When do Girls stop Growing in Height?

(Co-Authored by Swati)

Swati, the Mother of 5 years old Lishika, explains the journey of her daughter’s growth and nutrition. Check out the full article below.

Lishika was born six months early and was preterm. There was a worry that development and growth would be delayed. The doctor urged me to avoid using any growth-related medications for height and weight and instead go for natural methods to encourage her growth. She used to happily eat all fruits and veggies, but she was a little behind in learning and started walking a bit lately. Her social behaviour has also been impacted by the lockdown period.

I always rely more on Ayurveda and organic, healthy foods than on unnatural or preservative-laden commercial health foods. It’s crucial to establish a positive relationship with food. Try to describe the positive impacts of good food on the body and the negative effects of junk food. Appreciate them for making the effort to eat a healthy meal. 

Even though the parents are of good height, children may be shorter due to poor diet and care. In order to avoid suffering later on and to reduce the possibility of delayed height growth in girls after puberty, it is crucial to take care of children’s nutrition in the early years of age. Constant effort is essential for a girl’s appropriate height in girls”.

“I believe that investing in our children’s development from the earliest age is the most important contribution a parent can make!!”

Who wouldn’t want a healthy body and the ideal height? Everyone wants their kids to be taller than they are. Girls grow quickly from birth through childhood. Their growth accelerates once more when they reach adolescence. Girls usually stop growing by the time they are 14 or 15 years old, or during puberty, and their height reaches its final height. However, with the right diet and activities like exercise and good posture, height can still be increased even beyond puberty. Continue reading for tips and foods that help girls grow taller.



Genetics plays an important role in determining height in girls. They got their physical characteristics from their parents, all aspects of their personality such as , height, weight, body structure, skin, hair and eye colour, are all influenced by their parent’s genes. Usually taller parents have taller kids and vice versa.

Also, check Tips to help your child gain healthy weight


After genetics nutrients are the main factor on which the height in girls depends, as everything the body needs comes from the food we eat. Malnutrition can lead to many deficiency diseases that can adversely affect the girl child’s growth and development.

Also, check 11 Foods that provide daily nutrition for kids 

Exercise and outdoor activities

Outdoor activities and regular exercise help girls to grow well and reach their developmental milestones on time. If they regularly play outdoors or do some exercise daily, it will help keep them healthy by strengthening their immune system.

Also, check 7 Foods to boost immunity in kids 


Growth hormones play an important role in a girl’s physical growth. These are made in the pituitary gland and are crucial hormones for growth. If the production is low due to any health condition it will adversely affect the girl’s height. 

Also, check Growth spurts in kids


Boys and girls grow at different rates. Height in girls is lesser than in boys. Even boys continue growing for longer than females.

Also, check Skin and hair changes at puberty


One to two years prior to the onset of menstruation is when girls often experience a growth spurt. Most girls reach puberty between the ages of 8 and 13, while the growth spurt happens between the ages of 10 and 14. In the year or two following the onset of their first period, they only gain 1 to 2 more inches. At this point, they have grown to adult height.It explains a sequence of changes that occur in girls as their bodies begin to produce more of particular hormones.

Also, check Tips and foods to increase the height of the child



You are what you eat, your personality is the mirror of your diet. The foods that girls consume have to be healthy so that they grow up to be tall. A balanced diet is one which includes protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals in correct proportions. Minerals like calcium and potassium are key nutrients for bone development and should be present in the foods to increase height even after puberty. Also, keep a check on the consumption of processed foods as it adversely affects the girl’s growth. 

Also, check Importance of balanced diet for kids


Outdoor play and exercise must be part of a girl kid’s lifestyle. There are some exercises which help in gaining height like stretching, as it helps elongate the spine and also improves the posture of the girls at all times. Hanging from the bar also helps the spine elongate, which is important to be taller. The next exercise for gaining height is skipping, in which the body stretches entirely and promotes the overall growth in the kids.

Swimming is another sport or exercise which keeps your child active and energetic, it’s a full body exercise which involves lots of stretching and helps kids to grow taller. Apart from these exercises, you can also motivate your child to do some yoga poses, which is an age-old practice and helps children to make them taller. Some of the asanas are Surya namaskar and chakrasana, which are proven to have positive effects on height in girls even after puberty. 


Sleep is the golden chain that ties your health and body together. Proper sleep is one of the most important factors in your girl’s overall development and an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Sleeping releases a growth hormone called HGH, which plays an important role in increasing height. The effects of sleep deprivation (insufficient sleep) can lead to many developmental issues. 

Also, check 5 Foods that help your child in sleeping well


Sunlight is a great source of vitamin D, which helps in muscle and bone growth and development that is crucial for height in girls. Vitamin D also helps your body to absorb calcium from the foods and aids in strengthening the bones. So always encourage your girl for outdoor activities, so that they get a daily dose of vitamin D through the sun. 

Also, check What foods are a good source of calcium and vitamin D?


The posture of your child has a great impact on their height, as slumping can put unnecessary pressure on the spine. A good posture not only elevates stress and pain in the neck and back but it can change your physical height also. Always interrupt your girl to sit and walk straight when you see them slouching.


Girls are growing fast and gaining height so their Calcium needs are also high. One of the most important minerals in our body is CALCIUM. Bones are 70% calcium and it is only calcium which gives bones their hardness for protection and support. Vitamin D helps the body to absorb calcium and works with it to build strong bones and increase height. It moves calcium from the intestine to the bloodstream and into the bones. From age 9 – 18 girls need more calcium to meet the daily recommended intake. Interestingly, it is only in their mid-20s that a girl child can improve their bones and increase height, which will last them a lifetime.

Also, check Calcium-rich foods



It is the most commonly consumed type of milk and naturally a good source of many nutrients like calcium, protein, phosphorus and Vitamin B2 and is one of the best foods to increase height. In several countries, it is fortified with vitamin D because milk doesn’t naturally contain vitamin D, but is one of the most widely used calcium-rich foods for kids. These two work together to keep the bones strong. There are some dairy products made of cow’s milk like cheese, and yoghurt which is a good source of vitamin D. All of these play a role in increasing the height in girls even after puberty.

Also check, 8 Healthy and creamy milkshake recipes


Eggs are one of the highest natural sources of vitamin D. Just one whole large egg provides 50% of vitamin D required for the day. It helps to maintain strong bones and teeth. Those who can may opt for fish (salmon, sardines) also as a source of vitamin D. Egg is the food if you are looking for height gainer foods.


Moringa is a superfood. It has 3 times more calcium than milk which makes it one of the best foods to increase height to treat weak or damaged bones and also one of the best non-dairy sources of calcium. Some studies also indicate that moringa can heal damaged bones thus making it a must-have calcium-rich foods for bones. Dried moringa leaf powder has 17 times more vitamin D than fortified milk. In addition to this, it’s a fix for digestion troubles, immunity and iron.

Also check, Health benefits of Moringa

4. RAGI:

Ragi is also one of the foods high in calcium and vitamin D.  It is said that no other plant source provides calcium the way ragi can, making it one of the popular non-dairy sources of calcium. Ragi also has vitamin D and along with calcium, it can help in improving bone strength. It is a whole grain that is gluten-free also and can be used in baking cakes and cookies.

Also check, Gluten-free diet for kids


If the child eats lots of comfort food, then consuming Potassium-rich foods (banana, spinach, cucumber, peas, and sweet potato) will save Calcium from being robbed from the bones.

Also check, Health benefits of vegetables for kids


Amongst all the nuts, almonds are the highest in calcium. One ounce of almonds or about 22 almonds, provides 8% of the recommended daily intake of calcium. 

Also check, Iyurved’s Daily Nutrition Chocolate and Savoury spread made of Almond and 6 other nuts and seeds


Many seeds are good sources of calcium. For instance, 1 tablespoon (9 grams) of poppy seeds has 13% of the recommended daily intake, while the same serving of sesame seeds packs 9% of the recommended daily intake. In addition to calcium, chia seeds are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids.


Cabbage, mustard (sarson leaves), broccoli & ladyfinger are good sources of calcium.

Also check, Pasta recipes with hidden vegetables


Makhana or lotus seeds are grown in Asian countries and are considered as a power food to increase height. Makhana is an excellent source of many important nutrients. It is loaded with protein, fibre, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and carbohydrates. Just a bowl of makhana is a great snack for kids. 

Also check, Health benefits of makhana


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Eye, Brain development, Bone strength and overall growth to kids without any fuss. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods – SHOP HERE.

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

For Building strong bones and muscles you can give Daily Nutrition Chocolate Spread and Daily Nutrition Veggies and Dal powder | Made with Ayurvedic herbs | 0% preservative | 0% Palm oil | ORDER |


height in girls


Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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Health Benefits of Fruits for Kids

fruits list

Do you worry that your kid isn’t eating any fruits? Are they still picky eaters despite your best efforts to get them to eat? Fruits health benefits are endless, but despite knowing this fact, are you unable to feed them? Continue reading for suggestions on how to get kids to eat their fruits.

WHATSAPP for concerns like Speech Delay, Low Weight, Frequent Illness, Hyperactivity, Low Concentration, Weak Eyesight, Improper Sleep, Pigmentation, Pores, Face Marks, Fine Lines , Lactation etc.

Why should kids consume fruits?

Fruit supplies nutrients including vitamins, minerals, dietary fibre, and phytonutrients, which keep your kid healthy and prevent chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and some types of cancer.

Additionally, children are likely to develop a sweet tooth and seek foods like chocolate, candies, and sugary beverages. So, those who want to indulge in desserts, fruits offer a healthy option.

Also check, 8 Healthy recipes for picky eaters using fruits and veggies


  • Fruits include no cholesterol, little fat, and few calories. So, they do not compromise your child’s health.
  • Fruits contain a lot of fibre, which helps your child’s intestinal system stay healthy.
  • Fruits are great sources of vitamins and minerals. Fruits are a great way to increase your child’s intake of potassium. Bananas, oranges, melons, cantaloupe, and other fruits can be added to your child’s diet.

Also check, 6 healthy fibre rich recipes for kids


There are numerous benefits of fruits for health. Some of them include:


Some fruits, including avocados, blueberries, apples, etc., are particularly good at eliminating toxins from the body and purifying it.

Also check, Apple and banana benefits for kids


Natural sugars such as fructose and glucose can be found in fruits. Both of these sugars are concentrated energy sources and can be used as a healthy alternative to processed foods with a high sugar content, such as sweets, colas, and cakes. As a result, obesity can be prevented in children in the long run.

Also check, Preventing obesity: Natural ways to reduce weight

Aids digestion:

Dietary fibre is abundant in whole fruits (with peel). The fruit’s insoluble fibre aids in giving the diet more substance. Additionally, it promotes easy digestive movement. As a result, regular bowel movements are promoted, which prevent constipation.

Also check, Quick fix for weak digestion

Keep gut healthy:

Dietary fibre that can be fermented, such as pectin, inulin, resistant starch, and lignin, are present in whole fruits. The ideal prebiotic support provided by these fermentable fibre helps to improve gut flora and in turn, keeps the gut healthy.

Also check, Role of prebiotic foods for health

Boosts immunity: 

Gut microbiota is improved when fruits  are regularly consumed in the appropriate proportions. By keeping the immune system strong, a healthy gut flora enhances overall health. Additionally, fruits supply necessary vitamins, minerals, and bioactive chemicals that are also important for sustaining immunity.

Also check, What are probiotic foods for gut health?

Bone health and growth:

Fruit aids in acquiring potassium. Fruits are a great source of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that may also support bone health. 

Also check, Vitamin D, Calcium and kids: Are they building strong bones?

Overall health:

Except for vitamin B12, whole fruits are a good source of almost all vitamins. They are also abundant in bioactive substances such as phenols, flavonoids, and carotenoids as well as minerals. These nutrients contain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that improve overall health.


Yellow and orange fruitsOrange, grapefruit, banana,mango, peaches, pineapple, Persimmons,Papaya, starfruit, NectarinesRich in beta carotene and good for the eyes of child
Red fruitsTomato, apple, cranberry, strawberries, watermelon, plumsSources of powerful antioxidants and vitamins. Good for heart health
Green coloured fruitsGreen apple, guava, kiwi, pear, grapes, melon, lime, custardRich in calcium. Supports bone health and growth.
Seasonal fruitsJackfruits, mango, lychee, cherry, pineapple, strawberry.High in nutritional value because they are fresher and consumed closer to the harvesting period

Also check, Hormones happy fruits list for teens and kids


  • Make the produce easily accessible. Keep clean apples, bananas, and other fruit readily available. Everything you give your child should be presented elegantly because appearance is crucial.
  • Prepare more desserts with fruits in them. In your three meals, try to incorporate some fruits . Increase the amount of fruits you use in meals by being more creative.
  • Let your child choose his favourite fruits  when you take him to fruit shops. Give the whole fruit instead of the fruit juice. Rather than unhealthy snacks, give your child fruit. Create a little fruit garden because children will enjoy eating what they have grown.
  • Put a variety of hues on your child’s plate to make eating fruits  enjoyable. Take your kids along while you prepare different meals.
  • Whenever your child tries to consume a new fruit , praise him for his efforts so that they tend to eat more.


Age/GenderServing size (in cups)
2-3 years1
4-8 years1.5
9-13 years1.5
14-18 year boys2
14-18 year girls1.5
Fruit chart for kids

Check Healthy Recipes with Fruits for kids


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Eye, Brain development, Bone strength and overall growth to kids without any fuss. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods – SHOP HERE.

Ayurvedic spread by Iyurved

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

If your child is a picky eater or does not take enough nutrition for the day, you can give Daily Nutrition Chocolate Spread | Made with clinically proven ‘5 Ayurvedic Herbs and 7 Nuts’ | ORDER | 0% preservative | 0% Palm oil |


Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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Eating Disorders in children

eating disorders

Is your kid a picky eater who consumes only specific foods? Or, have you noticed that they are eating less portions of food every day? Then there is a chance that this problem could progress into a severe eating disorder. Many times, eating disorders go undiagnosed by parents because they believe that their child’s eating habits can be changed as they grow. However, they are unaware of the growing concern about eating disorders in children and teens, which can lead to both physical and mental illnesses. 

Therefore, it is crucial for parents who deal with young children to recognise the indicators of eating disorders because the prevalence of these diseases among young girls and boys under the age of 12 has been rising recently. Continue reading to know simple yet effective tips to overcome eating disorders in children.

WHATSAPP for concerns like Speech Delay, Low Weight, Frequent Illness, Hyperactivity, Low Concentration, Weak Eyesight, Improper Sleep, Pigmentation, Pores, Face Marks, Fine Lines , Lactation etc.

What is an Eating Disorder?

It is a condition caused due to unhealthy eating habits of children which gets manifested into a serious problem and affects the health, mind and body of the child. Eating disorders are more emotional and mental problems than physical ones. There are several types of eating disorder which includes Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge eating, AFRID (avoidant restrictive food intake disorder), pica etc.

Types of Eating disorders:

Anorexia Nervosa:

Children with this condition are more prone to malnutrition as they avoid intake of calorie-rich or nutritious food. They consume only a small quantity which won’t even be sufficient to meet the daily requirement. These kids mostly avoid food because of their consciousness about their body image and other weight-related problems.

Also, check Foods that provide Daily Nutrition for Kids

Bulimia Nervosa:

It is the condition wherein the children will consume a larger portion of food in one sitting or overeat and then purge through vomiting, laxatives or other means because of the fear of weight gain. This is mainly due to the negative perception of their bodies feeling guilty about eating more and gaining weight.

Also, check Foods for healthy weight gain in kids

Binge eating:

This condition is the opposite of anorexia where the children intake more calories than required or indulge in overeating. It occurs more commonly with kids who are more distracted while eating so that they don’t know how much or how fast they eat leading to binging or overeating food which can eventually lead to obesity and other ailments like heart problems, hypertension, diabetes etc when they grow up.

AFRID (avoidant restrictive food intake disorder):

As the name suggests, it is the condition wherein children have avoidant or restrictive behaviour towards eating. They will be pickier toward certain kinds of food based on their flavour, texture, taste or other sensory properties.


It is a type of eating disorder where the children used to chew items that are not non- food or don’t have any nutritive value like chalk, hair, clay, soil etc. This habit then develops into a coping mechanism both emotionally and psychologically.

Also, check Iron Rich foods for kids

Eating Disorders: causes

Most eating disorders are concerned with body image, and emotional and psychological problems. Usually, pre-teens and teenagers have these conditions due to the influence of society, peer pressure, and media standards that make them think that being skinny is more attractive than being healthy. Children suffering from emotional and mental issues usually use these as a coping mechanism for their problems and to keep everything under control and perfect.

The other spectrum of the line shows that there is an increase in the obesity rate from 5 to 18 per cent among children and teenagers as per IOTF (International Obesity Taskforce). Both eating disorders and obesity go hand in hand as obesity can lead to various lifestyle disorders or metabolic disorders like hypertension, Cardiovascular disorder (CVD), diabetes etc.

This is due to unhealthy lifestyles:


These children have both physical and mental conditions:

Physical Symptoms include:

  • Weight gain/ Weight Loss
  •  Hair loss
  •  Change in blood pressure
  •  Dropping of heart rate
  •  Heart-related ailments
  •  Loss of stamina
  •  Feeling tired and Fatigued
  • Extreme Dieting or Extreme Exercising
  • Sensitivity to cold
  • Lack of oxygen leads to bluish discolouration
  • Dizziness and Insomnia
  • Delay in puberty
  • Irregular Menstrual cycle

Mental health symptoms include:

  • Anxiety disorder
  • Mood Disorder/ mood Swings
  • Unable to cope with emotions / Perfectionism/ Wanting to have everything under their control
  • Low self-esteem
  • Depressions
  • Withdrawal from social situations
Certain tips to prevent eating disorders:
  • Encourage eating wholesome food and include all varieties of food in the diet.
  • Eating healthy and nutritious meals helps the children to have a sound mind and body.
  • Since most of the time eating disorder is related to emotional well-being, it is good to have an open discussion about the child’s feelings and emotions and the home is a better place to voice out their opinions. This prevents them from suppressing their emotions.
  • Have a body-positive attitude and avoid comparing kids with others in terms of their body, grades or anything and teach them to accept that every shape and every size is beautiful.
  • Create awareness among children and teens about the importance of a healthy and nutritious diet as this is the age where their physical and mental ability develops.
  •  Have a healthy lifestyle and avoid junk foods.
  • These eating disorders can hinder the puberty and menstruation cycle of girls. So, care should be taken in the food intake and nutrition of Pre-teen and teenage girls.

It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Eye, Brain development, Bone strength and overall growth to kids without any fuss. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods – SHOP HERE.

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

If your child is a picky eater or does not take enough nutrition for the day, you can give Daily Nutrition Chocolate Spread and Daily nutrition Veggies and Dal powder | Made with Ayurvedic herbs | 0% preservative | 0% Palm oil | ORDER |


Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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Health Benefits of Makhana


The hardest task for every mother is providing her children with nutritious snacks every time they are hungry in between meals. This post will explore Makhana and its benefits, a healthier variety of snacks (lotus seeds).

Makhana, or lotus seeds, are grown in Asian nations and are regarded as a superfood. Benefits of lotus seeds are many. It is a great source of several essential nutrients. Furthermore, makhana has protein content. It is rich in fibre, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, thiamine, and carbs. In addition, both raw and fried Makhana are high in vital amino acids. It also includes antioxidants like gallic acid, chlorogenic acid, and epicatechin, which assist to neutralize damaging free radicals and prevent oxidative stress.
Slightly roasted makhanas make a fantastic tea-time snack and a great tiffin alternative for youngsters. Makhanas are used to prepare foods such as kheer, curries, raita, and cutlets in India.


WHATSAPP for concerns like Speech Delay, Low Weight, Frequent Illness, Hyperactivity, Low Concentration, Weak Eyesight, Improper Sleep, Pigmentation, Pores, Face Marks, Fine Lines , Lactation etc.

Makhana Nutritional Value:

Makhanas are high in protein and also fibre, which helps keep the digestive tract healthy. It also contains potassium, which aids with cholesterol balance and cardiovascular health. Fox nuts, despite their tiny size, are a nutritious powerhouse. Snacking on them may provide you with several health advantages like as clear skin, weight control, good heart health, hormonal balance, and so on.

Here is the nutritional value of makhana per 100g,

Nutritional facts Values per 100g
Calories347 kCal
How much makhana to eat in a day?

Makhana can be consumed every day in little amounts about 1- 2 cups.
Roasted makhana benefits more rather than fried makhans.


1. Boost bone strength:

Calcium in makhana is essential for bone growth and strengthening, especially in growing children who want strong bones for the rest of their lives. Additionally, Makhana’s high calcium content aids in bone building in both children and adults.

Also check, Foods that help build strong bones?

2. Gluten-Free:

Because this superfood is gluten-free, those who are gluten sensitive or avoid gluten foods can enjoy it without fear of adverse effects.

Also, check Foods that can help with allergies?

3. Aids in Weight loss:

Packed with protein, this makhana snack is nutritious

for kids keeps you fuller for longer and helps you avoid overeating. Makhana is very low in calories, making it an excellent weight-loss meal. Furthermore, the fibre in it passes slowly through your digestive tract, keeping you feeling full for a long period.

Also, check Foods that can help with weight control?

4. Boost cognitive function:

Makhana has a high thiamine content, which aids in the maintenance of nerve function and contributes to the neurotransmission process.

Also, check Brain developments foods for kids?

5. Improves Digestion:

Makhana’s high fibre content promotes digestion and keeps bowel movements regular. Makhana’s antioxidant capabilities make it even better for digestion. It also aids in the avoidance of frequent and excessive urination. (How to fix gut health?)

6. Improve heart health:

Magnesium is abundant in makhana, and it has been shown to lower the risk of heart disease and increase the quality of blood and oxygen in the body. Makhana has a high potassium content and a low sodium content, which controls blood pressure.

Also, check How to keep the liver safe from fatty liver disease?

7. Good for skin

Numerous amino acids included in makhana support skin suppleness and wellness. Additionally, it has antioxidant capabilities that work as an anti-ageing agent by scavenging free radicals. The natural flavonoid kaempferol, which is abundant in makhana, helps to prevent age-related symptoms including hair loss, greying of the hair, and wrinkle development. Therefore, it is beneficial for both adults and children.

Also, check Remedies and foods to avoid rashes in the skin?

Easy and Healthy Makhana Recipes


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Eye, Brain development, Bone strength and overall growth to kids without any fuss. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods – SHOP HERE.

Ayurvedic spread by Iyurved

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

If your child is a picky eater or does not take enough nutrition for the day, you can give Daily Nutrition Chocolate Spread | Made with clinically proven ‘5 Ayurvedic Herbs and 7 Nuts’ | ORDER | 0% preservative | 0% Palm oil |


Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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Nutritional Needs for Breastfeeding Moms

diet for breastfeeding moms

Breastfeeding is one of the most nutritionally demanding times in a woman’s life, particularly during the first three months of lactation. During this time, a woman needs a rich supply of protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats and more. But exactly which foods provide the nutrients her body — and her growing baby — need? Read on to learn more about nutritional requirements and diet for breastfeeding moms, which help their kid grow and maintain a healthy weight.

WHATSAPP for concerns like Speech Delay, Low Weight, Frequent Illness, Hyperactivity, Low Concentration, Weak Eyesight, Improper Sleep, Pigmentation, Pores, Face Marks, Fine Lines , Lactation etc.

diet for breastfeeding moms

Nutritional needs in lactation:

It is always vital to have a nutritious diet, but it is more crucial during nursing.

Breastfeeding consumes a significant amount of both energy and nutrients. It’s critical that diet for breastfeeding moms includes the following nutrients:

  • Calcium
  • Iodine
  • Iron
  • Vitamin D and
  • Other vitamins

For adequate breast milk production, to meet the nutritional needs of the infant and for your own health and well-being, you require these nutrients. Consume a diverse range of healthful meals on a daily basis.


During the first six months, the diet for breastfeeding moms requires an additional 550 kcal per day. Although the milk supply is lowered when an Indian woman continues to lactate beyond six months, an additional 400 kcal per day is required from six to twelve months.


Diet for breastfeeding moms must include more protein than non-lactating mothers. During the 0 to 6 month and 6 to 12 month periods of breastfeeding, an extra protein of 16.8g per day and 12g per day should be added to the diet, respectively.

For optimum milk production, enough amounts of high-quality protein (milk, cheese, paneer, curds, poultry, eggs, cereal pulse combinations, nuts) should be provided in the diet.

Milk volume will be reduced if protein and calories are insufficient in the diet. However, if very little protein is consumed, the quantity of casein (milk protein) may be lowered as well.


To achieve necessary fatty acid requirements, extra fat should be consumed. This proportion of fat in the diet would offer sufficient energy density to meet the greater energy requirements of nursing women.


Nursing mothers are estimated to lose 3-5 percent of their bone mass. This occurs due to the baby’s increasing calcium need. To acquire the recommended intake of 1,000 mg per day, the mother should consume at least 3 to 4 servings of calcium-rich foods each day (milk, yoghurt, sardines, almonds, spinach, or tofu).


During breastfeeding, no extra iron is required. Because milk is a poor supplier of this mineral, the baby is born with sufficient stores. The extra iron in the diet of breastfeeding moms does not pass on to the baby, but iron-rich foods are crucial for the mother’s health. Try to include foods like dairy products, eggs, seafood, or iodized table salt.


It is necessary for bone formation because it aids calcium absorption. Breastfeeding women require 400 IU of vitamin D every day. Vitamin D can also be found in cereals, eggs, orange juice, fortified milk, yoghurt and other foods.

Vitamin needs rise with those for calories, proteins, and calcium during breastfeeding. The key vitamins required in higher amounts at this time include vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, C, folic acid, and vitamin B12.


2 tablespoons of Milk Jaggery Spread will help to boost milk quality, supply and meet the nutritional requirements of the nursing moms and baby.

diet for breastfeeding moms

India’s First Easy Effective Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

For Healthy Nutrition for Nursing Moms and Baby, give Milk Jaggery Spread | 0% preservatives | 0% refined sugar | 0% palm oil | Fortified with SHATAVARI, METHI, MORINGA, GINGER | Contains CALCIUM, FOLIC, IRON PROTEIN, BIOTIN, VIT D, B12 | ORDER |

Foods that help to meet the nutritional needs of Breastfeeding moms:

1. Fenugreek:

Fenugreek is one of the most effective meals for increasing milk supply and quality. It helps in adding vitamin A, B1, B2, C and calcium to activate the mammary glands to boost the production of breast milk which helps to increase weight in newborns.  

Also check, Nuts and seeds that help with milk production

2. Moringa:

Moringa is rich in iron, vital for a nursing mom. It helps in restoring the lost blood during labour. Also, Moringa, being high in Vitamin K, aids in blood coagulation. It is very beneficial for ladies who are experiencing heavy postpartum bleeding. Consuming moringa leaves can also assist with labour discomfort. The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial characteristics can help in removing uterine sluggishness following birth.

Also, check 20 Best foods for Healthy Body and Hair

3. Shatavari:

This Ayurvedic herb has been used to help women with breastfeeding concerns, aids cellular damage, boosts immunity, and helps with constipation. Shatavari has antidepressant chemicals as well. As a result, it can help to prevent postpartum depression or anxiety, which are common among nursing moms.

4. Ginger:

Breastfeeding women who wish to produce a good milk supply or maintain their supply might benefit from consuming ginger.
It is widely administered to women in the early postpartum period to aid in the healing process.
Digestive enzymes supplied on to the infant through breast milk may help digestion in a baby’s undeveloped stomach, alleviating colic symptoms in newborns.

Also, check How to gain weight for kids?

5. Nuts:

Nuts like peanuts, Almonds, Cashew, and Hazelnut are packed with protein and fibre. It is rich in micronutrients like zinc, iron, copper, and folic acid. Some people are concerned about the high-fat content of nuts, although the majority of the fat is “healthy” monounsaturated fat. These nuts help to boost milk production. These are a reasonably good source of proteins and healthy fats, ensuring a healthy weight gain for the baby. 

Also check, Best nuts and seeds

6. Seeds:

During the first two years of life, the brain grows at its fastest. As a result, the crucial fatty acid DHA, which promotes brain development, is a key component of breast milk. Moms may ensure that their milk is full of omega-3 fatty acids by consuming omega-3 fatty acid-rich foods such as ground flax seeds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds.

Also, check Baby Poop Types and Colour: What does it mean?

7. Jaggery:

Iron and essential minerals like potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus are abundant in jaggery. It helps in the build-up of milk in the breast. Eating it with a piece of Garlic can help boost breast milk production.

Also, check Growth Spurts in Kids

8. Turmeric:

For hundreds of years, this golden spice has been utilised in Ayurvedic medicine as the best galactagogue (the food that boosts milk production).  Hence, Turmeric may help nursing mothers by increasing milk production, boosting immunity, relieving pain, and lowering depression.

9. Vitamin E:

Vitamin E is only transferred to the foetus through the placenta during pregnancy, therefore breast milk is the only source of this nutrient for exclusively breastfed newborns. This is an important strategy to provide the infant with antioxidant protection while also stimulating immune system development. A strong immune system is also responsible for healthy weight gain.

10. Sunflower lecithin:

It is a natural fat emulsifier that can aid to lessen the “thickness and stickiness” of milk. It may also help release existing fatty blockages, boosting milk flow and quantity of milk supply.

Also, check Hearing aids and Speech development

11. Cocoa solids:

It’s chocolate, but it’s healthy!!! It can assist nursing mothers in increasing their milk production. It not only delivers excellent nutrition to enhance a nursing mother’s milk production, but it also gives a slew of additional health advantages to a new mother.

12. Cinnamon:

Cinnamon promotes the flow of mother’s milk. For milk stimulation, combine honey, milk, and cinnamon powder. Having honey and cinnamon is therefore not only healthful but is also a fantastic choice for increasing milk production.

Also, check Role of Prebiotics and Probiotics in Digestion

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12 Best Foods to Increase Breast Milk Supply

breast milk how to increase

Approximately 75% of new moms start nursing their newborns, but many of them discontinue either partially or entirely within the first few months. One of the most prevalent reasons is the insufficient milk supply. Continue reading to learn how to increase your breast milk supply so that it aids in a child’s healthy weight gain and growth. This read will tell you various evidence-based practices and foods that moms have used for ages.

WHATSAPP for concerns like Speech Delay, Low Weight, Frequent Illness, Hyperactivity, Low Concentration, Weak Eyesight, Improper Sleep, Pigmentation, Pores, Face Marks, Fine Lines , Lactation etc.

breast milk how to increase

Importance of lactation in babies:

Breastfeeding is a gift that only you can give your baby. It has its own health benefits for both mother and child. Breast milk is uniquely suitable for the newborn child’s nutritional needs and it also contains immunological and anti-inflammatory compounds that protect the child against various diseases. It is also easily digested so there is no problem of constipation, diarrhoea or upset stomach in babies. ( Best milk for Babies )

From the moment you conceive, the process of lactation begins, and hormonal changes send signals to the mammary gland to make milk preparation for the baby. Only having milk in the mammary gland is not enough, you have to maintain it. Therefore, the more you breastfeed your infant, the more milk your body produces.

Also check, 12 Best foods to improve breast milk quality

HOW DOES Milk Jaggery Spread HELP to increase Milk Supply?

2 tablespoons of Milk Jaggery Spread will help to boost milk quality, supply & mothers’ and baby’s health.

breast milk how to increase

India’s First Easy Effective Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

For Boosting Milk Supply in Nursing Moms, give Milk Jaggery Spread | 0% preservatives | 0% refined sugar | 0% palm oil | Fortified with SHATAVARI, METHI, MORINGA, GINGER | Contains CALCIUM, FOLIC, IRON PROTEIN, BIOTIN, VIT D, B12 | ORDER |

Ingredients that help to increase the breast milk SUPPLY:

1. Fenugreek:

Fenugreek is one of the most effective meals for increasing milk production. It is the finest galactagogue ( foods that increase breast milk).  It helps in activating the mammary glands to boost the production of breast milk. It is one of the best home remedies for increase breast milk.

Also check,Nuts and seeds that help with milk production

2. Moringa:

Moringa is also a powerful galactagogue. It was reported to have a positive impact on breast milk production. It’s packed with nutrients essential for nursing moms and newborn babies. Though it is ideal to ingest fresh moringa leaves, soaking moringa powder in water and consuming it can also ensure the absorption of nutrients much more efficiently.

Also, check 20 Best foods for Healthy Body and Hair

3. Shatavari:

This Ayurvedic herb has been used to help women with breastfeeding concerns. It possesses qualities that aid in the production of prolactin and corticoids, which aid in the increase of breast milk, and so enhance lactation and breast milk quality.

Also check, Foods to be avoided for pregnant ladies

4. Ginger:

Ginger is utilised for its health advantages in addition to giving flavour to a variety of dishes and beverages. It is a well-known natural galactagogue among nursing mothers. There is, however, evidence to support ginger’s effectiveness in enhancing breast milk volume.

5. Nuts:

Nuts like peanuts, Almonds, Cashew, and Hazelnut provide energy for a breastfeeding mother to stay active throughout the day. It is the best snack to include in a breastfeeding mother’s diet. These nuts help to boost milk production. Also, consuming nuts new study suggested that the consumption of nuts while breastfeeding can help to protect babies from developing allergies. Nuts are considered one of the best foods for increasing breast milk. (Best nuts and seeds)

6. Seeds:

Seeds like melon, sesame, and pumpkin help in milk production. Sesame is a rich source of calcium which is the most important nutrient for breastfeeding mothers. Pumpkin seeds are a natural source of DHA and alpha-linolenic acid which helps in boosting milk volume.

Also, check Baby Poop Types and Colour: What does it mean?

7. Jaggery:

Iron and essential minerals like potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus are abundant in jaggery. It helps in the build-up of milk in the breast. Eating it with a piece of Garlic can help boost breast milk production.

Also check, Growth Spurts in Kids

8. Turmeric:

For hundreds of years, this golden spice has been utilised in Ayurvedic medicine as the best galactagogue (the food that boosts milk production).  Hence, Turmeric may help nursing mothers by increasing milk production, relieving pain, and lowering depression. Also check,

9. Vitamin E:

Vitamin E is only transferred to the foetus through the placenta during pregnancy, therefore breast milk is the only source of this nutrient for exclusively breastfed newborns. This is an important strategy to provide the infant with antioxidant protection while also stimulating immune system development.

Also check, Foods to increase breast size

10. Sunflower lecithin:

It is a natural fat emulsifier that can aid to lessen the “thickness and stickiness” of milk. It may also help release existing fatty blockages, boosting milk flow and quantity of milk supply.

Also, check Hearing aids and Speech development

11. Cocoa solids:

It’s chocolate, but it’s healthy!!! It can assist nursing mothers in increasing their milk production. It not only delivers excellent nutrition to enhance a nursing mother’s milk production, but it also gives a slew of additional health advantages to a new mother.

Also check, How to increase the weight of the baby

12. Cinnamon:

Cinnamon promotes the flow of mother’s milk. For milk stimulation, combine honey, milk, and cinnamon powder. Having honey and cinnamon is therefore not only healthful but is also a fantastic choice for increasing milk production.

Also check, Role of Prebiotics and Probiotics in Digestion

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Recipe of Eggless Chocolate Cake

chocolate cake easy recipe

Recipe for Eggless Chocolate Cake easy recipe with hidden herbs and nuts

Kids love to eat Eggless chocolate cake. Check this Eggless Chocolate cake easy recipe with nuts that helps to add nutrition to their favourite foods in a convenient way. Kid’s Nutrition is very important nowadays and preparing healthy food recipes for a child is not an easy task. Iyurved is happy to share lots of children’s food recipe ideas which are not only innovative but also very tasty. The recipes shared here are Kids approved!

Let’s try to make every healthy food recipe for a child more tasty and nutritious with (hidden) veggies, herbs and nuts. Check this recipe for biscuit cake for babies, toddlers and kids.

chocolate cake easy recipe


  • 1 cup whole wheat/ jowar flour
  • ¼ baking powder
  • ½ cup cocoa powder
  • 2 tbsp ghee or unsalted butter or oil of choice
  • 1/2 cup Jaggery powder
  • ½ cup yogurt
  • ¼ tsp vanila essense (optional)
  • 2 handful melon seeds
  • 1/4 cup Milk
  • 4 tbsp Iyurved’s daily nutrition chocolate spread (order here)
  • 1 tbsp Iyurved Digest veggies and dal powder (order here)
  • Salt to taste


Mix all the ingredients well. Preheat oven for 5 min at 200 celsius. Pour the batter in a baking pan and bake for 20-25 min. Once done, let it cool. Spread melted Iyurved’s daily nutrition chocolate spread (order here) on top. Refrigerate for some time for the chocolate to harden a bit. Serve!!

Benefits OF ADDING DAILY NUTRITION Chocolate SPREAD and digest veggies and dal powder:

  • Improves muscle strength and body weight with high protein (6g protein in 1 serving)
  • Strengthens bones and improves height being rich in calcium
  • Boosts brain due to high omega-3 and natural brain herbs
  • Builds immunity due to presence of antioxidants and proven immunity herbs
  • Increases breast milk supply for lactating moms also provides folic acid for baby development



It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Eye, Brain development, Bone strength and overall growth to kids without any fuss. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods – SHOP HERE.

Ayurvedic spread by Iyurved

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

If your child is a picky eater or does not take enough nutrition for the day, you can give Daily Nutrition Chocolate Spread | Made with clinically proven ‘5 Ayurvedic Herbs and 7 Nuts’ | ORDER | 0% preservative | 0% Palm oil |


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Some parents have been kind enough to share their journey with us. Let’s hear them to closely understand the benefits of Ayurvedic spreads by Iyurved.

Check here to know how Spurthi helped her child gain healthy weight.


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Growth Spurts in Kids: When do they happen?

growth spurt means

In the first several months, your newborn infant will grow quickly, and you might think he or she has grown overnight!!! Sometimes you will notice sudden changes in their appetite, sleep patterns, and even their mood. This can indicate a growth spurt. Growth spurt means short periods of time during which your child’s height and weight rapidly increase. They are a normal part of your child’s development and occur at different stages of their childhood until they reach physical maturity. Continue reading to learn what growth spurt means, their signs and how to deal with them.

WHATSAPP for concerns like Speech Delay, Low Weight, Frequent Illness, Hyperactivity, Low Concentration, Weak Eyesight, Improper Sleep, Pigmentation, Pores, Face Marks, Fine Lines , Lactation etc.

What does growth spurt means ?

Growth spurt means rapid physical changes that occur as your child grows up, such as increases in height and weight. Baby’s growth spurt normally lasts only a few days. In this duration, they will need to breastfeed more frequently and for longer periods of time to keep up with their physical development. The baby may be fussier than usual, and his or her sleep patterns may be disrupted. Every day, your baby grows and adds weight, but a baby growth spurt is usually fast and sudden.

When do babies have growth spurt? 

Every individual child may go through a growth spurt at a different age. When your baby is born, the paediatrician will give you a chart to keep track of his or her growth stages. This is based on a WHO chart that records the height, weight, and head circumference of babies according to their age.

According to the average data, your baby will go through a growth spurt throughout the following stages of their first year:

  • 1 – 3 weeks
  • 6 – 8 weeks
  • 3 months
  • 6 months
  • 9 months

Between the ages of 8 and 15 years, a child’s second growth spurt takes place. A growth spurt could last from two to three days to a week. Babies’ growth spurts are usually shorter, lasting up to three days, whereas teenage growth spurts can last up to a week. Some toddlers grow at a consistent rate throughout their toddler years, while others gain a few inches in a matter of months.


The signs and symptoms described below may indicate that your child is going to go through growth spurts.

1. Outgrowing their clothes and shoes quickly:

Clothing that no longer fits your child is a classic sign that they are going through one of their growth stages. As their legs get longer, toddlers can quickly outgrow their pants. Some toddlers grow at a consistent rate throughout their toddler years, while others gain a few inches in a matter of months.

2. New ability:

Toddlers’ brain development is one of the numerous characteristics of their growth spurts. You will notice your child making rapid progress in areas like language and motor skills.

3. Appetite increase:

Your toddler’s calorie intake will increase as their body matures. Because toddlers are usually quite active, seeing your child’s hunger increase is common, but it could also indicate that your child is going through a growth spurt.

4. Cravings:

Toddlers frequently have a favourite food. Growth spurts, on the other hand, can lead your child to crave foods that contain the vitamins and minerals he or she requires.

5. Mood swings occur:

Your child may get fatigued and irritable as a result of bodily changes. Hormonal fluctuations can also affect their mood.

6. Growing pains are inevitable:

When children grow, they frequently experience mild pains and stiffness. Because their limbs are painful from growing pains, your child may be cranky, weary, or fussy.


Growing up can be exhausting!! Even if your child was formerly a champion sleeper, they may now be waking up at all hours of the night, restless, and hungry. Your kid may appear to be more exhausted than normal. As their bodies release growth hormone while they sleep, make sure they get the rest they require.

8. CRANKIness:

All toddlers can be clumsy, but limbs growing rapidly creates an additional coordination challenge.

CauseS of growth spurt: 

Growth spurts are caused by your child’s genetic profile or the genes they receive from their parents. The genes of your child will decide how tall they grow and how quickly they achieve their maximum height. Environmental conditions can influence your child’s growth, including:

  • Diet and nutrition. 
  • Exposure to negative substances in the water or atmosphere (pollution or lead).
  • Abnormal fetal health or pregnancy complications.

How to deal with growth spurt?

During your child’s growth spurt, you can help them by doing the following:

  • Providing them with more meals to satisfy their hunger.
  • Encourage good sleeping habits and regular bedtimes.
  • Pay attention to the baby’s overall health.
  • Patience with their fluctuating emotions.

Also check, Food for enough nutrition

Foods required during the growth spurts in kids:

The child’s body needs a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals to grow properly in the duration of the growth spurt. A nutritious diet plan must provide all the essential nutrients like carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals and water in the required amounts. Requirements of essential nutrients vary with age, gender, physiological status and physical activity.

These are some foods that you should add to their diet for the complete nutrition of kids


Carbohydrates are also known as energy giving foods. It provides glucose, which is converted to energy and further used in body functioning and physical activities which helps to reduce tiredness during the growth spurt. Foods rich in carbohydrates are an important part of a healthy diet.


Protein is the body’s building block and repair agent. It also helps them to build a healthy and strong body during the growth spurt. It’s also integral in forming enzymes and hormones in the body. (What are some easy sources of protein for kids?)


It is an important dietary mineral that is essential for the growth and development of kids both physical and mental growth. Iron helps form haemoglobin that is found in the blood cells of the body. (Foods for Iron deficiency)


One of the most important minerals in our body is CALCIUM. Calcium consumption during a growth spurt has a good impact on bone. Bones are 70% calcium and it is only calcium that gives bones their hardness for protection and support. Bones also serve as the calcium bank of the body.


Vitamin plays an important role during the growth spurts as it helps the body grow and work the way it should. There are 13 essential Vitamins — Vitamins A, C, D, E, K, and Vitamin Bs. Some help in eyesight and energy production, while others support healthy nerves and cells and in fighting infection. (Importance of different vitamins for kids)


During the period of growth spurts, physical and brain development is at its peak point. Healthy fats are crucial to brain and overall physical development and can help stabilise mood. Also help with healthy metabolism, blood clotting and letting the body absorb vitamins.


Fibre is a non-digestible carbohydrate. It is responsible for keeping our digestion healthy and regular. Lack of fibre rich food in diet may cause constipation, which creates a nutrient-deficient disease. In growth spurt nutrient requirement is more from the body. (Fibre-rich foods for constipation)

Your adorable newborn will be a kid before you realise it, racing about and making you chase them. So take advantage of this newborn stage, and comfort and assist them during any unpleasant growth spurt days with a little extra love and care.


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Eye, Brain development, Bone strength and overall growth to kids without any fuss. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods –SHOP HERE.

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

If your child is a picky eater or does not take enough nutrition for the day, you can give Daily Nutrition Chocolate Spread and Daily nutrition Veggies and Dal powder | Made with Ayurvedic herbs | 0% preservative | 0% Palm oil | ORDER |


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Nutrient Deficiency : 10 Signs of Protein Deficiency in Kids

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A great philosopher once quoted “Life is the Mode of Action of Protein”. Couldn’t agree more, can I? To elaborate more, protein is known as the building block of your body. Protein is essential in almost everything, including hair, skin, muscles, energy, hormones, body tissues, and enzymes. While protein is an important nutrient for your body, it is possible that you are protein-deficient. This nutrient deficiency occurs when your protein intake is insufficient to meet your body’s needs. This deficiency can affect almost all vital body functions and cause a variety of health issues. This deficiency is more common in people or children who have an unbalanced diet structure. So next time, if your body shows any signs and symptoms of protein – Do not let it go unattended.

Listing below the signs that you need to look out to find out whether your child’s body is protein deficient or not. 

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1. Appetite:

There are two aspects here when appetite is considered. If your child has a milder nutrient (protein) deficiency then the appetite might increase. That is, when your body does not get enough amounts of protein, it attempts to restore the protein by increasing the appetite and encouraging you to find something to eat. (Here, majorly kids tend to crave junk foods more) Whereas, on the other hand, if your child has severe protein deficiency, then the appetite may seem to be poor.

2. Weak Bones:

Along with muscles, bones are also affected by low protein intake. Protein benefits the bones with strength and density. Therefore, deficiency of protein may increase the risk of bone fractures in kids as it weakens the bones.

3. Feeling Sluggish:

Not consuming enough protein can affect the muscles that are accountable for movement and posture. Moreover, it slows down the metabolism of the body. In addition to this, protein deficiency is also linked to anaemia which is the primary cause of sluggish feeling.

4. Low Immunity:

Lack of protein in your body may hamper you child’s immunity. Amino acids (proteins) in the blood assists the body’s immune system to produce antibodies that activate the cells to fight off against different viruses and bacteria. Also, studies have also shown that protein can alter the levels of diseases fighting good bacteria in the gut which is also responsible in building the immunity.

5. Slow wound healing:

Our skin is majorly made up of collagen. Collagen is responsible for holding the body together. It plays a major role in providing strength and structure. It is mostly present in bones, connective tissues, tendons, skin, muscles and ligaments. Therefore, protein is of crucial importance when it comes to wound healing. If you feel that your child is taking long enough to heal the wounds, check on the protein levels.

6. Skin, Hair and Nail:

Flaky, dry, split skin, redness, depigmentation, hair thinning, hair loss, brittle nails and fading of hair colour are all signs of protein nutrient deficiency.  Skin, hair and nails are majorly made up of proteins. Protein is known to give skin tissues its texture, durability, rigidity and structure. Moreover, it helps in keeping the skin hydrated and firm. It is an important part of hair and nails too. They are responsible for increasing hair thickness, quality and scalp coverage. Moreover, they help in strengthening nails thus preventing brittleness. (Healthy hair and skin foods)

7. Delayed growth:

Protein is vital for overall body growth and proper body functioning in kids especially during their growing phases. Therefore, it is of crucial importance to consume healthy proteins to ensure proper growth. Studies have shown that kids having low protein intake show impaired growth.

8. Lack of concentration:

In simple words, the brain uses a chemical to communicate information between cells. Most of these chemicals are made up of amino acids i.e., proteins. That means, when the body becomes deficient in proteins it would change how your brain works. It affects your mood, behaviour and concentration too.

9. Lack of muscle strength:

The simple logic behind this is, when your body lacks protein, it tends to draw it from the muscles (largest storage of protein) in order to preserve important body functions. This results in muscle wasting. Over a period of time, your child may feel a lack of muscle strength or find it harder to balance themselves.

10. Edema (Swollen/Puffy Skin):

This is a symptom of severe protein deficiency which causes swelling majorly on feet, ankle and legs. Acute protein deficiency may trap excess fluid in the tissues which results in swelling.  


Protein requirements in kids (or be it adults) depends on multiple factors such as age, weight, height, muscle mass, physical activities, genes. Generally speaking, the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of most people must be around 0.8 grams of protein per kg per day.


Firstly, educate yourself with the minimum daily requirements of protein for your child. Be aware of the signs and symptoms of protein nutrient deficiency which are mentioned above. Look for easy, quick and delicious ways to provide protein to your kids – Click here for recipes.  And even after this, if you’re not sure where to start, you can either talk to your pediatrician or you can speak here for free to a Nutritional Expert on board for general nutrition guidance.

Foods that are rich source of protein

  1. Easy source of Protein for Kids – Check here
  2. Best Nuts and Seeds for Protein – Check here
  3. 5 Seeds that are high in Protein – Check here


It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Ayurvedic spreads is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Eye, Brain development, Bone strength and overall growth to kids without any fuss. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods – SHOP HERE.

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

If your child is a picky eater or does not take enough protein for the day, you can give Daily Nutrition Chocolate Spread and Daily nutrition Veggies and Dal powder | Made with Ayurvedic herbs | 0% preservative | 0% Palm oil | ORDER |


Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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