period of time. A pregnant woman can benefit from the high levels of protein and good fat that are found in nuts and seeds since they promote a long-lasting energy boost and can help battle fatigue throughout the day, especially since a pregnant woman’s energy levels change throughout the course of her pregnancy.

10. Healthy bones and teeth:

Vitamin A, and calcium which are essential for the growth of the baby’s teeth and bones, can be found in large quantities in nuts and seeds.

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  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Chia seeds
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Watermelon seeds
  • Flax seeds

Also check, Benefits of soaking and sprouting of seeds


How much nuts to eat per day during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, it is advised that you limit your intake of nuts and seeds to no more than 100 grams per day. For example, you could consume four to seven almond pieces, around four walnut halves, few seeds and roughly eight pistachios at once. 

Also check, Best nuts and seeds for protein


Nuts and seeds are entirely healthy to eat during pregnancy when consumed in moderation. However, if you consume them excessively, you could have health issues like diarrhoea, gastrointestinal discomfort, bloating, and excessive weight gain.

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There are a number of benefits of nut and seeds if you take some precautions before and after buying them.

  • Buy nuts and seeds in pure form from a good and known vendor.
  • Check for insects and bugs before buying
  • Immediately transfer to an airtight container once you purchase 
  • Try to purchase preservative free and organic nuts and seeds.

Also check, 10 Superfoods for healthiest postpartum diet


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Fertility Guide: Best time to get pregnant

conception of pregnancy

Every woman’s life has a golden stage during which she becomes a mother. Trying at the proper time is crucial for successful conception of pregnancy. Understanding the fundamentals of fertility is crucial if you wish to become pregnant. You can get pregnant soon by being aware of your ovulation cycle and leading a healthy lifestyle. Continue reading for understanding fertility and what’s the right time to conceive.

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The ability to have children naturally is known as fertility. It is not a simple process to conceive. To become pregnant, a woman must pass through a number of steps. Understanding the fundamentals of fertility is necessary if you want to become a parent without any problems.

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The process of an egg being released from the ovary is called ovulation. The egg is released and travels down the fallopian tube, where it remains for 12 to 24 hours before being fertilised.

Under the correct circumstances, sperm can survive inside the female reproductive system for up to five days following sexual activity. Live sperm in the fallopian tubes during ovulation increases the likelihood of conception of pregnancy.

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  • Increased interest in intercourse
  • Tenderness in breast
  • Light spotting
  • Cramps
  • Bloating


  • The reproductive organs in both the man and woman must be in good health and functioning at their maximum level for eggs and sperm to interact well for fruitful conception of pregnancy.
  • You should be aware of your menstrual cycle and when you should try to conceive a child. Day 1 marks the start of your period, which might continue for three to five days.
  • On day 7, certain hormones cause eggs in the ovaries to mature. The uterine lining thickens by day 11. A developed egg leaves the ovary between the 13th and 20th day. The ideal time to conceive a child is during this period of fertility. The eggs can be fertilised for up to 12 to 24 hours after they are discharged from the ovary when they are mature.
  • After ejaculation, sperms can survive in a woman’s body for 12 to 48 hours. Your chances of becoming pregnant rise if you try to get pregnant around this time.
  • Your body’s basal body temperature (BBT) rises during ovulation, making this the ideal time for the conception of pregnancy.

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Having the right nutrition is very important for increasing the chances for conception of pregnancy and improving reproductive health. Some foods that help to boost fertility in females include:

1. NUTS:

Nuts of various types have been proved to bring nutritional benefits to your fertility diet. It includes crucial fertility-boosting elements such as Omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, vitamin E, and magnesium, in addition to plant-based proteins.

Also check, Best nuts and seeds for protein


Almonds are a tasty way to achieve your nutritional requirements. This nut is high in antioxidants, and helps protect against free radical damage and oxidative stress, which are precursors to inflammation and fertility issues in both men and women.

Also check, Top 6 benefits of almonds for children


These kidney-shaped nuts are a great source of magnesium and selenium. Cashews are a heart-healthy snack since they are high in unsaturated fat!

Studies have linked consumption of cashews to better magnesium absorption and a higher chance of becoming pregnant. Five grams of protein, vitamin C, and folate are all found in one serving of around 18 cashews. It is also crucial for avoiding neural tube birth abnormalities during pregnancy.

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They are a good source of selenium, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, folate, and vitamin E, just like many other nuts. Nutrients in nuts have been shown to help regulate hormones by stabilising blood sugar levels, which is a crucial component of healthy fertility.


Nutrient-dense peanuts are the ideal fertility food (when consumed in moderation, of course). They contain a high amount of protein, folates, vitamin E, and a trace amount of fibre. Peanuts include folate, a nutrient that is hard to get in food sources yet is necessary for the female reproductive system. For this reason, women in particular benefit from eating peanuts. In addition, they contain biotin, an essential mineral for pregnant women. 

Also, check Benefits of Vitamin C


Omega-3, vitamin E, magnesium, and other important elements can all be found in abundance in seeds. Pumpkin and flax seeds can help naturally boost estrogen levels while also providing fibre to support healthy estrogen metabolism. It’s an excellent approach to achieving estrogen dominance while balancing estrogen levels.

Sunflower and sesame seeds include lignans and important fatty acids, which aid progesterone and hormone production for the menstrual cycle. 

Also, check Health benefits of Pumpkin seeds


Since ancient times, the characteristics of this herb have been used to improve women’s reproductive health. It strengthens the uterus and increase ovarian activity. It can also treat infertility and uterine disorders like endometriosis in some situations. All of this is due to its balancing effects on the hypothalamus.

This herb’s herbal mixture is highly effective in treating heavy menstrual cycles, severe uterine bleeding, hormonal imbalance, uterine cyst, uterine polyps, and menopausal osteoporosis.

Also check, 7 Foods that help in female fertility


Shatavari, a well-known Ayurvedic plant, promotes fertility in both men and women, improve desire, and hence increase chances of pregnancy. It aids in ovulation and to correct any hormonal imbalances. This herb also tones and nourishes the female reproductive organs. It aids in the synthesis of a hormone that aids in the improvement of ovulation in women.


Lodhra is a traditional remedy of Ayurvedic practitioners to treat female reproductive problems. It is beneficial for females suffering from PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) since it enhances female hormone levels while decreasing male hormone levels in the female body. This works as a hormone regulator to restore hormonal balance. It also reduces ovarian cell malfunction in PCOS and increases fertility.

Also, check Tips and remedies for PCOS


Ginger contains many vitamins and nutrients that are necessary when trying to conceive, it is a fantastic way to add some ginger spice to your fertility diet. It provides a variety of critical nutrients and vitamins, including vitamin C, B5 and B6, as well as iron, potassium, manganese, copper, and magnesium. Ginger benefits women with uterine fibroids because it stimulates circulation in the body, supporting a balanced inflammation response and regular detoxification. It also promotes healthy digestion, which is critical for inflammatory diseases like PCOS. Ginger may increase the maturity of ovarian follicles during the process of folliculogenesis, which may increase female fertility.

Also, check Foremilk and Hindmilk Imbalance: How to fix it?


Aloe vera is a great remedy for the female reproductive system. It is incredibly hydrating and provides extra lubricant to the body, allowing it to remove accumulated chemicals and toxins and clear the digestive tract, which is vital if you have PCOS or hormonal imbalance in the body. It aids in uterine rejuvenation.


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10 Superfoods for Healthiest Postpartum Diet

Stacy Johnson rightly stated that “Pregnancy, in my experience, was less about what I wasn’t told, more about what I couldn’t understand until going through it” Pregnancy is not an easy journey, but it is one to be treasured. However, the first few weeks or even a month after childbirth can be physically, mentally and emotionally exhausting. And, while the first month is an excellent time to concentrate on your health, self-care, healthiest diet is unlikely to be at the top of your priority list.

But, when you are powered through the marathon of your life, you should be eating like a damn queen. Motherhood necessitates good nutrition, and the way you eat will benefit you in the long run, as well as how you look and feel about yourself.

Here are some foods that, whether you like them or not, you may have to incorporate in your diet!

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Why do you need postnatal nutrition?

Eating healthiest diet on a regular basis will help you make the most of the energy you have as a new parent. Eating the correct foods will assist you in-

Foods to eat after pregnancy:

The nutritional requirements of each woman are unique and are influenced by a variety of circumstances. When you deliver a normal birth, there are less restrictions on what you can consume. If you had a caesarean section, however, you should start with a liquid diet and gradually introduce semi-solid foods. Slowly reintroduce solids.

When introducing foods to the new mom, exercise caution. Fresh, nutrient-dense, and easily digestible meals are ideal. Sharing a few healthiest diet foods that can be included in a post-pregnancy diet-

1. Water:

New mothers are at great risk of dehydration. It is important to stay hydrated whether or not you are breastfeeding. It is required for milk production and also to keep your energy levels up. In order to meet your fluid requirement, you can either drink water or opt for fresh fruit juice or milk. It is better to avoid any kind of caffeine. (What is the right time to introduce water to the babies)

2. Eggs:

This is the versatile and the easiest way to introduce protein in your diet. Eggs are a rich source of proteins and vitamin d that helps in repairing tissues, soothing sore muscles, building new tissues and providing strength. Altogether, it helps in healing the whole birthing ordeal. 

3. Fresh vegetables:

Green leafy vegetables are rich sources of vitamin A, antioxidants, calcium, vitamin C, iron, folic acid, magnesium, phosphorus and fibre. Moreover, they are low in calories which provide nutrients and help in weight loss too. Include spinach, kale broccoli, apple gourd, lotus stem, bell peppers, avocado, cabbage, carrots, fenugreek, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, bottle gourd.

4. Fish:

Well, fish is one of the perfect healthiest diet foods after childbirth as it is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid EPA and docosahexaenoic acid DHA. All these components are crucial for brain and nervous system development. In addition to it, studies state that it helps in enhancing the mood and thus, preventing postpartum depression. Salmons, sardines and anchovies must be preferred as they have low mercury content. Fishes with high mercury content must be avoided completely. The quantity of fish consumption must be limited to 12 ounces per week.

5. Dairy Products:

These foods are an essential part of the postpartum diet. Milk and milk products are high in calcium, vitamin D, protein, and beneficial bacteria for gut health. Dairy products are necessary because they aid in strengthening bones. Breast milk contains calcium, which your infant absorbs for bone development. As a result, as part of your Post Pregnancy Diet, include calcium-rich foods to replace the calcium your body has lost. Milk, cheese, butter, paneer, yoghurt, and buttermilk are all good options.

6. Fruits:

Every day, new moms should eat two or more servings of fruit. These are excellent providers of vitamins, minerals, and fibre. Fruits provide a good source of carbs, which helps you stay energized. It aids in the prevention of undesirable cravings and maintains satiety. Aside from that, the fibre in fruits aids in the relief of constipation. Pectin, which is contained in several fruits, also acts as a natural fat burner. Oranges, blueberries, strawberries, apples, prunes, bananas, citrus, melons, and pears are all good choices.

7. Herbs:

There are also a lot of hormonal changes after the pregnancy. Many imbalances and diseases can occur if a healthy and nutritious diet is not followed. Herbs are important in addition to a well-balanced diet. Shatavari, basil, nutmeg, coriander, turmeric, chamomile, lemon balm, ashwagandha, and Brahmi are some of the herbs used.

8. Nuts and seeds:

For your postnatal diet, you should definitely count on nuts and seeds. These are considered to be a quick source of energy. Moreover, they contain healthy fats, protein and fibres. Seeds, on the other hand, have a great amount of calcium, magnesium, omega 3, copper, and antioxidants in it. Overall, this category of foods is important so as to improve digestion, immunity, blood circulation, bone health and brain health. Additionally, all these are crucial to your little one’s development and breast milk production. Some nuts and seeds that you must include are almonds, pistachios, walnuts, cashews, sunflower seeds, cum seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, fennel seeds, fenugreek seeds.

9. Moringa:

Drumstick tree leaves or moringa is highly recommended to mothers after their delivery. These leaves are one of the healthiest diet foods as it is an excellent source of protein, vitamin B, vitamin C, iron, vitamin A, magnesium and fibre. It helps in boosting moods, helps skin and hair, reduces constipation, improves bone health and eye health. Additionally, it has its effect on increasing breast milk. Though it’s better to eat fresh moringa leaves, soaking moringa powder in water and drinking it can help ensure that nutrients are absorbed more effectively.

10. Whole grains:

Grains are another excellent source of necessary carbs, which give your body energy. They also contain iron, calcium, protein, fibre, folic acid, and a variety of other minerals. Include all legumes and pulses in your diet as well. Overall, grains will assist you in becoming stronger. Wheat, oatmeal, brown rice, and barely are all important.

Foods to avoid after pregnancy:

Foods to eat have previously been stated, but there are some foods and other substances to avoid. These can be harmful to both you and your baby.

  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Drinks with high sugar content (Carbonated beverages)
  • Fish high in mercury
  • Food that are heavy to digest
  • Spicy foods
  • Fermented foods
  • Fried foods
  • Uncooked or cold foods

recipe: Palak Cookies with hidden nuts and herbs

Let’s make every dish tasty and nutritious by ‘hidden’ nutrition of veggies, herbs and nuts.

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Check the Recipe made with Iyurved’s secret health ingredient- DAILY NUTRITION spread.


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